Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 21: Laughing up to the sky and going out

Chapter 21: Laughing up to the sky and going out

Power and money are always the passport of society!
  And in the small society of school.

The principal has the greatest power!
  So what if Jiang Shu's energy and blood were sensed!

If the principal really wants to punish him, he can only accept it obediently!
  "Jiang Shu is making such a big fuss, the principal is here."

"Wang Han was right. Jiang Shu will be punished this time."

"Brother Han is quite capable. What's more, Jiang Shu did something wrong in the first place. He took the joke seriously, and even threw away Brother Han's book and didn't apologize in time. He deserves it!"

"Not necessarily. Did you just see Jiang Shu lift the desk? With such great strength, could it be that he is successful in martial arts, has a small horse stance, and can sense his energy and blood? With such strength, The school should only give you a warning to show your appreciation."

"Tch, how is that possible? Do you know Yao Zhenghao from Class 9 next door? He is the pervert who ranked first in the school sports meeting. He is still just shy of being able to sense Qi and blood. Jiang Shu's sports performance, although It’s not bad, but it’s far behind Yao Zhenghao. How can he practice martial arts faster than others? I see, those are probably skills learned online.”

"That's right. If practicing martial arts was really that easy, wouldn't every martial arts student be able to go to undergraduate level?"

The students in the class whispered, looking at Jiang Shu with extremely sympathetic and pitiful eyes.

Everyone felt that Jiang Shu was doomed this time.

And Wang Han, after taking a sip of hot water, felt comfortable all over!
  He closed his eyes, as if the next moment, he saw the principal walking up to the podium, publicly announcing Jiang Shu's evil deeds, and giving him the most serious warning!
  Here comes the principal! Classmates whisper! Wang Han is proud!

All this happened so fast, Xu Shuhui's heart dropped again.
  She looked at Jiang Shu.

At this time, Jiang Shu was still sitting firmly on the high platform, calm and composed.

He was not sure that the school would not punish him.

But he is confident that even after leaving school, he can rely on martial arts to gain a foothold in this world!
  Practicing martial arts is to attribute great power to oneself, control one's destiny, and cope with all changes!
  Zhang Taining at the door took everything in his eyes.

After hearing Yan Dehou's narration, he skimmed through the surveillance camera, stood up immediately, and came over to see Jiang Shu in person - this steady martial arts student who competed in the academy!

A school.

That is, in the entire Jicheng urban area, only the top high school students can get involved in the school!
  He had dreamed countless times that his students would be able to go to college.

The Fifth High School was able to climb several levels during his tenure, surpassing Jicheng No. 3 High School!

And now, this dream will be clearly displayed in front of him!

Although, classmate Jiang Shu can only carry Qi and blood.

But isn’t there still three months until the college entrance examination?

The school can give him enough time and resources.

Even if there is only a slim possibility.

He also wants to fight and give it a try!
  With excitement in his heart beating like a tide, Zhang Taining immediately locked his eyes on the young man sitting in the third row from the bottom in the fifth row of the classroom.

Long hair past the ears.

The face is handsome.

The figure under the school uniform was not as strong and well-proportioned as he imagined.

Obviously at this time, the atmosphere in the entire classroom felt like a storm was coming and Mount Tai was about to collapse.

But his expression remained unchanged, and his figure sat upright like a mountain.

This state of mind.

No wonder he became successful in martial arts.

As the principal, Zhang Taining has read a lot of people, and he can tell at a glance that Jiang Shu is different from many students.

He entered the classroom in one step and followed Yan Dehou to Jiang Shu.

"Principal Zhang!"

Seeing the principal approaching, Wang Han stood up suddenly and shouted loudly. There was an excitement in his expression that the sky was deciding for the people.

"The person next to me is Jiang Shu. He is the one who threw away my exam papers! There are evidence of his crime next to the trash can!"

"Principal Zhang, that's not the case..."

Xu Shuhui gritted her teeth and stood up.

In her mind, when Jiang Shu stood up and spoke, he was actually helping her out.

Otherwise, he would have become angry because Wang Han occupied the desk.

Why wait until Wang Han reveals his secret love?

Jiang Shu stood up when she was in trouble. At this time, Jiang Shu was about to face punishment from the school.

How could I do nothing?

It would be great if I did well on the big question at the end of last semester, and my grades were firmly in the top ten for my age.

Principal, you should listen to me, an top student, say a few more words...

"Adulterer and adulterer."

Wang Han cursed in his heart, sneered, pointed at the surveillance camera behind him, and said, "Xu Shuhui, it's useless for you to try to defend Jiang Shu. The surveillance cameras have recorded everything! How dare you say that Jiang Shu didn't throw away my books?" And test papers?”

"We are all seniors in high school. Don't you know what the book test papers mean to our students?"

"What's the point of standing up and talking now!"

"Principal Zhang, it is obvious to all my classmates that such students in our fifth high school will only ruin the reputation of our high school!"

Wang Han became more and more energetic as he spoke, completely unaware of Zhang Taining's frown.


Zhang Taining responded to Wang Han expressionlessly. Zhang Taining did not make any extra moves. He stood in front of Jiang Shu and watched as Jiang Shu also stood up.

His face, which had always been serious, suddenly smiled:

"This must be classmate Jiang Shu."

"If you want to practice martial arts with peace of mind, you don't actually need to take a break from school. There are still free dormitories in our school. If you feel that collective accommodation will easily disturb your rest, you can have a single room. And our school's gymnasium will also purchase a batch of new fitness equipment. You can use the equipment at any time when the time comes.”

"If you have any difficulties, you can just raise them. As the principal, I still hope that students can feel the atmosphere of home in the school. Jiang Shu can think about it carefully. Our school will definitely support you fully."

Zhang Taining said as he stretched out his hand towards Jiang Shu.

There was no airs about the principal in his tone, as if he was an equal.

It was as if he had never heard Wang Han's words.

In the hands of two people.

The air freezes.

Under the sunlight, the dust on the desk flew little by little.

Wang Han's eyes widened, as if seeing a ghost. He was as sluggish as a wax figure.

A pen fell from a classmate's hand.

It fell to the ground with a thud.

No one expected that the principal's words were not to announce punishment, but to retain him!

In order to persuade Jiang Shu to stay in school, he even offered a single room for one person and the purchase of equipment for the gymnasium.

Can a martial arts student, a martial arts student with Qi and blood sensing, receive such great treatment?
  "Thank you, principal, for your concern. I will consider it carefully." Jiang Shu did not expect that principal Zhang would take it so seriously.

It can be said that once I returned to school, I fully enjoyed the best treatment in the school. Single room, free time to decide. There is also a huge stadium and a lot of fitness equipment for you to exercise.

The conditions are very tempting, but...

You can still have free time at home and spend more time with your parents.

Why go back to school?

Involving other things.

Jiang Shu was neither humble nor arrogant, but there was actually a hint of polite rejection in his words.

Zhang Taining was startled.

Jiang Shu was more determined than he imagined.

However, this is not a big problem.

He put forward these conditions to keep Jiang Shu in school.

If Jiang Shu still dropped out of school, it wouldn't stop him from remembering his feelings.

After all, Jiang Shu was still a student of Jicheng No. 5 High School until now.

"Jiang Shu, class is about to start. Let's not disturb other students. Let's go sit in my office."

Zhang Taining smiled and said: "Mr. Zheng Yanbo, who is here to give a lecture today, is also in my office. He is also very interested in you and wants to meet and chat together."

"it is good."

Jiang Shu agreed. Facing the martial arts realm and practice methods on Xuanxing, he indeed had too much curiosity.

Zheng Yanbo should be the first professional he can meet at this stage.

If I can gain something from the meeting and chatting, it will be a small surprise after this incident.

The second hand moves at a constant speed on the classroom clock.

In the entire classroom, there was only the sound of Jiang Shu and Zhang Taining talking and laughing.

One is a senior in high school who is no more than eighteen years old. If you are an ordinary person in study, you can only practice martial arts for four months.

One is a high school principal who has passed his forties. Establishing a foothold in society early is a ceiling that ordinary people cannot strive for in their lifetime.

There is obviously a huge difference in status.

But at this moment, it’s like we’ve never met again!
  Everyone looked at all this blankly.

Even if reality is in front of you.

They also felt that this was like God playing a huge joke on them.

In the eyes of everyone with shock, surprise, and disbelief, Zhang Taining and Jiang Shu walked out of the classroom, their laughter fading away.

Although the two left, the classroom was still silent.

Until the sound of the end of get out of class bell broke Wang Han's silence.

"Jiang Shu, why should he!"

"Even if he has Qi and Blood Sensing, he has just met the threshold to enter an ordinary university without taking the exam. Although our school has fewer undergraduates, is there still one less undergraduate student? Why should we protect him!"

"Can martial arts students do whatever they want?"

"Teacher Yan, I don't accept it!"

Wang Han's face gradually turned ferocious. He jumped up, as if at this moment, he was the victim of bullying by the hegemony.

The eyes of the students in the class were all focused on Yan Dehou.

They also want to know the real reason.

Does Jiang Shu have any special background? It's impossible. We've been classmates for more than a year, and everyone has an idea of ​​who's family is like.

Is it because Jiang Shu's energy and blood are induced? Nor should it. Qi and blood sensing is just an undergraduate degree.

It's still possible to get Lao Yan's favor.

But how could the principal deign to invite him personally?

Looking at the curious, expectant, shocked, and puzzled faces in the class, Yan Dehou finally couldn't hold it back, sighed, and whispered:
  "Jiang Shu, his energy and blood have been transferred. The principal believes that he is very likely to rush to the school before the college entrance examination."

Jiang Shu actually had the opportunity to go to college!
  Yan Dehou's voice was not loud, but it was like the sound of thunder and roaring waves, hitting the immature hearts of the more than 40 students in the class who were still underage.

When they are students in middle school and high school, most students actually do not have a clear understanding of power and money in society.

Academic performance is their criterion.

The level of the university is one of the important criteria for them to judge whether they have a promising future.

The outstanding students in the class are all working hard to pass the exam.

And now, among them, Jiang Shu has always been in the middle of the pack in terms of grades, and Jiang Shu has always been unknown in the class. In the last semester, Jiang Shu, who turned into a martial arts student, would most likely have to go to a junior college because of his failure.

He can actually carry his energy and blood, keep his roots steady, and strive for higher education.

How can they believe this!
  Even though the person who said this at this moment was their class teacher, Teacher Yan Dehouyan.

The sound of breathing sounded slightly, rising and falling in the class.

Facing the empty seats in front of her, Xu Shuhui looked at Wang Han who was standing beside the seat, her expression no longer as angry as before.

She only felt pitiful for Wang Han.

Wang Han stirred up trouble by jumping around and adding fuel to the fire.

But from the beginning, Jiang Shu didn't take Wang Han seriously.

He has the talent to transfer Qi and blood in less than four months after practicing martial arts.

How is it possible to go to college?
  How could there be no future?

Before he became a warrior, he was already able to talk to the principal on an equal footing.

And even if I become the number one in my age, would I dare to talk to Principal Zhang like this?
  Xu Shuhui couldn't help but shook her head.

Neither she nor other classmates have ever truly understood Jiang Shu.

She turned her head and looked at the class door. In her mind, she once again recalled the scene of Jiang Shu standing up in front of Principal Zhang.

There is no excuse for what he has done.

He did not accuse Wang Han of anything he said was wrong.

Faced with Wang Han and many classmates making things difficult for him, he remained indifferent.

Only when he went out, talking and laughing with the principal, was his real response!

A fool in Kuaiji bought a minister, and Yu also resigned to the west and entered the Qin Dynasty.

I laughed up to the sky and went out. How can I be a Penghao person?
   A chapter of 3,600 words. New book issue, please collect and read. I’m so curious, why are the monthly tickets and investment amounts for other people’s books so high? I feel like I’m always on my own...

  (End of this chapter)

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