The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 107: The teachings are vicious and Lu Ya is frightened

Chapter 107: The teachings are vicious and Lu Ya is frightened

"Qingxu, don't leave, stay alive!"

Chanjiao was in high spirits, and the disciples of Jiejiao were naturally grieved. Qin Wan roared that he had lost his position due to the tragic death of his brother of many years, and was chasing the Qingxu Moral Lord who was about to return to the Chanjiao side.

"Huh? I don't know whether to live or die! It just so happens that the poor Taoist starts killing again and explains to me again, so I can break him for a while!"

With murderous intent coming from behind, True Monarch Qingxu Daode immediately knew that it was Qin Wan who had something wrong with him, so he made a sneak attack. He turned around and looked at Qin Wan, and True Monarch Qingxu Daode suddenly showed a hint of joy on his face.

Even though he had spent most of his mana and even had injuries all over his body, Daluo Jinxian was Daluo Jinxian. Facing a sneak attack by an ordinary Taiyi Jinxian, the "Moye Sword" in his hand suddenly appeared like lightning and pointed towards Qin. After finishing the killing, he left.

Before Qin Wan could react, he felt a chill on his neck, and then he fell into boundless darkness.

"Haha! Qin Wan, you are seeking death on your own, no wonder you are so ruthless!"

A trace of pride flashed in the eyes of True Monarch Qingxu Daode. He picked up the heads of Qin Wan and Dong Quan and hid behind Guang Chengzi and the others with a "whoosh".

This time, in full view of everyone, he killed two of the Ten Heavenly Lords in a row and formed a deadly feud with Jie Jiao. Now that he was not at his peak, he naturally wanted to give up.

Now, with Taoist Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and the others protecting us, we are finally safe.

"Ah! I am so angry! Who among you dares to break my ice formation!"

Yuan Jiao of Shitianjun roared angrily, stood up, pointed at Chanjiao's side, and continued to call for formation.

At the same time, the Holy Mother of Jin Ling and other Daluo Jinxian all looked very ugly. So Dong Quan was still killed in the battle. Didn't Qin Wan give up his life in vain?

Outside the "Ice Array", the Chanjiao Immortals suddenly felt that the world was cold, and the entire battlefield was formed into layers of ice by the cold air escaping from the "Ice Array".

The soldiers on both sides couldn't help but shudder. Mortals could hardly bear the low temperature.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Taoist Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and others couldn't help but feel worried.

Originally, it was just right for Qingxu Daodezhenjun to defeat him this time, but he made the first move by killing two of the Ten Heavenly Lords in a row, and was injured all over his body, so naturally he could not continue to fight.

Everyone looked around, speechless for a moment. Taiyi Zhenren was determined to fight, but after taking a look at the miserable situation of Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, this kind of victory did not mean much.

Naturally, he didn't want to get injured all over himself just to break an "ice formation".

"How about asking Fellow Taoist Lu Ya to take action now?"

After a long time, seeing that the other golden immortals were cowed, Taoist Ran Deng sneered in his heart, but he turned his attention to Taoist Lu Ya who was watching the fun.

"Oh? That's the case! That poor Taoist took action personally to break the ice formation in order to teach fellow Taoists."

Lu Ya was stunned for a moment after hearing the words of Taoist Ran Deng, and then he smiled dumbly. The teaching also set his sights on him, but he was the body of the Golden Crow, the son of the sun, and the real top divine beast in the fire. All ice is child's play in his eyes.

The mere "Ice Array" was naturally not noticed by Lu Ya.

It was just Lu Yadaojun's words that made Guangchengzi and others a little ashamed, but after thinking about it, life was more important than face, so they naturally pretended not to hear Lu Yadaojun's deep meaning.

"The poor Taoist Lu Ya is here to break the formation! Fellow Taoist Yuan Jiao, you quickly retract the formation and get out of the way. I will spare your life, otherwise your hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation will be wiped out in one day, and you will regret it then." It’s too late.”

"Lu Ya, you are just a casual cultivator, but you dare to participate in the battle between our sect and the Chan sect? You quickly enter the battle, I will kill you first, and then I will settle the score with the Chan sect!"

Yuan Jiao pointed at Lu Ya, sneered again and again, turned around and entered the "ice formation", waiting for Lu Ya to enter the formation.

"Good words can't persuade the damn ghost!"

Daojun Lu Ya chuckled lightly and stepped straight into the formation. With a "bang", many masters from the two outside religions felt a hot breath spreading out.

The ice that escaped from the battlefield instantly turned into water and evaporated quickly. As soon as this heat wave appeared, the two armies each retreated for several miles, and even the immortals of Jiejiao showed ugly expressions.

"This seems to be the real fire of the sun!"

The face of Holy Mother Jin Ling was gloomy. As soon as she felt the heat wave, she knew that Junior Brother Yuan Jiao might not be able to save his life.

Sure enough, as soon as the words of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit fell, the "ice formation" suddenly melted away, causing a boundless heat wave. This heat wave appeared suddenly and disappeared in a flash.

Only Lord Lu Ya walked out of the formation with a calm expression, without any trace of fighting on his body. Obviously, it was not difficult for him to kill Yuan Jiao and break the "Ice Formation" at all.

"Lu Ya, if you have the ability, break into my golden light array again!"

Seeing three Heavenly Lords die in succession, the Golden Lady, one of the Ten Heavenly Lords, could not help but stand up.


Lu Ya smiled faintly, but ignored the Golden Lady and turned back to Xiqi. He was here to help and earn some merit for changing the dynasty. The disaster of becoming a god had little to do with him, so naturally he had no interest in blocking it all the time. At the front, he became the thug of Chanjiao, taking the place of Chanjiao.

"Haha! Fellow Taoist Lu Ya is really good at it! Thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoist!"

Taoist Ran Deng laughed loudly. He was a three thousand guest of the "Purple Sky Palace", so he naturally knew Lu Ya's background. This Golden Crow has really become a climate, and I am afraid he is not far away from the quasi-sage.

No wonder this person wants to get involved in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, but he is preparing to gain some merit and prepare for the attack on the quasi-sage.

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist Ran Deng. Pindao has indeed lost his vitality this time and needs some rest."

Daojun Lu Ya is also a cunning person, so naturally he will not be deceived by Ran Deng Taoist's few words. He does not want to show up for the remaining Ten Jue Formations.

"It's getting late today. You and I will withdraw our troops for the time being. How about we fight again tomorrow?"

Seeing that Lu Ya couldn't get on, Taoist Ran Deng had no choice but to walk out and said to the Golden Spirit Holy Mother.

"Hmph! Withdraw the troops for the time being! Let's fight again tomorrow!" Mother Jin Ling's face turned ugly. After thinking about it, she felt that the remaining "Ten Jue Formations" might not be safe, so she could only agree with Taoist Ran Deng's statement and withdraw the troops for the time being and prepare. Just think of a way with the immortals from Jiejiao.

In the residence of Prime Minister Xiqi, Jiang Ziya, the Twelve Golden Immortals, Taoist Ran Deng, Taoist Lu Ya and others gathered together with smiles on their faces. Although they had lost two third-generation disciples, they had killed three of the Ten Heavenly Lords. It can be considered a big profit.

After sharing the joy of victory, after a long time, Taoist Ran Deng said in a deep voice: "Although we broke through three formations today, you should also have a deep understanding of the difficulty. We still don't know how much effort is required for the next seven formations. What can you do about the price?"

As soon as Ran Deng's words came out, there was silence in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Guang Chengzi, Jiang Ziya and others frowned, and no one could come up with a solution.

Although Guangchengzi and others are powerful, they are at risk of falling without anyone to replace them, but it is not the right time to find a third-generation disciple to replace them.

Ever since Dong Quan called out their sinister intentions, even if they stabilized the people under Chanjiao, they have been letting people sacrifice themselves. The people below will not wait until they are all dead, and they will renounce their morality. I don’t know what will happen next. How much danger is there? Who can I look for to take my place at that time?

"Teacher Ran Deng, if it doesn't work out, how about we invite some Sanxian masters to come and help?"

Master Taiyi thought about it and decided that it would be better to focus on others. If an outsider dies, they will not feel bad if they teach.

Everyone else was speechless, especially Lu Ya, who was smiling on the outside but kept saying all kinds of swear words in his heart. The person who taught the teachings was really not a son of a man. He was just sitting here. Master Taiyi didn't even care at all and just said "Looking for it". The words of Sanxian came for the robbery.

"Then it depends on fellow Taoist Taiyi."

Looking around at the crowd, Lu Ya chuckled lightly and said when he saw that no one in the Chan sect said anything.

"Ahem! I have a friend named Zhenren Du'e, a Sanxian from West Kunlun! He is also Li Jing's teacher. All three of Li Jing's sons died in the battle. He himself was also deceived into Chaoge, and was killed by the stupid The unjust King Zhou will be put to death."

Taiyi Zhenren looked calm, as if he did not hear Taoist Master Lu Ya's sarcasm, and still introduced in a leisurely manner: "The disciple died, and the teacher came out to take revenge. It is natural. Besides, my Taoist friend Du'e Zhenren has great luck and has great luck. The innate spiritual treasure protects the body, and his Taoism is also the best in the world. Master Du'e can naturally kill these murderers like Jiejiao!"

"Yes! That's right! Junior Brother Taiyi, these words are very kind!"

Guangchengzi nodded in agreement and immediately agreed to the plan to invite Master Du'e to come out. An additional master of Daluo Jinxian would greatly increase the strength of their side, so they must be invited.

Master Lingbao saw that Master Taiyi's plan was good. His eyes lit up and he hurriedly said: "I also have a friend named Master Duanmu, the master of the Eight Treasures Link Cave. I will go there in person and invite him. come out."

"Dear senior brothers and sisters, I also have a method here. I don't know if I should mention it or not."

Seeing that the two senior brothers had come up with a solution, Detention Sun said hesitantly.

"If you have a solution, tell me quickly! Why are you so hesitant, junior brother?"

Master Yuding asked anxiously, now his brows are burning, it is the right way to find more people to die, who will come and not come?
  "I know a few Western friends, why not invite Western friends to come in too?"

After thinking for a while, he secretly glanced at the Randen Taoist, and then Detention Sun slowly revealed his plan.

During this period of time, Detention Sun felt the danger of the Great Catastrophe of the Gods, and he did not refuse Taoist Ran Deng's invitation. He was ready to put his feet on both sides, see the direction of the wind, and then make a decision.

As for the matter of Western religion, he was also brought up by Taoist Ran Deng. The Zhunti saint had always wanted to get involved in conferring gods, and was preparing to send over some masters of interception and interpretation of religion.

How to ferry people without communication?

I just got a name and entered Xiqi City. By then, with the sharp tongue of the Western Sect, I don't believe that I can't convince these sects and some Sanxian masters to join the West.

After hearing the words of Detention Sun, Taoist Randeng nodded slightly, but he sneered in his heart. Old Yuanshi, look at how I can hollow out your teachings, make you partial, and let you ignore me as the deputy leader!

During this period of time, Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao were fighting each other. Randen Taoist also used his status as the leader to protect his own people, and let the loyal Chan Jiao Jinxian fight Jie Jiao to death. This was all his fault. one of the plans.

"Alas! Junior brother! Didn't you tell me earlier if you knew someone? Now, let alone those from the Western religion, so what if they are from the Witch Clan or the Demon Clan? As long as they can help us fight against the Jie Cult, we are all like-minded fellow Taoists!"

Sure enough, at this time when people need to die, Guangchengzi and others don't care about their sect or origin. As long as they can die for them, even the Asura clan in the sea of ​​blood can do it!

We are all good friends!

"Okay! Since you guys have approved the plan to detain Sun, let's do it!"

Everyone else agreed, so Rendeng Taoist followed the trend and agreed. Sure enough, no one objected to this plan. It would be better if the Western religion came!
  And Daojun Lu Ya was dripping with cold sweat when he saw it. The Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect were too cruel, weren't they?

With just a few words, he pulled the Western Cult into trouble, and with the addition of those Sanxian masters, everyone's life was in the hands of the Chan Cult, and Taojun Lu Ya regretted leaving the mountain.

Back then, when everyone worked together under Xuanyuan Huangdi and fought against the Wu Clan Chi You, why didn't we see that Guang Chengzi and the others were so vicious at that time?
  Thinking of this, Mr. Lu Yadao secretly kept a cautious eye on him. Although he had amazing magical powers and had innate spiritual treasures to protect him, he was also afraid of these old bastards like Chanjiao.

"Hmph! Sure enough, Chanjiao went to invite people again. So what happened to Shen Gongbao? He couldn't even invite a Daluo Jinxian?"

One hundred thousand miles away, Li Yunjing was sitting in a deep valley, watching coldly the three streams of light in Xiqi City disappearing into the horizon, but he was secretly complaining about Shen Gongbao's incompetence.

At this moment, in the Yin Shang camp, a group of masters from Jiejiao also gathered together to discuss tomorrow's countermeasures.

"Then Jinxian Chanjiao went to invite reinforcements again? Senior sister, should we also invite some people out?"

Feeling the three streams of light disappearing into the horizon, Wu Yunxian felt guilty. They had recently fought against the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao twice. Guangchengzi and the others were top masters in single fights, and the Seven Immortals who accompanied them were really in the same position. Downwind.

Except for the weakest Huanglong Zhenren, who was killed by the Spirit Tooth Fairy, the others were really difficult to deal with. At this moment, the Golden Spirit Mother, with her vast supernatural powers, had the upper hand in a one-on-one challenge against Guang Chengzi, but the others were really not that good.

"Then invite someone! I will personally go to Mount Emei and ask Junior Brother Zhao Gongming to come out! In tomorrow's battle, you can just deal with a few moves. I understand that Chanjiao is also waiting for reinforcements and will not dare to fight with my teacher in a life-and-death fight!"

Since the last rebellion in Beihai, Our Lady of Jinling had seen the invincibility of Zhao Gongming's "Dinghai Divine Pearl". When something happened, she naturally thought of this junior brother immediately.

"Okay! Last time, we also heard that Junior Brother Zhao Gongming defeated a group of Western Sect masters in Beihai alone. They were running away. If the Quasi-Sage hadn't taken action, Junior Brother could have swept away the Western Sect alone!"

The Lingya Immortal slapped the table and agreed, Zhao Gongming's prestige has spread throughout the Jiejiao sect, who doesn't know it, and who doesn't know it?
  "Without further delay! I'll be right back! Immortal Wu Yun, I'll leave this place to you, be sure to handle it carefully!"

The people who explained the religion had already set off to call for reinforcements, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit did not hesitate and quickly turned into a stream of light and flew towards Mount Emei.

(End of this chapter)

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