Chapter 20 Jiang Shu, you are finished
  Jicheng No. 5 High School was established nearly 50 years ago.

There has never been a student admitted to the university!
  The rest of the teachers can think of this.

Yan Dehou can naturally think of it.

Since the Xia Kingdom announced Ma Buzhuang and included martial arts in the college entrance examination, they, the school teachers, have also been extremely concerned about the martial arts practice of the martial arts students.

As far as he knows, even the first student in the school to become a martial arts student has not yet achieved success in Ma Buzhuang!

That student was once a popular figure in the school.

When I was a freshman and sophomore in high school, I won many awards in the school sports meet!

Long-distance running, sprinting, high jump, long jump, basically No. 1!

Even the physical education teacher said that this student was born for sports.

He might even be able to bring glory to the country in the future.

But for such a talented student, he has been practicing hard for more than three months in martial arts, and he is just getting started. Before the college entrance examination, with a martial arts level, he might be able to attend an ordinary university without taking the exam.

At this time, Jiang Shu actually said that he had transferred his energy and blood!

The transportation of Qi and blood is a great success in horse-stepping!
  Taking a step forward, there is a great circulation of qi and blood throughout the body, with a force of nine hundred kilograms!

This power directly exceeds the weightlifting champions in the current weightlifting world.

How could he believe this!
  How dare you believe it!

All the teachers in the office stopped what they were doing. He raised his ears and looked at Jiang Shu.

They also wanted to know whether this student was exaggerating and trying to please others, or whether he had a big problem in his chest and a world in his belly.

"Teacher Yan, the sign of qi and blood induction is the bulging of the temples, while the sign of qi and blood transport is the billowing of qi and blood. Even in the cold winter, you can go in and out without clothes."

Jiang Shu explained that he didn't mind spending more time to prove himself when facing Teacher Yan who was sincere to him. He took off his school uniform and was suddenly wearing only a short-sleeved shirt:
  "Another simple way to verify is that I can lift an object weighing 600 kilograms. If the school leaders don't believe it, they can prepare in advance."

After putting on his school uniform, Jiang Shu started talking about Wang Han's incident: "The specific incident should have been captured by the class surveillance."

"In this matter, Wang Han occupied my desk first and humiliated my desire to practice martial arts later. The process also affected others and affected classmate Xu Shuhui's future studies."

"Since Wang Han wants the school leaders to make the decision, Teacher Yan might as well ask the school leaders. If the school leaders think that I, Jiang Shu, did something wrong, I am willing to accept the school's punishment. It's just this apology...Wang Han, he deserves it ?"

After Jiang Shu finished speaking, he put back on his school uniform. Seeing that Yan Dehou was still in shock, he said softly: "Teacher Yan, if everything is okay, I will go back to class first."

The office door was opened again.

The cold wind in the corridor blew on Yan Dehou.

Through his collar, straight to his chest.

All of a sudden, Yan Dehou woke up.

He looked at Jiang Shu's leaving figure with unfamiliar eyes, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

"Old Yan, congratulations, you have brought out another outstanding student this year."

"Hey, I don't know if the students in my class will be up to par this year. It would be great if I could get three majors."

"Three heavy courses are useless. Now that the Xia Kingdom supports martial arts so much, the value of a student from the school who can transfer energy and blood without taking the exam to enter the heavy school is greater than the three students who passed the college entrance examination. What's more, the distance is now There are still three months left for the college entrance examination, what if it goes further..."

"Hiss... I can't even think about it! Stop talking, Lao Yan is going to have a treat after today to share his joy."

Seeing Jiang Shu go out, several teachers in the office stood up and walked towards Yan Dehou. His expression was full of compliments and envy as he looked at the fun before.

Although Jiang Shu is not their student.

But only Jiang Shu came out of Jicheng No. 5 High School.

As Jicheng No. 5 High School becomes famous, the better the school becomes.

The salary of their teachers will also go up!

"I'll watch the surveillance first, and then I'll see if I want to report it to the principal."

A student who transports Qi and blood.

What does this mean?

How could Yan Dehou not know this, especially when Shengjing came here today to talk about the treatment of warriors?

He took a few heavy breaths to regain his composure from his rapidly beating heart. Trying to calm down, he turned on the monitor, put on his headphones, and marked the time since the students entered the classroom.

Wang Han's arrogance.

Jiang Shu's calmness.

Xu Shuhui was so angry that she wanted to cry.

All reflected in his eyes.

After a while, Yan Dehou clicked pause, as if he had made some decision, and sent the segment recorded by the surveillance camera to the principal. The whole person also left the office and walked quickly towards the principal's office.

Grade 3, Class 8.

Jiang Shu pushed open the door and entered.

The class, which was a little noisy at first, gradually became quiet.

Everyone immediately looked at Wang Han.

"Hey. Jiang Shu is back. Did Lao Yan ask you to come and apologize to me? He wanted to make the big thing a trivial matter, but the trivial matter was trivialized. Tsk, if you apologize sincerely, I can forgive you a little bit. .”

Wang Han looked proud. He thought he performed extremely well in the office. So what if Jiang Shu is a martial artist who can sense Qi and blood?

Did something wrong.

He must also accept the jurisdiction of the school leaders!
  Now I have figured it out.

No matter how strong he is, Jiang Shu can lift the table, no matter how strong he is.

He didn't dare to hit himself.

Do you need to be afraid of him?

"If you haven't woken up yet, remember to catch up on your sleep later in class." Glancing sideways at Wang Han, Jiang Shu sat back down and heard Xu Shuhui at the table in front of him asking in a low voice: "Jiang Shu, are you okay?" ...Qi and blood are sensed..."


Since he chose to show his strength in front of Teacher Yan, Jiang Shu never thought of hiding it in front of his classmates.

Xuanxing is no better than the Dajing Dynasty. In the era of big data, as long as you don't hide in the house deliberately, all your actions will be recorded.

The steamed buns I bought in the morning, and the dumplings in the park on weekdays.

It can be said that as long as Xia Guo wanted to investigate Jiang Shu, it would not take a day to deduce his general martial arts level from his daily behavior.

Therefore, there is no need to hide anything.

The Xia Kingdom will never start killing donkeys because of the emergence of one or two geniuses.

What's more, now he is just transporting energy and blood.

At this level, I'm afraid it won't even catch the eyes of the higher-ups.

"Jiang Shu, you have already sensed your anger and blood. The school will definitely not punish you excessively. At most, it will ask you to apologize to Wang Han and shake hands to make peace. Compared with the punishment, this is a trivial matter."

Hearing the affirmative answer, Xu Shuhui's heart dropped, and the corners of her mouth pursed beautifully.

Wearing a school uniform, she has a scholarly air.

She adjusted her glasses and regained her energy.

The eyes on her pretty oval face were gleaming, as if she wanted to take a closer look at Jiang Shu.

In the past, I just thought Jiang Shu was handsome and principled in his work.

Today, it seems that I am taller and stronger.

The mood is stable and the spirit is sufficient.

Is this the change brought about by practicing martial arts?

"This must be a secret love! Damn it, you are a bitch!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Han gritted his teeth and couldn't help but speak.

However, when he thought of Jiang Shu's arm strength to lift the desk, the cold eyes that looked down at him before, he swallowed his words again.

Why, why does time pass so slowly.

Why doesn't Lao Yan come in?

Doesn't he usually do things very quickly? Why is it so slow to report to school leaders?

School leaders, why don’t you come here!

Wang Han felt uncomfortable, confused, and on pins and needles.

Finally, the class door was pushed open with a creak.

Yan Dehou walked in first, followed by Zhang Taining, the current principal of Jicheng No. 5 High School.

Wang Han was stunned at first, and then his narrow eyes exuded great surprise.

So what about Jiang Shu's energy and blood induction!
  After passing the college entrance examination, he is just an ordinary undergraduate student.

How could the principal of the school come to the classroom because of a little undergraduate student!

Come here in person, there is only one possibility, your own words will work!
  The school leaders also believe that this matter will affect the reputation of the school!

Even the principal has to punish Jiang Shu personally!

Jiang Shu, it's over!

The overall situation is decided!

Just wait for Jiang Shu to be punished.

He spread all kinds of evidence in the class that Xu Shuhui likes Jiang Shu, saying that the study committee member likes gangsters, superficially... secretly...

Love learning? It was all pretend. I really love studying, but why did I only get into the fifth middle school in the high school entrance examination?

No one, man or woman, can escape.

I couldn't help but want to cross my legs.

Wang Han sneered, unscrewed the cap of the thermos bottle, and drank the hot water at the right temperature in one gulp.

Now, he wanted to take a look.

This time, how could Jiang Shu pretend to be in front of him?

(End of this chapter)

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