Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 54 Three methods are perfect! Money is hard to buy 3 sound!

Chapter 54 The three methods are perfect! Money can't buy a sound!

When Xu Lizhi returned home, her feet were dangling.

As soon as she put down the food in her hand, she also took out her mobile phone and started searching for relevant news on the Internet.

My son... is quite handsome on camera.

This step on the water should be hanging from wires.

Xu Lizhi, who didn't know much about martial arts, naturally didn't know what the great circulation of qi and blood around her body represented.

What she saw was that her son could survive in society with his own abilities.

If you shoot a promotional video now, you might be able to shoot something else later.

Be a martial arts star? Seems pretty good too.

But will it be too tiring? Will it hurt? It would be better to become a high school teacher after graduation.

Then the martial arts teacher is pretty good. There must be no work, leisure, and good pay.

I agreed with my son to practice martial arts, but I made the right move!
  "This brat, didn't you already know this big star when you took me to the movie last time?"

Holding her chin with one hand, Xu Lizhi was secretly proud and couldn't help but think about it.

Suddenly, a figure rushed in like a storm.

"Mom, is Jiang Shu at home?"

"Nothing big or small." Xu Lizhi rolled her eyes at her daughter Jiang Yanyue, pursed her lips, and said, "They are probably still practicing martial arts in the room. When I first came back, I heard various noises in the room."

"I'm practicing martial arts... Then let him be spared first..."

Jiang Yanyue murmured a few words, clenching and then loosening the fists in her hands.

He forced himself to inflate, and his cheeks were filled with air, making them as round as a goldfish.

Jiang Shu, he is really nothing!

He was so kind to him.

I gave him eight hundred yuan unconditionally.

As a result, he and his idol Ye Zhenzhen went out to shoot a martial arts promotional video, and he didn't even tell him? still a human being!
  Jiang Yanyue raised her head and tried hard not to shed tears. When she thought that this might be the closest she had ever been to Ye Zhenzhen, she wished she could also learn martial arts.

Even if I can't shoot a promotional video with Ye Zhenzhen.

When I fight Jiang Shu later, I will be stronger!
  With no place to vent her anger, Jiang Yanyue gently kicked the trash can next to the sofa, grabbed the bear she had kept on the sofa, thinking about Jiang Shu's appearance, and punched him hard.

Hmm...I feel comfortable!

When he comes out of martial arts training, he will... also have a left hook like this!
  Don't knock him out with one punch!
  "Yan Yan is busy. Come and help mom wash the dishes."

I was still thinking about the best posture to punch later, when my mother Xu Lizhi’s voice came from the kitchen.

"Oh, when will dad come back?"

"I don't know. Give him a call after you wash the dishes."

Reluctantly dragging her shoes to the kitchen, Jiang Yanyue gritted her teeth while washing the vegetables. With her help, her mother Xu Lizhi moved very quickly, and the aroma of the food at home wafted out in a short time.

"Xiao Shu, when you're done, come out to eat. Your dad will be busy for a while today, so let's eat first."

Knocked on the door and said something inside. Xu Lizhi took off her apron, and until now, her face was still filled with joy that could not be concealed.

As a mother, she is the happiest when her children achieve success.

"Well, now that I'm out, I'll take a shower first."

Pushing the door open, he washed away all the sweat in the bathroom. When Jiang Shu returned to the dining table, Xu Lizhi and Jiang Yanyue seemed to have finished communicating and united the front. They sat together and looked at him with an attitude of being lenient if they were honest and strict if they were resisting.

"Tell me, when did we meet!" Xu Lizhi spoke first, followed closely by Jiang Yanyue, "What does it have to do with Ye Zhenzhen!"

"Pure relationship." Jiang Shu raised his hands and surrendered directly. He naturally knew what kind of sensation this promotional video would cause after it was aired, and he had already thought about how to reply to his parents.

"Mom, don't be like this. It's really just a short martial arts promotional video at the request of the government."

"Oh, by the way, I also got some salary for shooting this promotional video, which seems to be around thirty or forty thousand. I left your bank card number. Remember to check your phone when the time comes. It should arrive in the next few days."

"Thirty or forty thousand?"

Without replying to his mother's exclamation, Jiang Shu looked directly at his sister Jiang Yanyue and said, "As for you, I have prepared something for you."

Return to the room and take a card from the table.

Knowing that his sister is a fan of Ye Zhenzhen, how could he, as an elder brother, do nothing.

He put the card directly on the table and said, "Ye Zhenzhen signed it herself and gave you a message as a gift."

Jiang Yanyue's pupils shrank suddenly. She looked at the card on the table, and a piece of elegant words came into view: "I wish Jiang Yanyue success in her studies, and she will be admitted to Jiangnan University - Ye Zhenzhen as soon as possible."


Combat and attack, divide and conquer, defeat each one, a set of combination punches directly suppressed the mother and sister. He refused the request to bring Ye Zhenzhen’s autograph to others.

After Jiang Shu finished eating, he returned to his room and continued to practice the Hungry Tiger Sitting on the Hole Pile and Hungry Tiger Breathing Techniques.

In the next few days, a steady stream of blood-stained pig meat was delivered from Jiangnan University.

Jiang Shu was not focused on anything else. He weighed ten pounds a day and his energy and blood surged. In addition to performing the Thirty-Six Position Daoyin Technique as usual every day, do basic familiarity. The rest of the time is devoted to liver pile breathing method.

"Sure enough, adding resources and liver is the correct way to practice martial arts!"

"I was really too poor before!"

Looking at the proficiency on the panel, it is jumping at a speed visible to the naked eye. Jiang Shu was secretly happy.

The effect of blood-stained pork is greater than he imagined.

When taken together with the Hungry Tiger Secret Medicine, it has a miraculous effect.

The progress of martial arts training is more than twice that of the past!
  1 credit and 1 pound of blood-stained pork have the same effect.

How will 10 credits and 1 pound of red-armored tiger meat improve you?

To exchange for red-armored tiger meat, please note that you must be a Mingjin warrior.

For ordinary students, maybe they enter a school, learn the precepts and deeds from Xie Feichen, and learn the Daoyin technique every day.

But for me, who can travel between two realms and develop strength without relying on the Guidance Technique...

This realm...maybe, is coming soon!

Fifteen days later.

The tense college entrance examination has come to an end.

At night in Jicheng, there seems to be a little more vitality. Many students who had just finished the college entrance examination were dribbling and shooting on the nearby basketball court.

At this time, Qingjiang Garden.

Jiang Shu walked out of the house, bypassed the busy basketball court, and walked straight to the river not far away.

Here, there is only one street lamp shining alone.

Listen to the noise not far away.

Jiang Shu squatted like a tiger and breathed like a tiger.

The hungry tiger sits on the hole pile, perfect!

Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique, perfect!

He took a deep breath, his blood was boiling, and he fired out three tiger-shaped moves one after another.

A powerful force, mysterious and mysterious, appeared in his body.

As if he felt his own energy and blood for the first time, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and circulated this power in his body bit by bit.

Recalling the "Innate Guidance Technique" played by Xie Feichen in the video, he practiced it one move after another.

The Thirty-six-Style Daoyin Technique, which he found extremely difficult in the past, is now becoming more and more proficient in his hands.

It was as if I had an enlightenment all of a sudden.

The energy in the body also flows slowly from the beginning to rapidly.

One practice session.

Twice familiar.

Three entries!

It's like water flowing from a floodgate, pouring down!

Jiang Shu's hands and feet are together, his elbows are together with his knees, and his shoulders are together with his hips.

Punch out.


Then, there was a crisp sound and exploded in mid-air!

Clearly audible.

This sound is worth a lot of money.

Xuan celestial calendar is October 2027, 6.


Jiang Shu practices martial arts in the seventh month.

Officially entering the Mingjin warrior realm!

(End of this chapter)

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