The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 115: The three bodies of the Winged Immortal merge into one, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos fi

Chapter 115: The three bodies of the Winged Immortal merge into one, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos fights against the group of Buddhas alone

Yun Xiao and other five fairies took Yuan Hong back to Chengtang Camp. After cleaning up, they turned into flowing light and left Xiqi.

In this regard, the other members of Jiejiao didn't have any objections. They came out, defeated Lu Ya, killed Master Taiyi, and made great contributions. Who dares to say no?
  Not to mention outsiders, even they were jealous after seeing Yuan Hong's precious treasure. Brother Chaos ordered Yun Xiao and the others to escort Yuan Hong to Thirty-Three Heavens. This is human nature.

If there was no escort, Yuan Hong would probably die as soon as he left!

Taking into account the face of his fellow disciples, Li Yunjing arranged everything properly, and even the "lost treasure money" was taken away by Yunxiao. Even after the calamity, during the years when he was suppressed, everyone around him had something to protect themselves from. .

After the calamity, the Da Luo Jinxian who survived had a chance of being promoted to the quasi-sage realm. Without powerful magic weapons to protect themselves, Li Yunjing was really afraid that "Ziweitian" would be ignored in his absence.

Although the good corpse was powerful, it was limited to its amazing defense and tenacious vitality, making it difficult for others to kill. Its shortcoming was its lack of attack power. He put all his killing methods on the future evil corpse.

Before the evil corpse was born, Li Yunjing was under great pressure and did not dare to be careless at all.

Now, Yun Xiao follows his instructions and returns to the "Three Immortals Island" to bring Zhao Gongming with him, so that a group of people can hide in the "Ziwei Palace", even if the leader of Tongtian Cult summons all the disciples for a decisive battle in the future.

Emperor Ziwei also has the ability to seal the entire "Ziwei Palace" to prevent these people from going to die!

Everyone around him was almost saved. Li Yunjing glanced at Yuyi Xian without leaving any trace. This was his old friend. Naturally, he couldn't let him fall into trouble. He really wanted to find a chance to save him.

"Fellow disciples, which one of you is willing to fight next time?"

Taking a deep breath, Li Yunjing asked in a deep voice.

"Brother! I'm coming!"

Just after receiving the message from Brother Chaos, Yuyi Xian immediately walked out of the camp and came to the center of the battlefield.

"Feather Wing Immortal! Pindao will get you!"

Seeing Yunxiao being sent away by Chaos Dao Lord, the immortals of Chanjiao were relieved. Seeing the Winged Immortal coming out, the red sperm immediately came out.

"Chi Jingjie, come with me, I will put you on the list today!"

At this moment, the blood feud between the two sides was getting deeper and deeper. Yuyi Xian was not even willing to waste any words. He only saw a flash of light in the field, and the master of Da Luo Jinxian had already disappeared.

"What a fast speed! As expected of a roc!"

Everyone in Chanjiao was shocked. Although everyone had lived in "Kunlun Mountain" and knew each other somewhat, this was a life and death battle, and it was the first time that they felt how fast the Winged Immortal was.

"Here comes the poor man!"

Facing the Winged Immortal, Chi Jing did not dare to be careless. With a flick of the "Yin Yang Realm" in his hand, the treasure mirror flew out and kept spinning on top of his head. The Yin and Yang Qi continued to spurt out. It was even better than the "Life and Death Realm" of Taiyi Master. "Law" is more profound.

"Red sperm! You have a yin-yang mirror to protect you, and I also have top-notch treasures to take you in!"

Looking at the red sperm that finally arrived in the sea of ​​clouds, Yu Yixian took out an object in his hand, which was his innate spiritual treasure, the "Hunyuan Bag". As soon as the mouth of the bag was opened, a suction force was released.

With a "hoo" sound, the sea of ​​clouds in the sky shrank rapidly and headed towards the mouth of the bag.

"Feather Wing Immortal, how can your magic weapon be able to win over Pindao?"

Seeing Yu Yixian's methods, Chi Jingji breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of encountering a magic weapon of the level of "Hunyuan Golden Dou" again.

At this moment, facing the absorption of the "Hunyuan Bag", the red sperm swayed and suddenly grew in size, ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet, ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet. The yin and yang qi shot out from the "yin and yang mirror", forming a living thing. and the black and white world of death.

In the entire world, Red Semen is the only true god!
  The big hand that looked like a giant god in the sky grabbed the "Hunyuan Bag" and was about to tear it in half!
  "Hmph! You know the Dharma of heaven and earth, but I don't know how?"

Facing such a formidable enemy, the Winged Immortal moved and directly manifested the true form of the Golden-winged Dapeng, a huge golden beast. With his wings spread, huge hurricanes formed in the sky and the earth, and the Yin and Yang Qi were both strong. Inspired by the hurricane, driven by him.

"Yin Yang scissors!"

The Wing Fairy let out a sharp roar, spread his wings, and an innate spiritual treasure flew out of the wings. The huge wings slashed at the red sperm's arms.


Under the law of extreme speed, the Winged Immortal was extremely fast. The "Yin-Yang Scissors" flashed past, and the two arms of the red sperm were broken off. With a "chi" sound, a source of blood appeared in the entire black and white world.

"Feather Wing Fairy, how dare you hurt me!"

Chi Jing's face changed drastically, and his whole body moved with the "Jade Qing Immortal Technique", and his two arms grew again. He slapped the crown, and a "Demon Suppression Tower" flew out.

Come to suppress the Winged Immortal!

"Hey! Look at the poor tactics!"

A hint of joking flashed in Yuyixian's eyes, and with a puff of air from his mouth, he also condensed the two qi of yin and yang. The two supreme gases of heaven and earth flashed in the void, forming two hazy figures of a man and a woman.

At this critical moment, Yu Yixian used the two qi of yin and yang to condense two dharma bodies, one yin and one yang. The cultivation level of each dharma body is in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian.

This is Yuyi Xian's secret method. At the level of Daluo Jinxian, he cut off two clones in advance!


There were two clones of Yin and Yang, one on the left and one on the right. The Yin and Yang magic sword in their hands slashed at the red sperm.

The law of extreme speed combined with the law of yin and yang, even if the Winged Immortal does not have the top innate spiritual treasure in hand, he still displays terrifying strength.


The two swords pierced the chest of the red sperm, and the huge energy of heaven and earth was released. The red sperm gradually became smaller and recovered its true body.

"Haha! Red sperm! I will eat you today!"

The Winged Immortal laughed proudly, and grabbed hard with his sharp claws, intending to catch this Daluo Golden Immortal to death!

"Yin Yang Mirror, turn!"

The red sperm's face was gloomy, and the Yin-Yang Mirror in his hand continued to rotate, and wisps of white light shone on his body. The wounds healed instantly, and the whole person regained his peak combat power. The black light shining on Yin Yang Dharmakaya and Winged Immortal is full of death energy, and can actually reduce his lifespan and mana.

"What a pity! This treasure is not mine!"

Feeling the power of the "Yin Yang Mirror", Yu Yi Xian's body swayed and turned into a human form again. He arranged a three-talent formation with the Yin and Yang Dharmakaya to surround the red sperm. For a time, the red sperm that he killed was completely at a disadvantage. Only The ability to parry but not the ability to fight back.

"Senior Brother Feather Wing Immortal has great magic power!"

Under Xiqi City, many interception masters, especially Wu Yunxian and others, were dumbfounded. They and Yuyixian were both different types of Taoists and had a close relationship, but they did not know that this senior brother had such methods.

"Haha! This guy Yuyi Xian is quite hidden."

Li Yunjing smiled and said that he and Yu Yixian were old friends, but he didn't know that this guy actually found a new way to condense two clones with the innate yin and yang energy, and the strength of the clones was at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

With this move, the five or six weak Da Luo Jinxian were no match for the Winged Immortal, which really brought him a surprise.

"We can't go on like this! Junior brother Chi Jingzhi can't let anything happen! Let's take action! As long as Teacher Ran Deng and you hold Chaos Zi down, we are sure to defeat the rest of Jiejiao at the risk of our lives!"

Seeing that Chi Jie would be defeated sooner or later, Guangchengzi couldn't sit still. If Chi Jing was on the list, it would be an unbearable loss.

"This Guangchengzi, although I am a quasi-sage, I am no match for that Chaoszi! You also know that I did not receive any powerful spiritual treasures."

Taoist Randeng conveyed the message to Guangchengzi with an embarrassed look on his face, and at the same time complained endlessly to Yuanshi Tianzun. If Guangchengzi had been rewarded with all the good things in his body, he would have already had sex with Chaoszi, and he still has to suffer this resentment?

Guangchengzi was extremely helpless after hearing the complaints from Taoist Ran Deng. He also knew that the teacher was biased towards them. Ran Deng was like a guest. Normally, even the Twelve Golden Immortals didn't think much of this "Purple Sky Palace" San Thousands of guests.

However, now that this quasi-sage is really used, if you don't take action, which one of us can be Chaoszi's opponent?

"Teacher Ran Deng, you don't need to defeat the Chaos Son. Hold him for a while. We have rescued the red sperm. Let's all retreat to the 'Yuxu Palace' first and let the teacher make the decision!"

Hearing the threat from Guangchengzi, and having only fought against Chaoszi for a while, he was still somewhat confident, so he had no choice but to take action.

Secretly transmitting messages to many Daluo Golden Immortals of the Western Sect, and obtaining the consent of thirty Daluo Golden Immortals of the Western Sect, Taoist Ran Deng then transmitted messages to Guang Chengzi and others.

Guangchengzi was overjoyed and quickly gave the order. The Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao and some peripheral second- and third-generation disciples were ordered to start a full-scale war.

Finally, Taoist Ran Deng notified Du E Zhenren and other Sanxian masters, and told them that he was the one who held Chaos Zi down while the others fought Jie Jiao to the death!

There is no mention of the truth about saving the red sperm and then running away!

Suddenly, Taoist Ran Deng shouted loudly, moved his body, and rushed towards Taoist Chaos Lord first. Guang Chengzi and others divided their forces into two groups, all the way into the Jiutian Gangfeng layer, and killed the Golden Spirit Holy Mother all the way.

The Western Sect stopped rowing and fought bravely to kill the enemy one by one. There were even twelve Buddhas setting up a large formation to assist the Ran Deng Taoist and surround and kill the Chaos Taoist Lord.

The other Sanxian, led by the third generation of Chanjiao, took action one after another to kill Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu and other Yin Shang generals. Now that they had taken action, they took the opportunity to kill the important Yin Shang officials and prepare for future counterattacks.

Then Yang Jian released the "roaring dog" and bit the "traitor" Huang Tianhua. Lei Zhenzi, Tu Xingsun and others approached Huang Feihu, Han Rong, Feng Lin and other generals.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be violent. The huge vitality of the world shook, "rumbling", and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered!

The mortal armies of Xiqi and Yin and Shang only wished they had lost two legs, and they fled for their lives in the harsh environment of flying sand and rocks.

Any trace of mana's aftermath will turn thousands of mortal armies into powder. Now, many immortals are unable to control their own destiny, and they can't care about mortals like Xiqi and Yin Shang.

The army of more than three million mortals gathered by both sides, plus the millions of mortals in Xiqi City, were directly destroyed.

If you can escape a disaster, you won’t survive even one out of ten!

"Okay! Okay! Fellow Taoist Randeng, if you want to be on the list of gods today, I will send you there!"

Li Yunjing almost laughed angrily, but he didn't expect that Chanjiao would have the courage to fight against him.

Originally, he thought of killing slowly, until the hearts of the Chan Sect and the Western Sect were heartbroken, and the saints of the two sects appeared to suppress him, but he never thought that these guys couldn't bear it anymore and a melee broke out in advance.

"Amitabha! Taoist Lord of Chaos, before you intercepted the sect and massacred many of my Western sect disciples in Beihai, today I am here specially to send you to reincarnation!"

Suddenly, a big-bellied Buddha slapped Li Yunjing hard, and the energy of heaven and earth slowly condensed into a golden palm, which was soon comparable to a giant mountain and suppressed Li Yunjing.

"Quasi-sage? Okay! The Western Sect does have some background, and it actually hid a quasi-sage to attack me!"

Li Yunjing patted the "Lotus Crown" on his head, and the three flowers appeared. The "Purple Electric Hammer" rose and fell in Qingyun. The "Purple Electric Hammer" was activated by the magic power of Chaos Dao Lord, and a "Purple Sky God" "Thunder" sneered, piercing through the golden palm, and then his figure swayed, his palm condensed, and with a "click", a "Shangqing Divine Thunder" hit Taoist Randen.

As for the attacks on him by the other six Buddhas in the later stages of the Daluo Golden Immortal around him, the wisps of "Superior Immortal Light" combined with the "Red Lotus Immortal Clothes" completely withstood them.

"Looking at your big belly, could it be Maitreya?"

After easily repelling the siege of eight people, Li Yunjing asked in a leisurely manner.

"Chaos Taoist Lord is indeed knowledgeable! The poor monk did not go to Beihai last time, and I deeply regret it. Today I will use you to commemorate the two Taoist brothers!"

Maitreya laughed, waved his golden monk robe, and countless mysterious seals appeared in front of him, and golden light scattered from his body.

The golden light dissipated, and a golden relic body about three feet high appeared in front of the Taoist Priest of Chaos. This golden relic body had three heads and twelve hands. In its hands, it held an umbrella cover, a flower pot with fish intestines, a sacred flag, a precious pestle, and a golden relic. Treasures such as bells and silver halberds exude a faint Buddha's light, and there is an immortal aura flowing on them, as if they existed from eternity.

"It's the golden body again!"

Seeing this golden body manifested, it was obvious that the future Buddha of Western religion did not have the top-grade innate spiritual treasure to cut off the good corpse. Li Yunjing showed disdain, turned his palm, and a green light condensed out, forming a A green mountain peak suppressed the golden body of Maitreya Buddha.

"Chaos Dao Lord! Don't be arrogant, just look at the poor Dao's methods!"

Rendeng Taoist was also shocked. He did not expect that among the reinforcements of the "Western Sect", there was actually a quasi-sage master hidden. It seemed that this must have been specially arranged by the two leaders of the Western Sect. This time, there may not be any Chance to kill Chaos Dao Lord.

When he thought of this, Taoist Ran Deng felt hot in his heart. With a slap on his Taoist crown, he actually released his good corpse and joined in the siege of Li Yunjing.

(End of this chapter)

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