Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 55 2nd Realm of Martial Arts! Teacher Appreciation Banquet!

Chapter 55 Two Worlds of Martial Arts! Teacher Appreciation Banquet! (Seeking for further reading)
  "When we practice martial arts, we turn our bowls into basins, and from basins into buckets!"

Xie Feichen's metaphor was crude, but at this moment, it sounded clearly in Jiang Shu's mind.

The moment Ming Jin struck out, Jiang Shu felt as if his body had undergone a transformation.

It was as if a layer of shackles inside the body had been released.

The soul and body have all been sublimated.

Unable to help humming in comfort, Jiang Shu withdrew his fist, and then discovered that there was a layer of impurities emerging from his pores on the outside of his body.

It turns out that this is Ming Jin.

It turns out that this is the warrior!
  No wonder, an obviously powerful martial artist only has the strength of a thousand catties at first.

But it is the first level of martial arts.

Strength is never the standard for measuring realm.

What matters is the lifting of the shackles.

Only by unlocking this layer of shackles can we break through the first limit of the human body and increase our strength to more than a thousand pounds!
  The Mingjin warriors on Xuanxing have already brought such a big surprise to themselves.

If I successfully enter "Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Power" and become a skin-grinding realm warrior, will my strength be further improved?

Unable to help but fantasize, Jiang Shu didn't stay outside any longer.

When I came out, I was just worried that my breakthrough and becoming a warrior would make too much noise and disturb my family.

After slowly returning home, Jiang Shu went back to the bathroom and showered several times to cleanse the impurities on his body.

Then I returned to the room, meditated on crystals, and gradually fell asleep.

The next day.

Translucent panel updates:

Jiang Shu——

Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Strength (Skin Resurfacing Chapter): Introduction (10/1000)

Innate Guidance Technique (First Thirty-Six Forms): Introduction (10/1000)

Closed the martial arts knowledge popularization page of Jiangnan Academy on the computer.

Jiang Shu closed his eyes and analyzed bit by bit the martial arts knowledge that Mr. Qiu had told him and the martial arts knowledge that was currently available on Xuanxing.

In the martial arts of the Dajing Dynasty, the first realm of martial arts is the skin-grinding realm.

In the skin-grinding realm, you can train your skin vigorously. Create a layer of skin on the skin. The so-called cowhide, stonehide, and ironhide. It doesn't mean training your skin to look like them.

Rather, it specifically refers to the hardness of the skin membrane.

After training the skin hard at one time, the skin will be tough and the skin will be like cowhide.

After training the skin hard for the second time, the skin membrane will be strong and the skin will be in the state of stone skin.

After three times of vigorous skin training, the skin becomes hard and iron-skinned.

Therefore, although the skin-grinding realm is the first realm for warriors, this first realm is also divided into three smaller realms.

It takes small breakthroughs over and over again.

It was like that night, Qi Yuan broke through to the Stone Skin Realm in front of him.

In the realm of grinding skin, one needs to go through two small transformations from cowhide to stone skin, and from stone skin to iron skin before one can envision the bone forging realm of vigorous bone training.

From quantitative change to qualitative change.

This is the martial arts of the Dajing Dynasty.

But the martial arts on Xuanxing are not like this!

Ming Jin, there is no such thing as once, twice or three times.

There is no such thing as a small beginning and a great success!
  Ming Jin is Ming Jin.

Using the same example of mentor Xie Feichen, for example, the martial arts of the Great Jing Dynasty went from the skin-grinding realm to the bone-forging realm. It goes from a small bowl, to a medium bowl, to a large bowl, and then to a basin.

But Xuanxing Martial Arts directly transforms a small bowl into a basin! Once you break through Xuanxing Martial Arts, there will be no obstacles in this realm!
  No wonder.

No wonder Xia Guo pays so much attention to talent.

As long as they can break free of their shackles, and with enough resources, a warrior can reach the pinnacle of this realm in the shortest possible time!
  Magical, really magical.

The martial arts of the Dajing Dynasty requires martial arts and resources. With enough martial arts and resources, one can break through any realm.

But martial arts on Xuanxing requires extreme talent. Without talent, no matter how many resources you have, you can't turn the water in the bowl into as much as a bucket.

In other words, although I have only just entered Ming Jin for the first time, if I can continue to enjoy the resources in the academy, I can rival their iron skin realm at a speed that the warriors in Pingling County can't even imagine!

Of course, this kind of comparison only means that the energy and blood of both warriors are the same.

The martial arts of the Dajing Dynasty still had something more magical than Xuanxing.

Let’s take an example from a previous game.

The strength on Xuan Xing is like a fixed damage value. Fight as hard as you can, this is real.

The power of the Great King Dynasty is more like a kind of mixed damage, with various buff bonuses. It was as if he only realized after learning the Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Jin that the power produced by the Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Jin was compared to the Ming Jin he used to use the Guidance Technique, causing an additional eight hundred damage to himself and one to the enemy. Thousands of buffs.

Using the Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Power, the Qi and blood in his body will be quickly depleted.

The energy and blood consumed will be added to the strength, causing more vicious damage.

Extremely suitable for fighting a war.

Thoughts were running through his mind, and several thoughts about improving his martial arts realm flashed through his mind. Jiang Shu breathed steadily.

Now that you understand the difference between the two worlds of martial arts.

Then the next path will be extremely clear.

There is no rush to go to Pingling County.

Jiang Shu stretched his muscles and charged his cell phone, which had automatically shut down.

After a while, the mobile phone that had not been turned on for more than ten days was turned on.

On WeChat, countless messages popped up one after another.

Ye Zhenzhen: "Jiang Shu, you are already on Weibo's hot search list! Some people are asking Aite me, asking me if you are my pretty boy. Hahahaha."

"Are you interested in making another promotional video? I think the last one was pretty good. We'll do it again when my horse stance is smaller. I now take one hour to stand on my stance every day, so I'm very diligent. "

"Damn, I'm so angry. Someone actually said that you have outstanding talent in martial arts and will become a great person in the future. I'm just being fooled, ahhhhh, I'm so angry. Wait until I cut off the trumpet and scold him to death... Wuwuwu, I can't scold you...Jiang Shu, are you too meager? Hurry up and scold him, I'll send you the link."

"You caveman, you didn't reply to the messages from five days ago???"

"No, are you primitive?"

"elder brother?"


Changcaoyan Tuanzi: "Jiang Shu, I'm so stressed now. It's all your fault for asking Ye Zhenzhen to write something to get admitted to Jiangnan University as soon as possible. You don't know how many people in our entire Jicheng can go to Jiangnan University? .”

"You got in directly based on your martial arts talent. Your sister is going to fight her way through more than 30,000 candidates. You don't know my temperament of fishing for three days and surfing the web for two days. High school knowledge is so difficult. , I knew it at a glance in junior high school, but in high school I felt like I had to fish for four days and dry the nets for one day.”

"Jiang Shu, you evil thief, please give me back my leisure time!"

Pictured: Studying at nine o'clock in the night.

"Don't panic. In three years, your brother's abilities may allow you to be directly recommended to Jiangnan University. Just have fun."

"Also, nine o'clock is not late at night."

Jiang Shu replied casually and cleared the message box.

Suddenly, a message caught his eye.

Xu Shuhui: "Jiang Shu, the college entrance examination is over. Our Class 2027 is planning to crowdfund a teacher appreciation banquet. Do you want to attend? The tentative time is: June 6, 20, morning."

(End of this chapter)

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