Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 23 The treasure of heaven and earth! Exotic meat!

Chapter 23 The treasure of heaven and earth! Exotic meat! (Seeking for further reading)

Talent comes first!
  The Xia Kingdom does not lack resources, but it lacks talented martial arts practitioners!
  Zheng Yanbo revealed the truth: "Aside from classmate Jiang Shu and Principal Zhang, can your school find another martial arts student who can transport Qi and blood? Taking a step back, there is a martial arts student who can sense Qi and blood and has a small amount of success in horse riding. ?"

It was like a dagger stuck in Zhang Taining's heart.

Zhang Taining sneered. As the principal, he is naturally concerned about the actual situation of the martial arts students in his school. Just as Zheng Yanbo expected, apart from Jiang Shu, there was no one, not even one who could sense Qi and blood!

Martial arts is really a track that only talented players can enter.

Why did he suddenly lose his words at that time? If all the students in the school were to practice martial arts, I might have to resign next year as the principal.

Send a group of students who could have been admitted to undergraduate colleges to junior colleges.

This joke is too big.

Jiang Shu is just an exception!

Seeing that Zhang Taining had realized the error of his idea, Zheng Yanbo didn't say anything more. He looked at Jiang Shu with a trace of undisguised appreciation in his eyes and said:

"Jiang Shu, now you have achieved great success and are only one step away from perfection. But taking this step may not be easy. So I just said that the school has hope. But no matter what, with your current situation, With talent, becoming a warrior in the future is basically a sure thing."

"When that time comes, you will truly understand why we practice martial arts and where the purpose of practicing martial arts lies."

After that, he stretched out his arm and glanced at the time on his watch. Zheng Yanbo continued: "After listening to what I have said, you must have a lot of doubts in your heart. You might as well raise them while you still have some time. I think there are Something that is easy to answer.”

"Thank you Mr. Zheng for the tip."

Jiang Shu stood up and bowed respectfully.

What comes after practicing martial arts is pride.

rather than arrogance.

Zheng Yanbo came to No. 5 High School to give a martial arts lecture. This is his job.

But telling him about the changes in the current world, martial arts practice, and even letting him ask questions alone is a sign of affection.

Have to remember.

"There's no need to be so polite. I'm much older than you. If you, a little genius, don't mind, you can just call me Uncle Zheng." Seeing Jiang Shu salute him like this, Zheng Yanbo laughed, feeling happy in his heart.

"Yes. Uncle Zheng said that above the horse stance is the Daoyin technique. So, is this Daoyin technique announced by our Xia Kingdom, or does it require special application to learn it after the horse stance is perfected?"

"When martial arts students enter university, it is actually a screening of talent. So after the screening is completed, how are the different martial arts resources of the three universities, namely the general university, the heavy university, and the academic university reflected?"

Jiang Shu stood slightly, thought for a moment, and asked two questions.

It is definitely inconvenient to ask about political orders at the Xia State level.

The only thing that can be asked is the guidance technique and martial arts resources.

The former is a method of spiritual practice.

The latter is the wealth of spiritual practice.

Being able to occupy one of them is because the good wind uses its power to send me to the blue clouds.

If you occupy both, it will skyrocket to 90,000 miles.

"According to the government decree, it should be announced next year. But this year's batch of martial arts students, once the horse stance is completed and the blood and qi circulate throughout the body, they can also apply through the school and directly learn the guidance technique."

"As for the resources for martial arts training. The most important ones are the treasures of heaven and earth, and the meat of exotic beasts." When Zheng Yanbo said this, his voice dropped slightly, and he said: "The meat of alien beasts has extremely high energy, and it is the worst alien beast. One kilogram of meat is comparable to ten kilograms of pork belly.”

"After practicing martial arts, a martial artist will have a huge appetite. If he only eats ordinary meat, he will not be hungry, and he will easily produce various impurities, which will affect his subsequent martial arts journey. Therefore, as long as the student can reach the The great circulation of qi and blood, as well as exotic meat, are actually provided stably in both ordinary universities and academic institutions."

"The real difference lies in the precious medicine of heaven and earth. It can be used as a medicinal diet and medicated bath to maximize the strength and blood of a warrior. No matter how many resources there are, it cannot support the large number of people. Different species can also be cultivated through crossbreeding, but the precious medicine requires years, so one plant is less than one plant. Strains. One infinite, one finite.”


One question and one answer.

Some of the doubts in my heart gradually disappeared. Before I knew it, it was almost noon.

"Mr. Zheng, I have arranged a table..."

"You're welcome, Principal Zhang, but I have other things to do at noon, so I'm sorry."

Declining Zhang Taining's invitation, Zheng Yanbo looked at Jiang Shu: "You can remember my mobile phone number. I may not be able to help you in martial arts, but I can still say something about some related matters if the government order allows it. Said."

"I hope Jiang Shu can give me a big surprise when we meet next time."

He stood up and waved goodbye to Zhang Taining and Jiang Shu. "Mr. Zheng, walk slowly."

"Uncle Zheng, walk slowly."

Send Zheng Yanbo out of the school gate and watch the government car drive away.

"Principal Zhang, I'm also going home to practice martial arts."

Jiang Shu spoke, he had no intention of going back to the classroom.

There was too much inside information that he knew today, and he needed to digest it well.

"Okay. You can come back to school if you have time. Principal, I am here to wish you success in your martial arts practice."

Zheng Yanbo was not left behind.

Jiang Shu was not left behind.

Zhang Taining couldn't help but sigh inwardly. He adjusted his mentality and watched Jiang Shu leave.

At this time, outside the campus.

The clouds are white, the mountains are green, the sky is wide and the earth is vast.

The breeze blows slowly, and the leaves on both sides of the street rustle.

Jiang Shu walked on the street, imitating the tiger's walk.

It seems lazy and weak, but in fact, the mind is highly concentrated. The body gathers momentum and executes the Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique, and can deliver a powerful blow at any time.

Zheng Yanbo lives in Shengjing and has seen too many martial arts practitioners. You must know that the practice of Mabu Zhuang is from fast to slow.

From entry to small success, and from great success to perfection, it seems that they have passed through a small stage.

In fact, the difference between the two is as big as clouds and mud.

But even so, his words were mostly encouraging, saying that the school had hope.

Deep down, I must also feel that entering a school is not an easy task.

However, what Zheng Yanbo knew was only the martial arts progress of practicing according to Ma Buzhuang.

He, Jiang Shu, never thought of reaching the great circulation of qi and blood throughout the body through horse-stepping piles!
  Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique.

A hungry tiger sits on a pile in a hole.

This is his current path!

It’s good to have a heavy copy.

But how can it be compared with the only four schools in Xia Kingdom!

If I said that I wanted to be admitted to a university before, it was just to give my parents a surprise.

So now, Jiang Shu has such ambition deep in his heart.

Like weeds growing wildly.

A school is definitely not a symbol of ability and status.

Schools are resources!

The treasure of heaven and earth!

Exotic meat!

This was a cultivation resource that he had never heard of in Pingling County.

Even if there are indeed these resources, they are definitely hidden deep in the county government, and among the big households, they will not be easily obtained by him!
  And in Xuanxing, in Xia Kingdom.

As long as he is admitted to the university.

Such resources are readily available!
  In martial arts, one step is fast, every step is fast!

He, Jiang Shu, must enter the academy!

(End of this chapter)

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