The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 106 Human Sacrifice Array, Explaining the Shameless Style of Teaching

Chapter 106 Human Sacrifice Array, Explaining the Shameless Style of Teaching

"It's the method of human sacrifice again. These guys are used to it."

In the deep valley a hundred thousand miles away, Li Yunjing was leisurely brewing the "Enlightenment Tea". At this moment, when he saw Han Poulong entering the battle, he shook his head slightly. This interpretation teaching was much more ruthless than the interception teaching.

There are people everywhere who are scapegoats, and the Twelve Golden Immortals are doing this. It’s no wonder that after becoming a god, the Chan sect became estranged from its moral principles and fell into pieces. The end was not much better than that of the Jie sect.

After all, immortals are not fools. They were deceived during the Great Tribulation of the Gods, and the secrets of heaven were not revealed. None of them could see the sinister intentions of the Twelve Golden Immortals. In the future, whether they escaped from the tribulation or were on the list of Gods, looking back carefully, naturally, Just understand what happened back then.

Only a ghost would be willing to serve this kind of master sincerely!
  The "Ten Jue Formation" arranged by the Ten Heavenly Lords is a ferocious formation that contains a lot of evil energy from heaven and earth. Even if Daluo Jinxian enters the formation, there is a danger of falling.

However, as long as you continue to sacrifice the formation with immortals and continuously consume this evil energy of heaven and earth with human lives, the power of the formation will naturally and slowly decrease. If you want to restore all the power of the large formation, you need to accumulate evil energy again.

Since Chanjiao had figured out how to sacrifice humans to the formation, he would naturally send some Sanxian and third-generation disciples of Chanjiao into the formation continuously and let them make sacrifices to break the formation.

The Han Poison Dragon chased into the formation. Qin Wan, who was standing on the formation platform, sneered. He took off a small flag from the platform and waved it slightly. In the "Tian Jue Formation", there was chaos and chaos, and wisps of heavenly clear air formed wisps of space. The storm swept towards Han Poison Dragon.

"not good!"

In the midst of the calamity, Han Dulong was also the one who deserved to die. It was only now that he realized what he was doing and wanted to turn around and run away. But at this point, how could there be any possibility of escape?
  Although Han Dulong tried his best, used Yuqing Immortal Technique, and used magic weapons, he could not resist the sweep of this spatial storm.

With a "bang", the whole person was cut into minced meat by the space storm. Looking at the head that was specially left behind, Qin Wan smiled coldly, carried the head of Han Dulong, and walked out of the formation to the outside world.

"Which of your exhorters wants to break my formation? This is the end!"

With a casual throw, he threw Han Dulong's head back to the Chanjiao side. Qin Wan looked around the audience, showing a hint of pride. After many years and many drills, he created the "Tianjue Formation". This formation is indeed amazing. Then Experts at the level of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao did not dare to enter the battle.

"Hmph! Qin Wan, don't be so arrogant! I'm here to break your 'Tian Jue Formation' and avenge my disciple!"

True Lord Qingxu Daode stood up and was about to enter the "Tian Jue Formation" and kill Qin Wan.

At this moment, without waiting for Qin Wan to speak, Zhao Jiang walked out and once again stood in front of the "Tian Jue Formation". It was the "Earth Lie Formation" that he had devoted his life to.

The leader of the formation, Zhao Jiang, came out and said, "Brother, take a short break and let me teach you the magical powers of the Twelve Golden Immortals!"

After saying that, Zhao Jiang looked at True Lord Qingxu Daode, slapped his head, and said: "True Lord Qingxu Daode, you are a master of Da Luo Jinxian, do you dare to enter Pindao's 'Earth Fierce Formation' to learn from it?"

Seeing Zhao Jiang succeeding Qin Wan in the battle, the joy that had just appeared on the faces of Taoist Ran Deng and True Monarch Qingxu Daode immediately dissipated without a trace. He was itching with hatred, but he was extremely helpless. True Monarch Qingxu Daode He also paused, hesitant on his face.

"This formation will be led by Xue Eihu."

Taoist Ran Deng stopped Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, but once again signaled his disciples to fight.

Xue Ehu's face changed, and his heart felt cold. He had to obey the order of a quasi-sage, so he had no choice but to respond and entered the "Earth Fierce Formation". However, as expected, he was burned to ashes after a moment.

The True Monarch of Qingxu Daode threatened to avenge his disciples and walked up.

"You disciples of the Chan Sect, falsely claiming to be virtuous and true immortals, actually want to use other people's lives as a guide to vent the evil energy of my formation and break it! Although most of our disciples of the Jie Sect are aliens, we can't do it. Such evil things are coming! Today, your treacherous plot has been discovered by our brothers. Senior Brother Zhao will return to the formation for the time being. This time, Junior Brother's Wind Roar Formation will take over! Qingxu, do you dare to join the formation and fight?"

However, at this moment, a bell was heard ringing in the "Wind Roar Formation". Dong Quan rode a fairy deer, raised two sharp swords, pointed at the True Lord Qingxu Daode who was riding a cloud and came out of the formation, and shouted loudly.

"Haha! Brother Xian, I'll leave it to you for now!"

Seeing Dong Quan going into battle, Zhao Jiang did not force himself to hold on. He laughed twice, closed the formation, and returned directly to the Jie Jiao camp.

This time, with Li Yunjing's secret plan, he would not give Chanjiao the opportunity to trade three generations of disciples for Jiejiao Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Although these Ten Heavenly Lords were not the top Jie Jiao disciples, they were proficient in formations. When setting up the "Ten Jue Formations", Li Yunjing would feel at a disadvantage if he did not replace the Great Luo Jinxian of the Chan Jiao.

Therefore, Yuan Hong came to Shi Tianjun early in the morning and told him that the Chan Sect might sacrifice humans to the formation, which made Qin Wan, Zhao Jiang and others vigilant.

Today, looking at Chanjiao's actions, it turned out to be as expected by the nephew. Everyone was secretly happy, and at the same time, they secretly cursed Chanjiao Jinxian for being shameless.

On Xiqi's side, after some of the second and third generation disciples of Chanjiao who were not the Twelve Golden Immortals heard about it, everyone's expressions changed greatly. When they thought about the tragic deaths of the third generation disciples one after another not long ago, the remaining people couldn't help but feel sad for a long time. Calmly, they all turned their gazes to their respective teachers, either explicitly or covertly.

After the impact of these events, their trust in their senior brothers and teachers was shaken.

Seeing the uncertain expressions of many third-generation disciples and some of the second-generation disciples who were not close to them, Guangchengzi, Qingxu Daodezhenjun and other twelve golden immortals secretly said that something was wrong.

How can such a thing be brought to the table? How can they trick fools into helping them overcome their calamities after this?
  Thinking of this, True Lord Qingxu Daode became furious and shouted: "You are talking nonsense and disrupting the morale of our army. Dong Quan, I will break your formation today and behead you!"

After saying that, the "Moxie Sword" on his back came out of its sheath, turned into a bolt of lightning, and stabbed towards Dong Quan.

Dong Quan laughed loudly and entered the "Wind Roar Formation" in a flash, without any head-on confrontation with True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

"Hmph! Let's see how Pindao breaks your formation!"

Their true thoughts were exposed by Dong Quan in public. In order to win back the hearts of Chan Jiao, even in the face of the evil formation, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun gritted his teeth and no longer cared about anything else. With a sway of his body, he entered the "Wind Roar" Array".

"Dong Quan, Pindao has entered the battle, let's see where you can escape!"

Qingxu Daode Zhenjun thought, and a white lotus lifted his figure.

At the same time, half an acre of golden Qingyun appeared above his head. The auspicious air was flowing above the Qingyun, and the three flowers of heaven, earth and man appeared faintly. Thousands of golden lamps and thousands of necklaces hung down from the Qingyun, holding him tightly. Protect the center. "Hoo ho ho!"

Entering the formation, Qingxu Daodezhen only felt that his eyes were blurred, and the surroundings were dim. Looking up, hurricanes were spinning around everywhere, and endless winds were raging. Even he, the Great Luo Jinxian, was blown all over. Severe pain, difficult to open eyes.

In the vast array, where is the figure of Dong Quan?

He couldn't distinguish between east, west, north and south, and it was difficult to move even an inch after entering the formation. Even if he showed the three flowers, it was difficult to move smoothly through the formation. He couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his heart.

Dong Quan stood on the Bagua platform at the eye of the array and saw Qingxu Daode Zhenjun enter the "Wind Roar Formation". He laughed and said: "Qingxu, I will use this formation today to kill a Da Luo Jinxian to praise me ten times." The Lord of Heaven is famous!"

Thinking of refining a Da Luo Jinxian to death, Dong Quan was extremely excited. He took a black flag in his hand and waved it gently. The hurricane in the formation seemed to have received a command and rolled towards True Monarch Qingxu Daode overwhelmingly.

Wherever the Gangfeng hurricane passes, it even creates endless space cracks. Each piece of space fragment is like a crystal-clear sharp blade, fiercely cutting towards True Monarch Qingxu Daode from all directions.

The golden flowers and the jade-clear celestial beings on the body of True Monarch Qingxu Daode were chopped and flew in all directions.

"Dong Quan! If you have what it takes, come out and fight Pindao for three hundred rounds!"

In the vast hurricane, it was impossible to discern the direction, let alone find Dong Quan. Qingxu Daodezhen felt that his mana was being consumed rapidly and pointlessly, and he suddenly became anxious.

Although Daluo Jinxian has strong magic power, even if he keeps using it like this, he will not have any problems in a short period of time, but if this continues, problems will occur sooner or later.

Since the formation cannot be broken, the only way for Qingxu Daodezhenjun to kill Dong Quan is to kill Dong Quan. As long as the leader of the formation is dead, this "Wind Roar Formation" will naturally break without anyone controlling it!
  "Hahaha! Qingxu, if you have the ability, slowly find Pindao's position."

Dong Quan's proud laughter was heard in all directions in the wind, "As a Daluo Jinxian, you can kill Pindao with three moves and two moves. What do you think if you want me to show up?"

"Damn it!"

True Lord Qingxu Daode blushed, became a little angry, snorted coldly, and took out his magic weapon from the bottom of the box, the "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan"!
  This treasure is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure gifted by Yuanshi Tianzun. The "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan" contains five kinds of divine fire: fire in the air, fire in the stone, fire in the wood, fire in the samadhi, and fire in the world. One fan of this treasure can be used by humans. All the gods were burned to ashes.

"Back off!"

Qingxu Daodezhen held the "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan" with both hands and slapped it fiercely towards the approaching hurricane. The five divine fires immediately came out from the fan, forming five fire dragons. In the fan wind, they swept away of hurricanes crashing together.

The top-grade Xiantian Lingbao was indeed powerful. With a "hoo", all the oncoming hurricanes were forced back. The five fire dragons crisscrossed the formation, constantly igniting everything and gathering an endless sea of ​​fire.

"Damn it! The fire is getting stronger thanks to the wind. What should I do?"

Dong Quan's expression changed. The "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan" fanned out was not ordinary fire and could not be extinguished at all. Instead, under the constant fanning of a Da Luo Jinxian, the fire became more and more intense. In just a moment, half of the people in the array were The place was already filled with fire.

As the fire became stronger, the Qingxu Daodezhenjun naturally suffered the double damage of wind and fire, but after all, he was Daluo Jinxian with tenacious vitality, which was much more powerful than Dong Quan.

"Hahaha! Dong Quan, Pindao, let's see how long you can hide and see if you can withstand my divine fire!"

At this time, Qingyun, the protective body of True Lord Qingxu Daode, was burned by the fire and wind. His whole body no longer had any trace of immortality, and he looked as miserable as a boiler. If it were not for the protection of immortal clothes, his whole body would have been burned. It's going to burn.

Even so, Qingxu Daodezhen laughed proudly, with indescribable joy, because his method was easy to use. He sensed the fluctuations of the Shangqing Immortal Technique in the sea of ​​fire, and Dong Quan had also hidden it. Can't stand it anymore.

True Monarch Qingxu Daode swallowed two elixirs to replenish his vitality, and burst out laughing. He kept twisting and turning, and at the same time the "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan" in his hand flapped wildly. After a while, the whole "Wind Roar" In the "formation", wind and fire are intertwined, and the fire takes advantage of the wind, and the entire formation becomes a world of fire.


The Bagua Stage at the formation eye was already covered in a sea of ​​fire. Dong Quan was trapped on the Bagua Stage. Even the pure immortal light on his body could not withstand the burning of the divine fire of this innate spiritual treasure.

"Haha! Dong Quan, it turns out that you are hiding here and you are causing so much trouble to this poor man!"

Finally, the disgraced Qingxu Daodezhen found this place based on the fluctuations of the Shangqing Immortal Law. At this time, his injuries were not light, and even reached the point of being unbearable. He could not wait for Dong Quan to be slowly killed by the divine fire. die.

Qingxu Daodezhen turned into a stream of light and shot towards the Bagua platform. With a slash of the innate spiritual treasure "Moxie Sword", Dong Quan's head fell off.

"Hahaha! Trying to trap Pindao with a mere formation is simply delusional!"

Qingxu Daodezhen held Dong Quan's head and watched the hurricane in the formation slowly dissipate. He couldn't help laughing. This time, he was able to break the "Wind Roar Formation" at a huge price, but in the end he achieved it. Victory, survive to the end.

In the end, the divine fire that filled the sky was taken back by the "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan" by True Lord Qingxu Daode, and the "Wind Roar Formation" also dissipated. Outside the formation, both sides saw the disgraced True Lord Qingxu Daode carrying Dong Quan's hideous head. , walked out proudly.

"Hahaha! Senior Brother Qingxu (Junior Brother) is so good! He finally broke through for a while!"

Seeing the victorious return of True Lord Qingxu Daode, Guangchengzi, Master Taiyi and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, and each showed a cheerful smile. The military morale of some non-direct second-generation and third-generation disciples of Chanjiao also became much more stable.

After all, teachers, senior uncles, senior uncles, and senior brothers are very kind to me. Maybe it is just a vicious trick of intercepting the teacher. After all, Qingxu Moral True Monarch, senior uncle (senior uncle) (senior brother), has no use for others to sacrifice him.
  Victory can cover up all problems. With the return of the True Monarch of Qingxu Morality, Chanjiao will have no worries for the time being and his morale will be boosted.

"Alas! What a pity! What a pity! If someone else had entered the battle, Dong Quan would have won."

A hundred thousand miles away, Li Yunjing's face looked a little ugly. Just because he didn't want to personally kill the masters of the Twelve Golden Immortal level of the Chan Sect didn't mean that he didn't want these people to die!

Dong Quan's defeat is such a pity!

With only a slight lack of luck, if he had known that Dong Quan could achieve this step, he would have been willing to reward Dong Quan with some "Seventh Transformation Golden Elixir" so that he could restore his mana and outlast the True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

(End of this chapter)

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