The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 111 I let go, Yuanshi made a desperate move

Chapter 111 I let go, Yuanshi made a desperate move

Regarding everyone's fantasies, Li Yunjing did not persuade them too much, but looked at Zhao Gongming and said: "Junior brother Zhao, a few days ago, Chi Jingjing lost a magic weapon by mistake. You can get it and give it to me. "

"I wonder what the fifth senior brother wants this thing for?"

Zhao Gongming was shocked, but he thought of this matter and hurriedly took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Dao Lord Chaos.

"You don't even recognize Grandmaster's 'Tai Chi Diagram'?"

Li Yunjing shook his head slightly. Although these fellow disciples had never seen the uncle take action, they should not recognize the "Tai Chi Diagram", the master's treasure.

"Ah? This is the innate treasure of the great uncle? How come it is in the hands of that red sperm?"

Not to mention Zhao Gongming, all the interception masters present were astonished. No one had ever seen the "Tai Chi Diagram" in real form, but its reputation was naturally known to everyone.

"If the Tai Chi Diagram is lost in your hands, my uncle must come to retrieve it. If you don't return it, once my uncle comes here, you will all be ashes."

Jin Ling Sheng Sheng, Zhao Gongming, Wu Yunxian and others heard this, their calves twisted and almost fell to the ground. When the saint came out, it was naturally impossible to just hand over the "Tai Chi Diagram" and be done. How could the saint's face be saved?
  "You don't need to worry. I'll go to the Eight Views Palace to return this treasure, and my uncle will have no reason to take action against you."

Seeing that his fellow disciples still looked horrified, Li Yunjing said again: "In the past few days, you should not go out to fight without authorization. Everything is waiting for my return."

After saying that, he left the Yin Shang camp and flew towards "Shouyang Mountain" on the clouds.

Not long after, Li Yunjing arrived outside the "Eight Views Palace". He saw Master Xuandu, had a chat with him, and then asked Master Xuandu to go in to ask for instructions from the saint and wait for the summons.

Master Xuandu entered the "Eight Views Palace" and saw the Supreme Master Lao Tzu meditating, so he came forward and bowed: "Disciple Xuandu pays homage to the teacher. Brother Chaos is outside the palace, waiting for the teacher to summon him."

"Let him in."

The Supreme Master sighed slightly, opened his eyes and said.

Master Xuandu didn't know why, but he just got the teacher's approval, so he walked out of the "Eight Scenery Palace" and said to Li Yunjing: "Teacher declares your presence. Brother Chaos, please come!"

After saying that, he led Dao Lord Chaos towards the "Eight Views Palace".

When he arrived at the Taiqing Hall of the "Eight Views Palace" and met the Taiqing Saint, Li Yunjing hurriedly stepped forward to pay homage and said: "Disciple Huan Chaosi, pay homage to the great uncle. The great uncle has a boundless longevity."

"Get up."

Looking at Chaoszi, feeling that he was about to kill two corpses with his superb cultivation, Taishang Laozi nodded and spoke slowly.

"Thank you, Master, for sitting down."

After Li Yunjing thanked him respectfully, he stood up and sat on the futon.

Asking Li Yunjing to sit aside, I closed my eyes and said nothing.

The entire "Tai Qing Hall" seemed to fall into eternal silence. After a long time, Taishang Laozi said: "Junior Brother Tongtian has accepted a good disciple. With you alone, the Jiejiao orthodoxy should not be exterminated. Go ahead!" After that, he closed his eyes and said no more words.

"Disciple thanks Master Uncle!"

Li Yunjing's eyes turned red and filled with tears. Finally, after hearing these words from his uncle, he quickly stood up and prostrated again.

After bowing once more, Li Yunjing stood up, handed the "Tai Chi Diagram" in his sleeve to Master Xuandu, and turned around and left the "Eight Views Palace".

Grand Master Xuandu put away the "Tai Chi Diagram" and personally sent Brother Chaos out of the "Bajing Palace". The two chatted for a few more words, and then Li Yunjing put down the heavy stone in his heart and left Shouyang Mountain easily.

After the Taoist Lord of Chaos disappeared from the horizon, Master Xuandu turned back to the "Tai Qing Hall" and handed the "Tai Chi Diagram" in his hand to the Supreme Master.

After thinking about it, Archmage Xuandu still couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart and asked: "Teacher, can Senior Brother Chaos alone make the Jie Jiao prosperous?"

"You will know this by yourself when the time comes. Go down."

Seeing his disciple asking questions, the Supreme Master chuckled, but did not tell him the reason.

Li Yunjing left "Shouyang Mountain", and the depression in his heart finally dissipated a little. As the senior brother of Xuanmen and the first person of the Six Saints, I did not express my position easily, but he said that it was God's will and the truth of the great road.

Even if Yuanshi Tianzun is unwilling to do so, Jiejiao will definitely leave a sigh of relief!

As long as he has this vitality and a certain calamity, Jie Jiao will hope to rise again under his leadership!
  After leaving "Shouyang Mountain", Li Yunjing did not return to Xiqi. Instead, he went to the only way to Sanxian Island. Seeing that Zhao Gongming had safely entered the island, he changed direction and went to Mount Emei.

"Hmph! Ran Deng is indeed here!"

Hidden in the clouds of the sky, looking at the Taoist monk Ran Deng hidden in the mountains, Li Yunjing suppressed the murderous intention in his heart. This man could not die, and he had to hope that Ran Deng would split the Chan religion.

This time, I can only choose to let him go!

The reason why Taoist Ran Deng came here to ambush Zhao Gongming was because of Li Yunjing's previous attack. The deputy leader of Chanjiao made some calculations and believed that Zhao Gongming was unable to participate in the war and must go back to cultivate, so he stopped in Mount Emei and waited. Zhao Gongming's sheep enters the tiger's mouth.

It's just that Li Yunjing's wisdom is one foot high and his calculations are deep, allowing Zhao Gongming to survive another disaster.

However, he said that after the previous war between the two sects ended, a group of Da Luo Jin Immortals returned to Xiqi City with injuries and tired faces.

Yang Jian and the three Western Taiyi Golden Immortals lost the "Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head" and hurriedly came to the Prime Minister's Mansion. They informed many elders and Jiang Ziya, saying: "The disciple is incompetent. The Book of Seven Arrows of Nail Head has indeed been stolen by others." Robbed."

"Who stole Pindao's Nailhead Seven Arrows book?"

After a big battle, Mr. Lu Yadao was unharmed and had a smile on his face. He was secretly proud of himself, but when he suddenly heard Yang Jian's words, his expression immediately changed and he asked in shock.

"At that time, a ball of colorful glazed light flashed, and Yuan Hong and the three people who were fighting with the disciple, as well as the nail-headed book of seven arrows, all disappeared, but the disciple never saw the appearance of the person who came."

"Oops! What should I do?" Lu Ya was frightened when he heard this.

This "Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head" is extremely powerful. As long as a particularly powerful quasi-sage master uses the "Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head" to plot against him, he will succeed in every attempt. However, if this treasure falls into the hands of others, it will do great harm to them. Unfortunately, if someone used this vicious technique on him, he might not be safe.

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry. Once the Jiejiao is broken, this treasure will naturally return to the hands of fellow Taoist." Taoist Ran Deng laughed. At this time, he had not revealed the appearance of Dao Lord Chaos. This interpreter The deputy leader of the sect, a traitor in the Western sect, also wants to take advantage of the appearance of Dao Lord Chaos to create greater opportunities for him.

"Friend Ran Deng, I would not be worried if I lost other treasures, but this book of Seven Arrows is different."

Lu Ya showed bitterness on his face, and as he spoke, he told the story that the "Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head" might be used by Jiejiao to counterattack them.

"What should I do?"

The faces of Guang Chengzi and others changed. This thing was so vicious that even Zhao Gongming, who was invincible when he appeared on the scene, almost died. Who among them can resist this curse?
  "Now that things have come to this, should I ask a saint for instructions?"

After thinking about it, Taoist Ran Deng had no other choice. He turned to look at Guang Chengzi and started discussing with him.

"How about Teacher Ran Deng take a trip to the 'Yuxu Palace'?"

Guang Chengzi didn't want to see the teacher for such a faceless thing. At this time, he thought of Ran Deng, the deputy leader.

"Alas! I can only go once."

Taoist Ran Deng had a miserable face, as if he was very afraid of Yuanshi Tianzun's majesty, but he was secretly happy that he finally had the opportunity to avoid everyone and act alone.

Ever since he saw Zhao Gongming's "Dinghai Divine Pearl", Ran Deng felt that this treasure was destined for him. If he got it, he would have the hope to kill two corpses in a short time and become the top supernatural power user in the three realms.

Seeing Taoist Randen's expression, Guangchengzi and the Twelve Golden Immortals sneered in their hearts. The teacher's temper was not good, especially when he was defeated and unable to go home to ask for help. Taoist Randen had to shoulder the blame!
  In the midst of intrigues, Taoist Ran Deng had the same scene as before, but his plan completely failed.

If Li Yunjing hadn't taken advantage of his cancer to split the teachings, Ran Deng would have died long ago, and the three thousand guests of "Purple Sky Palace" would have lost one more person.

After getting the result he wanted, Li Yunjing moved and returned to the Yin Shang camp. With the guarantee of Saint Taiqing, most of the worries in his heart were gone. Now he was about to fight and deal with it ruthlessly. The Liao Chan Sect and the Western Sect found a reason to be suppressed by the saints, so they did not have to participate in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and the final decisive battle.

After waiting for three days, seeing that Zhao Gongming had not returned to the mountain, Taoist Ran Deng appeared, cursed and looked at "Emei Mountain", and finally, with a sigh, flew towards "Kunlun Mountain".

Sure enough, when he met Yuanshi Tianzun and told him about the current unfavorable situation, the face of the leader of the Chan Cult was extremely ugly. Even the quasi-sage, Taoist Ran Deng, felt frightened when he saw him.

"I already know about this, you go back to Xiqi first."

In the end, Yuanshi Tianzun sent away Taoist Ran Deng and fell into deep thought.

The teachings of Chanjiao and Jiejiao are completely opposite. Even if they have the friendship of the Three Purities, it is difficult to resolve their conflicts. If they kill and rob them together, they still have to go through it.

It's just that this Jiejiao is very powerful. Although Yuanshi Tianzun has accepted some second-generation disciples in the past few years, it hasn't lasted long. In addition, the qualifications of these disciples are not as good as Guangchengzi and others. Now he is in trouble with Jiejiao. .

Feng Ming Qishan, the Western Zhou Dynasty was popular.

If you don't have the strength to defeat Jiejiao, how can you achieve great success?
  How to reverse the situation of Fengshen?
  Gradually, Yuanshi Tianzun's brows became tighter and tighter. How could the eldest brother's subordinate commander accomplish anything with only one Xuandu?

Nowadays, if you want to find foreign aid, I am afraid that the only option is Western teaching.

"No matter what! My teachings cannot be inferior to those of my third brother Tongtian!"

After thinking about it again and again, Yuanshi Tianzun had no choice but to get up and quietly left the "Yuxu Palace" and came to Xiniu Hezhou.

"Alas! This time we have to pay a huge price."

Looking at the barrenness of the west, the saint sighed and accepted the ambitions of the two men. How could he not know?
  It’s just that when things come to a close, before we can fight against the outside world, we must first calm down the inside. Let’s gather all the forces together and defeat Jie Jiao first!
  At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun was still optimistic that the Western Sect was nothing more than a small problem. As long as they made some calculations in the future, they would be able to defeat it, just like the Jie Sect, they would all be annihilated.

At this time, the Western Paradise.

Jie Yin and Zhunti were explaining the Great Way to many disciples.

While they were preaching, the two saints felt something in their hearts and asked many disciples to disperse.

When there were no other people around, I saw a cloud of pure air coming to the Western Paradise. Immediately, the sound of celestial beings wafted from "Xumi Jinshan", and the Taoist rhyme of Taoism appeared for the first time in this core place of Western religion.

"Fellow Taoist Yuanshi came to visit our Western religion. I am a poor Taoist, but I feel sorry for you from afar. If I am rude in any way, please forgive me!"

As the leader of the Western Sect, Jie Yin sat on the twelve-grade golden lotus of merit and nodded to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist. I came here today to ask two fellow Taoists to help me, and together we can suppress the momentum of Jiejiao. What do you think?"

This time, Yuanshi Tianzun was very unhappy that he had something to ask for, and he was unwilling to make excuses with the two of them, so he directly stated his intention.


Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other, feeling proud, but with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

"Fellow Taoist Yuanshi, Taoist Patriarch Hongjun has said that this Immortal Dao killing and calamity is an internal matter of Xuanmen. My junior brother and I have lived in the Paradise of Paradise for a long time without disaster or calamity. If we rashly intervene in it, one of us will violate Taoist Hongjun's decree. Secondly, wouldn’t it ruin the brotherhood between Taoist fellow Yuanshi and fellow Taoist Tongtian?”

At this time, it was naturally the turn of Saint Zhunti to speak. As soon as the second leader of the Western Sect spoke, Yuanshi Tianzun was as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly. We are both saints. If the other party moves, he can calculate the secrets of heaven. Why should we behave like ordinary people? Show off your words?
  How could he not know that Zhunti was raising the price?

"Fellow Taoist Zhunti, if you have any requests, just say so."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked ugly and interrupted Zhunti's words directly, asking him to talk about something practical.

"Haha! Good! Yuanshi Taoist friend, please speak quickly! That poor Taoist said it bluntly, in the next calamity, Western religion will flourish, and our religion will spread Buddhism eastward!" Sage Zhunti smiled, and without being polite, he directly said what he thought. A dream of calamity.


Yuanshi Tianzun's face turned green. This Zhunti was really a lion's mouth. Without Dongsheng Shenzhou, wouldn't he, the leader of Xuanjiao and the big boss of Xuanmen, have no territory?
  The words of rejection were on his lips at first, but then he thought about it and thought that if the Chan Sect failed, all the disciples would have to deal with it, and the Jie Sect would continue to prosper.

It is even possible that Chan Jiao can be squeezed into heresy. The most important thing is that everyone knows that Chan Jiao is not as good as Jie Jiao. Wouldn't it make him lose face in front of Tongtian?

This kind of result is unacceptable to Yuanshi Tianzun!
  Therefore, even if the Western religion raises the price and the lion opens his mouth, he can only endure it now. As long as he wins and defeats in the end, even if he loses a lot, it will take a lot of calamity to get it back!

Saints live as long as Heaven and are immortal. The battle between saints is a battle of spirits and a battle of face. Nothing is more important than the face of Yuanshi Tianzun himself!
  (End of this chapter)

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