Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 31 Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound! The hungry tiger is roaring like a mountain!

Chapter 31 Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound! The hungry tiger is roaring like a mountain! (please collect)
  The Dajing Dynasty was extremely strict on household registration management.

Even if it is a county, if you want to live in the county, you need to have a household registration.

Not to mention the larger county and state cities.

"It's a small thing, it doesn't matter."

Not paying attention to such trivial matters at all, Qiu Hai waved his hands and stood up from the bed. He walked around Jiang Shu and said slowly: "I remember, Mr. Jiang, it's only been three months since you came to my Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School to practice martial arts." .”

"Exactly March."

Jiang Shu raised his head and met Mr. Qiu's gaze without any evasion.

For many apprentices in martial arts schools, it would take more than a full year to reach the full circulation of qi and blood throughout the body, even if they have sufficient martial arts training resources.

And he joined the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School, and it only took three months from entry to attainment.

All three methods are still accomplished.

On what basis.

Of course he is an outstanding talent!

From the beginning, he thought very clearly about the four elements of practice: Dharma, wealth, companionship, and land.

Law is the most important.

Dharma is the real way to advance in this world.

But if you want to get the Dharma, you must fight for it and you must be a genius.

This is the case in Pingling County.

The same is true in Xuanxing.

"Yes. Do you know why I need to master the three tiger forms before I can accept him as a formal disciple?"

"I don't know."

Jiang Shu stood very honestly, with his ears pricked up, listening to Qiu Lao's teachings.

"Because, the three postures of Hungry Tiger Sitting on the Hole Stake, Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique, and Tiger Form are themselves split from the core martial arts technique "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Strength". The completion of these three techniques is the minimum requirement for practicing this technique. threshold."

"Among all beasts, leopards train their strength, and tigers train their bones. A hungry tiger roars in the mountains, taking the shape and meaning of a tiger, containing murderous intent, to train its muscles and bones."

Outside, it was drizzling.

Qiu Hai had a stooped figure and stood in front of Jiang Shu. Using the big spine on his back as the core, he moved his limbs and bones. His movements were very slow. As he spoke, a low voice came out from his bones, like thunder in the mountains. Buzzing.

Tiger and leopard thunder sound!

"There are so many martial arts in Dajing. In the chapter on strength, "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Strength" is truly among the top 100 martial arts. After a small amount of success, you can step into the bone forging realm and exercise your whole body. If one day Once you have practiced it perfectly, you will be like an old man, with a body like a tiger, and your muscles and bones roaring in unison."

"Of course, this step is still too far away for you. The current practice is also to let you know the martial arts, as wide as the world. The three methods are perfect, but you can't even get started. Don't think that you have some talent, so you are arrogant. I don’t think practicing martial arts is easy. Are you literate?”

"I know."

"If you wait a few months, I will ask you to practice the three methods to perfection first, build up strength, and then practice the "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Strength". The three methods come from the same lineage, and they are practiced separately, which reduces the entry level. It’s difficult. But your talent is quite good, so I’ll give you the first article on skin grinding to get you started as soon as possible.”

"No copying is allowed, no external transmission is allowed, just read here, remember when, and when go out."

He took out a blue-covered book with several hundred pages from under the pillow and threw it to Jiang Shu. He pointed to the table and chairs on the side, and Qiu Hai walked out of the room with his hands behind his back.

Jiang Shu sat upright and turned a page.

The first page I saw was a diagram of the meridians of the human body. The bottom of the page clearly stated in tiny characters where the energy started to flow and where it ended.

Pay close attention and look at every part of the picture carefully.

Half an hour flies by. The sound of drizzle sounded clearly in Jiang Shu's ears, and he murmured in a low voice: "I don't know if this panel is not smart, or if I am not talented enough in martial arts."

The content of the first chapter of "The Hungry Tiger Roaring the Mountain" was actually not much about the skin-grinding realm, but the meridians completely touched his blind spot of knowledge, and it took him a lot of time to fully memorize it. But even so, the martial arts was still not recorded on the panel, which made him a little disappointed.

"It seems to be different from what I guessed. It doesn't mean that after you get the skills, you only need to remember them to record the panel. The panel is more like a talent that God rewards hard work. Only when you really get started can you have it. You are qualified to work hard and gain something.”

"Let's set a time of three to five days and try first to see if you can realize the power on your own. If not, you should practice the three methods to perfection and cultivate the power. Then practice "The Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain" "Jin", it's a bit troublesome. But for me who have a panel, this method is actually the safest."

Closing the blue book, Jiang Shu stood up, left the table and chair, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and the meridian diagram reappeared in his mind.

He was not in a hurry to go out. He stood like a tiger and breathed like a tiger, trying to move the energy and blood according to the way of force movement.


In the courtyard.

The scene of Jiang Shu walking into Mr. Qiu's room had already caught the eyes of a dozen apprentices.

But all the apprentices only communicated privately, and no one dared to secretly ask the maid what the specific situation was.

When Mr. Qiu walked out of the room, the apprentices were even more focused. They were either fighting each other with fists and kicks, or standing still and breathing, trying to make a good impression in front of Mr. Qiu.

I hope to become an official disciple soon.

No matter how bad it is, I still want to be rewarded with a pair or two of the Hungry Tiger's secret medicine.

Only Luo Yongcheng was feeling anxious and anxious. He stood still and breathed, but his eyes glanced at Qiu Lao's room from time to time.

Jiang Shu, why haven’t you come out yet?
  If you have something to report, you should come out with Mr. Qiu.

He is still inside now. Could it be that he has become an official disciple?

When they were fighting, wasn't he at the same level as him? How come it only took a few days to achieve a breakthrough in the circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body?

While Luo Yongcheng was thinking wildly, Jiang Shu walked out of the room and whispered a few words to Mr. Qiu. Mr. Qiu nodded repeatedly, and then said: "Since you have officially become a disciple, you can just call me Master Qiu from now on."

Under the eaves, Qiu Hai stood up from the recliner, looked at the apprentices below, and said, "Jiang Shu, I have been accepted as an official disciple."

"In three days, I will hold a disciple acceptance ceremony at the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School. You guys are responsible for notifying the other apprentices. They must all be present."

Although there has been speculation.

But Qiu Lao's solemn announcement was undoubtedly like a giant hammer hitting Luo Yongcheng's chest.

All kinds of thoughts came out in his mind instantly.

If his relationship with Jiang Shu had not broken down, then now, as Jiang Shu's official disciple, he would not even mention bringing his own medicine shop back to life.

At the very least, I can have some more time to breathe.

Moreover, given the relationship at the time. Jiang Shu is an official disciple, so it shouldn't be difficult for you to buy part of the Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine from him.

Why is it like this now?

Luo Yongcheng froze on the spot.

The rain in Pingling County is a bit heavier.

He watched Jiang Shugong send Mr. Qiu back to his room.

Watching Jiang Shu stand quietly and breathe when he came out again.

The distance between the two is only ten steps.

But it seems like they are thousands of miles apart.

(End of this chapter)

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