Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 34: It’s over, just brush off your clothes and go away

Chapter 34: It’s over, just brush off your clothes and go away

"Brother Jiang, you will be my brother from now on!"

Zhou Family Restaurant.

Inside the room.

The dishes on the table exude a charming aroma.

Zhou Yang never expected that after Jiang Shu put the small white crystals into the dishes, these originally tasteless dishes would actually add the ultimate umami flavor.

If Jiang Shu hadn't been there, he wouldn't have been able to help but feast.

With such a secret recipe, there is no need to worry about the business of your restaurant not being prosperous.

"Don't do this. I've tasted the food. Let's discuss it with your father. In this cooperation, should I buy a stake in your Zhou Family Restaurant, or should you guys buy my salt and MSG alone?"

Jiang Shu sat at the main seat and tasted the dishes slowly. After completing the apprenticeship ceremony yesterday, his identity has undergone a qualitative change, and for the first time he has personally felt the prestige of Qiu Lao.

In the small courtyard, there was an endless stream of gifts of all kinds. Merchants from some shops even stood guard at the door, begging for his name.

Some concubines from wealthy families also sent invitations to meet at Yunquefang.

Jiang Shu didn't know how warriors were treated.

But now he is extremely sure that with the same great circulation of energy and blood throughout his body, the worlds that formal disciples and ordinary apprentices come into contact with are two different worlds!

In the martial arts hall, those apprentices like him are still working hard on a pair of Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine for more than a month.

And now he can use five taels of silver to buy a pair from Mr. Qiu every three to five days.

Although ordinary apprentices can also name themselves in the shop, they basically have to sit in the shop and keep the shop.

But I only need to spread the news that I am named in this store.

An ordinary apprentice only has about ten taels of silver in his name.

As for myself, the one who quoted the lowest price was thirty taels of silver.

In one day, their identities were completely different.

I am just a formal disciple of the Great Circulation of Qi and Blood all over my body, so I can receive such treatment. I am a precarious refugee living in Crooked Snake Alley in the outer city.

Now that I live in the inner city, I can be a guest in a shop as soon as I open my mouth.

What if he becomes a skin-grinding warrior in the future?

Although the status of warriors has been infinitely overestimated.

But judging from yesterday's situation, I still underestimated it.

There should also be some small changes to the plan.

"Buy shares! Fifty-fifty!"

After Jiang Shu finished speaking, Zhou Yang spoke eagerly. If you are an ordinary person, Zhoujia Restaurant will ask you how to make these salt and MSG.

For ordinary martial arts practitioners, Zhou Family Restaurant will adopt a cooperative model, with a 19% share. After all, a restaurant has to pay a lot of costs. The waiter, the chef, and the meat, fruits and vegetables all don’t need money.

But facing Jiang Shu, it must be divided into 50 and 50.

How can we show sincerity in cooperation if we don't split it 50-50? Jiang Shu is confident in salt and MSG, and Zhou Yang is even more confident!

With all this salt and MSG, the dishes at their Zhou Family Restaurant can be several percent more expensive!
  There won’t be fewer customers, there will only be more!
  Who can come to a restaurant to eat, who can afford this little money?

Food, isn't it just a taste that you can't taste at home?

"Fifty-five percent is less, let's give it thirty-seven percent, you restaurant number three."

"Brother thirty-seven points."

The wine in the wine glass in Zhou Yang's hand almost spilled out, and his chubby face was about to twist together.

At 50% to 50%, he can still make the decision. If he talks to his father and works hard, he can basically succeed. But 30% to 70%, let alone the fact that Jiang Shu is only experiencing great circulation of Qi and blood throughout his body, even if he is a warrior in the skin-grinding realm, his father will not agree.

This is too...

"Do you think it's me, the lion? Go ahead and write the contract. 50% goes to my master, 30% goes to the restaurant, and 20% goes to me." Looking at Zhou Yang's posture, Jiang Shu knew what he was thinking. After becoming a formal disciple, he understood the inner city better than before.

Skin grinding realm, bone forging realm, internal organs training realm.

In any big household, there is a strong person in the mid to late stage of Bone Forging Realm.

The county magistrate in the county government cannot come out, and the warriors in the late stage of bone forging realm are the gods of Pingling County.

The realm of martial arts is one realm and one heaven.

The gap between the Bone Forging Realm and the Skin Polishing Realm is even greater than the gap between the Skin Polishing Realm and the great circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body.

Salt and MSG, if they are just a small deal, can only increase the restaurant's profits by 10% or 20%.

But is it possible?

"If the business of Zhoujia Restaurant is booming because of salt and MSG, what will the big players in the county do? Think of Luojia Pharmacy."

Jiang Shu lowered his voice and said:
  "On the contract, it says 30-70 points. But in reality, we divide it 40-60 points. Your restaurant has four points, my master has five points, and I only get one of them."

"My master's 50% may not be all taken, and some may be given to other martial arts schools or big families. But you, the Zhou family, don't have to worry about this. You only need to prepare the dishes."


After settling all matters, hand over the contract of Zhou Family Restaurant to Master Qiu Lao.

In the small courtyard, Jiang Shu took a deep breath of air, and with a thought, returned to Xuanxing.

Qingjiang Garden.

Room 301.

Looking at the familiar room layout, Jiang Shu felt relaxed.

During this period of time, he has not rested. In the martial arts, he has mastered the three techniques of training, training and fighting in the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School. He has obtained the status of a formal disciple and obtained the "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Strength" practiced in the skin-grinding realm.

In terms of financial resources, although the cooperation with Zhou Family Restaurant will only yield 10% of the profit, with the passage of time, Zhou Family Restaurant will surely gradually become the hen that lays golden eggs.

Moreover, as a formal disciple, he is qualified to touch gold in Pingling County. Reselling it in the two worlds is also a large sum of money, as long as he pays a little attention to the exchange of gold in the inner city.

Now, all I have to do is practice the horse stance to perfection so that I can enter the school without taking the exam before the college entrance examination.

Jiang Shu thought to himself.

He had thought several times about which university to enter.

Shengjing Academy is located in the political center and has many dignitaries. As the number one academy in the Xia Kingdom, its martial arts teachers and resources are definitely ranked number one. But inside, politics must still be greater than martial arts.

No regime can put personal force above politics.

Donghai Academy is located in the most prosperous financial city in Xia Kingdom, and no other region can compare with it economically. The top martial arts resources may be lacking a little, but the basic resources are definitely abundant.

Tianshu Academy, formerly the Tianshu Military Academy, produced countless generals. Even now, there are military officers who talk about the cradle. The competition is fierce and fair, and with his ability, it is not difficult to get ahead.

As for Jiangnan University, which is closest to home, there are many literati. Its professors have even won the World Literature Award. In the literary world, Jiangnan University is a real shining pearl.

But from the perspective of martial arts, Jiangnan Academy has no advantages at all compared to the other three universities.

"Ask your parents for their opinion."

"It's almost a foregone conclusion, and I can reveal my own strength. I just don't know how my parents will feel after knowing that their son can go to school."

Unable to help but smile, Jiang Shu pushed the door open as he thought of how hard his parents had been working earlier and later.

His parents raised him for nearly eighteen years.

The years that followed.

It's his turn.

 I asked the editor today, and the reading is a bit low. Brothers who keep books, remember to click to the last page every day, thank you very much! ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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