Chapter 27: End of friendship (please collect, please read)

"I also know that such a secret recipe for blood-nourishing medicinal diet will not be of any help to Junior Brother Jiang. In Pingling County, the medicinal materials of some value are monopolized by large households. You can only buy some very small quantities at the drug store. , make it into a medicinal diet and sell it, the silver earned is far less than the Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine itself."

"Moreover, doing this can easily attract the attention of big investors and lead to the same path as our Luo family."

"I only need Junior Brother Jiang to promise me one thing. Within one year, I will hide the fact that I have the secret recipe for nourishing blood. If I, Luo Yongcheng, cannot become a warrior within one year, the Luo Family Pharmacy will naturally cease to exist. I will secretly lead him I left Pingling County with my family."

"When the time comes, you can do whatever you want with this blood-nourishing medicinal diet."

Luo Yongcheng picked up the secret recipe of nourishing medicinal diet and took a deep breath.

My grandfather was old and could not afford to fall ill due to great joy and sorrow.

My father and mother take care of me day and night, and the business in the drug store is getting worse every day.

If this continues, in less than a year, the family will be like ordinary people, with no money left to save and having to run around for three meals a day.

When things came to this, he had no other choice.

Junior Brother Jiang is right, he is that footless bird, he is desperate and will die when he lands.

I hope my ancestors will bless me, and after taking enough Hungry Tiger secret medicine, I can successfully be promoted to a skin-grinding realm warrior within a year.

If this is the case, not only can he solve the problem at his own pharmacy, but he can also redeem the secret recipe of blood-nourishing medicinal diet from Junior Brother Jiang and minimize the loss.

As for Junior Brother Jiang's martial arts progress, although it will be temporarily slow, I will also supply him with some more silver coins afterwards, which should be enough.

Thought to himself, Luo Yongcheng looked at Jiang Shu, his eyes full of hope.

He wished he could hear Jiang Shu respond with a good word in the next sentence.

However, even after a few breaths passed.

In front of him, Jiang Shu still stood calmly, showing no intention of taking the secret recipe from his hand.

"Brother Luo."

After a long while, Jiang Shu shook his head and said: "If the Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine was just my martial arts training resource, I would definitely help you with your request. Unfortunately, the Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine is far from as simple as it seems on the surface. "

"Have you ever thought about why Mr. Qiu wants us to spar every month? As a strong man in the Bone Forging Realm, is it interesting to watch us warriors who are not even in the Skin-Drug Realm spar? He can definitely do that. If you don’t show up, you just need to prepare the secret medicine of the Hungry Tiger, let us fight each other, and the winner will take the secret medicine, so why bother."

"I guess that Mr. Qiu will definitely use our martial arts progress to see our martial arts talents. The faster the martial arts progress, the greater the chance of breaking through the great circulation of qi and blood throughout the body, the better the chance of becoming a formal disciple of the martial arts gym!"

"Judging from my two months of practicing martial arts at the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts Hall, Mr. Qiu values ​​talent first and vision second."

"Just like Han Dali. Although his talent is good, his vision is too low. If he hadn't sold his body to Zhou's restaurant and didn't covet the three kilograms of meat every day. Being admired by Mr. Qiu, he might even be in a year's time. Within, you will be able to circulate Qi and blood throughout your body and become an official disciple of Mr. Qiu. In the future, you will become a warrior and reach the skin-scaling realm."

"At that time, you won't be able to go to any restaurants. You won't be able to eat any meat."

"But his vision is too narrow and his eyesight is short-sighted, so he can only be trapped in a small Zhou family restaurant for the rest of his life. No matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to become a warrior."

Jiang Shu paused for a moment when he said this. The meaning of his words was already obvious. That is to say, Luo Yongcheng said this to himself, and he still thought about some friendship.

If Zhou Yang came to buy the Hungry Tiger secret medicine in his hand, it would be considered extremely polite for Jiang Shu to turn around and leave.

"Actually, if you want to keep the medicine shop, I think Brother Luo should give the blood-nourishing medicinal diet to Mr. Qiu as a thank you gift and ask Mr. Qiu to come forward. Mr. Qiu is the only forger in Pingling County who relies on martial arts to establish a medicine shop and does not rely on any big family. A Bone Realm warrior. He will definitely be able to speak in front of big people."

"As for you, it doesn't matter if you become a warrior. Are warriors in the skin-grinding realm very powerful? A warrior with incredible strength is nothing more than a worshiper in a big family. How many worshippers can there be in a big family?"

"Brother Luo, your family's idea has been wrong from the beginning. Your family has always only treated diseases, and does not understand business, martial arts, or monopoly. Will a big family covet a small blood-nourishing medicinal meal from your family? What? Are they a wealthy family? Of those children from wealthy families, none of them have ever eaten medicated food or taken medicated baths since childhood. How does the Luo family's blood-nourishing medicated food compare with their martial arts resources?"

"What the big family wants is never nourishing blood and medicinal food, but monopolizing all the ways for ordinary people to practice martial arts. If you want to practice martial arts, you can only worship the big family and be exploited by the big family."

Very light words, deafening.

Luo Yongcheng never thought about this. He had always thought that big business owners thought their drug stores were making money and were coveting their blood-nourishing medicinal foods.

The pupils in his eyes were extremely dilated.

He doesn't believe it.

I don’t want to believe it either!
  If what Jiang Shu said is true, then what does everything he has done this year count?
  Practice martial arts?

What if, you only need to give the secret recipe of blood-nourishing medicinal diet to Mr. Qiu as a teacher-appreciation gift?

Why does he still practice martial arts?
  You can do this on the first day of practicing martial arts when you enter the martial arts gym!
  Clenching his hands, Luo Yongcheng's breath was disordered. He was breathing heavily and stared at Jiang Shu: "How do you know that Mr. Qiu will not directly swallow my blood-nourishing medicinal diet like the Yao family did!"

"Brother Luo, how does your blood-nourishing medicated diet compare to the Hungry Tiger's Secret Medicine? Mr. Qiu has the recipe for the Hungry Tiger's Secret Medicine. Does he still need your blood-nourishing medicated diet to enhance the beauty of the martial arts hall?"

"Only when he catches the eye of Qiu Lao, and with this gift, there is a chance that he will come to help. He will directly give the secret recipe, and he also wants Qiu Lao's help. Do you look down on Mr. Qiu, or do you look down on those big businessmen?"

He was afraid that Qiu Lao would swallow the blood-nourishing medicinal food, but he was not afraid that Jiang Shu would swallow the blood-nourishing medicinal food.

You don’t even believe in the friendship between a master and a disciple who have been together for a year, but you will believe in the friendship between a friend who has been together for two months?
  Jiang Shu frowned slightly, his words already filled with indifference.

"Jiang Shu! You're talking nonsense! It's because you don't want to give me the Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine! You're afraid it will affect your martial arts path! You're selfish!"

"I'm not wrong! If I were a warrior, I could be a worshiper of any big family. The Yao family wants the secret formula of nourishing medicinal diet from my Luo family medicine shop! I will go find another family, and there will always be a big family who will stand up for me!"

"I just want to keep this secret recipe, what's wrong with me!"

"You can't hold it."

Looking at Luo Yongcheng who was already hysterical, even though he gave the most reliable advice, he didn't listen at all and was only immersed in his own world.

Jiang Shu shook his head, said the last words, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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