Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 63 Tear the tiger and leopard apart! Martial arts breaks the limit!

Chapter 63 Tear the tiger and leopard apart! Martial arts breaks the limit! (Seeking for further reading)

Two days later.

After telling his parents that he planned to travel far away, Jiang Shu returned to Pingling County and went to Sanling Town with Qi Yuan.

Sanling Town.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Half of the residents in the town are from Orions.

The backer eats the mountain.

Although he is not a warrior, he has the skills and experience passed down from father to son. He can still hunt some hares and pheasants on the outskirts of the mountains.

Jinke can sell it for a good price in the town.

You should also improve the food and add some meat to the women and children at home.

"Master Zhao."

When the two of them walked into the town, there was already a middle-aged hunter in his forties waiting for him, calling out.

Qi Yuan, who goes by the pseudonym Young Master Zhao, is dressed in fancy clothes, carrying a big bow and hundreds of feather arrows on his back. At a glance, you can tell that it is expensive.

At the waist is a long knife.

Two pieces of equipment, both long and short.

Jiang Shu, on the other hand, seemed much more low-key.

The masked warrior's iron rod was simply wrapped in iron sheet, disguised, and carried behind his back.

He was carrying a kettle in his hand and some spices in the package.

"Let's go."

Qi Yuan's voice was cold. He was out and about, and the more he spoke, the easier it was to be exposed.

Even in a small town, there was nothing to threaten them.

But if there are no accidents, there will be no accidents.

He has to spend more of his energy on the mountain.

"Okay. Dahei, let's go."

Taking the most precious old dog under his feet, Orion took Qi Yuan Jiang Shu up the mountain. While going up the mountain, he talked about his experiences.

"We have walked the most on this road, and there are no good mountain products. Look, these wild fruits are a bit unpalatable, but they are more effective than drinking water to quench your thirst."

"There are fewer people walking up this road on the left. Last time, there were rumors that a hunter in our town was snatched away by a big tiger. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"We've searched all over the road on the right, but there's nothing good there."

The middle-aged Orion said as he walked towards the mountain road on the left.

He charged a large price, so naturally he couldn't take people who entered the mountains to a place where there was nothing.

Although the road on the left is more dangerous, it is probably not very dangerous in broad daylight.

What's more, Dahei is still ahead.

"Hey. Hehe. Master Zhao, wait a moment."

The middle-aged hunter suddenly paused, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes. He turned his head, lowered his body, pulled out a piece of grass from the crack of the stone, and explained: "We call this grass the sugar heart grass. Put it in the water." Once boiled in it, the water has a sweet taste, so I can take it back to my grandson to eat."

Like a treasure, the middle-aged Orion held this weed no bigger than a finger in his arms and smiled. Suddenly, the big black dog that had been in front suddenly trembled and ran back quickly.

The leaves fell to the ground, and there was a sudden strong wind in the forest.

Behind the chaotic tree, there was a loud noise.

A tiger with striking eyes and a white forehead jumped out from it.

The fangs were ferocious, and between the roars, the tiger roared, and the big black dog collapsed on the ground, whimpering.

The middle-aged Orion was even more unbearable. No matter how experienced he was, he had never encountered such a beast!
  Although he carries a woodcutter in his hand.

Carrying an ancestral wooden bow on his back.

But in front of such a fierce tiger, what role can these small objects play?

Could it be that this time... I am... finished?

Pull out the feather arrows and draw the long bow.

Qi Yuan finished in one breath and hit the tiger's eye with an arrow.

He had made a lot of preparations for this trip into the mountains. He had been practicing this bow and arrow for more than ten days.

No matter how ferocious the tiger is, it is just an ordinary beast.

How can we block his way!

"I come!"

Jiang Shu roared loudly.

When he came to the mountains, he also wanted to hone his fighting power.

If it's a brown bear or something like that, let Senior Brother Qi kill it with one arrow.

But the Tigers are different.

He has learned the martial arts from the Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School, how could he not experience it himself!

Jiang Shu jumped out like a roaring tiger.

"Bang!" Avoiding the tiger's claws, Jiang Shu punched him down, colliding with the tiger's power!

  Jiang Shu seemed to have gained something. After personal experience, the proficiency of the three tiger forms on the panel soared again, and there was a faint feeling that he had reached his limit!
  "If you want to go back, you can go back now."

Along the way, the middle-aged Orion has shared a lot of experience.

The distribution of mountain roads was also explained to them.

Qi Yuan turned back to the middle-aged Orion and said, after all, he encountered a tiger at the beginning of the road.

On the mountain road ahead, you might encounter other wild beasts.

The absence of Orion is more conducive to their performance.

In his ears, there were endless bursts of fists and kicks and the roar of the eye-catching white-breasted tiger.

He didn't care.

Having boxed with his junior brother for so many days, he naturally knew his junior junior brother's level.

Normal Stone Skin Realm might not be able to win it.

A tiger, even though it is a tiger.

But they are just ordinary beasts!

In terms of skills, he can't compare to his younger brother.

In terms of strength, he can't compare to his junior brother.

Sure enough, when Qi Yuan turned his head, Jiang Shu had already gained the upper hand, riding on the tiger's back.

The fist is as big as a hammer! Blow the tiger's head!
  "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three punches down.

The big tiger, who had been so arrogant before, was suddenly beaten until his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears were bleeding everywhere.

Wailing and falling to the ground, unable to move!
  "This...this is the warrior master!"

Looking at the fallen tiger, the middle-aged Orion couldn't help but tremble.

He never expected that the two young masters in front of him were actually warriors!
  No wonder I dare to go into the mountains.

"This is the reward promised to you. You can almost go back."

Throwing out a tael of silver, Qi Yuan said it again.

"Good good."

The middle-aged hunter didn't dare to stay any longer, so he took the money and left with Dahei.

Jiang Shu carried the tiger on his back and walked deeper with Qiyuan.

Walk the mountain road in the morning and stay in the cave at night.

Drink the water from the stream and eat the meat of animals.

For three days and nights, I didn't encounter a single alien ferocious beast.

But I encountered a lot of ordinary beasts.

Brown bear, tiger, wolf, wild boar.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the mountain forest, Jiang Shu's clothes had long been torn to pieces.

He never rested for a day. Every day, he fights against different beasts and accumulates countless experiences.

In his opinion, since the alien ferocious beasts are naturally mutated from these ferocious beasts.

Then, it must have retained its habits and its attacking posture.

The more you know about beasts.

In future battles against alien ferocious beasts, under the same circumstances, they may not necessarily be at a disadvantage.

Every punch and kick he made had the power of a tiger.

Today, his Tiger Form Three Form seems to be about to face a new realm.

No longer limited to three styles.

A long roar!
  Jiang Shu raised his hands, and with a burst of strength, he actually tore a leopard alive!

Warm leopard blood was sprinkled on Jiang Shu's body.

in mind.


  One move after another, ever-changing!

The translucent panel suddenly emerged:
  Jiang Shu——

Hungry tiger sitting on a hole pile: perfect (800/1000)

Hungry Tiger Breathing Technique: Perfection (800/1000)
  Tiger Form Three: Breaking Limits

Hungry Tiger's Claws: Getting Started (400/1000)

Snake Steps: Getting Started (600/1000)

(End of this chapter)

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