The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 112 The beauty’s thoughts come out of the sky

Chapter 112 The beauty’s thoughts come out of the sky

"If Fengming Qishan brings great prosperity to the Western Zhou Dynasty! As for the spread of Buddhism to the east, you two can do whatever you want!"

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth and said the long-awaited words of the two saints of the Western Sect.

This meaning is very clear. The fate of the Western Zhou Dynasty is entangled with the Chanjiao. The great prosperity of the Western Zhou Dynasty naturally means that the Chanjiao will achieve the final victory. Only when this condition is met, the Chanjiao will open the door for the eastward spread of Buddhism!

"Fellow Taoist Tongtian relies on his magical power to act against the will of heaven and ignore the fate of the gods. We are saints and cannot sit idly by. Senior brother and I will then send disciples to Xiqi to help."

Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other and smiled. Zhunti calmed down before speaking slowly.

"In that case, I'll take my leave!"

After achieving what he wanted, he paid a huge price. Yuanshi Tianzun was unhappy and did not want to see the proud faces of Jie Yin and Zhunti. After saying something, his figure slowly dissipated, but he returned to "Yuxu Palace" ".

At this time, Li Yunjing had returned to the Yin Shang camp.

"Junior Brother Chaos, what did Grandmaster say?"

Immediately, Holy Mother Jin Ling asked, and other Jie Jiao disciples also looked at Li Yunjing, wanting to know the saint's attitude.

"Everything is fine, everyone can rest assured!"

Looking around and seeing the nervous expressions of his fellow disciples, Li Yunjing smiled and said: "This time, I personally go out to the mountain. If Lu Ya dares to use evil magic to harm my disciples, I must put an end to Junior Brother Gongming's cause and effect."

"Fifth Senior Brother takes action, and that kid, Lu Ya, will naturally not be able to escape Senior Brother's law!"

Seeing that Chaos Dao Lord wanted to take action to vent his anger for Zhao Gongming, everyone else smiled happily and fought with Chanjiao several times on a large scale. Both sides suffered losses. Even Jiejiao and these Daluo Jinxian were a little frightened, fearing that they would be cheated. That list of gods.

Now that it's all right, with the backer stepping in, how can anyone in the entire Chan sect be able to compete with Brother Chaos?
  "Wen Zhong, arrange for someone to inform Xiqi's side that the two sides will fight again tomorrow."

"Yes! Disciples will obey Master Uncle's decree!"

Wen Zhong felt happy that he could finally defeat the immortals of Chanjiao completely.

As the mainstay of the three dynasties of the Great Shang Dynasty, Wen Zhong's feelings for the Great Shang Dynasty were definitely the most important, even more important than Jie Jiao's. This was his life's career. Seeing the emergence of a rebel like Xiqi, he was more affectionate than Jie Jiao. Everyone is in a hurry.

Now, Fifth Master Chaos Dao Lord takes action. As long as he defeats the immortals of Chanjiao, this matter will be over.

"Alas! Fellow disciples, you are still too optimistic. I am a quasi-sage and have broken Xiqi's balance. Naturally, saints will come to suppress it. It's just that the Western teachings and Western teachings have gone too far to deceive people, but I want to be ruthless before suppressing them. Let out a fierce breath, put those who deserve to be on the list, and beat them to death even if they deserve to be beaten to death!"

Li Yunjing was still smiling as he listened to the compliments from his fellow disciples. No one knew that he was already ruthless in his heart and was ready to kill!
  "Oh! Why are they here?"

Suddenly, Li Yunjing frowned and looked towards the distant void. Looking at the familiar figure, he showed a hint of helplessness. He had prepared everything to prevent them from disaster, but he didn't expect that they would still be there. coming.

"Huh? Who's coming?"

Seeing Dao Lord Chaos in a trance, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit asked, and then her consciousness swept across the sky, only to see Yunxiao riding a blue luan, Qiongxiao riding a swan, and Bixiao riding a flower-feathered bird, taking Fairy Hanzhi and Fairy Caiyun with them.

The five fairies were either riding mounts or riding auspicious clouds, flying towards me.

"Let's go! Let's go meet Yunxiao and the others."

He felt helpless, but he couldn't show it, otherwise it would be very unfair to his fellow disciples in other sects. Li Yunjing just managed a smile and walked out of the tent first, arriving at Lu Peng, waiting for the arrival of the five fairies who had joined the sect.

"Junior Sister Yunxiao is here, it's safe this time!"

Others did not understand what Li Yunjing was thinking, and they were all still overjoyed by the arrival of Sanxiao, Hanzhixian, and Caiyun Fairy.

But he said that Zhao Gongming had escaped into the "Three Immortals Island" before, which immediately shocked the three Yunxiao sisters. They did not expect that their brother would end up like this. A great Luo Jinxian almost died. Even if he has not recovered his strength yet, his whole person is in a state of disgrace. in decline.

Invited Zhao Gongming into the palace.

"Three sisters, my brother almost died this time. Now he needs to come to your place to take refuge. He will stay for a while and recover his cultivation."

As soon as he entered the "Three Xiao Palace", Zhao Gongming explained his purpose.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Who hurt you?"

Qiong Xiao asked immediately, his eyes burning with anger, no matter who hurt his eldest brother, he must pay the price!
  "Yes! Who is it!"

Bixiao and Yunxiao also asked anxiously.

"Alas! This is what happened."

Zhao Gongming sighed and told everything about being invited down the mountain by the Holy Mother of Jin Ling and coming to Xiqi. Finally, he talked about how the fifth senior brother personally took action for him and was preparing for a decisive battle with Chanjiao. Also told it once.

After hearing what happened and knowing that their eldest brother was fine, the three girls let out a sigh of relief. Just thinking of Senior Brother Chaos being involved in the catastrophe again, Yunxiao's eyebrows furrowed and he murmured to himself, "Senior Brother Chaos, I As a quasi-sage, this catastrophe of becoming a god has nothing to do with him. Now he is involved in the catastrophe. What if something goes wrong!"

Yun Xiao was a little afraid of the catastrophe of becoming a god.

She had seen the couplet on the door of "Biyou Palace", and then recalled the tragic battle between the two Lich clans during the last catastrophe, and she couldn't help but feel frightened.

After taking a trip to Beihai last time, he has followed the instructions of the Tongtian Cult Leader and strictly guarded the mountain gate and never left the mountain.

But she didn't expect that so many things had happened recently, many of her classmates died tragically, and her brother was almost on the list of gods, which frightened her even more. However, she thought of Dao Lord Chaos going to Xiqi, and she couldn't help but worry about her senior brother.

However, Bixiao showed disdain and said indifferently: "Eldest sister is indeed timid. With the cultivation level of Fifth Senior Brother, there is nothing to be afraid of. At this time, the only people in this world who can defeat Fifth Senior Brother are some old antiques. How can such masters exist among Chinese and Western religions!"

"Third sister, you have also experienced the last calamity, and you should know that. The great calamity is very dangerous, and there may not necessarily be any powerful people. During the last trip to Beihai, the Western saint ignored the majesty of the saint and bullied the small with the big. , you’ve seen it too.”

Although he agreed with Bixiao's statement in his heart, Yunxiao was still worried.

Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao thought of the shameless attack of the Zhunti Saint during their last trip to Beihai. They felt awe in their hearts and nodded in agreement.

"Sister, Fifth Senior Brother has boundless mana, so there will be no problem. Staying in the cave is the greatest help to Senior Brother."

After experiencing a death calamity, Zhao Gongming, the lawless Daluo Jinxian peak powerhouse, became a little timid and did not want to get involved in the calamity again.

"Qiong Xiao, Bi Xiao, you stay at home and take care of your elder brother. I will go to Xiqi, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

After thinking about it, Yun Xiao couldn't help but speak out his inner thoughts. "this"

Zhao Gongming didn't know how to persuade him. His eldest sister said that it was necessary to help the fifth senior brother, the savior, no matter what, but the disaster was dangerous and his sister was in danger, and he, as an older brother, couldn't bear it.

"That's it! Don't worry, I have my own means and will not be weaker than the Golden Immortal of Chanjiao. Besides, Senior Brother Chaos is here!"

After speaking out his inner thoughts, Yun Xiao seemed to feel much more relaxed and less afraid of the catastrophe.

"Sister, if you go, of course we will go with you."

Bixiao said with a smile, how could the two of them not know what their eldest sister was thinking?

"Yes! Let's go together! Our three sisters all have top-notch spiritual treasures to protect us. We will go out together and have someone to take care of us!"

Qiong Xiao also said quickly.

"Well! Since the eldest sister is going out, let's take the second and third sisters with her, so that I can rest assured!"

Zhao Gongming also nodded. He also felt his sister's thoughts. He was very happy about this matter. Since he couldn't stop his eldest sister from going out, the other girls could go out and bring their innate spiritual treasures with them. Be safer.

In the end, Sanxiao took their mounts and flew towards the outside of Sanxian Island. Zhao Gongming shook his head, closed the mountain gate, and immediately went into seclusion to cultivate, hoping to recover his cultivation as soon as possible. At the critical moment, he could help Brother Chaos and the three younger sister.

On the way, Sanxiao met Han Zhixian and Caiyun Fairy. When the two Jiejiao Fairies heard about Xiqi's incident and Senior Brother Chaos was busy, they joined in without hesitation.

In this way, the five fairies came to the Yin Shang camp in Xiqi.

When the five people from Yunxiao entered Lu Peng, their eyes lit up when they saw Dao Lord Chaos, and they all came to him to say hello.

"Yunxiao, I am responsible for everything here, why are you here?"

Li Yunjing looked at Yunxiao and the others and couldn't help but blame them.

"The three sisters, Han Zhixian and Caiyun Fairy came here, firstly, to avenge the eldest brother's plot; secondly, we heard that the senior brother is here, so we naturally came to support the senior brother."

Yun Xiao said calmly, she had already entered the tribulation anyway, and now it was too late for Brother Chaos to force her away.

"Brother Chaos! As soon as my eldest sister heard that you came to Xiqi, she immediately brought us over to support you!"

Bixiao joked with a smile.

"That's right! You don't know how worried my eldest sister is!"

Qiong Xiao also teased.

"you two!"

Li Yunjing couldn't help but shake his head and nodded to Yunxiao. He had been studying under Sanxiao in "Kunlun Mountain" and lived in his "Palace of Chaos". The relationship between the two parties has always been close.

No matter "Jin'ao Island", "Sanxian Island", or "Wuyi Mountain", there are close contacts between the two sides. Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, Yu Yixian and others are his direct descendants.

Chaos Taoist Lord is also the number one master among the second generation of the three sects. He is usually very enthusiastic towards his fellow disciples. Who among the entire Jie sect has not received Li Yunjing's "Enlightenment Spirit Tea" from "Wuyi Mountain"?
  And these close disciples have tasted the "Five Elements Spiritual Fruit" and used this innate spiritual root to complement their own five elements and lay a solid foundation.

Li Yunjing has a high level of cultivation, is warm and generous, and has been with him for a long time. Yunxiao admires this fifth senior brother very much, but has not shown it for many years. They both feel the connection, but they don't talk much about the love between men and women.

It was only this time that the Great Tribulation of the Gods came, and Brother Chaos actually took the initiative to enter the tribulation. This move made Yun Xiao very worried, and this was the scene where Yun Xiao suppressed his fear and came out of the mountain in person.

"Hahaha! Let's disperse! Fifth Junior Brother and Junior Sister Yunxiao still have something to discuss!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit laughed loudly, and then the whole Lu Peng burst into laughter. The immortals also understood what was going on, and followed the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit away from here one by one, disappearing without a trace.

"Alas! What are you doing?"

Looking at the pretty and blushing beauty, Li Yunjing couldn't help but sigh. He originally rescued Zhao Gongming, but he gave up the idea of ​​going down the mountain from Sanxiao. Unexpectedly, because of himself, the three of them got involved again.

"As soon as I heard from my eldest brother that my senior brother had come to Xiqi, I couldn't help but worry. I had to go down the mountain to help my senior brother."

Looking at the firm expression on Yun Xiao's pretty face, Li Yunjing's heart trembled. The long-lost throbbing feeling suddenly appeared. After thinking about it, he slowly walked towards Yun Xiao. To the beauty's surprise, Li Yunjing's powerful hands He took Yunxiao's jade hand and intertwined his fingers tightly.

"Yunxiao, let's go out for a walk!"

With their fingers clasped together like this, Li Yunjing and Yunxiao walked side by side. The power of the quasi-sage's laws floated three feet around the two of them. Without the quasi-sage level of cultivation, no one could see the two of them.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, countless smoke rose from the Yin Shang camp, and many soldiers were busy having dinner. In the billowing red dust, various emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy formed a trail of evil aura on the battlefield.

Just walking aimlessly, passing through tents one after another, and walked out of the Yin Shang camp.

"Yunxiao, actually even if I encounter disaster this time, my life will not be in danger. You shouldn't have come out."

Li Yunjing stopped, held Yunxiao in his arms, looked at the red clouds on the other side, and said softly.

"Brother, I know, but I still can't help but want to go out and help you!"

Leaning tightly on Li Yunjing's strong shoulders, Yunxiao said softly, with indescribable calmness. At this moment, it seemed that the disaster was no longer in her mind.

"Silly junior sister, no matter what happens in this battle, don't contradict the saint, let alone worry about me. No matter it's the second uncle or the two leaders of the Western Sect, they can't kill me. They can suppress me for eighteen thousand years at most. This A few years can pass by you and me in seclusion."

Feeling Yun Xiao's affection, Li Yunjing tightened his arms around the beauty, wrapped his fingers around the black hair, and spoke lightly about the ending he might have to endure.

"Are we going to fail?"

Yunxiao is a smart person, she heard her senior brother's helplessness.

"I am a quasi-sage, but I can only protect the people around me. Don't let me down."

Li Yunjing's answer was not what he asked, which made Yunxiao's heart sink. The senior brother's meaning was already very clear, but the teacher was here, why not seek help from the teacher?
  "Don't alarm the teacher. The teacher has suffered more than us. You will know sooner or later."

Seeing Yun Xiao's doubts, Li Yunjing explained calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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