The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 103: The desperate battle begins, and the two golden immortals reach the lower realms

Chapter 103 The Ten Jue Formations rise, and the Twelve Golden Immortals reach the lower realms
  At this time, Jin Zha finally calmed down, but facing the siege of Yu Hua and Huang Tianhua, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Huang Tianhua's two silver hammers were dancing in the wind. With his own strength, he could firmly suppress Jin Zha.

Na Yu Hua saw the opportunity, and suddenly his tongue exploded with spring thunder, and he roared.

"Blood Transforming Divine Sword!"

The next moment, a bloody sword light struck out from Yu Hua's hand. Jin Zha was startled and subconsciously ducked to the side. He barely managed to escape, but his right arm was slightly scratched by the sword light. His flesh and blood were all blurred immediately, and the wound was even more... It was wrapped in a group of sinister and decaying aura, extending towards the surroundings.

Jin Zha endured the pain and raised his sword to stab Yu Hua. Unexpectedly, an unbearable sharp pain came from his soul, which made his eyes turn white. He leaned back and fainted on the ground.


Yu Hua cut off Jin Zha's head with another slash and sent him to the list of gods.

As for Muzha, he was beaten by the Five Saints of Meishan, Gao Ming and Gao Jue, and eventually ended up being quartered into pieces.


At this time, Jiang Ziya finally invited reinforcements, and eleven other Golden Immortals such as Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, Yuding Zhenren, Taiyi Zhenren, Qingxu Daode Tianzun, etc. also came.

The eleven Daluo Jinxian's magic power was connected, and the suffocating aura spread out, sweeping the world and heading straight for the thirty-three days.

At this time, in the Nine Heavens Gang Wind Layer, the Spirit Tooth Fairy won a great victory and flew down with the head of Master Huang Long.

"Junior Brother Huanglong!"

Seeing the tragic death of their junior brother, the other eleven Daluo Golden Immortals were filled with grief. Although the relationship between the two parties was average and they did not think highly of Master Huang Long, they were both Twelve Golden Immortals. Seeing his death, the others could not help but feel sad.

"Lingya Immortal, you killed me, the Golden Immortal of Chanjiao. Today, Pindao must avenge Junior Brother Huanglong and kill you personally!"

Guangchengzi walked out with a livid face.

"Hmph! You teach the person who kills us, why can't we kill him?"

Seeing the eleven Daluo Golden Immortals gathered together, even the Lingya Immortal felt a little guilty. Their seven brothers were no match for Guangchengzi and the others.

"Hmph! Guangchengzi, ten of us brothers have set up the 'Ten Jue Formation'. I'm sorry that you, the people who teach you, don't have the ability to break the formation. Do you have the courage to try it?"

Seeing the Chan Sect in full force, Qin Wan's eyes lit up. They, the Ten Heavenly Lords, are going to be famous. Is there any better opportunity than this?

"Ten Jue Formation?!"

Hearing what Qin Wan said, Guangchengzi's heart trembled. His consciousness swept across the ten large formations in front of the Yin Shang camp, and he frowned when he saw the fierce aura filling the sky.

"Ten Jue Formation? I heard that this Ten Jue Formation was created by the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jiejiao. It is composed of ten large formations and is extremely powerful."

Hearing this, Chi Jingjie thought hard for a moment and then explained at the side.

Guangchengzi glanced around and asked in a deep voice: "Which fellow Taoist is willing to go and try out the Ten Jue Formations?"

"Senior brother, I am willing to go!"

"Senior brother, I am willing to go too!"

Deng Hua and Xiao Zhen clasped their fists one after another.

"Okay, one of you enters the Heavenly Jue Formation, and the other enters the Ice Formation, and explore carefully. If something goes wrong, get out of the formation immediately."

Seeing two newly initiated second-generation disciples volunteering, Guangchengzi nodded. This was the purpose of the teacher's acceptance of these disciples.

Deng Hua and Xiao Zhen each held weapons, pressed their cloud heads, and headed towards the "Tian Jue Formation" and "Ice Formation", wanting to explore the reality of the formation for their respective division commanders.

"Hahaha! You don't know how to live or die, if you want to join the battle, then come!"

Seeing that the eleven Daluo Golden Immortals did not dare to enter, but only sent two ordinary second-generation disciples to go, Qin Wan, who presided over the "Tian Jue Formation", stood in front of the formation and was slightly disappointed.

"Old man, you are looking for death!"

When Deng Hua heard this, he was furious and raised his halberd to fight Qin Wan.

"Hmph! Boy, just come in."

Qin Wan was not interested in fighting with Deng Hua. After dealing with two moves, he turned around and entered the Tianjue Formation. Deng Hua followed closely and entered the formation.

After entering the formation, Deng Huafang noticed that there was clear air everywhere in the Tianjue formation. Where could he see Qin Wan's figure?

Deng Hua's heart tightened, and he activated the Yuqing Immortal Technique, and suddenly a faint golden light protected his whole body.

However, before he could take action again, dozens of thunderbolts fell from the sky and shot towards him.

Deng Hua used his halberd to block the two thunderbolts, and barely managed to hold his staggering body. Just as he was about to turn around and leave the formation, he was overwhelmed by the endless thunder.

Guang Chengzi and other eleven Daluo Jinxian, Jiang Ziya and others stood at the top of the cloud, waiting for Deng Hua and Xiao Zhen to come out of the formation and tell everyone the information about the two formations.

However, a scream suddenly came from the "Tian Jue Formation", which made everyone nervous. The formation was filled with boundless evil energy, and even Guangchengzi and others could not see clearly. For a while, everyone except There is no other way to be anxious.

Not long after, Deng Hua's corpse, scorched by thunder, was thrown out of the "Tian Jue Formation", and Qin Wan's laughter also rang out in the formation.

Seeing Deng Hua's tragic death, Guang Chengzi, Master Lingbao and others looked sad.

Although Deng Hua's cultivation level is not high among the second-generation disciples, only the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, we are still brothers. Now seeing him die tragically in the Tianjue Formation, several people can't help but feel the sadness of the rabbit dying and the fox dying. Come.

Before everyone could recover from the tragedy of Deng Hua's death, the door of the "Ice Formation" suddenly opened wide, and the leader of the formation, Yuan Jiao, walked out of the formation holding a sword in one hand and a large piece of ice in the other.

Without saying a word, he threw the head-sized piece of ice on the ground. It immediately broke into seven or eight pieces, and blood-colored ice crystals scattered on the ground.

When everyone saw this, their hearts trembled. They didn't know that this was Xiao Zhen's head.

"Fellow Taoists, this formation is difficult to break. Let's go back and discuss it for now."

Seeing that both Deng Hua and Xiao Zhen died in the Ten Jue Formation, Guang Chengzi felt heavy in his heart and sighed softly.

Everyone fell silent and turned back to Xiqi City.

All the masters of the Chan Sect arrived, and the Jie Jiao side did not dare to take the initiative to pursue them. Instead, they used the "Ten Jue Formation" to surround Xiqi City, waiting for more of their own Daluo Jinxian to descend to the earth.

"Brother, if these ten formations are not broken for one day, when will Xiqi replace Yin and Shang?" In the Prime Minister's Mansion, a group of immortal masters sat together in silence. Jiang Ziya could only grit his teeth and make insinuations, letting Guang Chengzi and others Think of ways to.

Ran Deng and Lu Ya looked at each other, lowered their eyes, and said calmly:

"How can I not know what my junior brother is worried about? However, these Ten Jue Formations are very vicious. Even if everyone here can break the formation, they will suffer heavy casualties. In terms of numbers, our teaching cannot afford to lose. At this time, we still need Recruiting talents is the way to go.”

Guang Chengzi looked indifferent, glanced at Jiang Ziya, and said slowly.

As Jiang Ziya said, the immortals of Chanjiao naturally understood that if the Ten Jue Formation could not be broken, Xiqi would not be able to replace the Yin Shang and become the orthodoxy of the human race.

And this means that Chanjiao lost in the Fengshen Tribulation.

This is not a fact that Yuanshi Tianzun and the immortals of Chanjiao can accept. Therefore, no matter what, these ten ultimate formations must be broken by the immortals of Chanjiao.

"But, most of our people are here." Jiang Ziya said hesitantly.

As for the remaining Yun Neutron, there is no trace. The Antarctic Immortal is an official in the heaven, so he is naturally not in the calamity. There are still some other second and third generation people, but their magic power is low and they have no effect at all.

"Cough cough!"

After coughing lightly, Master Taiyi saw everyone's eyes turned to him, so he said: "I have Teacher Ran Deng here in my Chan sect. Teacher Ran Deng is a quasi-sage master. Why not ask Teacher Ran Deng to come forward?" Teacher Ran Deng’s knowledge makes it easy to break the formation.”

"That's right! Junior Brother Taiyi's words are very true!"

Guangchengzi and the Daluo Jinxian nodded repeatedly, and then everyone looked at Jiang Ziya again.

"Brothers! Junior brother understands how to do it. I will go again."

Jiang Ziya smiled bitterly, none of these senior brothers had a fuel-efficient lamp, they were all waiting for him here, and all the things that offended people were done by him, a man who conferred the title of God.

As a quasi-sage, Teacher Ran Deng was not in trouble. He knew without asking that whoever came to invite him would definitely offend this great supernatural being.

Guangchengzi and the others looked at each other and nodded slightly. Although this junior brother was not successful in cultivation, he was clever and was a suitable scapegoat.

Soon, Jiang Ziya rode on the "Sibei" and went out to invite people again.

As for the Xiqi City side, the war-free card was displayed high, and the Yin Shang army naturally knew that the other party was inviting people again, so they kept calling their fellow disciples to come for support.

"Grand Master, I would also like to ask you to speak to His Majesty as soon as possible and ask him to capture Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, to prevent a rebellion in Chentangguan."

In the Yin Shang camp, after talking about the current situation, Yuan Hongjin said.

"Li Jing, rebellion?"

Wen Zhong was slightly startled, a little confused.

"Namuzha's full name is Li Muzha. He is the second son of Li Jing, who is his disciple under the great master Puxian of Chanjiao. Jin Zha is the eldest son of Li Jing, who is the teacher of Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun. Li Jing is the third His name is Li Nezha, and he once practiced under the disciple of Chanjiao Jinxian Taiyi Zhenren."

Seeing that everyone was listening seriously, Yuan Hong then added: "These three people were all killed by us. Then Li Jing will definitely rebel after getting the news."

"This Li Jing is the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, and he has three sons who all worshiped under the sect of Chan. Sure enough, he has some objections!" After hearing what Yuan Hong said, Huang Feihu immediately reacted.

"That's it! I understand, Grand Master. I will join Feihu and jointly submit a petition to Your Majesty, asking Your Majesty to let Li Jing return to Chaoge to report on his duties."

Wen Zhong nodded. Although he had not personally investigated it, Yuan Hong said that it was naturally the real situation. Since Li Jing had a disobedient heart, he naturally had to eradicate it as soon as possible to avoid rebellion behind the scenes and causing chaos when the armies were fighting. .

After solving Li Jing's hidden danger, Yao Bin from Shi Tianjun pondered for a moment and said: "Master Nephew Wen Zhong, I have a secret technique that can curse a person to death. This Xiqi is headed by Boyikao. How about I curse this person to death?" "

"Uncle Yao's secret technique?"

Wen Zhong's eyes lit up, and he added: "I wonder if there is a limit to Master Yao's secret technique? If so, we can also curse Jiang Ziya to death, so that he will not keep causing trouble for us."

"Okay! Come one by one! Capture the thief first and capture the king first. I'll curse Boyikao to death first, and then target Jiang Ziya!" Yao Bin of Shi Tianjun said again: "Let's see how Xiqi can do that little tortoise! "

The other nine people in Shitianjun all knew Yao Bin's secret technique, and they all smiled and nodded.

This plan was approved by everyone. Yao Bin came to a vacant place in the army and used magic to arrest several yellow scarf warriors. Soon, Yao Bin built a high platform here.

Yao Bin climbed up to the high platform with his hair loose and sword in hand. Bu Gang recited a mantra in front of the stage, issued a talisman and printed it in the air. He used the drafter's soul worshiping technique to face the straw man with the five characters "Xiqi Boyikao" written on it. Pray three times a day without stopping.

Yao Bin worshiped for three days in a row. In Xiqi City, Boyikao, the leader of the Western Zhou Dynasty, became more and more anxious. He often felt restless and sighed.

Everyone didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that he, the leader of a country, was worried about the situation of the war.

Seven or eight days later, Jiang Ziya not only invited Taoist Ran Deng, but also met Taoist Lu Ya who was doing meritorious deeds in the lower world. When they returned to Xiqi City together, Na Boyi had gone through most of the Three Souls and Seven Souls Examination. , chest tightness, weak voice, low energy, often sleeping soundly on the couch for half the day, breathing like thunder.

When Jiang Ziya came back and saw this situation, he felt more and more something was wrong. He found a lamp and asked in a low voice: "The king has been sleeping soundly in recent days. Could it be that he has been plotted against?"

"Ziya, you are worrying too much. Na Boyikao is just worried about the situation of the war. Let him rest for a few more days, and his health will naturally get better."

Taoist Ran Deng was a quasi-sage, so he was not in the mood to see a mortal, so he just found a reason and excused himself.

"Yes! Disciple understands!"

When Jiang Ziya heard what Ran Deng said, he could only nod his head and did not dare to say anything. He knew that the deputy leader of Chanjiao was very angry!
  This time, Jiang Ziya completely offended Taoist Ran Deng. If Ran Deng had not taken Yuanshi Tianzun's face into consideration, he would have severely reprimanded Jiang Ziya. Do you still want him to treat a mortal?

Do you really think that he, the three thousand guest of "Zixiao Palace", is a little person who can give orders at will?
  Thinking of this, Taoist Randeng became even more angry. Originally, the catastrophe had nothing to do with him, but people like Guang Chengzi deliberately dragged him into the water, and even secretly had orders from Yuanshi Tianzun.

This made him completely give up on Chan Sect, and he no longer felt any guilt. He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to become a god and recruit a few people from Chan Sect to teach in the West. At that time, he would not go to the Western Sect and become a bachelor. commander.

In this way, time flew by and another five days passed.

Na Boyi Kao lost all his three souls and seven souls, and the second king of Xiqi died. Na Ji Fa could only inherit the throne of his elder brother and was known as King Wu.

"Damn it! This demon sect is really hateful!"

Taoist Ran Deng smashed the table into pieces. This time, he lost a lot of face.

"Teacher Ran Deng, regrets are useless at this point. We should break through the Ten Jue Formations as soon as possible and let King Wu send troops to attack the Yin Shang." Guang Chengzi sneered in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"Okay! Everyone, follow me out of the city in seven days! Meet the Ten Heavenly Lords for a while!"

It was Taoist Ran Deng's plan to work hard but not to do anything, but when it came to his face, this great magical power user couldn't help but get angry and decided to give Jie Jiao a show of strength.

(End of this chapter)

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