Chapter 35: Three Hundred Million Years of Genetic Locks (seeking for further reading)
  Put your phone in your pants pocket.



The weather is getting hotter, and many beautiful scenery lines have appeared on the street. From time to time, enchanting curves are reflected in Jiang Shu's eyes.

Dad Jiang Yongyi took a big order and had to send the customer to the next city. He wouldn't be able to come back for a while.

Sister Jiang Yanyue was shopping in the mall with her best friends.

Jiang Shu walked in the city and went straight to his mother's clothing store.

"Sister Xu, has your rent increased too?"

"It's gone up. Now everything has gone up, but wages haven't. Fewer and fewer people are buying clothes. Anyway, that's it. These days, I just stay in the store and don't get exposed to the wind, sun or rain. It’s pretty good. I don’t make much, just enough for my family.”

"Hey, it's the same. After online shopping, no one comes to my house to buy clothes. By the way, I heard someone say, is your son going to take the college entrance examination this year? What university does he plan to apply for..."

"Oh, his dad and I really don't care about this. If the child is happy, he can go wherever he wants. Today's children are not like we used to. They all have their own ideas. As long as he is happy, that's all."

"That can't be said. After you go to a good university, won't you enjoy a little more happiness in the future? My son's results in this mock test are very good, and he said that he has a chance to win a major! I see, he is just bragging. Usually He is only one of the top 10 in the class, so how can he take a heavy textbook? I guess it’s just one book at a time."

"One book is not enough. I also wish that my daughter could take the exam. I told her before that Jicheng University is very good if it is easier to study. It is close to home, so you can come back and sleep when you want. She turned out to be fine. I kept quiet, didn't take the high school entrance examination, and set up a quota for admission to the first high school. Now that's good, I might get a high-level entrance exam in the future and have to go to another city for college, hey..."

Listening to his mother Versailles's counterattack, Jiang Shu, who had not yet entered the clothing store, couldn't help laughing.

I have to say that the existence of my younger sister Jiang Yanyue has indeed given my parents a lot of bragging rights.

Ever since I was a child, whenever someone wanted to talk about their academic performance in school in front of their parents, Jiang Yanyue would be instantly killed if they mentioned it a little bit.

Recommended to Jicheng No. 1 High School.

This kind of learning ability, as long as you don't commit suicide in high school, will be a solid foundation.

On the other hand, I...have never brought anything to my parents.

However, that was before, not anymore.

Sure enough, as soon as my mother's words came out, there was only laughter on the other side.


Jiang Shu took a step forward and shouted to Xu Lizhi.

"Sister Guo, we won't talk any more, our son is here."

When Xu Lizhi saw Jiang Shu, her face lit up with joy, she spoke to the middle-aged woman beside her, and immediately walked towards Jiang Shu.

"Who was that just now?" Jiang Shu glanced at the clothes hanging on the hangers in the store, chatting casually with his mother, and asked after seeing the middle-aged woman leaving.

"Right next to it, there is a new tenant who sells children's clothing. Everyone's business is not doing well, so we just sat down to chat and pass the time. Xiao Shu, why didn't you go to practice martial arts today?"

"I'm tired from practicing. Come and see you. Business is not going well anyway, so my son will take you out for a walk. You have worked hard for so long, so take a rest."

Xu Lizhi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

Business is important.

There is no end to business.

As a parent, you never have enough time with your children. Especially after she opened the store, she made some money at first, but her children were still young at that time and she couldn't take care of both. Therefore, until now, she feels guilty towards Jiang Shu and Jiang Yanyue.

If my son makes a request, he will definitely not refuse.

After packing up the things in the store and putting all the cash in her bag, Xu Lizhi closed the door and followed Jiang Shu towards Yingtai Mall.

The first floor of the mall is mostly filled with gold and silver jewelry, luxury goods and expensive cosmetics.

Jiang Shu remained calm and took his mother around the first floor on the grounds that Xu Lizhi had never been here before.

"Xiao Shu, I heard Yan Yan say a few days ago that there seem to be some martial arts-related movies recently. How about we go upstairs and watch a movie. Just watch a movie, and your mother can follow the trend."

"That's fine. I don't pay much attention to movies anymore. Let's ask Yan Yan what the movie is called."

Jiang Shu secretly noted the area where his mother's gaze focused on just now, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Yanyue. Changcaoyan Tuanzi: "Shocked (dog head)! Watch a movie!!! Jiang Shu, you single guy, what movie are you watching? Tell me, which young lady are you with... Wuwuwu..."

Jiang Shu: "With your mother."

Chang Caoyan Tuanzi: "?! [scratches head] No, do you think you are humorous?"

Jiang Shu: "Really."

Jiang Shu raised his phone to take a photo with his mother and clicked send.

Changcaoyan Tuanzi: "..."

"Sure enough, I knew that the only one who could watch movies with you, a single person like you, is my mother. Wow, you really caught up with me at the right time. "Martial Arts Era" is the most popular movie in Xia Guo right now. , the special effects are full, and the lineup is full of movie kings and queens."

"It's a pity that Ye Zhenzhen was born at the wrong time. She only became famous at a young age and can only appear in a friendly role for a few minutes. Otherwise, I would have to go to the cinema to watch her!"

"Low EQ: I have no money and can't afford movie tickets. High EQ: My idol was born at the wrong time and is just a friendly star. I don't watch it."



In the movie hall.

The occupancy rate was as high as 80%, and Jiang Shu and his mother were sitting in the corner.

After a while, the movie officially started.

On the screen, a giant cruise ship moved steadily forward on the calm sea.

The camera looks down, focuses little by little, and zooms in.

Follow the guests on the deck to the interior of the cruise ship.

A huge crystal chandelier hangs in the center, the interior is magnificent, and the aroma of the food on the table seems to penetrate through the screen and reach the tip of everyone's nose.

Men and women interacted, sang and danced, just like a paradise on earth.

Under the soothing piano sound, not only the characters in the movie, but also the audience outside the movie relaxed.

Time passes, outside the cruise ship, the sea is thousands of miles away, and the bright moon hangs high.

The camera turned, from the calm sea level, all the way down.

Twenty meters underwater, all kinds of familiar fish are looking for food. Coral reefs thrive here and are dazzling.

Sixty meters underwater, a pod of killer whales swam past.

One hundred and twenty meters underwater...

Two giant deep-sea octopuses are mating.

But after mating, the male octopus did not leave immediately.

Nor do female octopuses eat male octopuses, as some scientists have discovered.

The eight tentacles unfolded, and two giant octopuses measuring five to six meters long lived in harmony, as if nothing had happened.

In the corner, Jiang Shu, who originally didn't care about the plot of the movie, clenched his hands suddenly.

That day Zheng Yanbo's words rang in his ears again: "Some wild animals seem to have entered a channel of rapid evolution."

At this moment, he finally understood this sentence.

Jiang Shu's eyes were fixed on the screen, no longer as relaxed as before.

It is very possible that these two giant octopuses have...

It opened up and trapped their group.

Three hundred million years of genetic lock!
  (End of this chapter)

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