Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 51 Asking for a high price, paying back on the spot

Chapter 51 Asking for a high price, paying back on the spot (please follow up)
  "Shengjing Academy definitely has the most resources. But with a lot of resources, there is also a lot of competition. Jiang Shu, it is difficult for you to obtain resources in the early stage. There are very few resources at the beginning, and everyone is staring at them. If they are given to you, you need to Don’t give it to anyone else.”

"And the school is not an ordinary university. With your perfect horse posture and the great circulation of Qi and blood throughout your body, if you go to any major school now, the school will give you the best treatment. But in the school, your treatment , just like other students."

"After all, not everyone who can enter a school has the same talent or ability."

Zheng Yanbo's voice was soft, he paused, seemed to take a sip of tea, and continued: "Shengjing University will definitely not agree to your request. You can mention Jiangnan University, not only because of the short distance, but also because of the distance. I thought of his shortcomings.”

"Compared to the other three universities, Jiangnan University is the most difficult to transform. If our Xia Kingdom focuses on martial arts in the future, and Jiangnan University has never been able to cultivate strong martial arts experts, will it be able to rank alongside the other three universities in the future? Let’s talk about it.”

"So, from a certain perspective, Jiangnan Academy may consider it. Otherwise, I will contact the martial arts admissions teacher at Jiangnan Academy and you can meet in person. Let's chat and see how the treatment is. Anyway, it is far from the real There are still ten days left for the college entrance examination, so there is enough time.”

"Thank you, Uncle Zheng."

"Thank you so much. When you go to school in the future, it will be the biggest thank you if you don't rush to transfer your household registration."

Zheng Yanbo laughed loudly, and after a while of greetings, they hung up the phone. He was transferred from Shengjing to Jicheng just to promote martial arts at the grassroots level.

In the future, there will be more warriors in Jicheng.

The better his political performance will be!
  And Jiang Shu.

It is very possible to become the first warrior among the high school students in Jicheng!
  Two days later.


Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

Office of the Director.

"Teacher Li, this is Jiang Shu, a student from Jicheng No. 5 High School. He has a perfect horse stance and great blood circulation throughout his body."

"Jiang Shu, this is Teacher Li from Jiangnan University, who is in charge of admissions."

Zheng Yanbo briefly introduced himself to each other, then sat aside and left the communication to the two of them. There was no need for him to interrupt too much.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I want to know more about Jiangnan Academy's treatment of new martial arts students during this meeting."

Jiang Shu stood up first and shook Teacher Li's hand, speaking neither humble nor arrogantly.

"Hello, classmate Jiang Shu."

Teacher Li’s voice was gentle and his attitude could not be discerned.

Even Zheng Yanbo didn't know that this time he came here and was given a death order by the principal.

As long as Jiang Shu's conditions are not excessive, Jiang Shu must be dragged to Jiangnan University!

But... when it comes to negotiations, who will reveal their trump card?

Even if you only have a three, you still have to be the king!
  Xia Guo's martial arts policy was issued.

The first class of martial arts students naturally attracted much attention.

Not to mention the four universities, even some major universities are trying to grab a large number of martial arts students.

"Martial arts students will enter the newly opened martial arts department of our Jiangnan Academy. Currently, our martial arts department has three teachers, all of whom are Anjin-level warriors."

"I will teach you the art of guidance. The school's martial arts resources will be exchanged for credits. As for obtaining credits, it depends on your usual performance in class and your progress in martial arts."

"This is part of our school's martial arts training resources."

Having been prepared, Teacher Li took out a resource list printed on A4 paper from his briefcase.

Jiang Shu took it and took a look.

[Exotic animal meat table]

"Blood Flower Pig. Exchange: 1 credit and 1 catty. Remarks: Martial arts practitioner with great circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body."

"One-horned sheep. Exchange: 1 credit 1 catty. Same as above."


"Black Clouded Leopard. Exchange 9 credits for 1 catty. Remarks: Mingjin warrior."

"Red-armored tiger. Exchange: 10 credits per catty. Same as above."


【Heaven and Earth Precious Medicine Table】

"Precious ginseng. Exchange: 100 credits per plant."


Black clouded leopard, red-armored tiger...

Sure enough, this world has changed drastically a long time ago. A strange color flashed across Jiang Shu's eyes, and his voice was calm: "Teacher Li, how many credits can you get from taking classes, and how many credits can you get for martial arts progress? If you really want to redeem these treasures of heaven and earth, and exotic beast meat, just rely on the credits given by the school. , it’s definitely not enough.”

"That's natural."

"I can't reveal many things. I can only say that obtaining credits is at least something that warriors have to consider. Before you freshmen enter the school, our school will give you a basic score of 100 credits, which can be redeemed in advance. Use these martial arts resources to improve yourself during the summer vacation."

"After entering the school, as long as you insist on practicing martial arts and taking classes every day, you will get one credit every day. It is enough to exchange for the most basic alien flesh, blood, and pig meat."

"If more is needed, students need to make more progress. For example, if a student breaks through and becomes a Mingjin warrior, our school will directly award one thousand credits. Of course, this is only for the first semester. The reward system for the second semester There may be changes, such as from one thousand credits to eight hundred credits."

"As for the basic credits, our principal proposed it. As far as I know, Shengjing University does not have such basic credits. Once you get there, you have to compete. There are even monthly competitions. After counting down, credits will be deducted.”

Teacher Li spoke leisurely.

Since his position was related, he would naturally only talk about the good things about Jiangnan Academy. In fact, Shengjing University has fierce competition, but its resources are much richer than Jiangnan University.

Moreover, credits can be deducted.

You can also buy it.

Each student can purchase up to 1,000 credits per semester for their own use.

It's just that the price is a little higher.

One credit, one thousand yuan. "Teacher Li, if Shengjing University is like what you said, then everyone will come to Jiangnan University. I think the competition in Jiangnan University is too great, so you should just apply for Shengjing University in the college entrance examination."

Jiang Shu sighed and moved, feeling like he wanted to stand up.

After all, I was already 30 years old in my previous life. How could I believe Teacher Li’s one-sided words?

Sure enough, before he could stand up, Teacher Li beside him immediately became unable to sit still and said quickly: "Shengjing Academy must be as good as Shengjing Academy..."

"Teacher Li, let's get straight to the point. In a school, credits are the most important, but credits can also be bought with money, right?"


The silent atmosphere made Teacher Li collapse.

How could a child under eighteen know such a thing?
  Zheng Yanbo told him?

"As far as Teacher Li is concerned, credits are the most important in schools and can be redeemed for all resources. For students with rich families, they should be able to buy some credits with money. So can I understand that credits are equal to money."

"Since credits are equal to money and you can get loans from banks, then it's not too much for me to borrow some credits from the school."

"I'm still young, how about a loan of 3,000 points first?"

Jiang Shu looked shy and his voice was a little embarrassed. But what he said almost made Teacher Li's heart stop.

Three thousand credits.

That exchange is three million!
  This classmate Jiang is young.

The heart is so cruel!

Three thousand credits, absolutely impossible.

One thousand credits is the bottom line of the school. After all, these resources are limited. The so-called exchange of credits for money is just a small opening to prevent some people from doing illegal things for the sake of resources.

It is better to block than to open up.

If it were a thousand credits, as an admissions teacher, he could still accept it with grit.

Three thousand is too much.

Moreover, it is unfair to other freshmen.

"Mr. Li, don't think that three thousand credits is too much. Think about it, I have already perfected the horse stance. When I start studying Daoyin after entering school, will I be able to become a Ming Jin warrior and get one thousand credits in one semester? ?”

"So, the school can give me a thousand credits first. It's no problem to tell the outside world. As long as I reach the martial arts level, I will definitely be able to repay this debt. And if I become a martial artist, I believe the school can also see my academic performance. I have martial arts talent. The earlier I become a martial artist, the better my talent will be. It is worth the school investing in me."

Teacher Li felt like he was about to be convinced.

It makes sense, as the three thousand credits are not devolved all at once.

One thousand credits devolved. In fact, it was equivalent to a loan of one million from the school to Jiang Shu.

For the school, this is indeed not a big deal...

No, no, what on earth are you thinking about?

Teacher Li looked at Jiang Shu. He felt that he should go out and calm down.

"Three thousand credits are too many, so let me apply to the principal..."

"it is good."

Jiang Shu sat back in his seat, asking for a lot of money and paying it back on the spot.

One thousand credits is his real bottom line.

Now he is in urgent need of martial arts training resources.

Although Shengjing Academy would have more resources, he, who only had great blood circulation throughout his body, did not have the strength to negotiate with them.

Shengjing Academy will never worry about losing a student.

In that city, there were too many people who knew the news in advance.

Although Jiangnan University is not as good as Shengjing University.

But if you can enjoy the martial arts training resources in Jiangnan Academy in advance, you can become a skin-grinding realm warrior as quickly as possible.

When the time comes, use the strength of a skin-grinding realm warrior to practice the Guidance Technique.

Maybe within a few minutes you can get started, develop Ming Jin, and become a Ming Jin warrior on the Xuan Star!
  Form a perfect closed loop.

All beginnings are hard.

For future resources, wait until you become a Ming Jin warrior before you think about acquiring them.

If there are not enough warriors with bright strength, then dark strength will be needed.

Anyway, I can still travel to another big world.

Grind the skin, forge the bones, and train the internal organs.

In Pingling County, it is enough to cultivate yourself to the realm of bone forging.

What I lack are just early resources!
  Jiang Shu drank the already cold tea.

Half an hour later.

Teacher Li walked back to the office. At this moment, he no longer had the confidence he had at the beginning.

There was even unconcealable discomfort on his face.

He looked at Jiang Shu with complicated eyes and forced a smile:
  "Jiang Shu, please take a look. Our Jiangnan University has loaned you a thousand credits in advance, Jiang Shu..."

"Credit points can be used to purchase martial arts resources in Jiangnan Academy, but the credits and martial arts resources can only be used for personal use and cannot be used for transactions..."

"Here is the agreement. If there is no problem, Jiang Shu can sign it."

(End of this chapter)

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