Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 26 A bird without legs will die if it doesn’t fly.

Chapter 26 A bird without legs will die if it doesn’t fly.

"Brother Luo."

"Jiang...junior brother Jiang."

Ever since he fell into the eyes of Mr. Qiu, he successfully managed to transport Qi and blood, and obtained the secret medicine of the Hungry Tiger.

From time to time, Jiang Shu would find Luo Yongcheng looking at him in his spare time, with complicated expressions in his eyes. It was as if he wanted to say something, but was forcibly restrained.

"This month, another senior brother has achieved a breakthrough in the circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body. Without a strong opponent, Brother Luo should be sure of getting the Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine this time."

"Well, I hope so."

Luo Yongcheng's voice was low. After his last defeat and being told clearly by Qiu Lao, his morale had dropped sharply in just one month. His whole person exuded a heavy air of decline, as if he had reached his twilight years.

"Junior Brother Jiang, do you think I really still want to practice martial arts?"

"Brother Luo, do you have a choice?"

As a friend, Jiang Shu naturally knew Luo Yongcheng's true situation.

As the young master of Luo Family Pharmacy, although he was born prematurely and was born with insufficient energy. But after all, he grew up in a well-off family and had no shortage of food and drink. Compared with the refugees who don't have enough to eat, their physical fitness is still much better.

For his sake, his grandfather left Pingling County several times to collect herbs in the mountains.

Finally, two years ago, we successfully formulated a medicated diet - blood-nourishing medicated diet.

Under the nourishment of nourishing medicinal diet, Luo Yongcheng soon became just like ordinary people.

The Luo Family Medicine Store also relied on this medicinal diet to quickly establish a reputation in Pingling County. The amount of silver earned every month is more than ten times that of the past.

However, the ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

In less than half a year, the Luo Family Drug Store was targeted by the wealthy Yao Family. Some gangsters from the outer city and the inner city came to the Luo family medicine shop and stopped everyone who wanted to buy medicinal food.

Anyone who purchases medicinal food will be beaten up on the same day.

Even if he reported it to the police, the county police officers would turn a blind eye.

The rogues only beat people, but did not steal medicine. They were kept in jail for a few days and then quietly released.

Since then, the business of Luo's pharmacy has been getting worse and worse, and they have been relying on some of their past savings.

And Luo Yongcheng, out of anger, came to the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts Hall to practice martial arts, trying to become a martial artist and revive the medicine shop.

Practice diligently day and night, one day at a time, for exactly one year.

It's just that I started too late, and I don't know how long it will take to become a warrior.

"Brother Luo, I heard someone say before that in one part of the world, there is a kind of footless bird. It has no legs, only wings. In this life, it can only fly and cannot land. If you make a desperate move, you will die if you don't fly. "

"In Pingling County, we are the same."

Jiang Shu's voice was very low. On the field, some apprentices were already starting to fight each other.

"If you want to cross the big families in the inner city and the gangs in the outer city, you can only fly, not stop."

After that, he stood quietly. In the first month at the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School, Luo Yongcheng gave him a lot of knowledge about the county's situation, and he became increasingly grateful that he was cautious and never pawned modern items in a pawn shop in Pingling County.

Different from the dynasty counties in previous lives, this is a world where martial arts is paramount.

In addition to the county government, the big family with bone forging realm warriors is Tian Tian of Pingling County.

Most of the pawn shops, drug stores, restaurants, and even martial arts schools in the county are backed by big players.

Cheap things don't fetch high prices in pawn shops.

As for the valuables, I was afraid that someone from a wealthy family would be looking at me as soon as I walked out of the pawn shop.

In Pingling County.

In other words, in this world, the only thing you can do is practice martial arts.

Keep practicing martial arts.

Until it reaches the bone forging realm.

"Next round, Jiang Shu, Yuan Chengcai!"

"It's my turn, Brother Luo, I have no choice."

Jiang Shu took a deep breath and walked to the center of the yard.

The more he understands this world, the luckier he is to be reborn in Xuanxing. In the Xia Kingdom, there is a stable social order. Even though the world is changing now, Xia Kingdom continues to discover talented martial arts practitioners on the basis of maintaining stability.

The martial arts system can be considered extremely fair.

As long as you have talent, you can get martial arts training resources in any university.

But in this world, in Pingling County. The most basic resource for martial arts training, meat, has been firmly monopolized by big players. Ordinary people spend many years of family savings to practice martial arts in martial arts schools. Even if they are unparalleled in talent, they can only become a skin-grinding warrior at most.

and then.

Then naturally he was recruited by the big family and became the worshiper of the big family.

There is no such thing as a dragon-slaying warrior who eventually becomes a dragon. This is the only way for ordinary people.

This is true for every county.

It's a county.

It's a land of one state.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.



After politely hugging each other, Jiang Shu regained his composure. His body swayed slightly, like a hungry tiger about to emerge from its burrow. A pair of eyes, for the first time, condensed with coldness.

It seemed as if the person in front of him was not his fellow disciple.

Rather, it is a prey to be hunted.


Yuan Chengcai roared loudly, jumped up and rushed towards Jiang Shu!

He has lost his energy and blood in the last month.

The first time he came on stage, he was defeated by a few moves. This time, facing Jiang Shu, who was able to move his energy and blood later than him, he was bound to win.

Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine.

It's his turn!
  Jiang Shu turned around and pounced forward from the side.

In public, Jiang Shu would naturally not take out the lime, but the three tiger-shaped moves at the junior level were enough for him to deal with Yuan Chengcai, who was obviously still a beginner.

Yuan Chengcai, who didn't expect Jiang Shu to pounce from the side, was caught off guard.

He was suppressed by Jiang Shu immediately.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After several exchanges of blows, Yuan Chengcai retreated more and more. Jiang Shu is fierce with his fists and kicks. He has killed people before, so he understands the need to contain murderous intent in the third tiger form.

The three postures of tiger shape, the more you shrink back, the more you will bind yourself!

However, in just a few breaths, Yuan Chengcai was violently punched by Jiang Shu, knocking him back three steps and exiting the white circle he drew.

"The winner is Jiang Shu."


Half an hour later.

The boxing fight in the martial arts gym is over.

It seemed that Jiang Shu's words were effective. After taking the stage, Luo Yongcheng became more and more courageous. He won the fist fight and successfully obtained a pair of secret medicine.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Jiang."

When Mr. Qiu finished giving instructions to the apprentices, he returned to the room to rest. Luo Yongxiang made some decision and took the initiative to walk to Jiang Shu.

"Junior Brother Jiang, it's inconvenient to go out..."


Not short of this little time to practice martial arts. Jiang Shu nodded, stretched his body, and followed Luo Yongcheng out of the martial arts hall.

The two walked and soon arrived at Luo's Pharmacy.

The drug store that used to be a prosperous business is now deserted. Only a few rogues were standing guard outside the drug store as usual.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you have seen the situation. If you want to defend my family's medicine shop, only if I become a warrior can I have a chance."

"Last month Qiu Lao praised you, this month you directly won the fist fight. I know that Junior Brother Jiang, you want to practice martial arts, and you are also in urgent need of the secret medicine of the Hungry Tiger. But brother, I...if I can get more than two pairs a month The secret medicine... maybe within two months, it will be able to circulate Qi and blood throughout the body."

"At that time, even if I still can't catch the eyes of Mr. Qiu and can't become a formal disciple, I will still have a pair of Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine every month. The progress of martial arts training will be greatly accelerated."

"I know that for us martial arts practitioners, using money to buy secret medicine is an insult to Junior Brother Jiang. Therefore, I am willing to give our Luo family's secret recipe in exchange for Junior Brother Jiang's secret medicine for the next year. Secret elixir support.”

Inside the drug store.

Luo Yongcheng took out his brush, dipped it in ink, and wrote quickly on a piece of paper.

After a while, he finished writing a secret recipe.

At the top of the secret recipe, there are four words written:
  Nourishing medicinal diet.

 Recommended tomorrow. Please collect it and read it. Just click on the latest chapters every day and scroll to the end. Thank you thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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