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Chapter 501 Damn it! It’s the ancient ancestor again!

Chapter 501 Damn it! It’s the ancient ancestor again!

Destroy the God Stream.

There is an endless black rock land, and above the black rocks are countless molten magma. The suspended magma sea often falls, and at the same time, a large number of strange flaming boulders fall from the magma sea and smash downwards.

Ever since Chen Zong revealed that he had a lava demon under his command.

Even though the Mie Shen Stream is extremely dangerous, the number of strong men coming here is dozens of times greater than before.

All the major forces in the Universe Sea speculate that the ancient ancestor was able to control the Lava Demon God because he found a controller to control the Lava Demon God. Therefore, the purpose of the strong men who came here is very simple, just to see if they can control the Lava Demon God in the Destroying God Stream. Find the treasure that controls the lava demon.

They were right.

There is indeed a controller in the spaceship that can take the Lava Demon under his command.

However, the controller is not in Mie Shen Stream, but in the space ship control center deep underground in the inner death desert.

  A golden figure galloped past.

The surrounding scorching temperature is enough to annihilate the Lord of the Universe.

Wow! Wow! Wow!
  From time to time, a large amount of magma falls from high altitude and falls to the ground, causing the golden figure to carefully dodge.

Falling magma is the most common, and the degree of danger is very small. The most dangerous ones are those boulders that have not melted in the magma sea. As some boulders fall at high speed, the impact contained is enough to kill a Lord of the Universe directly. Killed.

But after all, it is a dead thing, so it can be avoided.

"After looking for so long, let alone the controller, there is not even an ordinary treasure. What kind of controller really exists here?" The golden figure frowned. In the past, he had wandered deeper into the spaceship, and even in the depths there was no It is possible to encounter the birth of the pinnacle treasure, but now, without any hair, you still have to explore with fear, fearing that you will bump into the lava demon, which is really a bit frustrating.

Plus there are many powerful people exploring here.

No one gets control.

Now the golden figure is a little shaken by the news that there is a controller here.


  I saw an extremely huge arm appearing in the endless magma sea in the distance above, followed by a deep roar, and the extremely towering lava demon descended from the magma sea.

"Lava Demon God!" The golden figure's expression changed drastically.

Flee in terror.


The Lava Demon God roared wildly, but it was different from before. This time, the Lava Demon God saw the golden figure and did not chase him. Instead, he looked into the distance. In the distance, there was also a Lava Demon God who broke through the magma and landed on it. In the void between the sea and the black earth.

"Huh? You're not chasing him?" The golden figure looked back curiously when he saw that the lava demon was not chasing him.

I saw.

  Another lava demon descended from the magma ocean, standing next to the previous lava demon.

At the same time, the lava demon in the distance also flew over.

"What! Three Lava Demon Gods!" The golden figure's heart was beating wildly and he was stunned.

According to records, the Lava Demon Gods belong to different areas and will not go to other areas at all, just like they will not leave the Mie Shen Stream. But now there is a scene where the three Lava Demon Gods gather together. This

A flash of light flashed in the golden figure's mind, and he became extremely excited: "Did anyone successfully control these three lava demons? That's why they broke the rules and got together?"

"And after seeing me, he didn't chase me!"

"Hahaha, the Lava Demon God of Destruction Stream can really be controlled!"

"Who is it? Who is so lucky to find the controllers of three lava demons?"

The golden figure was so excited that his whole body was trembling slightly.

"Since there is really a controller, there may be more than nine lava demon gods in the Destroying God Stream, and there may be more, but some of them are sleeping in the magma ocean or the black earth! Yes, the lava demon gods under the command of the ancient ancestor may be One of the sleeping lava demons!" The golden figure's eyes flashed, "Controller, I must also find the controller!"


Mutations reborn!

  Another huge arm tore open the magma sea.

Immediately afterwards, one lava demon god arrived one after another.


The strong men of the Cosmic Sea who were wandering in this area were all confused!

"The Lava Demon God, all nine Lava Demon Gods have appeared! Oh my god, what is going on?"

"Did something special happen in the God-Destroying Stream that caused the nine lava demon gods to gather together? What are they doing together?"

"Moved, they moved."

"Where are they going?"

Seeing the nine lava demon gods and a dozen strong men hiding in the black earth hole in the distance, they were both panicked and curious.

The lava demon didn't kill them, so they didn't flee immediately!

Instead, he stared at the Lava Demon with curiosity.

at this time.

In the eyes of many powerful men, the nine lava demon gods flew rapidly in the void and flew into the distance.

Wherever they passed, some strong men escaped into the black earth in advance.


The Lava Demon continued flying as if he didn't see them.

The strong man from behind who saw this scene was thoughtful.

Whoosh whoosh~
  Several strong men actually flew towards the Lava Demon God.

"Huh?" The golden figure saw the powerful men from the Shenyan Clan, Mo Shen Clan, and the two Holy Lands who were chasing the Lava Demon God. He also turned into a stream of light and chased after him. "The two Holy Lands existed a long time ago. Maybe They know what this mutation represents."

If only three lava demons gathered together, he could still guess who got the controller.

However, the nine deities are together.
  This is not a question of who is lucky enough to see the controllers of the nine lava demon gods!
  Because this is really a fantasy!

It’s too incredible!
  Therefore, when the golden figure saw the powerful men from the two holy places chasing after him, he couldn't help but think that maybe this situation had happened a long time ago. Maybe something special was going to happen in the God-destroying Stream, and the two holy places The strong man knew it, so he chased after him.

"Could there be a inheritance similar to the 'Broken East River inheritance'?" The golden figure's eyes lit up.

  He also chased after her!

And at this time.

The strange movement of the Lava Demon God in the God-Destroying Stream spread throughout the entire cosmic sea in a short period of time.

Purple Moon Holy Land.

"What? The nine lava demon gods are dispatched together?" Ziyue Ancestor said in surprise.

"Yes, the ancestor." A three-headed and eight-armed lord of the universe looked at the ancestor of Ziyue and said with reverence. At the same time, he used his divine power to simulate the situation of the lava demon in the Destroying God Stream. He was chasing the lava demon. The Lord of the Universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

Ziyue Ancestor frowned.

He couldn't understand this situation because it had never happened before.

"With such a change, perhaps, this time there will be a stronger inheritance than the 'Broken East River inheritance'. Pula, you continue to chase, but don't get too close." Ziyue Ancestor looked at the three-headed and eight-armed Universe. Lord, commanded.

"Yes, Ancestor!" The Lord of Pula responded respectfully.

In the East Emperor Holy Land universe, similar things are happening.

The original virtual universe, the true god world, the true temple.

The true God of mankind and the Lord of the universe have taken their seats.

"Brother, why are you so urgent that you sent ten emails in a row?" Chen Zong looked at the Lord of Chaos City curiously. He was still studying the fusion rules in the 'Basic Inheritance Space', and came over immediately after receiving the email from the Lord of Chaos City. "Yes! Chaos, what happened?" Giant Ax also asked curiously.

If the ancient ancestor convened this meeting, then he probably knew that the matter might be related to the conquest of Haoyang Universe, but this meeting was convened by Chaos, and he couldn't guess what the situation was!

Others also looked curious.

"Everyone, there is a strong man from Hongmeng who is wandering in the God-Destroying Stream. He sent a message saying that the nine lava demon gods in the God-Destroying Stream unexpectedly broke the rules, got together, and flew somewhere." Chaos City Lord His face looked a little solemn.

The Lava Demon is too powerful!
  If these nine lava demon gods gain consciousness and can roam in the cosmic sea, then from now on, the cosmic sea will be the world of those nine lava demon gods.

Even if there is a lava demon in their human race, they still can't defeat the nine lava demons.

  The Lord of Chaos City suspected that these nine lava demon gods were dispatched, perhaps for the sake of the lava demon god under his junior brother, or to deal with his junior brother.

This idea shocked the Lord of Chaos City.

So, he quickly held a meeting of the true gods.

The True God Conference has now replaced the ‘Axe Conference’ and has become the highest-level meeting of the human race.

"What! The lava demons got together?"

"How can this be?"

"Could it be that I saw it wrong, or that I fell into an illusion?"

"Yes, let alone the nine Lava Demon Gods gathering together, there is no record of even two Lava Demon Gods gathering together. Is it possible for the nine Lava Demon Gods to gather together?"

The top experts of the human race discussed this one after another.

But Chen Zong was speechless at this moment!
  It turns out that the reason why this True God Conference was started was because of him!
  "Everyone!" Chen Zong's voice sounded, immediately suppressing the discussion, and everyone immediately looked at Chen Zong.

"It is true that the nine lava demon gods gathered together, and it is also true that they acted together." Chen Zong smiled slightly, "As for why they gathered together and acted together, this is my order. ah!"

  Chen Zong's words directly ignited the entire meeting.

"It turned out to be true!"

"Guzu, you said that the lava demon gods came together and acted together after listening to your orders?"

"Could it be that just like the previous Lava Demon Gods, these nine Lava Demon Gods were also taken under your command?"


Everyone looked at Chen Zong in shock.

Even Jiuhuang showed a look of surprise. With his eyesight, he knew very well what was going on with the Lava Demon God. Naturally, he knew that if he wanted to control the nine Lava Demon Gods in the Mie Shen Stream, he had to first find the one who controlled the Lava Demon God. device.

And the device is probably damaged!

If they were not damaged, the nine lava demon gods would not live in separate areas and not interact with each other!
  In other words, the teacher not only found the second floor control device, but also repaired the control device.

"Teacher's weapon refining ability is even stronger!" Jiuhuang thought to himself.

Even though he was once a god king, Jiuhuang admired his teacher immensely, because even if he was in the same realm as his teacher, he might not be able to beat him.


The teacher is not only powerful in combat, he is also extremely capable in refining weapons!

"Could it be that the teacher was once a god king and was reincarnated into this primitive universe like me?" A flash of light suddenly flashed in Jiuhuang's heart, "If the teacher is really the reincarnation of a god king, then when the teacher was a god king, , and the strength is definitely stronger than mine! But is the teacher the God-King before me, or the God-King born after me?"

Jiuhuang is having a storm of thoughts here.

And on the main seat.

"Yes! Yes, I have found the controller of the Lava Demon God, and the nine Lava Demon Gods have also successfully recognized their master!" After hearing everyone's questions, Chen Zong smiled slightly and said, "They are the ones I have prepared for this conquest of Haoyang. The universe sea is the trump card prepared!"

Everyone’s eyes lit up!
  There really is a controller. Fortunately, the controller was obtained by Guzu!
  After all, the current goal of the human race is to become the first race in the Cosmic Sea. If the controller of the Lava Demon God is obtained by other alien races, then the first race in the Cosmic Sea will no longer be the human race!

fortunately! fortunately!

"Great, our human race has nine more super powers!"

"Nine Lava Demon Gods, hahaha, even the 'Tianyang Battleship' of Haoyang Cosmic Sea may not be the opponent of the Lava Demon God. In this battle, we are at least invincible!"

The sound of excitement and joy echoed in the True Temple.

Since the lava demon's strange behavior was caused by the ancient ancestors and was beneficial to the human race, the meeting of true gods ended with joy.

Space boat, destroy the god stream!
  The nine lava demon gods rushed forward, not afraid of the magma falling from the magma sea above, nor the high-speed falling boulders that could kill the Lord of the Universe.


There are already dozens of strong men chasing the Lava Demon.

"Where are they going?"

"do not know!"

"Hey, if you want to know, then follow. The Lava Demon cannot fly forever and will always stop."

"Yes, if they don't stop for ten years, then one hundred years is not enough. One hundred years is not enough. Thousands, ten thousand years. I don't believe they can keep flying."

Whoosh whoosh~
  These strong men pursued them with all their strength.


"Huh? Stop it!"

Dozens of strong men suddenly stopped.

They don't dare to get close to the Lava Demon. They have to keep a certain distance, so that at least they can escape when the Lava Demon chooses to kill again.

"Why did you stop?"

They looked confused.

"Huh? That's the Red Feather Temple!" The Lord of Pula in the Purple Moon Holy Land saw a navy blue palace suspended in front of the Lava Demon God, and immediately recognized the palace, "Why didn't the Lava Demon God smash the boulders and magma masses with him? Also hit the 'Red Feather Temple'?"

"Red Feather Temple? The palace of True God Red Feather!" The golden figure also said in surprise.

True God Akabane is one of the True Gods of the Holy Realm under the command of the ancient ancestor. After being promoted to True God, he has also reached the eighth level of peak combat power, and his strength is no weaker than Tianhu, Xiaolong, and Yinyue.

These years of wandering in the cosmic sea.

The name of True God Akabane is also extremely resounding!
  Previously, it was also True God Akabane who was waiting for Chen Zong and Mountain Guest in the Desert of Death.

At this time.

Something happened that shocked all the powerful people present!
  I saw nine lava demon gods half-kneeling in the void, saluting respectfully towards the Red Feather Temple.

"Master!" The voices of the nine lava demon gods exploded in the minds of those strong men like a bolt from the blue!


The Lord of Pula, the golden figure and other powerful men were stunned and completely confused!

Oh my God, it turns out that I really recognized my master!
  Did True God Akabane find the controllers of the nine lava demon gods?

At this time.

  I saw that in front of the Red Feather Temple, the true form of the ancient demon wearing blood-colored armor appeared out of thin air.

"Everyone, get up!" Gu Mozhen raised his hand.

"Yes, Master!" The lava demon gods stood up, but still stood respectfully in front of the ancient demon's true form.

Ancient ancestor!

Depend on!
  It’s the ancient ancestor again!

"It's him? That's no wonder!" The golden figure felt very uncomfortable. However, at this moment, he couldn't rush forward to fight for control with the ancient ancestor, because that would mean death!

(End of this chapter)

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