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Chapter 502 Take the lead! Close the door and beat the dog!

Chapter 502 Take the lead! Close the door and beat the dog!
  The vast cosmic sea, the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"What? The nine lava demon gods of the Mie Shen Stream were also taken away by Chen Zong?" Ziyue Ancestor frowned and felt bad!

The lava demon is so powerful that even with his current strength, he may not be able to win.

of course.

This is just an estimate and not exact.

Because he has never fought against the Lava Demon God who has now recovered his intelligence, he does not know the real strength of the Lava Demon God.

no solution anymore.

It's too late now!
  The ancestor of Ziyue sighed secretly.

The last time the human camp in the original universe fought against the coalition camp, under such a critical situation, Chen Zong only sent out one lava demon god. This means that the nine lava demon gods in the Destroying God Stream have not yet been subordinated to Chen Zong.

They still have a chance to obtain the Lava Demon.

But the dozen or so experts from the Purple Moon Holy Land who were wandering the God-Destroying Stream could not find even a single controller after searching for so many years.

Bad luck, and he was helpless.


If he obtains the Lava Demon God, he might be able to become the master of the Lava Demon God, and then let the Lava Demon God break through the reincarnation passage and reach the Origin Continent. In that case, he will have an extra helper and a trump card!
  Unfortunately, it's too late!

Within the universe of the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land.

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor also expressed emotion. He was really at a loss for not finding the controller before Chen Zong!
  All the major ethnic groups and forces in the universe sea are envious and jealous.

But let alone the fact that the ancient ancestor now has nine more lava demon gods under his command, even before the ancient ancestor obtained these nine lava demon gods, they could not defeat the ancient ancestor, so they could only be envious and jealous.

"Hey! It's all because the Mie Shen Stream is too big! I don't know which corner the controller is in!" A strong man said angrily. After searching the Mie Shen Stream for so long, Mao still couldn't get it, and his heart naturally burned with anger.

"Fortunately, the ancient ancestor got it. If someone else got it, then there would be another existence in the universe sea that cannot be provoked." Some strong men sighed.

Being crushed by the same person once, twice, or even more times, as long as it happens once, you can accept it.

But if there is another existence that can crush them, it will be difficult to accept.

Because it will make them more regretful.

I regretted why I didn’t find the controller earlier, so that they would be the ones crushing the universe sea, not other strong ones.

Chen Zong didn't care about the reactions of the various races and major forces in the Universe Sea.

at this time.

Inside the Mie Shen Stream.

The true form of the ancient demon brought the nine lava demon gods into the eternal ancient world, together with the previous lava demon god.

Then, he took the 'Lord of the Nine Evils' (the pseudonym of the Lord of the Universe, the Mountain Guest, whose appearance and aura also changed, which was completely different from the appearance and breath of the Mountain Guest.) and the True God Akabane, and left the Mie Shen Stream. Arrived at the spaceship transfer station.


"Junior brother!"


Seeing the ancient demon's true form appearing, Giant Axe, the Lord of Chaos City, Luo Feng, Jiuhuang, Lord Peng Gong and others who were already waiting at the transfer station of the space ship greeted him.

"Let's go! Go to the eternal ancient world!" the ancient demon's true form said.

He immediately waved his hand, and a space vortex leading to the eternal ancient world appeared in front of him.

"Eternal Ancient World!" The Lord of the Nine Evils (Sitting Mountain Guest) showed expectation in his eyes. He had heard of the Eternal Ancient World and already knew that the ancient ancestor could travel back and forth between the two cosmic seas because of the Eternal Ancient World, but he had never I’ve never been there, so I’m very curious.

When the Lord of Chaos City, Luo Feng and others saw the Lord of Nine Evils, they felt very strange and had never seen him before.

However, they all have a common idea in their hearts, that is, this should be the new Lord of the Universe from the Holy Realm!

At this time.

  The ancient demon's true form stepped into the space vortex.

Others followed closely behind.

In the eternal ancient world, the stars shine in the endless starry sky.

"Is this the eternal ancient world?" The Lord of the Nine Evils (Mountain Guest) looked around and could see that in addition to countless stars, in some areas of the starry sky, one could also see vast chaotic continents stretching across the starry sky.


He also sensed that there was a special power in this world.

A power he had never seen before!
  Can’t even absorb it!
  Shocked in my heart.

"What kind of power is this?" The Lord of Nine Evils was extremely confused.

He was once one of the pinnacle experts in the Origin Continent, and he had broad knowledge. However, in this cosmic sea, after meeting the ancient ancestor, he couldn't understand more and more things!
  "Ancestor, I feel a special energy in your eternal ancient world. I wonder what this special energy is?" The Lord of the Nine Evils sent a message to the ancient demon's true body and asked.

"This is the 'power of the ancients'!" the ancient demon's true form responded.

The ancient power was originally only able to be born in the ancient temple, but after the 'Dao Ancient Space' transformed into the 'eternal ancient world', the 'ancient power' could also be born. This ancient power was transformed from the origin of the eternal ancient world. It's done.


However, the Eternal Ancient World was born not long ago, and the ancient power is not strong.

Unlike in the Holy World, where ancient power is extremely strong, just like in the original secret realm of Wuchen Continent, where cosmic crystals can be condensed with a wave of the hand, ‘ancient crystals’ can also be condensed easily in the Holy Realm!
  "Ancient power?" The Lord of Nine Evils thought thoughtfully.

The ancient ancestors, the ancient god lineage, the ancient demon lineage, and the ancient demon lineage all have the word "ancient". This "ancient power" must be closely related to them.

Maybe only they can absorb the 'ancient power'.

"Is this a kind of 'bloodline power'?" the Lord of the Nine Evils thought to himself.

The power of blood is not uncommon in the Origin Continent.

This time they are going to conquer the Haoyang Cosmic Sea. It is said that the Haoyang Emperor cultivates the power of his bloodline, and most of his strength comes from the development of his bloodline.

Of course, this is just a rumor.

Whether it is true or not, the Lord of the Nine Evils is not very clear.

At this time.

  The ancient demon's true form led everyone, teleporting, and appeared directly in front of the millions of holy armies.

Standing at the front of the Holy World army are ten Lava Demon Gods, followed by the True God of the Holy World, then thousands of Divine Pattern Guards, and finally the Master of Millions of Holy World Universes.

"It's really an army of one million!" The Lord of the Nine Evils was slightly surprised.

When repairing the three major sub-systems, the ancient ancestor said that there were millions of troops. At that time, he thought that the ancient ancestor might be talking about millions of divine pattern guards, but he did not expect that it turned out to be millions of living universes. Lord!
  of course.

He could have asked Lord Bodhi and Luo Feng in advance about the situation of the million-strong army, but he did not.

After all, you’ll always see me later, so there’s no need to ask.

But he didn't expect that the million-strong army still amazed him.

"Where did the ancient ancestor get so many Lords of the Universe warriors?" The Lord of the Nine Evils wondered, "Could it be that they were born in this eternal ancient world? Or is it that the ancient ancestor is actually connected to the third universe sea? These Are the Lord of the Universe warriors from the third cosmic sea?”

"The ancient ancestor's combat power has increased so quickly. Is it also related to the third cosmic sea?"


He did not seek the answer to this question from the ancient demon's true form.

Because the matter involved may be too big, it may be absolutely confidential, and it is difficult to ask.

The moment the ancient demon's true form appeared!
  "See Your Majesty (Master)!" Millions of troops saluted respectfully to the ancient demon's true form in unison. The sound was huge and the momentum was soaring to the sky, shaking the universe, time and space, and making the vast starry sky tremble.

Haoyang Holy Land, Cosmic Sea, Imperial City.

Inside the Blood Jade Temple.

When the Ancient Demon True God was ready to go with his millions of troops, Chen Zong waved his hand from the throne, and thirty-six True Gods from the Holy World, including Xiaolong, Yinyue, and Akabane, appeared out of thin air. At the same time, he looked down at the Blood Jade Saint and Purple Eyes below. The Holy Lord said: "Act as planned!"

"Yes, Master!" The Blood Jade Saint and the Purple Eyed Saint responded respectfully.

After Chen Zong left the arsenal and returned to the Blood Jade Temple, he made a plan.

The plan is divided into three phases.

The first stage is to cut off the 'space teleportation formation' between the Imperial City and thousands of secondary cities, so that the Holy Land army in the secondary cities cannot immediately support the Imperial City.

The second stage is to have the Blood Jade Saint and the others blockade the Imperial City, beat the dogs behind closed doors, and occupy the Imperial City.

The third stage is to use the Imperial City as the core to establish a position to conquer the Haoyang Cosmic Sea.

The Imperial City has the strongest defensive capabilities among the major cities in the entire Haoyang Universe Sea, comparable to the Holy Land Universe. If you attack from the outside, it will be extremely difficult to capture, but if you attack from the inside, the difficulty will be much lower. After all, Chen Zong and the others It only needs to deal with the Holy Land army in the city, and there is no need to deal with the defense system of the Imperial City.

However, there are still more than 800,000 Haoyang Holy Land troops in the imperial city.

This Holy Land army of more than 800,000 is composed of more than 200,000 warriors from each of the four legions of the four great saints: the Blood Jade Saint, the Purple Eye Saint, the Spirit Emperor, and the Thorny Heaven Saint.

The four major legions have a total of more than four million soldiers.

The remaining 3.2 million war gods are guarding thousands of sub-cities!
  The duty of their four great saints and four legions is to guard these transportation hub cities in the Haoyang Universe Sea. Conquering the sea of ​​alien universes is the task of the other six legions.

at this time.

According to the plan.

A rock-like being wearing a blood-colored robe and covered with blood, the Xiwu True God, entered the Blood Jade Temple.

The Xiwu True God himself is a clansman of the Blood Jade Saint, a close associate of the Blood Jade Saint, and the Blood Jade Saint is the first Saint of their lineage and the ancestor of their lineage. Therefore, the Blood Jade Saint Zun's orders are more useful to the Blood Jade Clan than those from the Holy Land.

The order of the Blood Jade Saint is a task that the strong men of the Blood Jade clan must complete even if they risk their lives.


To be on the safe side, the Blood Jade Saint still enslaved the Western Five True Gods.

"Go!" Chen Zong said.


  At this moment, the Xiwu True God, who is the most capable subordinate of the Blood Jade Saint and the second in command of the Blood Jade Legion, takes Xiaolong, Yinyue and other Holy World True Gods to the 'Space Shuttle Formation' square.

along the way.

Many true gods and masters of the universe in the Blood Jade Legion will bow respectfully when they see the Five True Gods of the West.

For the Holy Realm True Gods such as Yiyue and Xiaolong who were following behind the Xiwu True God, they only cast curious glances and no one asked any questions.

Of course, they didn't dare to ask.

They soon arrived at the 'Space Teleportation Array' square.

Throughout the square, thirty-six giant pillars stand on the edge of the square, which are the core devices of the 'space transport formation'.

"I've seen Vice-Chief Xiwu!" When Xiwu and the others arrived at the square, a voice came down from the giant pillar. True God Xiwu looked over and saw that the owner of the voice was a snake-like life with blue well barbs on his head. Poison Wind True God'.

The Poisonous Wind True God does not belong to the Blood Jade Legion, but to the Thorny Sky Legion.

Although they belong to different legions, their positions in the legions are still the same. They are all positions belonging to the Holy Land Legion. .

Therefore, True God Poisonous Wind called True God Xiwu the deputy chief, which was not wrong.

"Deputy Commander Xiwu, I wonder which deputy city you are going to?" True God Poisonous Wind asked.

Now is not the time for collective teleportation. Deputy Commander Xiwu came with a team of people. In the view of True God Dufeng, they were preparing to pass through the 'space teleportation formation' in front of one of the thousands of sub-cities in the sea of ​​​​space, or more.

after all.

The rotation is now thousands of years away.

The 'Space Teleportation Formation' is guarded by four major legions in turns.

After the Thorning Sky Army, it was the Blood Jade Army's turn.

After the Blood Jade Legion, there is the Spirit Emperor Legion.

The two camps are guarding each other.

"We are here to take over the task of guarding the 'Space Transport Formation'. This is the Holy Order." True God Xiwu immediately threw a blood-colored token towards the residence. The blood-colored token turned into a stream of light and flew directly to the giant pillar. In the square in front of the palace.

"Oh?" True God Poisonous Wind was startled.

Although it is easy to guard the 'space transport formation', it is very boring.

And once a strong person wants to use the 'space teleportation formation' and has enough contribution points, they will also activate the formation.

So besides being bored, I also have to be a tool person.

Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to come in advance to take turns guarding.

True God Dufeng was a little confused.


He saw the blood-colored token floating in front of the palace square. With a wave of his hand, the blood-colored token flew into the palace and landed in his hand.

"Yes, it's the Blood Jade Holy Order." True God Poison Wind carefully checked the blood token and confirmed it was correct. A smile suddenly appeared on his face. They could finally get off work early!

As a member of the Thorning Sky Legion, he had to report to the Thorning Sky Saint.

However, Holy Lord Citian is currently in retreat and does not manage the Citian Legion. The person who manages the Citian Legion is the second-in-command of the Citian Legion, ‘Er True God’.

True God Poisonous Wind immediately contacted True God Er.

A virtual screen appeared out of thin air, and on it appeared a true god figure with two pairs of huge brown flesh wings on his back and one eye.

"Huh? Guard the 'Space Teleportation Formation' in advance?" The Flesh-Wing One-Eyed God was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be someone willing to be a tool man!
  "Yes! Vice Captain Earl!" True God Poisonous Wind nodded. He raised the bloody token in his hand and placed it in a conspicuous position.

"The Order of the Blood Jade Saint?" Although True God Er was confused, when he saw the blood token in the hands of True God Poisonous Wind, he could only sell the Blood Jade Saint to save face, so he nodded and said, "Okay, rotate with them! "

If he is the Stinging Heaven Saint, then there is no need to sell face, after all, he is at the same level.

Of course, even if True God Er rejects the message conveyed by the Blood Jade Saint, it is still okay.

However, True God Er doesn’t want to provoke a powerful Saint just for a trivial matter!
  "Yes!" True God Poisonous Wind responded happily.

The virtual screen closes.

"Brothers, exit the control room and hand this place over to the Blood Jade Legion!" The voice of True God Poisonous Wind sounded around the soldiers guarding the 'Space Teleportation Formation'.


咻咻 咻 ~
  Figures flew out of the palace on the giant pillars and landed on the square.

True God Poisonous Wind also flew down.

"Deputy Commander Xiwu, I'll leave this place to you!" True God Poisonous Wind stepped forward, came to True God Xiwu and said with a smile, and at the same time returned the Blood Jade Holy Order to True God Xiwu.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" True God Xiwu smiled and took the Blood Jade Holy Order.


He looked at Xiaolong, Yinyue and other Holy Realm real bodies.

Xiaolong and the others nodded, then turned into streams of light and flew to the top of the giant pillar, entering the palace in the center of the platform on top of the giant pillar.

True God Poisonous Wind left here with the soldiers of the Stinging Heaven Legion.

Eternal Virtual Universe, Holy World City, inside Chen Zong Temple.

"Cut off the energy transmission and turn off the space transport ability!" Chen Zong immediately ordered.


Silver Moon, Xiaolong and other true gods from the Holy Realm responded respectfully.

at the same time.

In the Haoyang Holy Land universe, in the palace on the edge of the huge pillar on the edge of the Imperial City's 'Space Teleportation Formation' square.

According to the method of turning off the 'space teleportation array' as the Xiwu True God said, Yinyue and Xiaolong inserted their identity tokens into the console, and then poured their divine power into the console at the same time.

Their identity tokens were naturally made with the help of the Blood Jade Saint.

at this time.

Deep under the square, the running 'space teleportation array' stopped running at this moment.

However, in the square, it could not be seen that the 'space teleportation array' had stopped operating, and it was not much different from usual.

Eternal virtual universe.

"Your Majesty! The 'Space Teleportation Formation' has stopped operating!" Silver Moon said respectfully.

"Very good!" Chen Zong smiled slightly.

In the Haoyang Universe Sea, the Imperial City is the hub of thousands of other sub-cities.

If you want to teleport through space, from one sub-city to another, you must pass through the Imperial City. In other words, other sub-cities cannot teleport to each other!

There is no way, not only is the scale of the secondary city inferior to that of the imperial city, but even the 'space teleportation array' is a castrated product.

It's not that Haoyang Holy Land doesn't want to make non-castrated products, but that the construction cost of a city like the Imperial City is too expensive. It takes an unknown amount of precious materials. It's already very good to build an Imperial City.

Therefore, the Haoyang Cosmic Sea has formed a 'one-to-many' network consisting of an imperial city and thousands of sub-cities.

at the same time.

At the top of the Blood Jade Mountain.

"It's time to take action!" Chen Zong looked through the void and saw two other sacred mountains, namely the Thorny Sky Divine Mountain and the Linghuang Divine Mountain.

The Blood Jade Saint and the Purple Eyed Saint looked at each other and nodded.

"Seal!" The two of them directly invoked the Holy Lord's authority to seal the entire imperial city!

(End of this chapter)

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