Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 62 Qi Yuan comes to visit! An invitation to the mountains!

Chapter 62 Qi Yuan comes to visit! An invitation to the mountains!

Fight to the end!
  Stir it up!
  Jiang Shu pulled out the dagger and quickly cut the masked warrior's neck to ensure that the dead man could not die again.

Then he gritted his teeth and touched the corpse.

Two hundred taels of silver notes.

An iron plate with the character Yao engraved on it.

A well-thumbed book of footwork.

Touching a few smears of blood seeping from his back, Jiang Shu took two deep breaths. Before he had time to adjust, he picked up the diamonds and iron rods on the ground, gritted his teeth and hurried back to his small courtyard.

Although the entrances and exits of the black market are mostly in remote places in alleys.

But the battle between him and the masked warrior was long enough.

It was pure luck that no one came.

If he delays for a while longer, he may not be able to get out so easily later.

After returning to the small courtyard, Jiang Shu took off his guard. I simply bandaged myself and looked through the footwork book: "Snake Steps" carefully.

Take the method of swimming as a snake, move again and again, and change less.

And when traveling long distances, there is no advantage.

Under the humanoid drawing, there are small characters in different handwritings, with constant notes.

Some of the small characters have been erased and deleted in various ways.

Obviously, this book of footwork has passed through the hands of many people.

"It should be better than the Tiger Form Three Form, but lower than the Hungry Tiger's Juehu Claw."

"I just don't know whether this footwork comes from the Yao family or the warrior himself."

"But no matter which one you use, if you pay attention and don't use it until the critical moment, nothing big will happen."

Jiang Shu murmured in a low voice, making sure that he had memorized the footwork completely. He took out the brazier and lit it on fire along with the clothes on his body.

He also dug a hole for the Yao Zi Tiepai and buried it in the corner of the courtyard for the time being.

Everything is tidied up.

Grilled red-armored tiger meat.

Circulation of Qi and blood heals injuries.

Ordinary people have broken muscles and bones, and they cannot recover in less than a hundred days.

But warriors are different, as long as there is sufficient energy and blood to replenish.

As long as the injury is not fatal, it can be recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It only takes ten days.

Jiang Shu then returned to his peak.

Before he became more powerful, he held a wooden stick in the courtyard and continued to practice.

The movements of the masked warrior appeared clearly in his mind.

He has already mastered the Snake Step, and his proficiency is constantly improving in the direction of Xiao Cheng.

As the stick was swung, there was a sound of wind.

"It's a pity that all I got was the "Wandering Snake Step" and lacked the skill of moving the iron rod. Otherwise, my combat power could definitely be improved to another level."

"Sure enough, no one who can become a warrior can be underestimated."

Jiang Shu practiced hard day and night, and only went out every two or three days to have a small gathering with Qi Yuan, to see the business of Zhou's restaurant, and to briefly understand various developments in Pingling County.

Maybe it was for Qiu Lao's sake.

Yao's Restaurant didn't make any unnecessary moves. It's just that in the restaurant, there are two more worshipers, and they have introduced a blood-strengthening medicinal diet, which can be effective for ordinary martial arts practitioners.

The business of Zhou's Restaurant has gradually stabilized, and the price reduction has attracted a large number of people.

"Brother Jiang, I arranged for the old man Li you mentioned to clean our restaurant. You see..."

"Well, that's enough. Just pay more attention to Yaxing. If you can find traces of his daughter, look for it. If you can't find it, forget it."

"You should also find someone to do these things, and you should try your best to improve your martial arts realm."

It was confirmed that the Yao family did not go out to search for the murderer just because a worshipper died.

Jiang Shu relaxed his mind and returned to the small courtyard.

What he didn't expect was that Qi Yuan came unexpectedly and stood at the door of the small courtyard.

"Senior Brother Qi, why are you here?"

Jiang Shu took two steps forward quickly. "Little junior brother."

Qi Yuan lowered his voice and said, "Go in and talk."

"Senior Brother means that the exotic animal meat in the black market in Pingling County is getting less and less. And Senior Brother, after you become a Stone Skin Realm warrior, you need too much animal meat every day. If you want to break through to the Iron Skin Realm, you can only go to Hunting those strange beasts in the mountains?"

After pouring tea for Qi Yuan, Jiang Shu sat with him in the hall. After hearing his purpose, he spoke.

"Yes. In fact, according to the previous black market, the amount of exotic animal meat was definitely enough. But in the current black market, the resources for martial arts training are declining sharply. The stalls I have been buying from before last time only had more than a dozen Kilograms of fox and bear meat.”

"Now, even Zhao Li from the Antelope Martial Arts School, who fought with you last time, has joined a big family. Only big families can provide these animal meat resources."

"He has been stuck in the cowhide realm for a long time."

Qi Yuan sighed when he said this.

The place where you stand is different.

What you think and do will be different.

Friends in the past will eventually drift apart.

This is inevitable.

In Pingling County, the path of civilian warriors is not visible at all.

Going hunting in the mountains is no easy task.

Ordinary birds and animals cannot bring much improvement to the warrior's energy and blood. No matter how much you hunt, it's just useless and you can only exchange it for silver.

A different kind of ferocious beast.

Any large alien ferocious beast has the strength of an Ironhide Realm warrior!

Only those small ferocious beasts, such as the forest shadow cat and the lop-eared leopard rabbit, have the possibility of being hunted by Stoneskin Realm warriors.

"The mountains are extremely dangerous. Even warriors in the Ironhide Realm dare not go deep into them. Not to mention, now I am only at the Stonehide Realm. You have just entered the Oxhide Realm. The only places we can go are the mountains. Periphery.”

"If we can prepare in advance, maybe we can harvest something in half a month. It's much better than waiting for exotic animal meat on the black market in Pingling County."

"In the past few days, I have found a hunter in a small town, and he will lead the way to familiarize himself with the surrounding mountains. As for the harvest, we will divide it 50-50."

"Everything depends on what you want, little junior brother."

Qi Yuan stopped when he said this.

Entering the mountain was his only choice.

It is too dangerous for one person to enter the mountain.

Because if you want to hunt strange beasts, you have to crouch in the mountains for a long time.

If you enter the mountain in the early morning and go down in the evening, you can only try your luck.

He Qiyuan couldn't afford to gamble.

Since you choose to enter the mountains, you must gain something.

No gain, no going down the mountain!

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Shu nodded in agreement.

For him, there is actually no need to enter the mountain.

Qi Yuan felt that the scarce exotic animal meat could be exchanged for one pound per credit in the school.


When he arrived, Senior Brother Qi helped him a lot, and the two had a deep friendship.

Secondly, if he wants to leave Pingling County in the future, this mountain is the only way he must pass. During this trip, Bento became familiar with it in advance. With the shuttle function of the panel, as long as you pay attention in advance, no matter how dangerous the situation is, your life can always be saved.

"Hahahaha, okay! I'm not in a hurry to enter the mountain. While there's no one around now, senior brother will tell you that you're going to die if you're hungry."

Seeing Jiang Shu's nod, Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and made a bold decision.

He is not qualified to teach the claws of hungry tigers that can destroy households.

But entering the mountain is extremely dangerous. The more strength Jiang Shu has, the more protection they will have.

They are all in the same martial arts school anyway.

If my junior brother enters the mountain and survives, he will return to the stone skin realm.

He just taught it in advance.

Be timid, cautious, and want to make every step without mistakes.

What kind of climate can it become!
  (End of this chapter)

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