The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 108 Duke Zhao clearly shows his divine power, and all the immortals bow down under the Dingh

Chapter 108 Duke Zhao clearly shows his divine power, and all the immortals bow down under the Dinghai Pearl God.

Sure enough, on the second day of the interception and interpretation competition, both sides were missing some masters.

Not only did the Chan sect lose its master Taiyi, Master Lingbao, and Detention Sun, but the red sperm also went to "Shouyang Mountain", preparing to lure the sect into trouble.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be discussed openly. After the meeting, Guangchengzi and Chi Jingzhi met and instructed Chi Jingzhi to go to Bajing Palace to borrow the treasure. Of course, it would be better if Master Xuandu could be tricked out.

Anyway, Master Xuandu was not in the calamity, and he really came out to help and killed Jie Jiao's people. Jie Jiao was either mute and eating Coptis chinensis and couldn't tell his sufferings, or he fell out with others and completely offended Saint Taiqing.

The cruelty of this vicious plan is simply appalling!
  Neither side wanted a decisive battle, but each arranged for a few Sanxian masters to fight in front of the two armies' formations. Even the "Ten Jue Formations" did not appear.

After killing some loose immortals and saying a few words, the two sects hurriedly withdrew their troops, as if they were just dealing with an errand.

"Poor people below! I will never know what the 'truth' they are fighting for to the death is, alas!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yunjing shook his head. This time the catastrophe of the gods was naturally organized by the saint, and the quasi-sages of the two religions and Daluo Jinxian were naturally the chess players. The remaining disciples of the two religions were all chess pieces. As for those outside Xuanmen They are all cannon fodder, just tools that consume the combat power of both sides!

For the people below, this is a catastrophe of life and death. For the people above, it is a battle of spirits. For Li Yunjing, it is to preserve the core strength of Jiejiao and become his leader in the next calamity. It's just an aid to enlightenment.

Everyone is involved in calculations and calculating their own gains and losses!
  Compared with Chanjiao's all-out efforts, Jiejiao's side was far behind. Only the Holy Mother Jinling went to Mount Emei to invite Zhao Gongming to come out.

When they came to "Mount Emei", Our Lady of Jinling told Zhao Gongming about the death of many of her disciples in Jiejiao. Hearing this, Zhao Gongming was furious, so he took his magic weapon, mounted a black tiger, and met with Our Lady of Jinling. Together they returned to the Yin Shang Camp in Xiqi.

Zhao Gongming came to Xiqi and met with the heavenly kings. As expected, he saw that a few Taoist friends were missing. For a moment, he was very angry and threatened that the Twelve Golden Immortals who explained the teaching must pay the price!

On the second day, reinforcements from both sides had arrived in Xiqi.

In terms of Chanjiao, a reed tent was set up outside the city as soon as possible. Soon, the Chanjiao immortals invited the four Daluo Golden Immortals Duanmu Zhenren, Du'e Zhenren, Duoluo and Wumo from the Western Sect, and several Taiyi Golden Immortals. On the Lu Peng.

Taoist Ran Deng and Guang Chengzi looked at each other and smiled, and said, "For the Zhou family and the world, it is really a sin to trouble all fellow Taoists to go out."

"You're so polite, Fellow Taoist Ran Deng! Feng Ming Qishan, the Western Zhou Dynasty is in full swing. The poor Taoist should be obedient to nature and people and come to help."

Duanmu Zhenren laughed and said with a calm expression. He obviously didn't think that there was much danger in this trip out of the mountain.

"My fellow Taoist, you are serious. King Zhou has no moral principles. Those who teach help Zhou to do evil, even poor Taoists should come to help."

Now that Master Du'e has come to Xiqi, he has also made up his mind to help the people of Chanjiao deal with Jiejiao, thus forming a good relationship with the Daluo Jinxian of Chanjiao.

"Amitabha! I, the Western Sect, can't bear to see the world in chaos with countless casualties, so I came here specifically to help explain the teachings of the True Immortals, defeat the Jie Sect, and restore a peaceful living environment to all sentient beings as soon as possible."

The two great Buddhas of the Western religion, Taro and Umo, also stepped forward and spoke righteously.

"Fellow Taoists, this is a great kindness!"

Ran Deng Taoist, Guang Chengzi, Jiang Ziya and others were overjoyed. Their strength had increased by one-third. In addition, Chi Jing had borrowed the innate treasure from the saint, which was enough to completely defeat Jie Jiao.

As for Jie Jiao, Zhao Gongming also entered the Yin Shang camp. When the immortals saw Zhao Gongming, the top Daluo Golden Immortal, coming, they all showed joy. Zhao Gongming, who had a complete set of top-grade innate spiritual treasures, could simply crush him. Overwhelm all Daluo Jinxian!
  With this person taking action, the seven immortals who followed him were very excited. Even though their own Da Luo Jinxian did not have as many people as Chan Jiao, they were still confident that they could completely defeat Chan Jiao.

There is no need to mention the welcome banquets held by both parties.

After a night's rest, as the morning sun rose, the immortals of the two sects climbed onto the reed tents respectively. Taoist Ran Deng summoned a soldier and asked him to go to the opposite side to invite a fight.

After hearing Xiqi's call for war, the Holy Mother of Jinling said to the immortals on the left and right: "Fellow Taoists, please come with me to fight. Let's see what reinforcements the Chanjiao has invited."

"That's right! Since someone wants to replace Jie, let's help them."

Zhao Gongming took the lead, and the immortals laughed and followed the Golden Spirit Mother into battle.

After a while, the immortals from both sides faced off.

When Taoist Ran Deng saw the person who intercepted the teachings coming out, he said to Our Lady Jin Ling: "Jin Ling, you and I have been confronting each other here for many days. Today, the two sides will decide a winner. How about the loser retreating?"

"Randeng! You, Chanjiao, think that if you invite some loose immortals to come out, you can compete with me, Jiejiao?"

The Holy Mother of Jinling looked coldly at the people behind Taoist Randeng, "They are just a bunch of chickens and dogs! Since they are involved in the affairs of our two religions, then I will kill them all and let you go to ashes!"

"Mother of the Golden Spirit! You are too arrogant. You are the Daluo Jinxian, and I am also the Daluo Jinxian. You dare to despise me. You go out quickly, and I will fight you for three hundred rounds!"

When Master Duanmu saw that Our Lady of the Golden Spirit had underestimated them, the masters of loose immortality, he was immediately furious. He even walked out of the battle formation with his sword in hand, the tip of the sword pointed at Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

"Duanmu! You are just a wild cultivator, but you dare to stand out on your own? No need for senior sister to take action, the poor Taoist will save you!"

Without waiting for the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to speak, Zhao Gongming stepped out across the tiger and was about to kill Duanmu Zhenren.

"Zhao Gongming, you are also famous on the 'God List'. I will kill you first, and then deal with the Golden Spirit Holy Mother!"

Duanmu Zhenren entered the killing calamity, and was overwhelmed by the calamity, but he lost his usual calmness. As soon as he said this, not to mention Zhao Gongming and the immortals of Jie Jiao, even the immortals of Chan Jiao shook their heads secretly. It seems that this Duanmu Zhenren had not yet taken effect and was about to die on the spot.

"What a pity! What a pity!"

Master Lingbao shook his head slightly and murmured to himself. He didn't know whether it was a pity that his close friend was about to die, or a pity that it had no effect and did not play a role in replacing him.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Duanmu, take Pindao's move!"

The two of them talked for a few words, but they didn't agree. Zhao Gongming's heart was filled with anger. As soon as he activated the black tiger, he rushed towards Zhenren Duanmu. The black tiger was also a top demon, reaching the realm of the Golden Immortal. , galloping up, carrying a fishy wind, arriving in a flash, as fast as lightning.

Looking at the surprised Duanmu Zhenren, Zhao Gongming raised his whip and hit him on the head.

"Well done!"

Although Duanmu was surprised, he didn't have much panic in his heart. After all, he was also a Daluo Jinxian-level master. He had countless fighting experiences. He hurriedly raised his sword to meet each other. After countless battles, Duanmu felt that his hands and feet were sore, but he was no match for him. Zhao Gongming’s strength. Duanmu Zhenren used several more magical powers, but they were also repulsed by the "Shangqing Immortal Technique". In particular, Zhao Gongming's "Shangqing Divine Thunder" that he kept sending out even broke his "Qingdi Muhuang Technique". A clean one.

"Zhao Gongming! It's not because I'm afraid of you. I'm ill today. Let's stop for now and fight again tomorrow!"

Master Duanmu made a feint, condensed his palms, and with a "click" sound, he fired a "Yimu Divine Thunder". He didn't care to check Zhao Gongming's situation. A green light flashed by, but Master Duanmu used the "Wood Escape Technique". , retreated towards Chanjiao Lu Peng.

"Hmph! Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

The three flowers on the top were revealed, and in the Qingyun, the twenty-four "Dinghai Divine Pearls" shook, and the "Yimu Divine Thunder" was defeated. Zhao Gongming's robe dragon flashed with golden light, and he raised the "Dragon Binding Rope" towards the Duanmu Zhenren tied up and left.

The "Dragon Binding Rope" turned into a golden dragon and caught up with Master Duanmu in an instant.

"Fellow Daoist Duanmu, be careful behind you!"

Master Lingbao saw this scene and quickly spoke to tell him to be careful.


Duanmu Zhenren was also an experienced man. Naturally, through the reminder from Master Lingbao, he knew that there was danger behind him. Without thinking too much, he swung his sword with his backhand.

At the same time, green light flashed around him again, and a dense forest formed around him, with branches constantly beating in all directions, actually blocking the "Dragon Binding Rope"!
  "It does have some magical powers!"

Zhao Gongming smiled coldly, and with a flash of light in Qingyun, one of the "Dinghai Divine Pearls" flew out. With a "bang", it broke through the obstruction of a layer of branches and knocked Master Duanmu to the ground.

The "Dragon Binding Rope" flashed again, directly tying up Master Duanmu and flying upside down towards Jie Jiao.

"Zhao Gongming! Don't hurt my friend!"

No matter what, in front of everyone, the friend he invited was captured alive. Master Lingbao could only bite the bullet and fly out, trying to snatch Duanmu back.

"You also lie down for me!"

Facing Master Lingbao, Zhao Gongming sacrificed two more "Dinghai Divine Pearls". The two beads were one behind the other. The Lingbao Archmage had just knocked one away, and the second "Dinghai Divine Pearl" It hit him hard on the chest, and with a "click" sound, several ribs were broken. Master Lingbao fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Master Lingbao was not an outsider, and the remaining twelve golden immortals became nervous. Seeing this, Guangchengzi hurriedly got off his robe and hit Zhao Gongming with a "Yuqing Divine Thunder", shouting: "Zhao Gongming, don't hurt me." friend."

"Haha! Guangchengzi, you are the leader of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, and today I will knock you to the ground!"

Looking at Guangchengzi with disdain, three more "Dinghai Divine Pearls" flew out. Even though Guangchengzi was more tyrannical than the Lingbao Archmage, he still lost to the power of the "Dinghai Divine Pearls" and was also knocked to the ground.

"Hahaha! Junior Brother Zhao Gongming is invincible!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Seven Immortals who accompanied her, as well as many disciples of the Jiejiao Sect, and the generals of the Yin and Shang Dynasties all laughed heartily. This was truly a crushing victory. No one was Zhao Gongming’s opponent at all!
  Even the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was secretly horrified. Junior Brother Zhao's set of innate spiritual treasures was so powerful that even if she fought against Zhao Gongming, she would still be knocked to the ground!
  On the other side, the Chanjiao camp was dumbfounded. They were both Daluo Golden Immortals and both had powerful innate spiritual treasures to protect themselves, but why was the gap so big?

In this moment, Daoxing Tianzun, Yuding Zhenren, and Taiyi Zhenren stepped forward one by one, and were all knocked down one by one.

"Hurry and save people!"

Taoist Ran Deng hurriedly asked the remaining immortals to rush forward, and the red sperm even displayed the "Tai Chi Diagram". The "Tai Chi Diagram" is an innate treasure and is naturally extremely powerful. It can even stabilize the earth, water, wind and fire in the vast world. , let alone the mere "Dinghai Divine Pearl"?
  It's just that this treasure is not a red sperm sacrifice after all, and it can't even exert one percent of its power. In a hurry, it was knocked to the ground by the "Dinghai Divine Pearl".

At this moment, everyone did not care about snatching back the "Tai Chi Diagram" and snatched Guang Chengzi, Master Lingbao and others back one after another. As for Duanmu Zhenren, who was caught by the "Dragon Binding Rope", they could not save him in time.

The Chanjiao side, after rescuing the injured Daluo Jinxian, did not dare to fight anymore and retreated towards Xiqi City in embarrassment.

"Kill me!"

The Holy Mother of Jinling shouted loudly, and all the immortals from the Jie Sect chased and killed dozens of loose immortals and second and third generation disciples of the Chan Sect. When they saw a large formation suddenly rising up in Xiqi City, they withdrew their troops angrily. Back.

"Senior sister, do you need to hang this piece of wood on the camp door so that people can see the majesty of my master?"

After a hearty fight, no one from Jiejiao was killed, and they won a great victory. Zhao Gongming's morale was high and he proposed to hang the prisoners on the camp gate to humiliate Xiqi's side.

"Uncle Zhao, this disciple has something to say!"

Zhao Gongming looked back and saw Yuan Hong, the little monkey. He was a disciple of the fifth senior brother and naturally a junior close to him, so he smiled and said, "You monkey, what can you say?"

"This Duanmu dares to assist the Chan Sect and become my enemy! Why don't we kill him, cut off his head, and hang it on the camp gate? Only in this way can we better deter all the immortals and let everyone understand that this is the enemy of me. The consequences of opposing a teacher!"

Yuan Hong rolled his eyes and came up with this argument. The teacher had specifically told him that no prisoners would be left alive, and this must be strictly enforced.

"Yes! That's right! What nephew Yuan Hong said makes sense."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit nodded. If Duanmu dared to challenge her before, that was because he had a way to kill him.

"All the great immortals of Jiejiao have mercy on you! Xiaodao has realized his mistake!"

Seeing that the person who intercepted the teaching wanted to kill him, Duanmu Zhenren, who had been locked by the "Dragon Binding Rope", completely woke up. If he died, he would most likely be out of his mind. Thinking of this terrible consequence, the Great Luo Jinxian could not care less about his face. Just kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Hey! You know you were wrong now, but it's too late!"

Yu Hua, who was on the side, caught the look of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and immediately took a few steps forward. The "Blood-Transforming Divine Sword" flashed with blood, and Duanmu Zhenren's head fell off.

"Yuan Hong! Hang this head on the camp gate! Tomorrow, I will invite you to fight again to see who else in the Chan sect is not afraid of death!"

After coming out twice, he first defeated the Western Sect, and today he taught the Twelve Golden Immortals a lesson. Zhao Gongming stole the show. He was so high-spirited that he felt that he had been cultivating Taoism for hundreds of thousands of years, and today he was so happy!

(End of this chapter)

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