The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 102: Nezha is on the list, Jiejiao has the upper hand

Chapter 102: Nezha is on the list, Jiejiao has the upper hand

As the second and third generation disciples of the two sects gathered under Xiqi City, there was a battle of wits between the two sides every day. In addition to the three sects, there were also many masters of other casual cultivators who could not see the situation clearly. They were taught by the Twelve Golden Immortals and the Yin Shang Kingdom. Shi Shen Gongbao deceived himself into this mess.

Compared with the masters of Jiejiao and Chanjiao, these casual cultivators do not have powerful magical powers to protect themselves, nor do they have top-notch spiritual treasures. Many of them have become victims of disaster and have been beaten to ashes by the monks of the two sects.

When everyone was almost dead, Master Huanglong of Chanjiao showed his power again and fought alone against the four saints of "Kowloon Island". Although these four people had exaggerated names, they were only outer disciples of Jiejiao, and their cultivation level was only at the Golden Immortal realm. How could they be Huanglong? The opponents of real people, who had only played dozens of rounds, were sent to the list of gods one after another.

The war in Xiqi was not going well, and Huang Feihu and Shen Gongbao were both worried.

Shen Gongbao received the warning from Dao Lord Chaos, so naturally he did not dare to invite the top interception masters to come out.

With no other option, Huang Feihu sent out the book again, handed Chao Ge, and asked Grand Master Wen Zhong to find a way.

"Alas! It's a pity that the four Taoist brothers were killed by Zhenren Huanglong!"

When Wen Zhong saw the battle report, he felt regretful, and then he gritted his teeth against Xiqi and Chanjiao. He thought about it and murmured to himself, "To deal with Daluo Jinxian, we still need to find a master of Daluo Jinxian level. It seems that I We need to ask the teacher to come forward and arrange for some uncles to come and help."

Thinking of this, Wen Zhong suddenly thought of Uncle Chaos. It would be great if his old man came forward, which would be enough to sweep the entire Chan Sect. However, in the last Beihai War, his uncle was attacked by the leader of the Western Sect and was seriously injured, but he could not Came to help, what a pity! pity!

After changing into a Taoist robe, Wen Zhong rode on Mo Qilin, but left Chaoge directly and headed for Jin'ao Island.

After meeting with the Holy Mother of Jin Ling, she told them about the recent difficulties, especially the death of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island and many Jiejiao Immortals from Shiji, who were listed on the list of gods. After hearing this, Holy Mother of Jin Ling became furious.

"Okay! Since Chanjiao doesn't care about the friendship with Xuanmen at all! Then let's do it!" Our Lady of Jinling looked at Wenzhong and ordered: "Go to Xiqi in person to sit down and build Lu Peng, and then invite him as your teacher. People will naturally stand up for you."

"Yes! Disciple, please resign now!"

After receiving the teacher's promise, Wen Zhong was overjoyed. The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is a figure at the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian. Such true disciples have top-notch innate spiritual treasures to protect them. No matter how ferocious the Huanglong Master is, he is no match for the teacher!
  Wen Zhong happily rode Mo Qilin and flew back to Chaoge, but he never thought that this was also what Chanjiao hoped to happen.
  A month later, Wen Zhong also came to Xiqi in person, and the Yin and Shang army became the new commander-in-chief. Huang Feihu was the deputy marshal, assisting Wen Zhong in reorganizing the army.

With Wen Zhong in charge, the army quickly came out of their depressed mood and quickly built canopies nearby.

And this change was soon discovered by Jiang Ziya. The building of Lu Peng was naturally prepared for the important figures in the immortal world. It seemed that the real important figures in the Jiejiao were about to appear.

"Junior brother Ziya, it seems that the people who came here are not good and the good people will not come. You still have to go to the 'Yuxu Palace' and ask some senior brothers to come and help."

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Master Huang Long only felt that a disaster was coming, and he was terrified all day long. In the end, he did not care about his own face and asked Jiang Ziya to go back to the mountain to ask for help.

"Uncle Huanglong, in the recent period, we have been beating the second and third generation disciples of Jie Jiao to the point where they are running away with their heads in their arms. There are no powerful people in Jie Jiao. If one of them comes, let's kill one of them. There is no need to ask for help, right?"

Nezha said with a look of disdain, since he removed the bones and flesh, repaid the kindness of his parents, and with the help of Taiyi Zhenren, he became the lotus incarnation from Yuanshi Tianzun, and now his strength has been further improved, reaching the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. .

This level of cultivation can even catch up with the second generation disciples of Jie Jiao. Therefore, some weak Jie Jiao immortals often died at the hands of this evil star.

"Nezha, don't underestimate the enemy! Although most of the Jiejiao are people with fur and horns who lay eggs and become feathers, there are many masters among them. Even the master uncle is invincible."

Looking at this naughty kid, Master Huang Long smiled bitterly and shook his head, knowing that explaining to him would be redundant.

"Senior Brother Huanglong, that Ziya is leaving now!"

Jiang Ziya was not Nezha, so he naturally understood the seriousness of the matter when a Daluo Jinxian asked for help.

And just when Jiang Ziya rode on the "Sixiang", left Xiqi City and went to Kunlun Mountain to ask for help, the Shang Army camp also received this batch of reinforcements from Jie Jiao.

"Senior Nephew Wen Zhong, we, the Seven Immortals, are here to help you on the orders of Senior Sister Jin Ling!"

Outside the back door of the Shang Army camp, on the reeds, the seven Great Luo Jinxian of Wuyun Immortal looked at the Yin and Shang masters who came out to greet them, and laughed.

"Master uncles, you are here. This time, we can finally let go of the bad breath of being bullied by the Chan Cult!" Wen Zhong and a group of people came forward to salute, and finally Wen Zhong said with emotion.

"Haha! Huang Long, an incompetent person, bullies my Jiejiao disciples with Daluo Jinxian's cultivation. This time we are here to see how arrogant he is!" Qiu Shouxian even sneered, and he had already sentenced Huang Long to death in his heart. .

"Wen Zhong is very grateful to you all for coming." Wen Zhong looked at the ten figures behind the Seven Immortals, showing a hint of surprise.

"Uncle Qin, are you here too?"

"I saw seven senior brothers coming out of the mountain on the island. The ten of us had just finished practicing the Ten Jue Formations. We learned about Xiqi's incident, so we came here to help." Qin Wan laughed.

"That's right, I heard that Chanjiao doesn't care about Xuanmen friendship at all, and our Ten Jue Formation has been practiced proficiently, so everyone in Chanjiao will never come back!"

"Uncle Qin, are you saying that the Ten Jue Formations of ten of you have been rehearsed?"

Even Wen Zhong was shocked. The cultivation of these ten uncles was not high, and they could only reach the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. However, these ten people were admirable in the formation, and the entire Jiejiao was in admiration. He spent his whole life practicing the Ten Jue Formation, and now he actually succeeded?

"Hahaha! Don't worry, everyone, we have thoroughly practiced the Ten Jue Formations. Even if Daluo Jinxian enters the formation, there will be no return!"

Qin Wan said with confidence on behalf of the Ten Heavenly Lords.

The ten of them are not fools. How can they dare to take the porcelain job without diamonds?
  The ten people discussed it and were about to use the Immortal Killing Tribulation to show the entire prehistoric world how powerful their "Ten Jue Arrays" were!
  If not, they would not have taken the initiative to approach the seven immortals accompanying them and ask to come to Xiqi to help out.

"Don't worry, Wen Zhong. I personally went to the Ten Jue Formations and only tried them for a while. If I hadn't been thick-skinned and thick-skinned, I would have gotten stuck in them."

The Spirit Tooth Fairy laughed loudly and spoke, with a hint of fear in his expression. Obviously entering the battle was not as simple as he said.

"Senior Brother Spirit Tooth Fairy is joking."

Qin Wan, Zhao Jiang, Dong Quan, Yuan Jiao, Golden Light Holy Mother and other ten people laughed. Although they were speaking modestly, there was no concealment of the confidence on their faces.

The Spirit Tooth Immortal was able to come out of the formation, which was also the reason why Zhao Jiang released the water. Otherwise, it would not be impossible to refine a Da Luo Jin Immortal to death!

The arrival of the Seven Immortals and the Ten Heavenly Lords greatly increased the confidence of Wen Zhong, Yuan Hong and others. On that day, there was no intention of resting at all, and the army directly dispatched to fight with Xiqi.

Under the threat of Wen Zhong and others threatening that Chanjiao could not come out to fight, they used their magical powers to smash Xiqi City and kill all the rebels. Master Huanglong secretly complained and could only take Yang Jian, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, Tu Xingsun, etc., as well as a group of Sanxian and Xiqi generals, led the army out of the city, set up their posture, and confronted the Yin and Shang armies.

"Huang Long! Aren't you the best at fighting Taiyi Jinxian and Jinxian with the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian? Today, I will challenge you to see what skills you have!"

Seeing Master Huanglong leading his troops out of the city, Lingya Immortal immediately spoke sarcastically.


After hearing this, all the Jiejiao Immortals and Yin Shang generals and soldiers behind the Lingya Immortal burst into laughter, until Master Huang Long's face turned black.

"Okay, okay, Spirit Tooth Fairy! I will teach you how to do it!"

Even though Master Huang Long knew that Jie Jiao had come to the seven Daluo Golden Immortals, he would hit people without slapping people in the face. Lingya Immortal's words made his face turn black with anger, making him the laughing stock of both armies, and it was impossible not to take action. "Boom!"

The two Daluo Golden Immortals flew up to the Nine Heavens Gang Wind Layer, and only there could reduce the impact on the two armies below. Within a moment, the sound of wind and thunder rolled in from the Nine Heavens.

From time to time, several rays of light from magical powers and magic weapons shot through the thick clouds and shot down from the nine heavens.

If it weren't for the presence of many masters from the two religions below, the aftermath of the meteor shower would have killed countless people, and even Xiqi City would have been shattered.

Except for the Da Luo Jinxian and the few Taiyi Jinxian who could clearly see the battle in the nine heavens, no one else could see the outcome of the battle at all.

"Whoever is not afraid of death, come up and fight with your young master!"

Nezha, who was bored waiting in front of the formation, shouted angrily, stepped on the hot wheel, and came to the front of the formation of the two armies.

"Chant teach me, I, Yu Hua, am here to learn from you!"

Yu Hua on the side activated the fire-eyed golden-eyed beast, holding the "Blood-Transforming Divine Sword", and killed Nezha.

On this side, Mu Zha also came out to call for battle, and Jin Dasheng also came out to fight against Mu Zha, fighting together.

"Yang Jian, come out and fight!"

All his brothers took action, Yuan Hong mentioned the "Star Stick" and invited Yang Jian to fight by name.

"Yuan Hong, last time I went to visit the camp, I was discovered by you. Today is just the right time for another fight, a showdown!"

Yang Jian led Roaring Sky Dog out of the formation and was with Yuan Hongdou.

Suddenly, in front of the two armies, the sound of gold and iron clashing could be heard continuously, and the sound of weapons clashing became a line. In the middle of the battlefield, there were only silhouettes of people moving and dodging, which stunned the soldiers of both armies.

"That's right! Senior nephew Yuan Hong is quite good at it! Then Yang Jian is not weak either."

The six Daluo Jinxian who intercepted the teachings, maintained their identities and had no problem killing the people of the teachings, but they gave the teachings an opportunity.

As for other Jiejiao people, fighting against Chanjiao is just an ordinary play in the eyes of the six Daluo Jinxian. As masters, and with Jiejiao having the upper hand, they will naturally not take action.

At this time, the war was in full swing. When Nezha was fighting, he showed his magical power with three heads and six arms. The "Gold Brick", "Yin and Yang Swords", "World Circle" and other spiritual treasures were displayed, even though Yu Hua was taller by one Senior, Nezha also beat him up and down. From time to time, he was beaten so hard that he even vomited blood.

"Three heads and six arms? Uncle Yu Hua, I'm here to help you!"

Huang Tianhua saw Yu Hua and Nezha fighting together and was at a disadvantage. He immediately roared and raised his hand to shoot out a ray of light, which was his "heart-saving nail".

A flash of light flashed, and the "heart-saving nail" hit Nezha's forehead between his eyebrows, until Nezha's head was broken, and his three heads and six arms were broken.

"Huang Tianhua, you traitor, you are looking for death!"

The fierceness in Nezha's heart was driven out by Huang Tianhua's blow. He screamed in pain and struck the "World Circle" towards Huang Tianhua.

"Junior, so arrogant!"

When Nezha was distracted, Yu Hua seized the opportunity, shouted loudly, and swung out the "Blood-Transforming Divine Sword", cutting him into two pieces, and a wisp of his soul entered the list of gods.

"Third brother!"

When Jin Zha saw this scene, he roared sadly and rushed out of the formation, heading towards Yu Hua and Huang Tianhua.

"Third brother!"

Mu Zha over there also saw Nezha's death. In a rage, he directly struck Jin Dasheng's head with a sword, and then moved closer to Jin Zha. But before he could pass, the other Five Saints of Meishan saw their brother's tragic death. One by one they rushed forward and surrounded Muzha.

"Howling Sky Dog!"

Seeing that the situation was precarious and Yuan Hong was very difficult to deal with, Yang Jian suddenly lowered himself and shouted loudly.

When Yuan Hong was shocked and confused, a black shadow jumped out from Yang Jian's head like lightning and bit Yuan Hong's shoulder!

"Damn dog, I'll let you bite!"

Although Yuan Hong was frightened, his jade color flowed all over his body, and he used the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills to the extreme.

There was only a crisp sound of "bang", and the barking dog immediately bleeded from the corner of its mouth, whimpered, and ran back with its tail between its legs.

However, this thin dog could not bite Yuan Hong's skin, but accidentally shattered several of its canine teeth by Yuan Hong.

"Haha! Yang Jian, do you think you can defeat me with a sneak attack by a beast?"

Yuan Hong looked at the barking dog that was running away with its tail tucked, and he grinned and cursed.

Seeing that Roaring Sky Dog was injured, Yang Jian no longer wanted to continue the fight with Yuan Hong. He feinted with his knife and forced Yuan Hong back. He jumped out of the battle circle and fled towards the outside.

"Yang Jian, where are you going!"

Yuan Hong's body swayed and turned into a big roc. With a sharp roar, he chased after Yang Jian.


Seeing that he couldn't escape, Yang Jian dwarfed himself and transformed into a pangolin. He just dug in the ground and got in.

In the Yin Shang army, Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu looked at each other and showed a smile. Now that their side has gained a comprehensive advantage, the two nodded to each other. Wen Zhong shouted, "The whole army attacks!"


Suddenly, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and millions of troops attacked Xiqi's army, preparing to take advantage of this opportunity to annihilate the Xiqi army in front of the formation and break Xiqi City.



The two armies turned into two torrents and merged together. Every moment, countless creatures died. The corpses piled up like mountains and blood flowed into rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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