The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 109: Zhao Gongming is plotted against, Jie Jiaoxian fights for his life

Chapter 109: Zhao Gongming is plotted against, Jie Jiaoxian fights for his life
  "Yes! Master Zhao!"

Yuan Hong lifted up Duanmu Zhenren's hair and hung the bloody head on the camp door.

"Tomorrow, I will have to rely on Junior Brother Zhao." Holy Mother Jinling said with a smile.

"Sister, you're welcome. Gongming is a disciple of the Jie Sect, so naturally he has to stand up for his brothers and sisters in the sect. The Chan Sect and the Western Sect are colluding together. Tomorrow, I am about to take action and kill a few more Daluo Jinxian!"

"Haha! Everything depends on Junior Brother Zhao!"

Wu Yunxian on the side couldn't smile from ear to ear. The two sides were evenly matched, but when Junior Brother Zhao came, everything became easier.

Jie Jiao was happy, but Chan Jiao was naturally worried.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Taoist Ran Deng looked at the immortals and fell into deep thought. The "Dinghai Divine Pearl" was so powerful that even he, a quasi-sage, felt frightened when he saw it.

Moreover, Taoist Ran Deng knew that Lord Chaos had been paying attention to the battle situation here, so no matter whose hands Zhao Gongming died, he could not die in his hands.

Through the Western Sect Doro and Wu Mo, Ran Deng also learned about the fact that during the Beihai War, the Taoist Chaos Lord killed two quasi-sages of the Western Sect.

In this regard, he was even more wary of Dao Lord Chaos, but he was very jealous of the "Dinghai Divine Pearl". This set of treasures seemed to be related to his path to enlightenment.

I want the baby, but I don’t want to kill the person. What should I do?
  For a moment, a group of people in the living room fell into an eerie silence. Faced with Zhao Gongming's ferocity and the twenty-four top-grade innate spiritual treasure beads, no one could deal with it.

"Pindao has a way, but it will harm Tianhe."

Seeing that all the people in the Chan Cult were silent, Daojun Lu Ya smiled coldly and said these words slowly and leisurely.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Ya, if you have any ideas, please tell me quickly!"

Ran Deng's eyes lit up. As long as Zhao Gongming died, he would be very sure that he would get the set of "Dinghai Divine Pearls". He would not be afraid even if Jie Jiao came to visit him in the future. By then, he would have already arrived in the Western Paradise.

With the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti here, even if the leader of Tongtian comes to ask for the magic weapon, it is impossible to return it!
  "Yao Bin can use the art of worshiping the soul of a straw man to deal with Ziya, and Pindao can naturally treat him in his own way, and use secret techniques to deal with Zhao Gongming. As long as Zhao Gongming dies, Fellow Taoist Ran Deng and all Taoists Friends are no longer restrained, and the remaining Jiejiao disciples will naturally not be able to withstand our siege."

Lu Ya sneered and slowly told his evil plan.


Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning. Everyone had seen Jiang Ziya's tragic situation before. They did not expect that Daojun Lu Ya also had such vicious secret skills.

"Alas! Now that things have come to this, no wonder we are cruel and ruthless. If we can't deal with Zhao Gongming, how can the Western Zhou Dynasty prosper?"

Ran Deng was happy, but his face looked helpless.

"Hey! Fellow Taoists, please take a look."

Daojun Lu Ya looked at the people around him with a sneer. The vigilance in their hearts was naturally clearly understood by him. As for these, it was no longer a problem. As long as he helped establish the new dynasty of the Western Zhou Dynasty and gained merit, he could kill the good corpses. , became a mid-stage quasi-sage master, who else was he afraid of at that time?

With his thoughts on his mind, Mr. Lu Yadao took out a book from his sleeve, spread it on the table, opened it, and motioned for everyone to come forward and watch.

"The Nailhead Seven Arrows Book!"

On the scroll, five large blood-red characters dazzled the eyes, followed by spell-casting formulas and a talisman.

Taoist Ran Deng read out the five words slowly, and felt a chill in his heart. This was an ancient secret technique, the supreme method of heaven. Even if he was plotted by Taoist Lu Ya, most of his life would probably be lost.

"Yes, the Seven Arrows Book of Nailheads is the name of my secret technique."

Seeing the frightened expression of Taoist Ran Deng, Lu Ya was extremely proud, "Even if Zhao Gongming's cultivation reaches the peak of Daluo Jinxian, he will still suffer hatred under the secret technique of Pindao!"

"Then who will perform this secret technique?"

When Taoist Ran Deng saw that Taoist Lu Ya had completely handed over this secret technique, he naturally understood what he meant. Taoist Lu Ya only wanted results, but he did not want to be involved in cause and effect!

Guangchengzi and the others were all monkey spirits, and they immediately bowed their heads and remained silent. As disciples of saints, they also knew many curse techniques. This secret technique would have huge sequelae at first glance.

Zhao Gongming is the pinnacle master of Daluo Jinxian. If he worships him to death, you can imagine the price the person who performs the spell will have to pay!

Master Du'e of West Kunlun Sanxian also turned his head, just closed his eyes and meditated, with no intention of getting involved. Master Duanmu who came here with him disappeared as soon as he met him. How could he not be afraid?
  Looking around, Lu Ya felt even more proud when he saw everyone avoiding his eyes. Finally, he looked at Jiang Ziya and said, "Ziya can build a high platform in the camp, plant a straw man on it, and write a letter to Zhao With the three characters "Gongming", he lit a bright lamp on his head and on his foot. He stepped into the gangbang, made seals on the talisman and burned it. He bowed to the straw man three times a day. By noon on the 21st, Zhao Gongming would definitely be dead. !”

When Taoist Ran Deng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at Jiang Ziya and said, "Senior nephew Ziya, just prepare as Taoist fellow Taoist Lu Ya said!"

To perform such a vicious secret technique requires a lot of merit, luck, and even longevity to succeed.

Naturally, it is impossible for Ran Deng to perform it himself. It is okay for everyone from the Western Church to serve as reinforcements and play drums, but it is unthinkable for them to pay such a high price.

The Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Cult are what the leader of Yuanshi values ​​the most. How could he let them do such a thing that harms both others and himself?
  As for the third generation disciples of Chanjiao, their cultivation is low, their merits and luck are not enough, and they are not qualified to perform such evil magic.

This matter can only be attributed to Jiang Ziya. As a person destined to become a god, he has the support of great luck and can fully withstand the consumption of "Nailhead Seven Arrows Book".

Besides, Jiang Ziya's talent was extremely poor, and he was just a tool to help Chan teach him to survive the calamity. As long as he survived the calamity, Yuanshi Tianzun would not care at all whether Jiang Ziya was alive or dead.

After listening to Ran Deng Taoist's instructions, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao also thought of this, but they kept silent. It was enough to die of fellow Taoists but not of poor Taoists. They were not even willing to sacrifice their direct disciples, let alone A junior fellow apprentice with a very short start?

"Yes! Ziya will definitely handle this matter well!"

Although Jiang Ziya has an extraordinary mind, he is just a mortal man. Who knows the huge price to pay for using such secret techniques!
  In this way, the man who conferred the title of God agreed in a daze.

Early the next morning, Jiang Ziya ordered people to hang a no-war sign on the gate of Xiqi City. At the same time, he ordered his soldiers to build a high platform in the city, and the grass-roots people began to practice.

While Jiang Ziya was building the altar and doing the ritual, Zhao Gongming, who was discussing how to break the city with the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and others in the Yin Shang camp, suddenly felt uneasy and became anxious for no reason.

"How is this going?"

Zhao Gongming suppressed the anxiety in his heart, frowned and thought.

Logically speaking, at his level of cultivation, if a disaster were to come, he would be restless on a whim, not like he is now, just anxious in his heart.

At this moment, in Xiqi City, Jiang Ziya's day's practice ended. In the dark, a long arrow with a thick and ominous aura was generated out of thin air and shot towards the soul in the depths of Zhao Gongming's sea of ​​consciousness. With a "buzz" sound, Zhao Gongming felt confused and almost fell to the ground.

"Junior Brother Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this scene, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and the seven attendant immortals were shocked. This was the Great Luo Golden Immortal. How could he almost faint?
  "Nothing! Maybe I'm a little tired recently."

Zhao Gongming made some calculations with his fingers, but there was nothing unusual. He just thought that he had consumed too much in several battles.

"Well! That Chanjiao just hangs the battle-free card. Junior Brother Zhao, you go back and rest more, don't work too hard."

Our Lady of Jinling expressed concern that this was their backbone and they could not make any mistakes. She quickly asked Zhao Gongming to go back to his room to rest.

"Okay! I'll go back and rest."

Seeing that several senior sisters and brothers insisted on this, Zhao Gongming nodded and did not refuse their kindness.

In this way, seven or eight days had passed, and Zhao Gongming's condition was getting worse and worse. Yao Bin's expression changed, and he quickly said to the Golden Spirit Holy Mother and other Daluo Jinxian: "Sisters and brothers, I'm afraid that Senior Brother Zhao has been cursed. The art!"

As he spoke, Yao Bin used his own secret technique to curse Jiang Ziya to death as an example, and introduced in detail the terrifying aspects of such secret techniques.

"What can we do! We must find a way to rescue Junior Brother Zhao!"

At this time, even the Holy Mother Jin Ling was anxious. Zhao Gongming was not an ordinary disciple of Jie Jiao. He was a figure with a great future who could support the entire Jie Jiao. If he died here, it would be a huge loss to Jie Jiao. .

"Now there is only one way left!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Wen Zhong said again: "Teacher, we can only start a decisive battle with the Chan Sect, attract the energy of the main force of the Chan Sect, and then send people to sneak into Xiqi City, destroy the altar, and steal the curse. Uncle Zhao’s thing!”

"Okay! Without further ado, let's go out of the city for a decisive battle now! Even if Xiqi hangs a battle-free card, we will still attack with force! At worst, we can use our great magical power to wipe out Xiqi City, leaving no one alive in the city!"

The Virgin Mother of the Golden Spirit had a ruthless look on her face. At this point, they could no longer care about anything else. As for doing such a tragic thing, they couldn't care less about the loss of merit.

There is only one thing, Zhao Gongming cannot die!

"That's right! Take action! Massacre the city with great power! Force the masters of the Chan Sect to come out for a decisive battle!" Lingya Fairy also agreed.

"That's right! Let's do it!"

After the Holy Mother of Jinling finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Jiang, Yao Bin and the Ten Heavenly Lords, and said: "Now we are at the Daluo Jinxian level, weaker than Chanjiao. You guys set up a big formation to help us!"

"Then who sneaked into the city?"

Wen Zhong asked again.

Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi are disciples of Zhao Gongming. At this time, the teacher is in trouble. These two people immediately stepped forward and said: "The teacher is in trouble, and the disciples must serve themselves! The two of me sneaked into the city to save my teacher!"

"I'll go with you! My magical powers are pretty good and I can avoid the eyes and ears of the third generation of Chanjiao."

Yuan Hong took a step forward and offered to act with them.

Even though he knew that the teacher had been paying attention to the situation here, Yuan Hong didn't know what the teacher was thinking, and he didn't dare to say anything to ask Lord Chaos to take action. He could only take action himself and do his part.

"Okay! It's up to you three to do it! This thing must be successful!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said in a deep voice, and then led a group of Jiejiao Immortals out of the camp. The Spirit Tooth Immortal was the first to take action and shouted loudly. There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the earth suddenly shook. He actually showed The Dharma of heaven and earth directly manifested into a dharma body of an ancient idol that was 100,000 long. With one step of its huge front hooves, it was about to flatten the entire Xiqi City.

"How dare you, evil beast!"

With a loud shout, Guangchengzi rushed out of the city, and the "Heaven-shaking Seal" in his hand suddenly turned into a giant mountain and suppressed it towards the Lingya Fairy.

This "Heaven-shaking Seal" is a peerless magic weapon refined by Yuanshi Tianzun on the top of the mountain after the collapse of "Buzhou Mountain".

As the first sacred mountain in the prehistoric times, "Buzhou Mountain" evolved from the backbone of the great god Pangu. You can imagine how heavy this "Heaven-shaking Seal" was. In one moment, the spirit tooth fairy's body was shattered, and the spirit tooth fairy vomited blood and retreated. go out.

"Hmph! Guangchengzi, don't try to be cruel!"

The Holy Mother of Jinling rode on the "Seven Fragrance Car" and stopped Guangchengzi. This true disciple of Jiejiao was really angry. He had the "Four Elephant Tower" above his head, and the "Dragon and Tiger Ruyi" floated in front of him and sent out a series of magical sounds. Guang protected him and at the same time used his "Flying Gold Sword" to kill Guang Chengzi.

This time, unlike previous fights where I had reservations for fear of getting hurt, this time I was firing on all cylinders and was really playing with my life!

A total of four innate spiritual treasures exploded with all their power, completely demonstrating the wealth and wealth of the true disciples of Jie Jiao.

You are risking your life, and of course you don’t care about the aftermath of the mana fluctuations!


Even though Xiqi City Wall was guarded by a large formation, half of it was still broken into pieces, and tens of thousands of soldiers were buried under the rubble.

"You crazy woman!"

Seeing the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit attacking her with her killing moves one after another, even Guang Chengzi was in a hurry. The No. 1 Golden Immortal in the Chan Cult finally did not dare to hide his strength.

This Golden Immortal has the "Soul-falling Bell" on his head. When the bell wave swings, even a master like the Golden Spirit Mother's spirit trembles. If it were not suppressed by the "Four Elephants Tower", it would be difficult to withstand this kind of attack in just a few rounds. Sonic attack.

At the same time, Guangchengzi was wearing the "Bagua Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes" and had unparalleled defense. The "Heaven-shaking Seal" kept hitting the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and the two swords in both hands, the "Male and Female Swords", also completely blocked the "Sword of the Golden Spirit". Flying Golden Sword".

No one cares about the life and death of mortals anymore. Wen Zhong had already received the news of the decisive battle, and the Yin and Shang army had already fled. However, the Xizhou side suffered heavy losses. Even some of Ji Chang's sons were killed in the aftermath of the battle between the two sides. Shocked to death.

"Haha! Now that the war has begun, let's fight to the death!"

Wu Yunxian took the lead and rushed forward. In an instant, he brought many golden immortals who were accompanying the Seven Immortals and Jie Jiao into a melee. Zhao Jiang and others also took the opportunity to set up the "Ten Jue Formation" on the battlefield where the two sides met, and defeated Xiqi. The city was completely enveloped, not allowing anyone to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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