Chapter 6 Killing doesn’t happen overnight
  "Three postures of tiger form: pounce, lift, and scissor."

"Pounce, with great force. To capture the heart and soul. A hungry tiger pounces on a sheep. Before it pounces, the tiger's fierce eyes are enough to frighten a group of sheep."

"It may seem like a simple word "pu", but in fact it requires training on the eyes, the explosiveness of the body, and the strength of the arms and palms."

"Anything missing is not a real pounce."

Qiu Hai shouted loudly, his throat sounding like a tiger roaring.

I saw him jump up, his muscles and bones roaring, and he punched and exploded in the air.

"Pull. When a tiger lifts its body, it not only lifts itself, but also pushes the enemy's body. Lift emphasizes body coordination, pounce is hard, and lift is soft. Use both hardness and softness to defeat many with one!"

As he drank, Mr. Qiu turned around sharply, turned his palms into claws, and attacked rapidly in three directions: up and down.

"Cut. Surprise. Tigers have tails, and humans have legs. With kicks and sweeps, you can take your life every step of the way."

There were no clouds in the sky, except for a bright red sun hanging in the middle.

Qiu Lao demonstrated several times, and after seeing that all the apprentices below were fighting in a good manner, he squinted at the sun, waved his hands, and went back to his room for a lunch break.

"Phew, finally gone..."

The little fat man who performed the tiger pose three or four times next to Jiang Shu exhaled a long breath. His body was dripping with sweat, and his cotton-padded clothes were tightly attached to his skin.

"Practicing martial arts is too hard, brother, why are you so good?"

The little fat man swung his legs and looked at Jiang Shu with eyes full of admiration.

From his eyes, he could naturally tell that Jiang Shu, like him, had not yet reached the stage of transporting Qi and blood.

But in the same realm, Jiang Shu later was more persistent and more talented than him.

Hungry Tiger sat on the hole pile and stood for one round longer than he did in two rounds!

The three tiger-fighting postures are more impressive than his!
  "No, you're pretty awesome too."

Jiang Shu stopped working and calmed his breathing. He didn't mean to flatter him. Judging from the appearance of the little fat man, he was only fourteen or fifteen years old.

On Xuanxing, he would have just graduated from junior high school. But the little fat man has already sensed Qi and blood, and he can directly enter the undergraduate course.

Even in this Hungry Tiger Martial Arts Hall, those who carry Qi and blood are without exception young people in their late teens or above, or even in their twenties.

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, the sense of energy and blood is indeed not bad.

"There's nothing there." The little fat man waved his hands repeatedly, leaned over, and whispered: "Those are all eaten. My father said that if you want to practice martial arts, the first step is to eat, eat more, and eat fiercely. Eat, eat as much as you can, until you can't eat anymore. Then stand still and digest."

"This time I came here secretly behind my father's back. I heard that the pile skills in the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School are miraculous. After practicing, I felt unbearably hungry, just like a tiger that had been hungry for several days. Then I continued to do more Eat, eat hard, eat like crazy. In this way, your martial arts will definitely improve very quickly."

"Brother, my name is Zhou Yang. My father has opened several restaurants in the city. If you are in need of meat, you can come to the restaurant and I will give you the original price. Just tell me my name."

"Jiang Shu."

Jiang Shu just replied with his name and said nothing more.

After three months in Pingling County, Jiang Shu didn't know how precious meat was.

What restaurant can sell meat at cost price?

I'm afraid that if I hadn't stepped into the restaurant in the first step, I would have boarded the Zhou family's boat in the second step.

Sure enough, the world is different, and so is human nature.

On Xuanxing, how could a child of fourteen or fifteen years old be so scheming.

He was in two realms, and Pingling County regarded it as precious meat. He bought it casually on Xuanxing and ate it until he couldn't eat anymore.

Why owe someone a big favor for such a small resource?

Although this little fat man has sensed Qi and blood, it seems that he still relies on his strong financial resources.

With so much scheming and martial arts, you may not be able to go far.

Martial arts is like climbing a high mountain or wading into deep water. Those who do not have great perseverance and courage cannot climb to high places or wade into deep places.

It is truly the most unparalleled truth.

Jiang Shu closed his eyes and no longer cared about what the little fat man said. He recalled Qiu Lao's every move today and stood still again, crouching like a tiger and breathing like a tiger.

The Three Tiger Forms are still a bit too profound for him now.

After a few beatings, he discovered many problems with himself.

The gaze is not ferocious enough to capture people's hearts, the burst when jumping is not enough, and the strength of the arms and hands also need to be tempered again.

When lifting it, I almost twisted my waist due to excessive force.

It can be seen that the coordination of my own body is also insufficient, and I cannot be strong, let alone flexible. As for the final cut, I performed even worse.

Perhaps after carrying the energy and blood, you can practice the three tiger postures again to understand its depth.

Jiang Shuzhen closed his eyes and stood still. The little fat man Zhou Yang curled his lips and spoke to the new apprentice on the other side: "Practicing martial arts is too hard. How come you are so good..."

The little fat man's words did not make any waves in Jiang Shu's heart.

He stands, breathes, and punches.

It lasted for an hour, then he stopped, returned to his jacket, closed his eyes and took a rest.

He always remembered that this was Pingling County.

It is not a safe Xuanxing.

He must ensure that his energy and blood are full, so that he can perform at his best at any time between punches and kicks.

What's more, he still has important things to do tonight.

Until dusk, Mr. Qiu did not come out again, and the apprentices gradually left the yard one by one.

"Brother Jiang, you must go to the restaurant if you have the chance."

After saying hello to Jiang Shu, the little fat Zhou Yang patted the big guy named Han: "Brother Han, let's go, I will take you to the restaurant today. After you get to know each other, you can go alone. Tell me your name!"

"Brother Zhou, I'd better not go. I may not be able to afford the cost..."

"Oh, Brother Han, what's the matter if you can't afford the cost price? You can pay on credit. Think about it, you have joined a martial arts gym now. If you don't have enough meat to supplement it, won't it take a long time to transfer your energy and blood? But now you go to our restaurant, eat meat, and arrive at the qi and blood transportation gate in advance. After the qi and blood are transported, you can recirculate the qi and blood throughout the body. Step by step, when you really become a skin-grinding realm warrior, you still have a little money for meat. "

"It seems to be the same..."

"That's for sure!"

The voices of the little fat man and the big man were getting farther and farther away.

Jiang Shu closed his eyes, stood still, and breathed.

A panel slowly emerged.

Jiang Shu——

Mabu Zhuang: Xiaocheng (565/1000)

Hungry Tiger Sitting on a Hole Pile: Getting Started (35/1000)

Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique: Getting Started (35/1000)

Tiger Form Three: Getting Started (12/1000)

Countdown to shuttle between the two worlds: 00:40
  "There must be something more magical about the martial arts in this world. The pile skills and breathing techniques may be just the basics."

With the panel, he knows better than those apprentices what level he has reached.

The Hungry Tiger Sitting in the Hole Stake is indeed more mysterious than the Horse Walking Stake. You can feel the energy and blood just by entering.

According to the calculation of proficiency, the entry level is qi and blood sensing, the small level is qi and blood transportation, and the dacheng level is the general circulation of qi and blood. When it is completed, it will reach the realm of microdermabrasion.

But how to practice in a realm above the grinding realm?
  How mysterious is the realm above?

Jiang Shu looked up at the sky.

Overcast clouds cover the city, and the setting sun sets over the mountains.

The sky in the distance seemed to be filled with a layer of mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

A gust of cold wind blew by. He put on his coat, put away the lime powder and electric baton, and walked out of the inner city.

outer city.


Most of the private houses along the streets were closed, and only some restaurants and gambling houses still had their lights on in and out of the alleys.

Under these dim lights, Jiang Shu took off his wig, stepped on his own shadow, and walked towards Bicao Lane, one step after another, slowly but firmly.

at this time.

moon black.

The wind is high.

It is appropriate to kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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