Two Realms: A giant of immortal martial arts emerges from low Wu Gan

Chapter 64: Strange fog in the mountains! Red-haired monster!

Chapter 64: Strange fog in the mountains! Red-haired monster!

Beyond perfection is the breaking of limits!
  Jiang Shu's pupils trembled slightly.

In just a few days, he killed the masked warriors and learned the "Wandering Snake Step".

Prepare to enter the mountain, and the tiger will be hungry at the beginning.

His fists and kicks are fierce, his strength has improved, and it can be said that he is making great progress with each passing day.

But when he saw the words "Breaking Limits" on the panel, his whole body could not help but tremble with excitement.

Break the limit.

This means that any martial arts, in his hands, can reach beyond perfection!

The current progress in strength is just a matter of accumulation in a small realm.

But the income brought by the panel is a brilliant road with no end!

Just like "The Hungry Tiger Roars Mountain Power", although it can only be cultivated to the bone forging realm.

But if he reaches perfection in his cultivation, he can go one step further and use this technique to directly enter the realm of viscera training!

Eat leopard meat and eat wild fruits.

Unknowingly, Jiang Shu and Qi Yuan had been in the mountains for three days.

Slowing down their pace, the two became more cautious, and from time to time they could hear various strange roars coming from deep in the mountains.

Night falls.

The bright moon hangs high.

The leaves rustled, and Jiang Shu stepped on the fire.

This place is close to the mountains, and jackals, tigers and leopards can only be reduced to food rations here.

Therefore, both of them have the combat power of Stone Skin Realm.

Nor dare to make a big show of it and light an open fire in the dark night.

"Senior Brother Qi, you should rest first. I will keep vigil today."

The mountain wind howled, and Jiang Shu spoke softly. In the past few days, he had been fighting wild beasts during the day and keeping vigil in the distance at night.

"it is good."

Qi Yuan naturally won't be pretentious.

I took Jiang Shu into the mountains with me because I wanted to have someone to help me.

When a person goes into the mountains, he has to fight the attacking beasts while also tracking the traces of the alien beasts.

For a long time, even warriors will become exhausted and their qi and blood will be exhausted.

He leaned against the side of the cave, sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest. After a while, his breathing became steady and he fell into a nap.

And Jiang Shu, standing in front of the cave, was like a hungry tiger sitting in its cave.

Since the three tiger forms can break the limit.

Naturally, he also wanted to try out what kind of improvement Hungry Tiger could bring by sitting in a hole and Hungry Tiger's breathing limit breaking.

On the translucent panel, the proficiency increases little by little.

Like a heavy fog deep in the mountains, it shrouded the entire mountain range bit by bit.

However, in just one hour, the visibility in front of Jiang Shu was only two steps.

Various strange noises in the grass can be clearly heard.

The snake passes by.

Hare eats grass.

Jiang Shu took two steps gently, holding his breath. On the outskirts of the mountain range, this scene was too normal. He had seen it countless times.

But where is this place?

Approaching the mountains!

Even jackals, tigers and leopards are becoming increasingly rare.

What's more, a rabbit with no ability to protect itself?

Snake steps.

While moving around, you can still have some degree of concealment.

Jiang Shu got closer and closer. Under the heavy fog, he couldn't clearly see what was going on in front of him. The only thing that could judge the situation was the pair of ears he had developed after going into the mountains.


This is the sound of a snake spitting out a letter.


This is the sound of rapid wind.


This sound cannot be determined.

Jiang Shu's breath was steady, and his left hand had quietly grasped the iron rod behind his back, ready to pull it out at any time.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came suddenly.

A strange rabbit-like creature suddenly came into Jiang Shu's eyes.

Covered in red hair, the exposed body alone is nearly one meter long. There is still a small half that is not visible, hidden in the heavy fog.

The two rabbit teeth are in the shape of fangs and are extremely ferocious. Between the teeth, the blood energy turned into mist and sprayed directly into Jiang Shu.


When the stick hit him, Jiang Shu turned sideways very quickly and dodged the blow.

Under him, a rock shattered into several pieces under the kick of the strange rabbit creature!

"Alien ferocious beast?"

After confirming that it was correct, the Hungry Tiger Roaring Mountain Power erupted instantly. Jiang Shu turned around and counterattacked, waving the iron rod.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" After heavy blows, Jiang Shusheng had the power to tear apart tigers and leopards. With the blessing of iron rods, he also fell back step by step under the collision of strange creatures.

The iron rod covered with a layer of iron sheet revealed its original shape.

The iron sheet was shattered after several shocks.

"Get low!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

Jiang Shu quickly lowered his body and shot an arrow through the air!
  Flying over his head!

Missed one shot!
  Another arrow!
  Qi Yuan bent his bow and set up an arrow. The moment Jiang Shu fought, he immediately woke up and rushed over with his bow and arrow.

"Is everything okay?"

"It's okay. The rabbit has red hair, fangs, and can spray blood mist."

Jiang Shu's words were concise and concise, and he could quickly describe it with just a few words.

His whole body rolled continuously, avoiding several more attacks from the red-haired vicious rabbit.

If it had been during the day, he wouldn't have looked so embarrassed.

But within the heavy fog, he could only see two steps away.

And this strange rabbit-like creature can obviously still see everything clearly!
  The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark!

It seems that I must practice martial arts to improve my eyesight in the future.

The thought flashed past, and Jiang Shu concentrated on it, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

At this moment, he could no longer believe his eyes.

All he could believe was the change in the sounds around him! The air changes!

"it is good!"

Seeing that several arrows were fired with no results, Qi Yuan drew his sword.

Hungry Tiger Martial Arts School does not teach sword skills.

There was nowhere for him to learn.

But in the mountains and forests, the role of a long knife is more useful than a fist!

He slashed forward with his sword, as if he wanted to split the thick fog.

"Senior Brother Qi, do you know what kind of alien species this is?"

Jiang Shu quickly approached, back to back with Qi Yuan.

"I don't know... on your side!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Shu swung out the iron rod. At this moment, he had already used the iron rod as the scissors in the third tiger form.

Like a tiger's tail, it sinks with great force and sweeps across with force.



After one blow, there was no sound.

There seemed to be only a slight sound of wind in my ears.

"have they gone?"

Finally, Qi Yuan looked at the growing fog and couldn't help but say something.

"Let's go."

With only one step of visibility, Jiang Shu spoke uncertainly.

Back to back, the two of them gathered their strength and retreated back into the cave little by little.

After all, no one knows how heavy the fog will be.

If the fog is thicker.

What awaits them both may be death!


Total darkness.

Under the thick fog, even the moonlight and stars disappeared.

The two sat opposite each other and were silent for a while.

Pingling County is still too small.

They civilian warriors still know too little.

Strange fog in the mountains.

Weird red-haired monster.

This is not even a large alien ferocious beast!
  They have been forced to use all their means.

"Actually, we can fight during the day."

After a long while, Jiang Shu spoke: "The fog is too heavy. We can't go any further on this mountain."


Qi Yuan was silent.

Sure enough, no matter how well prepared you are.

Only when we went up the mountain did we realize how difficult it was to hunt strange and ferocious beasts.

No wonder the exotic animal meat on the black market is priced one at a time.

After all, no one knows except the warrior himself.

These few kilograms of animal meat were obtained through a desperate fight and at great risk!

(End of this chapter)

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