The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 105 The Taoist Lord of Chaos comes out of the mountain and lights up the lamp as a warning

Chapter 105 The Taoist Lord of Chaos comes out of the mountain and lights up the lamp as a warning

"Girl over there, go and tell your master immediately that Pindao is here to visit."

I walked to the island and happened to see a girl picking flower pistils outside the cave, so I gave her instructions.

"Ah! The fifth uncle is here, please wait a moment, I will report it right away!"

After learning that the fifth senior brother was coming, the three female fairies, Yunxiao, Bixiao and Qiongxiao, walked out of the cave.

When they arrived outside the cave, they saw Senior Brother Chaos enjoying the scenery on Sanxian Island. They all came forward and said, "My younger sister Yunxiao (Qiongxiao, Bixiao) has met Fifth Senior Brother."

"Three junior sisters don't need to be polite. Over the years, the three junior sisters have managed the Three Immortals Island so beautifully that it makes people want to leave!" Li Yunjing praised.

Yun Xiao smiled and said: "If Fifth Senior Brother likes the scenery here, just stay in my Sanxian Island for a while."

"Yes, if Fifth Senior Brother likes it, he can stay on this Three Immortals Island for a longer time. My three sisters can also ask Fifth Senior Brother for advice from time to time."

Bixiao just saw that the fifth senior brother was talking to his eldest sister, so he couldn't interrupt. Now that I had time, I quickly invited the fifth senior brother to live in the "Three Immortals Island" for a while.

"Bixiao, how come you haven't made any progress over the years? Are you still at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

Looking at Bixiao funny, Li Yunjing also said to Qiongxiao: "You are not too careful! Look at Yunxiao, you two are already at the peak of Daluo Jinxian. I think after the great catastrophe of the immortal, you can kill a corpse and become A quasi-sage master.”

"Although I have reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian, it may be a bit difficult to reach the realm of quasi-sage, and I don't know when I will be able to achieve my wish." Yun Xiao said modestly.

"In addition to practicing every day, eldest sister also realizes the way of heaven. I can't compare to her."

When Bixiao and Qiongxiao heard this, they looked at each other and murmured softly.

"Okay, you two, use some snacks to practice from now on. Fifth senior brother should be invited in."

Yunxiao looked at the two sisters, shook his head helplessly, and then invited the Taoist Lord of Chaos to walk into the cave.

After arriving in the cave, the two parties sat down separately.

Yunxiao ordered the girl to bring fresh fruits and fragrant tea.

"My little sister only has some fresh seasonal fruits here. The three of us picked and brewed the fragrant tea ourselves. It's quite acceptable. I'd like to invite Fifth Senior Brother to taste it."

“It leaves a fragrant aroma in your mouth. It is indeed a good tea.”

Li Yunjing picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and praised it.

"If Fifth Senior Brother likes it, you can take some with you when you leave."

"Then I would like to thank Junior Sister Yunxiao."

Li Yunjing smiled and accepted Yun Xiao's kindness.

"I wonder why Fifth Senior Brother came here this time?"

Yunxiao asked after Chaos Daojun finished drinking the tea.

"This time, the battle between the Chan Cult and our Cult below Xiqi City has become increasingly fierce. The Twelve Golden Immortals have all taken action, and even Ran Deng has come down from the realm. Brother, I am specifically telling you this time. If someone asks you to come out, try your best. Reduce the deadly feud with Chanjiao, and don’t contradict the second uncle."

Li Yunjing thought for a while, but couldn't help but tell him that Sanxiao, especially Yunxiao, was someone he valued very much. If he were to be on the list of gods, it would be a huge loss for Jiejiao and he couldn't bear it.

"Fifth Senior Brother, the teacher once said that the calamity of becoming a god has begun. He told us not to go out until we have nothing to do, so as not to cause the calamity. Naturally, the three of us sisters will not go down the mountain without any reason."

After hearing this, Yun Xiao pondered for a moment and then said.

"Well, I naturally know about this."

Li Yun nodded his head, but thought in his heart that Zhao Gongming was definitely uncertain and would definitely come out. If Zhao Gongming made a mistake, Sanxiao would naturally not be indifferent to this brother, and the three of them would definitely have to make a comeback.

"Three junior sisters, you just need to remember that if there is any unfavorable news about Junior Brother Zhao Gongming, you don't need to panic. Brother will take action to protect him."

In the end, Li Yunjing revealed a hint of the secret. As for Sanxiao's questioning, he naturally couldn't say more.

After sitting for a while, I gave some instructions before leaving, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards "Shouyang Mountain".

An hour later, Li Yunjing was waiting at a certain road, and sure enough he saw Taoist Ran Deng riding a group of auspicious clouds above the nine heavens, coming in his direction.

Not long after, Taoist Priest Chaos slightly released the aura of a quasi-sage. Taoist Ran Deng was suddenly startled. Then, with a thought in his heart, auspicious clouds descended and he walked towards Taoist Primordial Chaos.

"I've seen fellow Taoist Ran Deng!"

Li Yunjing saw Ran Deng coming and greeted him with a smile.

"It's polite to light a lamp. I didn't expect to meet Fellow Daoist Li in this wilderness. I haven't seen you for many years, and Fellow Daoist Li is even more charming than before!"

Seeing that the once little person has become the world's top supernatural power user, Ran Deng felt a little uncomfortable, but he still praised him.

"I wonder why Fellow Daoist Li is blocking Pindao's path?" Taoist Ran Deng asked: "With Fellow Daoist Li's conduct, he wouldn't come here just for Jiang Ziya, right?"

"Haha! Who is Jiang Ziya!"

Li Yunjing said disdainfully, without any intention of hiding it. His tone was so loud that even Taoist Ran Deng was speechless. No matter how good Jiang Ziya is, he is also a person who can become a god and has a destiny!

"I am here for Taoist friend Ran Deng!"

"Oh? The quasi-sage is not in the 'Tribulation of the Gods', why did fellow Taoist take action against Pindao?"

The Randen Taoist was shocked. Li Yunjing was already a master at beheading a corpse. Although he himself beheaded a corpse with his "Coffin Lamp", he thought that the magic weapon he had was not as good as Li Yunjing's, so he naturally did not want to die with him. fight.

"Hey! Fellow Taoist Ran Deng is also a person with great supernatural powers! I am not willing to fight you to the death for no reason! But there are some things that I must tell my friend, some important disciples of Jie Cult, you are not allowed to move, you are not allowed to move. Even if they form a cause and effect with me, even if the great catastrophe of becoming a god has passed, I will fight you till death!"

Facing a person like Taoist Ran Deng, Li Yunjing was not polite at all and clearly informed Taoist Ran Deng of his bottom line.

"The Great Tribulation of the Gods only requires 365 places, so just make up the number of people you want. I have no intention of completely offending Jie Jiao."

After a long while, Ran Deng took a long breath, suppressed the urge to fight with Chaos Dao Lord, and told Li Yunjing tactfully that he understood what he meant. "Hahaha! Very good! There are three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, and now there are not many left!"

Li Yunjing laughed, looked at Ran Deng and warned again, "If you want to live a long life, in addition to having great magical powers, you must also be knowledgeable and do things appropriately!"

"Okay! Fellow Daoist Li, I know your purpose of coming, can I leave now?"

Looking at the arrogant Taoist Lord of Chaos, Ran Deng Taoist's face twitched, but he did not have a powerful magic weapon, nor did he have the quasi-sage or above inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun at the bottom of the box. He was weaker than Li Yunjing, and fighting was nothing but self-humiliation, and he could only Bear it silently.

But he was even more resentful towards Chan Jiao, and at the same time, he was even more interested in what Saint Zhunti said about helping him kill the two corpses.

"Of course! Fellow Taoist, please do it!"

Li Yun nodded at the scene, but his body swayed and turned into a stream of light, flying towards Xiqi.

"Alas! If this person participates in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, he will be in big trouble in the future!"

Seeing Li Yunjing's disappearing figure, Taoist Randeng sighed. He no longer thought about it. The sky was falling, and there was a tall man holding it up. The task now was to resurrect Jiang Ziya, so he continued on his way towards the "Eight Views Palace".

With the reputation of explaining the teaching, Taoist Ran Deng quickly met with Saint Taiqing in the "Bajing Palace". I did not refuse Ran Deng's offer and rewarded him with a "Nine Turns Golden Pill" before sending him away. Ran Deng Taoist left.

Ran Deng Taoist has no status with Yuanshi Tianzun, and naturally he does not receive good treatment from Taishang Laozi. If it weren't for Jiang Ziya being the person who conferred the title of god, it would have been this "Nine Turns Golden Pill" to gain Taoist Ran Deng's face. , it is also difficult to get it.

Li Yunjing came to Xiqi not long after, and carefully looked at the strength comparison between the two sides. Although he was not as good as Chanjiao in terms of high-end combat power, there were ten large formations from the Ten Heavenly Lords blocking him. For a while, Chanjiao couldn't. Defeated the Yin and Shang armies.

Since there was no danger, Li Yunjing had no need to show up. He just secretly came to the Yin Shang army and called out his disciple Yuan Hong.

"Teacher, you are here!"

Seeing Dao Lord Chaos coming out of the mountain, Yuan Hong felt relieved. The war had been stable recently, but he was still worried for fear of disaster.

"You monkey!"

Seeing that Yuan Hong was fine, Li Yunjing smiled and said: "I am really not worried about your safety when I come down the mountain this time as a teacher. I will leave this 'Nine Heavens Divine Sword' with you for the time being for your protection. In addition, there are two "Nine-turn Golden Pills", you give them to Shen Gongbao and Nine-tailed Fox respectively, and ask them to take them and be promoted to Daluo Golden Immortal."

"is teacher!"

Yuan Hong carefully took these treasures, especially the "Nine Transformations Golden Pill". He looked at it again and again, with extremely greedy eyes.

"Stop looking! You monkey! Although this 'Nine Turns Golden Pill' can raise the cultivation level to Da Luo Jinxian, after all, it does not rely on one's own understanding and cultivation of Taoism and magic power. It is weaker than the normal Da Luo Jinxian." Too much, it will take a long time to make up for it, and it will be like a piece of chicken ribs to you."

Seeing that Yuan Hong was greedy, Li Yunjing scolded him angrily.

"Hehe! Teacher, this disciple knows that he is wrong! He will not have any idea of ​​this 'Nine Turns Golden Pill'." Yuan Hong touched his head awkwardly and laughed.

"Well! The Nine-tailed Fox and Shen Gongbao still have some effects, increasing their cultivation. I hope these two can bring a little surprise!" Li Yunjing murmured to himself.

Yuan Hong, who was on the side, didn't know the meaning of the teacher's words, so he could only stand aside and listen honestly.

"Okay! Just be careful. If something goes wrong, just run away. As long as you return to 'Wuyi Mountain' or go to 'Ziweitian', you will be safe."

Looking at his disciple, Li Yunjing warned him again not to risk his life and arranged a way out for Yuan Hong.

For these two paths, as long as the saint does not take action personally, naturally no one will dare to go to his dojo to show off his violence. As long as the Taoist Priest of Chaos does not die, no one can attack his home.

This is the confidence of the top supernatural powers!

In the end, Li Yunjing left here quietly and lived in seclusion in a valley a hundred thousand miles away, monitoring the movements under Xiqi City at any time. Those who intercepted the teachings can be on the list, but no one of his direct descendants can be missing!
  Ran Deng was also warned by himself. If Yu Yi Xian, Zhao Gongming, and San Xiao were in trouble, he wouldn't be able to take care of them. The Twelve Golden Immortals would also have to be on the list to accompany his people.

After obtaining the "Nine Transformations Golden Pill", Ran Deng returned to Xiqi City with a glum look on his face.

The blow this time was too great, which made him speed up his plan. The defection plan was no longer about fishing for moon in the water, but into the essence. Some people among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao had been quietly contacted by him. Fan.
  The next day, Jiang Ziya got the "Nine Transformations Golden Pill", one of the best elixirs in the world, and immediately three souls and seven souls gathered together and came back to life.

The person who conferred the title of god was alive, and the morale of Xiqi's side was greatly increased. Without any worries, Taoist Ran Deng led many masters out of the city again, preparing to break the Shi Jue Formation and repel the eight Da Luo Jinxian of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother.

Chanjiao went out to fight, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also came out with everyone. Seeing the vivid Jiang Ziya, Yao Bin's face darkened. Unexpectedly, despite all the hard work, he still failed to curse this common man to death.

"Jiang Ziya! Since you are alive! Come and break into Pindao's big battle!"

Without waiting for the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to speak, Yao Bin was the first to step out of the formation. He and the others from Shi Tianjun set up the "Ten Jue Formation" one after another, waiting for the person from the Explanation Cult to come and break the formation.

"Okay! Just wait! We will definitely break your evil formation!"

Since Taoist Ran Deng received the warning from Taoist Chaos, he did not want to fight to the death with someone like the Golden Spirit Mother, because this must be one of the protection lists of Taoist Chaos.

At this moment, seeing Shi Tianjun calling for formation, Ran Deng Taoist felt happy, and naturally picked out the soft persimmons.

Taoist Ran Deng stepped forward and took a look at the "Ten Jue Formation". He felt that this "Ten Jue Formation" was extremely mysterious and very difficult to break. It would be okay if he took action himself. But if others take action, facing such In the fierce battle, there is only one way to drink hatred.

He thought about it and came up with a way, that is, someone would pave the way with his life and eliminate the overwhelming evil energy in the formation, so that he could have a chance to break the formation.

Taoist Ran Deng glanced at everyone, pondered for a while, and said: "Han Dulong, go and break this 'Tian Jue Formation'!"

After hearing this, True Monarch Qingxu Daode couldn't help but darken his eyes. Although this was the established plan, people are not grass and trees, and no one can be ruthless. Since Han Dulong became a disciple and respected his teacher, there was nothing wrong with it, but today it is He's going to be robbed for himself.

"Disciple accepts the order!"

When Han Dulong heard this, he just thought that the deputy leader Ran Deng was giving him a chance to show off. He happily agreed, raised his sword and went straight to Qin Wan's "Tian Jue Formation"
  "You have taught three generations of disciples, and you are just a Xuanxian, but you dare to make false claims about breaking my 'Tian Jue Formation'. You are really seeking death. It seems that you have no one left to teach!"

Qin Wan laughed loudly with disdain on his face.

"you wanna die!"

Hearing this, Han Dulong became furious and raised his sword to strike at Qin Wan.

Qin Wan smiled coldly and didn't even bother to fight Han Dulong. He turned around and walked towards the "Tianjue Formation". Han Dulong only thought that the opponent was afraid, so he chased after him and followed him into the "Tianjue Formation". .

(End of this chapter)

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