Chapter 50 School Choice
  Jiang Shu——

Dajing Dynasty Language/Text: Xiaocheng (300/1000)

Mabu Zhuang: Perfect (10/1000)

Hungry tiger sitting on the hole pile: Dacheng (600/1000)

Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique: Dacheng (600/1000)
  Three Tiger Forms: Perfection (10/1000)
  With Qi Yuan's feeding skills and the blessing of fox and bear meat, Jiang Shu has made great progress in practicing the three techniques of fighting, and the three tiger forms have been perfected today.

The bright moon shines slantingly in the small courtyard.

Jiang Shu looks like a tiger, and behind him, the scent of fox and bear on the barbecue grill fills the air.

Qi Yuan did not sit on the chair. He, who had long since become a hungry tiger, crouched like a tiger and picked up a piece of meat skewers, the aroma was fragrant.

He also didn't expect that the barbecue cooked by his junior brother would be so delicious.

After brushing with sesame oil and sprinkling several spices on the meat, it turned out that the meat of fox and bear was difficult to eat in the past.

Under this set of operations, the essence becomes a superb delicacy.

What a hard life I had before!
  Fortunately, I have a younger brother.

It's a pity that the fox and bear meat is not enough for him to eat alone.

With the addition of Jiang Shu, the daily consumption is even greater.

Within five days, about half of the fox bear meat he bought on the black market was eaten by the two of them.

"Junior brother, you have perfected the three tiger postures, but your anger is still not strong enough!"

Qi Yuan narrowed his eyes, he jumped up and quit drinking for five days. He spent about an hour longer every day practicing martial arts than before.

The whole body's strength was running, and he punched.

"The martial arts in our Pingling County martial arts school is basically about visualizing birds and animals. The martial arts in the Xinggui Martial Arts School focuses on a stable mind. The martial arts in the Antelope Martial Arts School focuses on an alert mind."

"So those with a peaceful mind should go to the Xuangui Martial Arts School to practice martial arts. They are from a humble background and are cautious, so they usually practice martial arts at the Antelope Martial Arts School. Only by matching martial arts with your mind can you make rapid progress."

"In our Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School, the main character is killing. When a Hungry Tiger sits in a hole, it is brewing murderous intent. The violent aura is not strong, and the murderous aura is not strong. If you practice "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Power", you are naturally weaker."

Qi Yuan pointed at Jiang Shu while punching, and punched out with murderous intent. Ever since he and Jiang Shu talked all night, it seemed as if an invisible shackles were gradually being broken off of him.

He is a true Pingling County native.

Having lived in Pingling County for twenty years, he knows Pingling County better than Jiang Shu!

Big house.

County government.

It was more like a barrier than the big mountain in the distance, lying in front of him and in his heart.

In this world, in this county.

As peaceful as a turtle?
  As timid and cautious as an antelope?
  What's the use!
  Since you want to practice martial arts.

Then come out of the cave like a tiger!
  Qi Yuan's blows became smoother and smoother, roaring from time to time, and all his strength was circulating. Suddenly, his strength seemed to have broken through a certain level. He could no longer hold back the punch in his hand, and it hit the small courtyard directly. on a stone pile.


Stone piles flew up.

Under the moonlight, Jiang Shu looked up and saw a clear fist mark where the stone pile collided with Qi Yuan's fist!
  Microdermabrasion realm.

Stone skin!


Origin determines the future.

Times can create heroes!
  If Qi Yuan is in Xuanxing, he enters the academy with his outstanding martial arts talent.

Enjoy enough exotic animal meat resources, now, it is definitely not just the stone skin realm.

It's a pity... Back at Xuanxing, Jiang Shu woke up from his sleep.

The sun had already passed through the cracks in the curtains and shone on his bed. He stood up and opened the curtains. Outside the window, the sky was blue and the white clouds were frivolous.

It was in stark contrast to the gloomy weather in Pingling County.

Unable to help but look up at the dazzling sun, Jiang Shu squinted his eyes, opened the window, took a breath of fresh air, and then turned on his phone.

A missed call.

Jiang Shu called back: "Uncle Zheng, what's the matter?"

"Why didn't you tell me such a big thing? If the martial arts promotional video hadn't been broadcast, Ms. Ye added your personal introduction in front of it. I didn't even know that you had perfected your horse posture."

Zheng Yanbo's voice contained a hint of complaint, but it was more intimate.

In his guess, Jiang Shu might indeed achieve great circulation of Qi and blood throughout his body before the college entrance examination.

But actually arriving and guessing are two different things!
  What's more, judging from the time, it took a while for Jiang Shu to reach the consummation of Ma Buzhuang.

Such talent may not be able to take advantage of the general trend of the future.

"It's just a fluke that it just arrived and it's still stable these days."

Jiang Shu was a little embarrassed. He was indeed a little busy during this period of time. After filming the martial arts promotional video, he basically practiced martial arts. His martial arts realm was improving day by day, but he basically stopped socializing.

Even at home, I ate, chatted for a few words, and immediately went back to my room to rest.

After his parents go to bed, he travels to Pingling County to practice martial arts again.

In these five days, his progress in martial arts has been far better than the ten days of martial arts practice during the filming of the martial arts promotional video!

Jiang Shu's breathing was calm. On the other side of the phone, Zheng Yanbo's voice sounded again: "Is there any school with a target?"

"Choose Shengjing or Jiangnan. It depends on the treatment of the two universities. Uncle Zheng, you are so well-informed, is there anything you can tell me?" Jiang Shu smiled.

"Oh, just call me Uncle Zheng if you have something to do. If you have nothing to do, you won't even call me, right? Shengjing Academy and Jiangnan Academy have their own pros and cons. The competition at Shengjing Academy is even more intense."

"Jiang Shu, you may be the first person in Jicheng now. But Jicheng is only a second-tier city after all, and there is a huge gap between it and Shengjing. In Shengjing, as soon as the government decree came out, I don't know how many high school students changed to martial arts Tao. Those with outstanding talents have also reached the great circulation of Qi and blood."

"If you have the same talent, family background will determine the difference in the later stage. Therefore, in Shengjing Academy, Jiang Shu, you should be prepared for the possibility of becoming a phoenix tail, but don't lose your character as soon as you enter."

"Human nature is the same. When you, Uncle Zheng, were in Shengjing in the past, you met countless students from Shengjing University. Some of them used to be in the county, in second- and third-tier cities, and they thought they had outstanding academic talents. After entering Shengjing University, I was hit again and again to the point of doubting my life."

"After falling behind in academics, I gradually become an ordinary person. I think the same is true for martial arts. Mindfulness is extremely important. You must be prepared for this."

Zheng Yanbo taught earnestly.

"There's competition everywhere."

Jiang Shu didn't care about this. The more he gets to know Pingling County, the clearer his goal becomes.

Pingling County is most lacking in martial arts resources.

As for the martial arts method, he has the "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Power", which is enough for him to practice to the realm of bone forging.

But only exotic animal meat is too rare.

When I enter the school, my first requirement is to have enough exotic animal meat!
  Even if it doesn't match his own fox-bear meat, it can roughly double his martial arts progress.

What if I could get enough exotic leopard meat or even tiger meat at the school!
  As long as you can practice and cultivate the three methods to perfection, you will be able to cultivate your strength.

For warriors on Xuanxing, talent may be required to achieve Mingjin.

But for him, all he needs is resources!

Shengjing or Jiangnan, whichever one gives more will go to.

"Uncle Zheng, I'm not afraid of competition. I need freedom from mundane things and sufficient investment in martial arts resources in the early stage. Which school do you think is better? If Shengjing and Jiangnan are not suitable, Donghai and Tianshu how?"

(End of this chapter)

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