Chapter 30 Official Disciple
  He seemed to notice that Jiang Shu was in a bad mood.

Zhou Yang, who had always been a bit chatty, rarely spoke much and just silently led the way straight to Zhou's Restaurant.

"Hello, Master."

The waiter at the door of the restaurant saw Zhou Yang coming and hurried over to say hello.

Zhou Yang nodded, waved and whispered a few words, then led Jiang Shu into a private room.

After two sticks of incense, a waiter finally took the plate and placed the dishes on the table.

"Brother Jiang, let me introduce to you. This is red-haired sheep's mutton. Red-haired sheep are the most aggressive and have delicious meat. Each time, it has to be cooked over high heat for more than half an hour."

"Too bad."

Zhou Yang introduced one, Jiang Shu tasted one, and kept making comments.

"Too bitter."

"Too bitter."

"Too dull."

Whether it is the earth in the previous life or the Xuanxing in this life, there are countless delicacies that have emerged.

Although he is not a gourmet, Jiang Shu can hit the nail on the head when it comes to the dishes at Zhou Family Restaurant.

In terms of martial arts, this world may be far ahead of Xuanxing.

But in terms of food, it seems to be far inferior.

At least, that's the case in Pingling County.

There is definitely a huge market for salt, monosodium glutamate, and spices here.

Secretly thinking about his next plan to make money, Jiang Shu put his chopsticks aside.

"Brother Jiang...that's not the case."

Zhou Yang picked up a few chopsticks of meat. No matter how he ate it, he felt that the master who was cooking the spoon today was very good at his craftsmanship.

He looked at Jiang Shu, a bitter look on his face that could not be dissipated. If he didn't know Jiang Shu as a person, and if he hadn't taken the initiative to invite Jiang Shu to the restaurant this time, he would have thought that Jiang Shu was here to amuse him.

The food at his Zhou Family Restaurant is bad?

In the entire Pingling County, there are only a few restaurants where you can eat!

"Forget it for today. The day after I become an official disciple, I will come to your restaurant and cook some dishes for you. If you think these dishes taste good, we can sit down and talk business."

"If you think the taste is not as good as the ones on the wine table, then just pretend I didn't say anything today."

Jiang Shu smiled and didn't explain much.

For those who have never eaten delicious food, no matter how others describe it, it will be pale.

Only by eating it in your mouth and feeling the beating of your taste buds can you know what real deliciousness is.

Salt, monosodium glutamate, and spices can all be prepared by yourself step by step.

This business should be possible.

"Hehe, then Brother Jiang is coming and let me know in advance so that I can have the kitchen people prepare the ingredients as soon as possible." Zhou Yang actually didn't really believe that Jiang Shu could cook.

Cooking is a real skill.

In his opinion, a master who can prepare dishes is more powerful than a martial artist who can sense Qi and blood.

Brother Jiang may be very talented in martial arts.

As for cooking... If you don't practice hard for seven or eight years, what kind of flowers can you make?
  But there is no way, who makes Brother Jiang have such talent in martial arts.

Someone who will definitely become a formal disciple.

You'd better be nice to yourself.

When the time comes, even if the cooking is not satisfactory, I will finish it all!
  "Stop talking, let's toast to Brother Jiang first. I wish Brother Jiang a great circulation of energy and blood throughout his body as soon as possible and become an official disciple!"

After pouring a small glass of wine into the wine cup, Zhou Yang raised the glass and faced Jiang Shu.

"I won't drink anymore."

Jiang Shu raised his glass, touched the empty glass to Zhou Yang, and said, "I also wish Zhou's restaurant a prosperous business in the future."


Five days later.

A drizzle enveloped the entire Pingling County.

Inside the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School.

There were still about a dozen apprentices standing there, breathing like tigers. After the Qi and blood have been transferred, any light rain falling on the body will be evaporated immediately by the billowing Qi and blood.

Martial arts practitioners will not suffer from wind and cold due to being caught in the rain.

Jiang Shu walked out of Crooked Snake Alley and walked all the way to Hungry Tiger Martial Arts Hall in the rain.

This time, he did not stand in his own place to breathe as usual.

Instead, he walked straight to the maid outside Qiu Lao's house and said, "Sister, please go in and tell me that my apprentice Jiang Shu has mastered the three techniques of martial arts today. His energy and blood are circulating throughout his body. I would like to ask to see Qiu Lao."

He recognized Jiang Shu as the apprentice that Mr. Qiu had been praising for the past two months.

The maid didn't say anything more, knocked on the door, then slightly opened the door a little, leaned sideways and squeezed in.

half an hour.

Only then came Mr. Qiu's vague voice mixed with a mouthful of phlegm from inside the room:

"Come in."

The door creaked open.

The maid stood aside, leaning down slightly.

Jiang Shu took a step forward and glanced around subconsciously.

Unlike what he imagined, Qiu Lao's house was extremely simple. There is a room of nearly thirty square meters, but there is only one bed and one table, making it look extremely empty.

On the wall, there is a picture of a hungry tiger descending from the mountain.

I don't know who painted it.

"I've met Mr. Qiu."

Jiang Shu said in a deep voice after bowing respectfully to Mr. Qiu who was sitting on the bed.

He tried to calm his heartbeat. Although he had fantasized about this scene for a long time, standing here, he still felt that his heart was turbulent, like the lapping of a wave.

After all, if he successfully becomes an official disciple.

This means that he can continuously take the Hungry Tiger's secret medicine to improve himself, and can truly learn the martial arts of the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School.

I just don’t know what the upper limit of martial arts in a martial arts school is.

Bone forging?

Still practice dirty.

How does it compare to the guidance technique in the future academy?
  "You have achieved great success in practicing, raising and fighting. Do you want to become an official disciple?"

Qiu Lao paused, glanced at Jiang Shu, and continued:

"But think carefully. Official disciples of martial arts schools are no better than apprentices. As an apprentice, you come to my Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School to practice martial arts today, and you can also go to Baihe Martial Arts School or Antelope Martial Arts School tomorrow. As long as you pay the money, the martial arts master They will all accept it.”

"But as a formal disciple, I not only need to record it in the county government, but also announce that you will be accepted as my disciple in front of all the martial arts masters in the county. From then on, you will be an official disciple of Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School, and you need to guard your body when you go out. In the name of my Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School, I will kill whoever I humiliate."

"I ask you one last time, are you willing to join the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School and become an official disciple of my Qiu Hai sect?"


Jiang Shu spoke concisely and to the point without any hesitation.

In Pingling County, he had no other choice.

If you want to practice martial arts, in addition to martial arts schools, you can only go to big households or county offices.

The martial arts school is the best path for him.

It's also the only path he can take.

"There's just something I need to tell Mr. Qiu first. I'm not from Pingling County. After I was separated from my parents in my early years, I followed the refugee team all the way to Pingling County... If I want to record it in the county government, the household registration... …”

Jiang Shu lowered his head. This matter was still a bit difficult for him now.

But for Mr. Qiu, it must be just a matter of words.

Household registration status is extremely important.

With a household registration, he can study in the inner city and improve his proficiency in the Dajing Dynasty language and writing to a high level as soon as possible.

In the future, we can also go beyond Pingling County.

Go to a larger county.

Even the state city.

(End of this chapter)

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