The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 104 Jiang Ziya died, Ran Deng wanted to go to the Eight View Palace to ask for elixirs

Chapter 104 Jiang Ziya died, Ran Deng wanted to go to Bajing Palace to ask for elixirs
  On the other side, in the Yin Shang camp, Yao Bin stroked his beard and laughed, saying: "Bo Yi Kao is dead! Now it's Jiang Ziya's turn!"

"So good!"

Wen Zhong and others were overjoyed, and Boyi Kao was named the Lord of Xiqi. As soon as this man died, the morale of Xiqi's army naturally fell to the bottom. If it were not for the power of immortality to dominate the battlefield situation here, he would have led the army to charge and they would have been able to break through immediately. City, annihilated the Ji family.

In Xiqi City.

In the past seven days, when the new king was handed over, Jiang Ziya suddenly became "sick" and fell asleep for five or six days in a row. No matter whether it was Ran Deng Taoist, Guang Chengzi and others, or Lu Ya, they couldn't sit still at all.

This time, everyone knew that they had been tricked by the Jiejiao sect.

"Fellow Ran Deng, it seems that Jiang Shang was plotted against someone." Lu Ya stepped forward to check on Jiang Ziya on the hospital bed and said with a frown.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Ya, can you tell how Ziya was plotted?"

Taoist Ran Deng naturally saw that it was a curse on his body, but he no longer had the intention to serve for the teaching, so he just pretended not to know, and asked with a little doubt on his face.

"This... even a poor man doesn't know."

Lu Ya hesitated for a moment, but then shook his head. He was the prince of the ancient heaven. Not only had he received the inheritance from Emperor Jun, Taiyi and others, but he had also studied Taoism in the "Wa Palace" for many years. What had he not seen before?
  You, Ran Deng Taoist, are a quasi-sage and you pretend not to know. Jiang Ziya is not mine. Why should I, a master of Daluo Jinxian, ask for trouble and force myself to come forward?

"Deputy Headmaster, Senior Lu Ya, the teacher has become more and more sleepy these days, and he has been unable to wake up these days. The junior just sniffed the teacher's breath and found that the teacher, teacher, he... went!"

At this point, Wuji was already crying.

Ran Deng sneered in his heart, just to give you Jiang Ziya retribution, didn't you invite me to rob you?

Pindao will see if you die this time and will teach you a heavy lesson!


Rendeng Taoist sighed, pretending to have a sad face, walked slowly to the bed, stretched out his hand to probe Jiang Ziya's nose, and found that Jiang Ziya had no air coming in, not just out...

"Although Pindao doesn't know how to save Ziya, he once heard that Jie Jiao has good relations with the witch clan. The witch clan has the technique of witchcraft. It can worship the other party's soul silently and kill him. It's indescribable. Jiang The Prime Minister is afraid that he fell into this trick."

Lu Ya on the side saw that Jiang Ziya had finished playing, and then he spoke slowly.

"The villain who intercepts the teachings is going too far to bully others!"

Guangchengzi and other eleven Da Luo Jinxian shouted and cursed one after another, all filled with unspeakable indignation.

"Sure enough, life is like a play, everyone is acting!"

Lu Ya looked on with cold eyes. It seemed that there was constant chaos within the Chan Sect, and everyone had their own little thoughts.

"Now, we can only save the life of Junior Brother Ziya, who was lured into the business camp by Yao Tianjun."

After a performance, Na Guangchengzi revealed the plan.

Soon, Ran Deng Taoist, Guang Chengzi, Lu Ya and others led many masters out of Xiqi City and invited Jie Jiao to fight, while Yang Jian used the method of transformation to secretly sneak into the Yin Shang camp and prepare There was chaos outside, and they took the opportunity to take Jiang Ziya's soul back.

Seeing all the people who had intercepted the teachings come out, Guangchengzi was overjoyed and said boldly: "My junior brother Jiang Ziya is the one who is destined to be a god by heaven. Now he comes down the mountain with the decree of Yuxu. Firstly, he can become a god for heaven. Secondly, King Zhou has no way and has many qi." It is over, but the phoenix is ​​singing in Qishan, and it is the beginning of the Yin and Shang Dynasty."

After a pause, he continued: "Now that Xiqi Mingjun is born, and Junior Brother Ziya assists Xiqi, this is a matter of course. You, the Ten Heavenly Lords, used your magic to steal Junior Brother Ziya's soul. This move It’s just a matter of defying nature and handing over my junior brother’s soul as soon as possible. Only in this way can we have a chance of survival.”

"Okay, okay, Guangchengzi, you are worthy of being the first disciple of Chan Cult. I admire you so much!"

Before Yao Bin could say anything, Holy Mother Jin Ling was so angry that she trembled and laughed angrily: "You have killed many of my disciples, and how dare you brazenly say anything that goes against heaven?"

"Didn't you Jiejiao also kill my disciples? If you don't return the soul of Junior Brother Ziya, what you did today will be too late for you to regret it by then!"

Master Puxian took a step forward, his eyes filled with evil energy.

"That's right! My disciple can't die in vain!"

Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun also took a step forward, and his meaning was self-evident.

"Okay! Your disciples can't die in vain! My many junior brothers and junior sisters can't die in vain either!" Jin Ling Sheng's face twitched angrily, she looked at Guang Chengzi and said: "Which of you dares to come out to fight with me? I will accept my advice. What kind of magical powers do you have in explaining the religion? How dare you kill my disciples!"

"Hmph! Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, since you want to learn the Dafa of my teaching! Then I will practice with you! Let's see what skills you have in the five true teachings of Jie Jiao!"

Guangchengzi moved up to the ninth level of the sky, waiting for the Golden Spirit Mother to come up.

"Okay! I'm afraid you won't make it!"

The figure of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit flashed up into the sky, ready to fight Guangchengzi.

"Who is not convinced? Come on! I, Wu Yunxian, will fight you for three hundred rounds!"

Wu Yunxian, who was accompanying the head of the Seven Immortals, glanced coldly at the remaining ten Da Luo Jinxian, sneered again and again, and asked.

"Hmph! Immortal Wu Yun, today Pindao will knock you out of your true form!"

Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun flew into the void and received Wuyun Xian.

The other Daluo Jinxian masters from the Chan Sect also stepped forward to invite a fight. Soon, these big shots all entered the Nine Heavens Gang Wind layer, displaying their peerless magical powers and fighting to the death.

Taoist Ran Deng and Lu Ya looked at each other and smiled. Jie Jiao and these people really have no brains. Now that the masters have been lured away, with the two of them taking action to attract other Jie Jiao immortals, Yang Jian can easily take back Jiang Ziya's soul and make him return. Positive.

This time, the war that broke out was even more intense. Many masters from Jiejiao and Chanjiao took action, especially Chanjiao. Even in a desperate move, 90% of the masters from the sect came to Xiqi City.

Yuanshi Tianzun also invested all his capital in order to take advantage of the Great Catastrophe of Conferring Gods and defeat Jiejiao.

"Xiqi has launched a decisive battle! Even a poor man cannot stay in 'Wuyi Mountain' for a long time."

Constantly observing the situation in Xiqi, Li Yunjing kept pinching the seals, calculating the various changes and calculating the vitality of Jiejiao.

However, during the calamity, the secret did not appear. Li Yunjing sighed, but moved towards the "Three Immortals Island".

At this moment, the gods are fighting outside. Behind a tent in the merchant camp, Yang Jian is hiding in the shadows, choosing the right opportunity to take action.

Outside the altar built by Yao Bin, Yuan Hong sat cross-legged on the ground, guarding the altar with a pair of divine eyes scanning the surroundings from time to time. Yang Jian was proficient in the art of change, and had sneaked into the camp several times to explore information. Naturally, many masters of the interception and education would not fail to take precautions. He was also proficient in the art of change, and had good combat power, so Yuan Hong was assigned this important task.


As the war broke out outside, Yang Jian looked at Yuan Hong secretly, showing a hint of helplessness. This man was a formidable enemy. If he wanted to save Master Ziya, he had to decide the outcome with him.

"Yuan Hong! Look at the knife!"

Thinking of this, Yang Jian felt fierce in his heart and turned into a breeze, flying towards Yuan Hong. Before the word "knife" in the voice was uttered, a "three-pointed two-edged sword" appeared in his hands and pointed at Yuan Hong fiercely. Hong Zhan killed him.

"Yang Jian, I am waiting for you!"

Yuan Hong looked at Qingfeng in front of him and sneered, stood up quickly, raised the "Star Stick", and blocked Yang Jian's attack with one stroke.

After a hard fight, the two men's arms shook violently and they retreated at the same time. However, Yuan Hong was a giant-armed ape with infinite strength, and was much stronger than Yang Jian, who had the body of a man and a god.

"Yang Jian, take another hit from me!"

With great strength and quick recovery, Yuan Hong got rid of the paralysis and let out a low drink. "Superior Immortal Light" appeared all over his body, and the "Star Stick" was filled with endless star light.

Yuan Hong's body swayed and he came to Yang Jian in an instant. He raised fire to set the sky alight and slammed the "star stick" in his hand towards Yang Jian.

There was a loud "bang", and Yang Jian's arm went numb again. He almost couldn't hold the "three-pointed two-edged sword" in his hand, and retreated ten feet, while Yuan Hong only retreated seven feet!
  "Come again!"

Feeling the huge counterattack force coming from the other end of the "Star Stick", Yuan Hong was filled with fighting spirit. He waved the "Star Stick" and charged forward again, aiming to kill Yang Jian with one stick.

  Yang Jian frowned slightly, and no longer competed with Yuan Hong for strength. He twisted and moved, stabbing out the "three-pointed two-edged sword" in his hand, and countless energy turned into a white dragon, piercing Yuan Hong's body.

"Hmph! Yang Jian, your strength is not as great as mine! Your martial arts skills are no match for me either!"

Accompanied by the sound of weapons clashing, Yuan Hong and Yang Jian exchanged thousands of moves in an instant. Hundreds of tents around them were all turned into ashes. Some Yin and Shang soldiers had already withdrawn far away before the confrontation between the two. Miles.

"Nephew Yuan Hong, I'm here to help you!"

The Shi Tianjun was not good at fighting, so he did not participate in the fight with the masters of the Chan Cult. Now, there was a situation in the Yin Shang camp, and the Shi Tianjun immediately understood that Yang Jian was coming.

Ten people flew over quickly, wanting to cooperate with Yuan Hong to completely keep Yang Jian.

"Hmph! Yuan Hong, there is no winner today! Next time, you and I will fight again!"

Seeing the Ten Heavenly Lords coming, Yang Jian's face changed wildly. Although these ten people were not good at fighting, they were all masters of the same level as Taiyi Golden Immortal. If the ten people joined forces and cooperated with Yuan Hong, Yang Jian would not be his opponent even if he had three heads and six arms. , being beaten to death is the only ending.

It was no longer possible to save Master Jiang's soul. Yang Jian used all his strength to push Yuan Hong back, then turned around and used "Ground Golden Light", turning into a golden light and shooting towards Xiqi City.

"Damn! Let this person escape again!"

Yuan Hong cursed, but did not pursue him. During the catastrophe, the teacher told him to be careful and save his life. Naturally, he would not take the risk of entering Xiqi City and chasing Yang Jian.

If he were ambushed, or if Taoist Ran Deng or Taoist Lu Ya took action against him, would he survive?
  When Taoist Ran Deng saw Yang Jian retreating in defeat, he knew that the plan had failed, so Chuanyin, Guang Chengzi and others returned to Xiqi City again.

Without the certainty of victory, Guangchengzi and others were unwilling to fight to the death with the Golden Spirit Holy Mother, Spirit Tooth Fairy, and Wuyun Fairy.

Back in the city, King Wu Jifa saw that the immortals were unhappy, so he naturally understood that the plan had failed, and he did not dare to ask any more questions.

A group of people came to the Prime Minister's Mansion again.

Everyone visited Jiang Ziya again, and saw Jiang Ziya lying on the couch with a frighteningly pale face and weakness. He didn't even have the strength to stand up and speak.

"No! Junior Brother Ziya is dead!"

Everyone had been discussing in the room and had no idea. Guang Chengzi suddenly glanced at Jiang Ziya and was startled. He felt that something was very wrong. He hurriedly stepped forward, stretched out his hand to look under Jiang Ziya's nose, and was stunned for a moment. .

Jiang Ziya couldn't even feel a breath!
  "It's over! Ziya is really dead!"

Master Taiyi, Master Yuding and others also stepped forward one after another, hoping for a chance, and stretched out their hands to try. As a result, Jiang Ziya was so dead that he couldn't die anymore. They were all stunned and became a mess.

"Calm down, don't panic!"

A hint of joy flashed in Taoist Ran Deng's eyes, but he looked at the messy scene with a stern expression and gave a cold shout.

"Teacher Ran Deng, what should we do?"

In fact, Guang Chengzi is not worried about Jiang Ziya's death. If Jiang Ziya is dead, as long as the saint takes action, he can be revived. Now, everyone is acting furiously, so they took this opportunity to give up the leadership to Ran Lampman.

This teacher Ran Deng didn't contribute, or he didn't try his best. Do you think he didn't know?
  However, Ran Deng was, after all, the deputy leader of the Chan Cult and a quasi-sage-level person with great supernatural powers, so he couldn't scold him.

This time, Jiang Ziya is dead, so it is natural for Ran Deng to become the leader, even if you don't contribute!
  Now, Jiang Ziya died here and lost the person who canonized the god. How will Taoist Ran Deng deal with it?

If Jiang Ziya cannot be saved, the teacher will naturally not be able to spare the Ran Deng Taoist.

"For the current plan, Pindao has no choice but to go to the "Eight Views Palace" and obtain a 'Nine Turns Golden Pill' from the leader of the Human Sect, in order to save Ziya from danger."

Taoist Ran Deng sighed and said helplessly.

He naturally understood Guangchengzi's plan. Compared with Guangchengzi and the Twelve Golden Immortals, he was not a direct descendant of Yuanshi Tianzun at all. The two sides got entangled. Yuanshi Tianzun didn't need to think about it, but he was also trying to sidestep Guangchengzi and others. , Jiang Ziya's biggest mistake in his death will naturally be pinned on his head.

In this case, don't wait for others to take action before taking action. Before Yuanshi Tianzun gets angry, he can only risk his shame and go there himself.

"Guangchengzi, Xiqi, it's up to you to take care of yourself."

Seeing Taoist Ran Deng looking at him, Guangchengzi and the Da Luo Jinxian nodded their heads.

Just when Ran Deng left Xiqi and was about to go to Shouyang Mountain to meet Laozi and obtain the "Nine Transformations Golden Pill", Li Yunjing also came to the "Three Immortals Island".

Since the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Li Yunjing has not been to this "Three Immortals Island" for some years. Looking around, he can only see haze curling up, auspicious air filling the door, dense pines and cypresses, bridges stepping on dead trees, birds holding red stamens, and deer Jianfang Cong.

This beautiful scenery is different from his "Wuyi Mountain".

(End of this chapter)

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