The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 114: Planning the next calamity, Yunxiao escapes

Chapter 114: Planning the next calamity, Yunxiao escapes

Seeing that Lord Lu Ya was pretending to be dead again, Li Yunjing snorted coldly, without looking at him, and just said to himself: "I only give you three seconds to count, one!"



"Stop counting, I agree to the second condition!"

Daojun Lu Ya's face turned green. Daojun Chaos, you bastard, you forced me to do this. As the saying goes, if you die, the debt will be wiped out. Just wait. As long as I get away, I will be begging for help everywhere in these ten thousand years. , I will kill you and beat you to pieces!

"Very good! As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes!"

Li Yunjing then turned to look at Lu Ya, and said with a half-smile, "Then make an oath quickly!"

"I, Lu Ya, swore to the sky that I would hand over the 'Swaggering Gourd' to the Dao Lord of Chaos within ten thousand years. If I violate my oath, I will not be able to make any progress in my cultivation throughout my life, and I will never be able to reach the realm of quasi-sage forever!"

A conspiracy arose in his heart, and Lu Ya had a plan to deal with it, and without any hesitation, he directly swore an oath of heaven.

And as Lu Ya's oath was issued, Lu Ya felt that his oath had been integrated into the way of heaven, and was truly verified by the way of heaven. Every word and deed he said had to bear the consequences of the oath.

"Yes, you performed very well!"

Li Yunjing nodded, and Lu Ya felt relieved. Just when he thought that the matter was over like this, Li Yunjing said to Yuan Hong: "Leave a Taoist robe for fellow Taoist Lu Ya, and you can keep the other things for the time being. A senior brings the 'Swaggering Gourd', you give it to him again."

Before Lu Ya could say anything, Li Yunjing struck out with his palm. "Crack!" All the magic power in Lu Ya's body collapsed, and the mustard space was penetrated and manifested.


The eyes of the group of Jiejiao disciples around them were all filled with treasures. In the portable storage space opened by Lu Ya, there were three or four innate spiritual treasures. As for lower-level treasures, elixirs, magic weapons, and Taoist books, . There are countless spiritual things.

"Yuan Hong, are you stupid? Hurry up and help your senior Lu Ya move to a new house."

Li Yunjing looked at Yuan Hong angrily. He looked like he had never seen the market before, which was a shame for him.

However, this kid Lu Ya has so many good things!

Di Jun, Xihe, Taiyi and others really gave him a lot of treasures. No wonder Lu Ya's cultivation improved so quickly. With these things, even a pig could be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian, not to mention Lu Ya's qualifications. Then It is the three-legged Golden Crow, the bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven, the true supreme divine bloodline. It is not surprising that it has reached its current state.

It's just that he regarded interception as a springboard, so he was wrong!
  Today, teach him a lesson. When the "Chaos Clock" is born, his use value will be gone, and that will be the day Lu Ya is destroyed.

With the current state of Chaos Dao Lord, he no longer focuses on the gains and losses in front of him. Every person with great supernatural powers has his own calculations. Even without the "Hongmeng Purple Qi", he cannot become a saint.

Many people with great supernatural powers would not give up easily. One calamity after another, everyone was calculating. Before the Fengshen calamity reached its peak, Li Yunjing used Lu Ya as a chess piece to prepare one or two calamities. That’s a matter for the future.

"is teacher!"

Yuan Hong finally reacted, wiped the saliva from his mouth, grabbed it with his big hand, and put Lu Ya's family assets into his "treasure bag" one by one.


Lu Ya almost fainted from anger. So many good things had gone into the hands of Dao Lord Chaos. Even if he got them back in the future, he would probably lose a lot. He didn't believe that these resources would not be used by the dead monkey in front of him!
  "Hehe! Senior Lu Ya, don't worry, I will keep these things carefully for you. When senior brings the 'Swaggering Gourd' in the future, these things will be returned to senior."

Yuan Hong continued to comfort Taoist Lu Ya, but his actions became faster and faster. Many treasures were put into the "treasure bag", and even the magic weapon that could hold a small mountain was filled.

"You can let Pindao go now!"

Finally, Lu Ya, who was completely relaxed except for a Taoist robe and almost stripped naked, was untied and let down.

"Lu Ya, let's go! Don't get involved in my interception and interpretation of teachings, otherwise you may not be able to save your life next time."

Li Yun nodded and allowed Lu Ya to leave.


Lu Ya looked at Li Yunjing with a gloomy face, and finally turned into a rainbow and disappeared from the horizon.

"Okay, let's continue to see Yun Xiao's performance!"

Although he saw that many of his classmates had something to say, Li Yunjing had no intention of explaining. He led everyone to look at the battlefield again.

The two sides were facing each other, not too far apart. Naturally, the dilemma of Lord Luya was seen by many masters of Chanjiao and Western Sect. At this moment, not only were quasi-sage masters such as Lord Chaos, who were fighting in front of them, but they were also fighting in front of them. Yunxiao doesn't seem to be easy to mess with either.

For a moment, everyone was hesitant. The person who explained the teaching looked at the many Da Luo Jinxian in the Western Sect. As a result, these guys lowered their heads one by one, murmured to themselves, recited scriptures, and seemed to have no intention of taking action at all.

This scene almost made Guangchengzi and others' noses twist with anger.

Over there, Jie Jiao called for formation, but it would not work if he did not show up. Taoist Ran Deng thought for a while and said to Master Tai Yi: "Tai Yi, in this battle, you should fight on behalf of Chan Jiao!"

"Yes! Pindao will be able to fly into the sky!"

In full view of everyone, Taiyi Zhenren was called out by the lamp. He could not shirk it at all. He could only bite the bullet and came to the front of the two armies. He shouted: "Yunxiao, you rely on supernatural powers and act against the will of heaven. I will meet you today." , let’s see if you can use your skills to teach me your opponent!”

"Hmph! Taiyi, what are you capable of fighting with me? I can only take a few moves against you."

With the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" in hand, Yunxiao sneered again and again, not looking down on Master Taiyi's methods at all.

"Okay! If you have the ability, come with me!"

Taiyi Zhenqi's face turned red, and with a movement of his body, he soared into the nine layers of the sky, preparing to fight at the Gangfeng layer. Lu Ya suffered a loss earlier because the two sides fought because the distance was too close. The "Hunyuan Golden Fight" shone with light, and his speed It was too fast and he was caught.

Once outside the territory, even into the starry sky, there is infinite space to maneuver around. Master Taiyi still doesn't believe it. He is also a Daluo Jinxian, and he can be taken down by just a few moves?
  "Hmph! I'm afraid of you!"

Yunxiao's figure flashed, passing through the endless sea of ​​clouds, and straight into the strong wind layer.

"Yunxiao, I will send you to the list today!"

The huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram flew out from the feet of Master Tai Yi, covering the void, stopping all hurricanes, and suppressing them towards the sky!

The Yin-Yang diagram stretches across the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun. The void of a hundred thousand miles seems to be under the Yin-Yang diagram. The void is dying and withering, and the world will also come to an end under the law of life and death.

"You are the only one with magical powers?"

Facing Master Taiyi's Daluo Law at the bottom of the box, Yunxiao looked indifferent, grabbed his slender jade hand in the air, and a terrifying amount of mana suddenly burst out from his fingertips.

As soon as the fingertips condensed, five colorful divine dragons condensed out. With roars, the five dragons flew and bit into the suppressed Yin Yang Tai Chi Diagram.

"Chi chi chi!" Shenlong's sharp claws directly tore through the huge yin and yang diagram formed by all the laws, pursuing the true body of Tai Yi, trying to tear it apart.

"The clouds in the sky are moving! Yuqing Divine Thunder! Urgent like a law!"

When Taiyi Zhenren's Daluo Law Dao Diagram was revealed in the sky, the Golden Immortal who was constantly changing positions in the Yin and Yang Diagram suddenly shouted loudly, recited the mantra of Dao Dao, and used the power of heaven and earth to condense Create the most powerful "Jade Clear Thunder Method".


The huge movement was felt even by the two masters from Earth and Xiqi below.

"Junior Brother Chaos, will there be no problem with Junior Sister Yunxiao?"

Seeing Master Taiyi risking his life, Holy Mother Jin Ling couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, that Taiyi is only in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. How can he have Yunxiao's powerful magic power? Taiyi can borrow the power of heaven and earth to maximize the 'Yuqing Divine Thunder'. Can't the 'Shangqing Divine Thunder' that I teach can't To exert the strongest power?"

Li Yunjing explained confidently, and seemed to be giving himself some confidence. Only the tense body under his Taoist robe could show his nervousness. With all the power of the Quasi-Sage Stage gathered together, Li Yunjing could strike a shocking blow at any time!
  On the other side, thirty-three days, Ziwei Tian, ​​Ziwei Palace.

Emperor Ziwei also looked downwards. The infinite source of life in the "Rebirth Gourd" was ready. Li Yunjing paid the utmost attention to Yunxiao's safety.

"Watch me break your lightning skills!"

Sure enough, Yunxiao did not disappoint Li Yunjing. The five divine dragons broke through the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Diagram. The next moment, they hovered above her head. With a roar, the five divine dragons slowly formed a five-color canopy, and wisps of the innate five elements dropped down. force.


One after another "Jade Pure Divine Thunder" fell towards Yunxiao, and the golden flowers that condensed the innate power of the five elements were scattered. However, the next moment, Yunxiao's magic power was transmitted in, and the five-color canopy burst out again. Ning, perfect again, blocked the divine thunder one after another.

One attack and one defense!
  The two great masters, Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao, used their supreme supernatural powers to compete with each other in magic power!

"Damn it! Not only is this Yunxiao's magic weapon powerful, but his cultivation level is also stronger than that of Ping Tao!"

The two sides were in a stalemate for an hour, and they kept exerting such great magical powers with all their strength. Even Master Taiyi felt a little weak, and his forehead was covered with sweat. If this magical power had not relied on the power of heaven and earth, he would not have been able to keep hitting it. "Yuqing Divine Thunder".

"Zhenren Taiyi, you have run out of skills. Today I will send you to the list of gods!"

After all, the magic power of the two sides is not on the same level. Even if Taiyi Zhenren borrows the power of heaven and earth, he is still no match for Yunxiao. Feeling that Taiyi Zhenren's body pauses, Yunxiao has already launched the "Hunyuan Golden Fight" against Taiyi The real person shot out a golden light that cut through all the thunderclouds.

"No! Lu Ya has learned from the past, this light cannot be resisted at all!"

Master Taiyi's expression changed. Without thinking, his figure kept flashing in the void. He also held the "Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield" in his hands. He muttered words and threw this innate spiritual treasure towards the sky.

"Hmph! Collect it from me!"

Facing Master Taiyi's Lingbao attack, Yunxiao didn't pause at all. The "Lost Treasure Money" in his hand flew out, and with another flash, the treasure fell down, and was immediately put into the "Ruyi Qiankun Bag" by Yunxiao. .

"Oops! I lost control of the 'Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield'!"

Master Taiyi's expression changed greatly. He didn't expect that the mysterious copper coin offered by Yunxiao was so powerful. First it lost Lu Ya's magic weapon, but this time it could win his magic weapon again.

"You come in too!"

Looking at Taiyi Golden Immortal, who was constantly escaping in the sea of ​​clouds like a bereaved dog, Yunxiao suddenly flashed and disappeared. The next moment, he appeared from the sea of ​​clouds next to Taiyi Immortal.

"How come it's so fast?"

Before Master Taiyi could think more, the "Hunyuan Golden Dou" flashed again, and Master Taiyi's body was illuminated by golden light, and all his magic power was immediately reduced.

The Golden Immortal of Chanjiao was directly absorbed into the "Hunyuan Golden Dou". The golden light kept flashing in the magic weapon. Every time it was illuminated, Taiyi's thousands of years of cultivation were chipped away.

By the time Yunxiao returned to Xiqi from the Jiutiangang Wind Layer, Taiyi Zhenren had already had the three flowers on his head cut off, the five qi in his chest had been eliminated, all his Taoism had been dissipated, and hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation had been destroyed.

Looking at Taiyi Zhenren poured out of the "Hunyuan Golden Fight" like a dead dog.

The two religions are simply like fire and ice!

Jie Jiao's fellow disciples cheered loudly, while Chan Jiao was as dead as ashes.

"Come here! Behead Taiyi in public!"

Li Yunjing's expression was cold, and he coldly ordered his surroundings, "This Taiyi master is a hardcore cultivator, and he will do great deeds in the future. Such a powerful enemy will cause endless troubles. If we don't kill him now, how long will it take?"

"Brother Chaos, spare your life!"

At this moment, Taiyi Zhenren was completely afraid. He was on the list of gods. With his cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, it was basically difficult for him to make any progress. He had been enslaved by the list for countless tribulations. This result was simply unacceptable.


At this time, Li Yunjing had no intention of caring about Xuanmen friendship. Yu Hua received the instructions from Brother Chaos and stepped forward. With a flash of the "Blood-Transforming Divine Sword" in his hand, the huge head of Master Taiyi fell to the ground.

"Chaos! You are so cruel!"

"Senior Brother Taiyi!"

"We'll fight you!"

Not long after the war started, the second Great Luo Golden Immortal after the twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Cult died.

Taiyi Zhenren was no better than Huanglong Zhenren, with sharp spiritual treasures in his hands and profound Taoism. However, such figures were completely killed by others. The other Golden Immortals were filled with grief. The lives and deaths of two fellow disciples made them think of their own safety.

Now Guangchengzi and others are angry and frightened, and even feel a little frightened.

However, no matter how much they yelled and cursed, no one dared to step forward and fight the Chaos Dao Lord.

"Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, the three of you have completed your mission. You can escort Yuan Hong and bring Lu Ya and Taiyi's treasures to Ziwei Palace."

Li Yunjing looked at Yunxiao, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes. After completing a murder, he also made an explanation to his fellow Jie Jiao disciples. It was time to get them out of the land of right and wrong.

"Brother, take care of yourself!"

These were all things that had been discussed long ago. Yunxiao returned to Lupeng without saying anything more. Following Li Yunjing's instructions, he left Xiqi with a few of his fellow disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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