Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 19: Go one step further, pointing the sword at the school

Chapter 19 goes one step further, pointing the sword at the school
  Wang Han looks fierce but has a soft heart.

There was silence all around.

It’s like a typhoon is hitting the students’ hearts. No one expected that in the face of so many accusations, Jiang Shu would not retreat but advance. He raised the desk and threw away all Wang Han's books!
  This matter...has become a big deal.

"Don't worry, I won't hit you."

Not caring about the inner thoughts of his classmates, Jiang Shu calmly spoke to Wang Han, lifting the weight as lightly as he could, and landing on the desk smoothly. He really didn't want to get along with these kids if he didn't have to.

This was also one of his original reasons for taking a break from school.

In his opinion, Wang Han's methods were too childish.

Manipulating public opinion? Playing with people's hearts?
  In the face of absolute strength.

Everything is false!
  Fist is the foundation of man.

However, he doesn't have to care about Wang Han's little tricks.

It doesn't mean others don't care.

He glanced at Xu Shuhui, who had suffered a disaster because of herself, and was suddenly put on fire by a secret love. Jiang Shu withdrew his gaze, and at this time, Wang Han's voice sounded again, but his tone was completely less aggressive than before.

"Jiang Shu, there are important notes from my senior year on the desk. lost them all to me. You want to apologize to me..."

"It's really important. If it's so easy to learn, you should go to the trash can and find it by yourself."

"Ask the teacher, that's all you can do."

Not wanting to make too much noise, Jiang Shu's last words were like a prediction. At the back door, a classmate had already quietly walked out, within a few minutes. The sound of hurried footsteps was getting closer and closer to the class.

Yan Dehou pushed the door open and walked in with a cold expression: "Jiang Shu, Wang Han, come to my office!"

Seeing Yan Dehou's figure at the door, Wang Han suddenly felt certain, as if he suddenly realized that he had a mountain at his back.

Thinking becomes clear.

Yes, I am at school.

How dare Jiang Shu hit someone?

How dare you commit school violence in front of so many classmates.

Even if Jiang Shu is a martial arts student, even if he lifts the desk, he may be able to sense Qi and blood and enter the undergraduate university without taking the exam.

You will also be given a major disciplinary action by the school.

As long as the teacher is on his side, Jiang Shu can't do anything to him.

Even, I have to apologize to him!
  Violence can only scare people away.

What really controls everything is power!
  in school.

Teachers and school leaders are the representatives of power!
  "Jiang Shu, let's go. Let's go to the office and let Teacher Yan evaluate the situation!"

Wang Han drank hot water to calm his mind and walked out of the classroom quickly.

What was placed in Jiang Shu's desk were actually books and test papers of little use.

He could also dispense with the books and papers altogether.

But now that things have developed, if he does nothing, how will the people in the class think of him?

No matter what, I must let Teacher Yan support me, let the school stand on my side, and let Jiang Shu bow his head and apologize to me!
  Wang Han's narrow eyes narrowed into a thin line as he walked in the corridor, organizing the conversation in the office for a while.

At this time, Jiang Shu didn't care, and took a step forward in Xu Shuhui's worried eyes.

Martial arts requires a person who is brave and diligent and has clear thoughts.

Zhao Tai offended him and killed him with one punch!

If the Taekwondo coach offends him, he grabs his neck and lifts him up!

He was merciful to Wang Han for the sake of his classmates!


Yan Dehou sat on the chair and looked at the two students in front of him, his expression as dark as water.

He never expected that such a bad thing would happen in his class.

Throw all the classmates' books and test papers next to the trash can.

He didn't even dare to think that this was made by Jiang Shu, a student he thought was pretty good!

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Teacher Yan, I just put a few of my books on Jiang Shu's desk when he was out of school. I didn't expect that as soon as he came back, he would stop talking because of a few jokes I made with him. He said, he directly lifted up the desk and threw all my books and test papers next to the trash can."

Seeing that there were other teachers in the office, Wang Han avoided the important and took the easy, and the anger on his face could not be concealed.

"Not only that, when Jiang Shu came back after throwing away my books and test papers, he looked at me as if he wanted to hit me. Teacher Yan, the school does give preferential treatment to martial arts students, but it shouldn't be this preferential treatment."

"You can't give preferential treatment to martial arts students to the point of violence on campus, and just pretend that nothing happened."

"Jiang Shu raised his desk. No matter how good he is in martial arts, even if it is through blood induction, he is still a student of our fifth high school. If students beat students, this matter is not handled properly. If it is said out, what will happen to the outside world? What do people think of our fifth middle school?”

"In this case, the only way to deal with it is to deal with it severely!"

Wang Han held his head high and vowed, and gradually found his rhythm. He was unreasonable and unforgiving, and there was a bit of questioning in his tone. He glanced at Jiang Shu who couldn't say a word, as if he had the upper hand.

What's the use of Jiang Shu lifting the desk?

In the office, does he still dare to lift the teacher's desk?
  In addition to throwing books and test papers, you also dare to hit people?

Yan Dehou's eyes suddenly turned to Jiang Shu. But all Jiang Shu could see was a calm expression, without any trace of panic or guilt.

It doesn't look like he did anything wrong at all.

Could it be that this matter is not what Wang Han said?

Having been a head teacher for more than ten years, Yan Dehou naturally does not just listen to what the family says.

Without making a decision on his own, he spoke calmly and said to Wang Han: "Well, the teacher knows. Wang Han, please go back to the classroom first. I will ask Jiang Shu about the specific situation to see what his situation is. You first Get your books and test papers back, and get back into shape, and you will start class later."

"Yes, yes, yes, Teacher Yan, you have to talk to Jiang Shu carefully. I will go back to the classroom right now."

After putting a little more force into the word "talk", Wang Han stopped when he saw that he was good and opened the door and walked out. A gust of cold wind blew in, and the atmosphere in the entire office was extremely depressing.

Other teachers were organizing lesson preparation documents one after another without saying a word.

There are too many conflicts between students in the school.

As old teachers, they can see and hear new things every year.

Looking at Jiang Shu with a calm expression, Yan Dehou sighed and said:
  "Wang Han is no longer here, is it convenient to talk about the specific situation now? Jiang Shu, Teacher Yan believes that you are not the kind of person who would use violence if you have some strength."

"If there is a conflict, you can quarrel or ignore each other. If you throw away his books and test papers, it is your fault and you have done something wrong."

"You will come back to the classroom with me later and apologize to Wang Han properly in front of all the students."

"I was also there to push things along, saying that you have admitted your mistake, and that you had acted excessively in the past."

Yan Dehou's voice was serious and sincere:

"I know that you are already a martial arts student. You can rely on your martial arts skills to enter the university. Being able to lift the desk also shows that you have some achievements in martial arts. But some achievements are useless. You need Qi and blood induction. Enter university without taking exams.”

"So, let's make this matter a trivial matter and make peace with it. Don't bring it to the school level and cause yourself to be punished. This way, there won't be any problems when you go to work in the future. You listen to me on this matter, as a teacher, I will definitely not harm you."

"Teacher Yan, thank you for your concern."

Having lived a lifetime, Jiang Shu could naturally see Teacher Yan's true feelings for him. Under Wang Han's secretive and misleading expressions, even though he didn't know the truth of the matter, he could still stand on his side and think about him.

It can be said that any student is extremely lucky to meet such a teacher during his student days.

If an ordinary student encounters the current situation, just apologize and bow his head as Teacher Yan said, and the matter will be over.

But, Jiang Shu, does he need it?

"Teacher Yan, there is surveillance in the class. You can take a look now to see what happened between Wang Han and me."

"Also, the reason why I lifted the desk was not because I was suspected of being able to sense energy and blood, and my strength was 300 kilograms."

"But...I have carried my energy and blood."

Jiang Shu's voice was gentle, but he directly raised his trump card, like a thunder exploding in the dark night.

When Wang Han finished speaking, he already understood Wang Han's intention.

Wang Han wanted to control public opinion, to antagonize the martial arts student himself, and to put pressure on the school to make the decision for him.

Good idea.

If he were just an ordinary martial arts student, this matter would basically be settled.

Punishment is needed and an apology is needed.

Even ordinary Qi and blood sensing martial arts practitioners.

The school will also be afraid of affecting its reputation and let both parties shake hands and make peace.

It's just a pity...

He has already moved his energy and blood.

Apologize? Make peace?
  If Wang Han is reasonable, he can naturally be reasonable too.

He was unreasonable.

If you practice martial arts on your own and your power is yours, why should you still reason with him?

Jiang Shu stood indifferently.

For a moment, all the teachers in the office suddenly raised their heads and looked at this handsome young man.

Transporting Qi and blood! Mabu Zhuang is completed! Enter a major school without taking the exam!
  No one knows the level of students in their school better than their teachers.

Last year's college entrance examination, Jicheng No. 5 High School had 1,300 candidates, and 634 were admitted to the undergraduate program.

Only twenty-seven students were admitted.

In other words, the young man in front of them now is comparable to the best student in the school.

And what’s even more horrifying to think about is.

After practicing martial arts for four months, the young man has already entered two small realms. Qi and blood induction, Qi and blood transportation.

Today, there are still three months until the college entrance examination.

Who can guarantee that he can't go further!
  The sword points at the school!

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(End of this chapter)

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