The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 113 Ji Kelu pressure, unbearable humiliation

Chapter 113 Ji Kelu pressure, unbearable humiliation
  At this time, not to mention the disciples of the three religions, even the saints would not calculate the future outcome.

I am afraid that Yuanshi Tianzun, the instigator, did not expect that he would completely cut off the fate of the Three Pure Ones because of the dispute over the doctrines of the two sects. This would directly lead to the decline of the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect, and the rise of the Western Sect.

If I knew this kind of result, even if I was doing nothing, I would personally put things right and not allow things like this to affect Xuanmen's fate.

Even the saints were unable to deduce the secrets of heaven during the Great Tribulation. As the saints laid out their plans and the chess pieces fell, the game of the Great Tribulation of the Gods was completely out of control, and no one could completely control the trend.

The sky was getting dark, and a crescent moon quietly climbed up the branches. Looking at the starry sky, the two of them seemed to have endless words to tell.

"Yunxiao, you take this treasure. That treasure belonging to Lu Ya is destined to me. You use this treasure to drop it."

After speaking his heart out, Li Yunjing handed over the long-hidden "treasure money" to Yunxiao.

"Brother, what is this?"

After taking the "Luobao Money", Yunxiao looked at it carefully, and was surprised to find that it turned out to be a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.

"As long as you know, don't say it!"

Li Yunjing's index finger gently pressed on Yunxiao's alluring red lips, "If I are robbed, you can give this thing to my good corpse, the Arctic Ziwei Zhongtian Emperor. I have prepared your escape route for you. One is, 'Ziwei Palace'; the other is, 'Bajing Palace', if something goes wrong, don't go anywhere else."

"Senior brother, has it really come to this?"

Yunxiao's wonderful eyes turned red. Chaos Dao Lord said that the teacher's dojo "Biyou Palace" is no longer safe, let alone "Three Immortals Island" and "Wuyi Mountain"?
  "They may not be so ruthless, but we are in a catastrophe, so we have to be careful!"

Li Yunjing smiled coldly. The expression on his face was very complicated. He seemed helpless, sad and angry, but he seemed unable to explain.

"I understand. I will take good care of the people around me. In times of crisis, I will go to Thirty-three Heavens and Ziweitian!"

As for going to the "Eight Views Palace", Yunxiao didn't even think about it. She was a disciple of the Jie Cult, so naturally she didn't want to be protected by the leader of the Human Cult.

As Li Yunjing explained one thing after another to Yunxiao, the morning sun had risen. Li Yunjing sighed and said: "Let's go back! You have done it once, gone through the motions, looking for an opportunity to leave this right and wrong." place."

"Yes! Senior brother!"

Yun Xiao knew that after today's battle, it would probably be ten thousand years before he met his senior brother.

"Haha! Don't worry, as long as you survive this calamity, all the cause and effect will be resolved in the next calamity."

Li Yunjing showed a bright smile, and the aura on his body suddenly rose. The world was spinning, and he and Yunxiao were already standing on the reed.

Li Yunjing and Yun Xiao looked at each other and smiled, and each revealed Qingyun and Sanhua on top. Immediately, a group of Jiejiao Immortals who had hidden somewhere appeared, and each revealed Qingyun and Sanhua.

The bright sky suddenly turned into a blue color, and everything between heaven and earth seemed to be illuminated by the immortal magic of the Supreme Purity.

Wow! Wow! Wow!
  In Xiqi City, two colors of light, one white and one gold, were released immediately. The three rays of light collided in Xiqi City, evenly divided, and then each converged.

Even if the masters of the three sects of Chanjiao, Western Sect, and Jiejiao had a formal meeting, the decisive battle would begin at noon!
  This time, the Western Church received the decree from the two leaders and almost all of them were dispatched.

In the entire Xiqi City, more than thirty Daluo Golden Immortals from the Western Sect came. This scene simply stunned Guang Chengzi and others. Even Taoist Ran Deng, Taoist Lu Ya and others looked horrified.

For the first time, these top masters paid attention to the obscure Western religion.

Fearful Liusun and the others exchanged secret glances with Taoist Ran Deng. Seeing the strength of the Western Sect, these people were obviously a little moved. If the trend of the Conferred God Tribulation goes wrong, they can have a way out.

Saint Zhunti, who had been focusing his attention on Xiqi, showed a look of satisfaction. He was about to use this to shock Ran Deng and others and let them understand that joining the Western Sect was an absolutely correct choice.

"Junior Brother, that Chaos Son went against the will of heaven and formed a cause and effect with you. But this time, Junior Brother needs to go and settle the cause and effect."

Jie Yin also looked at Xiqi, his eyes glanced at Dao Lord Chaos in the reeds, he frowned and said slowly.

"That's right! This person is of high moral character and is a great threat to the disciples of both religions."

A cold light flashed in Saint Zhunti's eyes, and murderous intent arose in his heart, but he immediately stopped it, sighed, and said: "This man is the master of the human race, the master of the three emperors, and the six emperors of heaven. He has great merits and is in charge of the movement of the stars in the sky. But we can’t kill it, we can only seal it.”

"If you are not a saint, you will still be an ant after all. In the future, if this person continues to be domineering and waste his luck, he will fall sooner or later. We, the saints, overlooking the changes of the era, have plenty of time to wait."

The Taoist leader smiled disapprovingly. They were powerful quasi-sage masters. They had seen too much, too much. The three chiefs of the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and the Qilin Clan, the Demon Dao Patriarch Luo Hou, and the Dao Patriarch Hongjun were all around. The unparalleled supernatural being who killed Luo Hou, the Twelve Ancestral Witches in the Lich War, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, etc., as long as they have not attained enlightenment, they will all fall sooner or later.

Although Dao Lord Chaos is the number one among the three religions and has the luck blessings of Xuanmen and Human Race, his cultivation level is still far behind those powerful figures.

For a person of this level, the saint only paid a little attention. As for the threat, it was simply child's play.

"That's right! When both Chaoszi and Chanjiao are harmed, I will personally suppress them."

Taoist Zhunti nodded. This time he was not prepared to devote all his efforts to the Chan sect. He defeated a Jie sect and raised up a Chan sect. This was not the outcome that Zhunti wanted to see.

Losing both sides is the best outcome!

Soon, when the time came, masters from Jie Jiao, Chan Jiao, and Western teachers lined up on both sides and faced off.

"Lu Ya! You hurt my elder brother, but this revenge must be avenged. Please go out quickly and settle the cause and effect with me!"

After receiving Li Yunjing's instructions, Yun Xiao was the first to appear in the battle, and he was about to attack Lu Ya when his name was called.

"Yunxiao, I'm so polite! Then Zhao Gongming helped the tyrants to do evil, and then he was in trouble. Now he is lucky enough to survive and escape from the disaster, but it is a good thing. You Yunxiao came here to stand out, aren't you acting against nature again and falling into the trap? In trouble?"

Lu Ya laughed loudly, holding the sword in his hand and his sleeves fluttering in the wind.

"What a thief! You almost killed my brother, but you used sharp words to argue! I will chop off your head today to vent my brother's anger. It will also let many immortals in the ancient world understand that if they are in disaster, they should die in ashes."

Yunxiao had just sacrificed the top-quality innate spiritual treasure "Hunyuan Golden Dou". As soon as Lu Ya saw its momentum, he knew it was a top-notch magic weapon and knew how powerful it was. He hurriedly dodged out, but only heard a sound and a golden light flashed by. When the ground exploded, the entire battlefield was turned into powder.

"What a means! What a magic weapon!"

Lu Ya's expression straightened, a light flashed from his sleeves, and a bright yellow gourd flew out. The gourd was suspended in the void, and a human head with wings emerged from the gourd's mouth.

"Please baby, turn around!"

Lu Ya moved, bowed to the gourd, chanted a spell, and was about to use his trump card to kill Yun Xiao. "Lu Ya! I have been guarding against you for a long time. Look at my magic weapon!"

"Clatter", the sound of money spinning rang out. Yunxiao waved his hand and saw a golden piece of money with a pair of wings, floating in the air, and the money emitted a bright golden light.

Everyone saw this top-quality innate spiritual treasure, which was in the shape of a copper coin with a round square hole, with flying wings on the left and right sides, and the inscription of Heavenly Dao looming on it. It was the "lunar treasure money" that Li Yunjing lent to Yunxiao.

This top-quality innate spiritual treasure can surpass all magic weapons below the innate treasure. As soon as Lu Ya used the "immortal-killing flying knife", he fell into Li Yunjing's plan and killed Yunxiao before his gourd could emit divine light.

The "Lost Treasure Money" flew over and flashed above the "Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife". The killing move of the "Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife" could not be used. It was the winged human head sprayed out from the gourd's mouth. They all got back into the gourd and disappeared.

But Lu Ya felt that the treasure at the bottom of the box that had been sacrificed for half a calamity had lost contact with his spiritual thoughts, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Lu Ya, do you still want to take back the 'Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife'?"

Yunxiao waved his hand, and the "Luobao Money" flew back with the "Immortal Killing Flying Knife". At this time, seeing that Lu Ya was about to use his magical power to stop it, he used the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" again, and suddenly A golden light flashed and shone on Lu Ya.

"No! My life is at stake!"

Lu Ya felt his body go limp, and he couldn't lift up all the magic power in his body. The golden light rolled out again, and he couldn't help but was captured and entered the "Hunyuan Golden Fight".

Yunxiao succeeded with one move and felt extremely satisfied. All the strategies of his senior brother were successful. The "Hunyuan Golden Dou" shook again, golden light shot out again, and Lu Ya's figure flew out of the "Hunyuan Golden Dou".

"Take it!"

Seeing Lu Ya who had fallen heavily on the reed, Li Yunjing glanced coldly and ordered the people around him to take it down.

Although Lu Ya had mystical powers, he couldn't use any of his magic power after being in the "Hunyuan Golden Fight". If Yun Xiao hadn't taken it out in time, all his magic power would have disappeared.

Bixiao and Qiongxiao knew how powerful their eldest sister was, so they stepped forward to tie up Lu Ya, took out talismans to suppress his soul, and then tied him to a wooden stake.

"Lu Ya, if you want to shoot my brother to death, I will cut off your head today!"

Qiong Xiao sneered again and again, and after saying that, he took out the "Golden Dragon Scissors" and was about to use the magic weapon to kill him.


Li Yunjing waved his hand and signaled Qiong Xiao not to take action for the time being, "Lu Ya, I know your roots clearly. You are a lost dog, and you dare to get involved in the internal affairs of my Xuanmen. I only ask you, do you want to live or die!"


Lu Ya originally wanted to say a few harsh words, but when he saw the cold gaze of Chaos Dao Lord, his heart trembled, he swallowed, lowered his head, with a look of shame on his face, and whispered, "Live."


Li Yunjing didn't even look at Lu Ya. He was still looking at the majestic and graceful fairy in the field.


A group of Jie Jiao Immortals around him burst out laughing after hearing Daojun Lu Ya's words. Each Jie Jiao Immortal looked at Lu Ya with contempt. That look made Dao Jun Lu Ya feel angry, but when he thought of his identity, I thought of the teachings of my father and uncle, but I didn't want to die like this.

He could only lower his head deeply and remain silent.

On the other side, people from the Chan Sect and the Western Sect also saw what happened to Lu Ya. Even though Lu Ya spoke in a very low voice, they were all important figures in the immortal world. Who didn't hear it clearly?

For a moment, everyone in the Chan Sect and the Western Sect were equally ashamed. They didn't expect that the always coaxing Mr. Lu Yadao would be such a coward, and he would lose the face of both sects.

"Huh? Didn't you hear?"

Seeing Mr. Lu Yadao pretending to be dead, Li Yunjing asked again.

"Hurry up and scream for mercy! Otherwise I will cut off your dog's head immediately!"

On the side, Qiong Xiao immediately stepped forward to ask.

"Want to live!"

Daojun Lu Ya's face turned red, and he suddenly shouted with all his strength.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd burst into laughter again. No one expected that a master at the top of Daluo Jinxian would be so cowardly in the face of life and death.

"Lu Ya! Since you want to live, I can spare your life, but you can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty."

Seeing Lu Ya's expression change, Li Yunjing smiled slightly, "I'll give you two more choices. I hope you can think clearly!"

"First, you have repeatedly made enemies of our sect. Because of you, many of our sect members have been injured or killed. It would not be an exaggeration to beat you to ashes. But for the sake of Nuwa, I will I can leave a ray of your soul and send it to reincarnation and reincarnation."

As soon as the first path came out, Lu Ya's expression changed again. He was the top Daluo Jinxian, and he was just a hair away from being able to kill corpses and become a quasi-sage.

If he is reincarnated, his future outcome is unpredictable, and even if he suffers from reincarnation, he may not have the chance to return to the realm of Daluo Jinxian. This will simply cut off his path.

"What's the second way?"

As a last resort, Lu Ya still asked, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, he would not be able to choose reincarnation.

"As the son of Emperor Jun and the queen of the Demon Emperor, you should know about the 'Swaggering Gourd'. I want you to swear to heaven to exchange the 'Swinging Gourd' for your life. If you cannot give this gourd to me within ten thousand years, you will You can live your whole life without beheading corpses and achieve the state of quasi-sage!”

Li Yunjing looked at Di Jun with a smile. The "Gourd Root" was destined to him. His natal spiritual treasure "Rebirth Gourd" needed the help of six gourds from the same clan. As long as the seven gourds were combined into one, Li Yunjing was sure to refine it. It has become an existence comparable to an innate treasure!

"How is this possible? This thing belongs to a saint!"

Lu Ya's face turned green when he heard this, and he couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Hmph! This is your business. You have to think clearly. You have a lot of innate spiritual treasures. If you die and are reincarnated, those spiritual treasures will also become my magic weapons."

Looking at the bereaved dog in front of him, Li Yunjing continued to exploit him ruthlessly. This was a boy who gave away treasures. In the future, the "Chaos Clock" would fall on this person, so let him live for now!
  (End of this chapter)

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