Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 7 What I want is to have clear thoughts

Chapter 7 What I want is to have clear thoughts
  Carnivores are brave and fierce.

For martial arts practitioners who have not officially entered martial arts, meat is a resource for practice!
  Only eating meat can strengthen Qi and blood the fastest.

Jiang Shu felt this when he entered Mabuzhuang. After the Qi and blood induction, I became even more happy with all the meat. Every morning, I would eat a dozen big meat buns just to fill my stomach.

Fortunately, we are in Xuanxing.

If he were in Pingling County, with the hard-to-obtain meat resources in the outer city, he might be able to get started in Mabuzhuang by now!

Even he with the proficiency panel is like this, let alone the rest of the people in the outer city!

It can be said that in the outer city of Pingling County, in addition to the gang leaders, there are big people who support them, and they can provide a gang for their martial arts training.

Other warriors can only go to the inner city and make offerings to large households in order to obtain more meat!
  Therefore, in the entire Green Snake Gang, the only one he needs to pay attention to is the gang leader.

Although the leaders of the halls below are also martial arts practitioners who circulate Qi and blood throughout the body and transport Qi and blood. But most of them have empty names, and the surging energy and blood in their bodies may not have been wasted away in drinking and sex.

As for ordinary gangsters, they may not even be as good as manual laborers working on the docks.

Each and every one of them acted tyrannically on the basis of their status as gang members, but in fact their steps were empty and their fists were weak.

How many punches can this kind of scumbag resist?

Jiang Shu's face was covered with cloth, imagining that he was like a hungry tiger coming out of its cave, building momentum with every step he took.

In his previous life, he died at the age of thirty and had a deep obsession with eternal life.

But he also knows that immortality is just a goal. Without the means to kill, the immortal himself is just a fat lamb.

Turtles live long.

Among the turtles in the vegetable market, how many live long-lived ones?

Only when the great power is attributed to oneself and the means are not inferior to those of external things can one truly achieve immortality!

Bicao Lane.

The junction of three gangs in the outer city of Pingling County is famous for its ecstasy.

Before he even got close, the waves that could be heard from time to time in the small room wormed their way into Jiang Shu's ears like mosquitoes.

The sound was like water mixed with oil, directly surging his blood.

Jiang Shu frowned. He really didn't expect that his body could have such a big reaction.

Also, qi and blood induction is just induction after all.

Martial arts practitioners in this realm have strong Qi and blood, and they are most fond of wine and lust. If one's mind is not firm and one lingers here, at least one will not make any progress in martial arts, and at worst one's Qi and blood will decline, and one's strength will be reduced to that of an ordinary person.

Only by reaching the qi and blood transporting realm and transporting qi and blood throughout the body can one barely resist the desire in the heart.

As long as you are not drunk and lustful, you can transport your energy and blood and adjust your state.

Taking two deep breaths, Jiang Shu looked sharply at the entrance of the alley.

At the entrance of the alley, there were several women wearing low-quality jackets and heavy makeup, leaning against the door and waving. The skin is rough, slightly dark, and the body looks bumpy, with sagging that is difficult to hide.

In the Dajing Dynasty, common people got married early and had children early. The youngest person who can pick up customers in Bicao Lane is a woman in her twenties.

I don’t even know how many sons there are.

As for those middle-aged ladies, I'm afraid they have a lot of grandchildren.

Sure enough, as long as you look at the face, no matter how seductive the voice is, it will suddenly become boring.

Jiang Shu, a heavy-faced person, snorted coldly and stepped into Bicao Alley.

The third to last room, the deepest part of the alley, this Zhao Tai really knows how to choose a seat.

Youshi is the best time for business in Bicao Lane.

In the alley, there are not many kiln sisters outside the door. On the other hand, some gang members crowded through other alleys, carrying wine bottles, and the wine burps they made exuded a strong stench.

"You think if this Bicao Lane girl is so energetic, why does Hall Master Zheng still like Lord Rabbit?"

"Who knows, I'm so lucky. Fortunately, I'm tall. Otherwise, what would I do if Hall Master Zheng says he's noticed me?"

"I took a liking to you, a big black guy, and you're not good enough to join Hall Master Zheng, and you won't even change for the little boss!"

Jiang Shu held his breath slightly, but his pace was not fast. As he walked, he paid attention to his surroundings.

Killing requires strength, courage and means.

Leaving gracefully after killing someone depends on the preparation in advance.

Deep in Bicao Lane, there is the third house from the last. There was a small crack in the door of the house, and the sound came from it.

Jiang Shu just stood at the door with cold eyes, listening to the groaning and creaking of the bed board inside. After a minute or two, the sound gradually stopped.

"Master, you are so awesome, my slave..."

Zhao Tai gasped and laughed proudly: "It's almost time. My brother will be here later. You have to treat me well, you are still a youngster. By the way, I encountered something recently. What do you think? How can I make a chick be obedient and deliver it to my door?"

"The slave family doesn't care about chicks or anything else. The slave family likes men like me."

"Hahaha, this matter is important. Let me think about it. Your benefits are indispensable. Come on, come up, think about it while you are blowing..."

A satisfied hum sounded.

Outside the door, Jiang Shu narrowed his eyes and kicked open the door. He had already prepared lime powder in his hand and sprinkled it on the two pieces of meat on the bed.

"Zhao Tai, die!"

Jiang Shu shouted!


Zhao Tai, who thought it was a brother coming, was unprepared. It wasn't until his name was called out that he realized something was wrong and immediately wanted to turn around, but he forgot that there was a plump body buried under him.

For a moment, the huge stinging pain caused by the sharp teeth was painful.

The lime powder in the air entered his eyes when he opened them, and his entire eye sockets were filled with unbearable burning.

Zhao Tai's heartbeat reached its peak at this moment. He didn't know who he had provoked, and he actually wanted to kill him in a place like Bicao Lane.

On weekdays, when a few brothers get together, even if they are not martial arts practitioners, there is strength in numbers, and some poor and homeless people will bully them if they want.

But at this moment, he is just one person.

Lime hit his face, and he heard the word "death".

Why doesn't this scare him! fear! Trembling!

The plump Yao Sister lowered her head so her eyes were not dusted with lime powder. She screamed and her mouth was stained with blood, but then she immediately covered her mouth and trembled on the bed.


He pulled out the electric baton from behind and threw it towards Ms. Yao, hitting her head.


"Hero, spare your life! Lord, spare your life! I...I will pay thirty taels of silver, I...I will buy my life!" Hearing a scream, Zhao Tai trembled and spoke. He couldn't see who it was, and he didn't know who it was. Whose legs are weak and want to run, but can't get up at all.

He didn't offend anyone. Even if he did, he should be able to buy his own life with so much money.


He never imagined that the person in front of him didn't care about silver. With strong momentum and without hesitation, he punched him directly in the head.


The fist drives the wind.

At this time, Jiang Shu's lifting strength with one arm had already reached 300 kilograms.

With the help of the punch, the power of the punch increased several times.

With this punch, he began to gather momentum from the courtyard of Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School.

He threw thousands of punches.

Just because, this punch now explodes with murderous intent!
  I, Jiang Shu, am killing someone this time.

Don't seek wealth.

All I want is to have clear thoughts!

Those who block my thoughts.




(End of this chapter)

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