Chapter 22 Talent Screening! Resource tilt!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

In just over three months, how could Jiang Shu go from being an ordinary person to directly practicing martial arts and crossing two major levels, from sensing Qi and blood to transporting Qi and blood?


Can Jiang Shu enter the academy?
  There are only four schools in the entire Xia Kingdom.

In the entire Jicheng, only a few dozen people can enter the academy every year.

He Jiang is that possible!

Fake, all fake!
  Wang Han sat down in his seat, lost in thought.

Like being struck by lightning.


Qinxue Building.

Principal's office.

Jiang Shu was dressed in single clothes and was walking steadily, with energy and blood flowing under the large horse stance.

In front of him, Zheng Yanbo and Zhang Taining stood together.

But compared to Zheng Yanbo's natural appearance, Zhang Taining's eyes showed uneasiness that was difficult to conceal. He was obviously at the age where he knew his destiny, but he looked like a student about to enter the examination room.

Jiang Shu transferred his energy and blood and rushed to the school, but it was just his own temporary judgment.

Although he is not a professional, he still needs Zheng Yanbo's approval.

"Principal Zhang, congratulations. Your school has made a great achievement this time. The school has great hope."

Hearing these words, Zhang Taining felt relieved, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

At this time, Zheng Yanbo looked at Jiang Shu and his voice was as gentle as the spring breeze:
  "Jiang Shu, right? Sit down and chat, there's no need to be formal."

Without any pretense, Zheng Yanbo sat down first and went straight to the point: "I don't know if Jiang Shu has paid attention to the current news besides practicing martial arts. In fact, if you pay a little attention, it should not be difficult to find that the world seems to be welcoming A new era has begun. It is in the ascendant and changing with each passing day.”

"You may not know many things, but they have been spread on some forums for a long time. In the deep mountains and old forests, medicinal materials that are more than a hundred years old are constantly emerging. Some wild animals also seem to have entered the channel of rapid evolution. Their spiritual intelligence and physical fitness are changing every day. A sharp increase. In the depths of oceans, deserts, and tropical rainforests, in dangerous and desperate places that few people enter, small natural disasters occur from time to time."

"All of this is not false. The world is undergoing great changes, just like the agricultural era and the industrial revolution. Without progress and development, we will fall behind others! Therefore, we in the East practice martial arts and the West research genes, all in order to break the human body. limit and meet more opportunities and challenges.”

Turning on the air conditioner, Zhang Taining lowered himself, brewed tea, and handed a cup of tea at the right temperature to Zheng Yanbo. He handed the second cup to Jiang Shu.

"Thank you, Principal Zhang."

Taking the tea with both hands, Jiang Shu took a sip, then put it aside and sat upright.

His face was calm, but his heart was surging.

After solving the mystery in his womb, in addition to practicing martial arts, he also paid attention to changes in the world at other times.

Events that were still somewhat confusing in the past suddenly disappeared like fog and became clear.

For example, when a zoo is relocated, there is a high probability that animals there have begun to evolve, and their intelligence and physical fitness have been greatly improved. Animals evolve, plants evolve, but what about humans?

Eastern martial arts, Western genes!
  Compared with the passivity of animals and plants, human evolution is active.

Take the initiative to choose the path of evolution and adapt to this ever-changing world!
  In Zheng Yanbo's simple words, there are direct expressions and indirect revelations.

For example, to welcome more opportunities and challenges.

What are the opportunities and what are the challenges?
  He didn't say exactly.

But it has been shown that the real world is definitely not like what countries show.

Jiang Shu thought to himself and did not take the initiative to ask questions. He listened quietly and waited for Zheng Yanbo to take a sip of tea and continue:

"Jiang Shu, you should have discovered that after you have mastered Ma Buzhuang to great perfection. Ma Buzhuang is actually just the most basic martial arts. Its only function is to strengthen your own Qi and blood. It can be sensed from Qi and blood, Steadily improve the circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body."

"But the upper limit is limited to this. No matter how talented a martial arts genius is, they cannot break the limit. Therefore, after the horse stance is completed, we need to practice another kind of martial arts, the guidance technique."

"Condensing the energy and blood of the whole body into energy. This is the Daoyin Technique. And what I talked about in the lecture today, bright energy, dark energy, and transformation energy are three realms and three ways to generate energy."

"Do you know what this means? This means that the realm of martial arts cannot be achieved simply by relying on resources! It must be a martial arts practitioner who practices hard on his own and relies on his talent to comprehend!"

"If you don't have enough talent, even a huge amount of resources can only strengthen the qi and blood of ordinary people. If you don't know how to generate energy, you can't produce bright energy. Even if you eat a lot of precious medicinal materials and rare animal meat, you can't break the limit of a thousand kilograms." ! For the rest of my life, I am just a stronger ordinary person!"

"So, incorporating Ma Bu Zhuang into the college entrance examination system is actually a large-scale screening of martial arts talents among young students in society!"

"Without the supplement of any qi and blood medicinal materials or animal meat, practicing to a certain level means that this martial arts student has the possibility of becoming a warrior and can understand the method of generating energy on his own! Breaking through the limits of the human body!"

Sitting upright in the chair, Zheng Yanbo said loudly: "The martial arts college entrance examination does not actually look at how strong you are! Nor is it whether your energy and blood are strong. Instead, it looks at your martial arts talent!"

"Qi and blood sensing, qi and blood transportation, and whole body qi and blood circulation are not realms, but three levels of talent! The higher the talent, the more resources you will get in the future!"

Zheng Yanbo became more and more excited as he talked.

Zhang Taining became more and more frightened as he listened.

Even as the principal, the information he knew was limited.

With the evolution of all things and the practice of martial arts, a brand new world unfolded in front of him in an instant like a scroll.

He couldn't help but interjected: "Mr. Zheng, wouldn't it be unfair to some students who did not choose martial arts? Because they don't know that this is a talent screening. Maybe they also have martial arts talents?"

"Fair? There is no absolute fairness in the world!"

Zheng Yanbo sneered: "In any industry, choice is more important than hard work! The world is developing, and so is people's cognition. Withholding some information is just to maintain social stability. But the promotion of Xia Guo Martial Arts never stops. of!"

"Martial arts is included in the college entrance examination system, and a film project is planned to produce a martial arts film, not to mention the important speech of Shengjing University. Contemporary students need more new faces. What the new faces are, President Zhang can't fail to hear it."

"Talent is not a piece of cake, anyone can have it. It has been nearly four months since the announcement of Ma Buzhuang, and nearly four months since the promotion of martial arts. If you don't practice martial arts, love martial arts, and are not obsessed with martial arts, you will not be able to form a team. A true heart for martial arts, nothing to talk about talent!"

 The chapter was blocked. After the second revision, it was still blocked... Because the new book issue must be updated with more than 4,000 words, so I will try posting it again. Waiting for the new chapter to be released tomorrow may slightly affect the reading of some new readers. , sorry sorry.

  (End of this chapter)

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