The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 116: Suppressing the Qiankun Ruler, the Chaos Dao Lord fights two saints alone

Chapter 116: Suppressing the Qiankun Ruler, the Taoist Lord of Chaos fights against the Two Saints alone
  A massive melee broke out.

In the land of Xiqi, in the void, there is the Jiutian Gangfeng layer, for thirty-three days, and even finally, Li Yunjing led Taoist Ran Deng, Maitreya Buddha and other seven great Buddhas of Western Buddhism into the chaos.

The power of the quasi-sage is too tyrannical. Even the infinite starry sky in heaven cannot withstand the power of the three masters. Only the eternal chaotic world is the battlefield for the strong.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but a quasi-holy level battle broke out again in the prehistoric era.

Some of the great supernatural beings who are still active in the world have set their sights on Chaos. They are also very interested in the younger generations of Chaos Dao Lord and Maitreya Buddha.

These veteran beings from the same era as the Three Qing Dynasties, or even older ones, all want to see what kind of masters the three generations of Xuanmen have produced.

At this time, Wuyunxian, Qiushouxian, Jinguangxian, Jinhuanxian, Piluxian and Lingyaxian among the seven immortals who were accompanying them saw that Yuyixian was under siege, so they also separated half of their people and entered Jiutiangang. The wind layer came to the rescue for the Winged Immortal.

Others were wandering around, sometimes helping other masters of the Jie Sect to resist the encirclement and killing of the Western Sect, and sometimes using their magical powers and spiritual treasures to fight against more than 20 Buddhas of the Western Sect.

In addition to Li Yunjing being one against two, the entire Jiejiao side was at an absolute disadvantage. Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and the others never expected that the entire Western sect would be dispatched and so many Daluo Jinxian would come.

Unfortunately, when the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods began, although the Jiejiao people were worried about their personal safety, they did not think that the sect would have any influence. Neither the Golden Spirit Mother nor anyone else thought about gathering all the experts of the sect to provide support to the Chanjiao and Western sects. Awesome look.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that there is a quasi-sage master hidden in the Western Sect. It seems that you, the immortals of the Intercepting Sect, are doomed!"

Guangchengzi also saw the sudden burst of strength of Maitreya Buddha. In an instant, his mind changed. It seemed that in addition to rescuing the red sperm, he could also take the opportunity to kill more Jiejiao Immortals.

"Guangchengzi, if you want to kill us, how can it be so easy!"

Jin Huanxian and Wu Yunxian attacked Guangchengzi at the same time. At the same time, Zhang Shao and Wang Bian, two of the Ten Heavenly Lords, suddenly appeared from behind Guangchengzi. They each took out a gourd and released blood and endless divine sand.

"A mere Taiyi Golden Immortal dares to attack me! The Heaven-shaking Seal!"

Guang Chengzi, who was fighting with Jin Guanxian and Wu Yunxian, was suddenly attacked by the two people behind him. He was shocked and then became furious. He released the "Heaven-shaking Seal" and smashed it at Zhang Shao.

"Hey! Guangchengzi, if you want to kill my junior brother, you must first pass the Pindao test!"

Wu Yunxian flashed and transformed into his original form. With a movement of his body, Wu Yunxian moved towards Guangchengzi and captured him. He actually shot the "Heaven-turning Seal" and flew it away. However, Wu Yunxian was able to withstand the blow of the "Heaven-turning Seal". Wu Yunxian was in very bad condition. Wonderful, retreat in embarrassment.

"Junior brothers Zhang Shao and Wang Bian, you are releasing blood, water, and sacred sand to the people of the Western religion!"

Wu Yunxian sent the two of them out with a scroll. The spiritual treasure that Guangchengzi possessed was beyond the ability of the two of them to deal with. It would be better for them to deal with the many great golden immortals of the Western Sect who were poor and useless.

"Yes! Senior Brother Wuyunxian!"

Zhang Shao and Wang Bian immediately understood what Wu Yunxian meant, turned around and left. The gourds in their hands sprayed out a wave of blood like a wave towards the place where there were many people in the west. This blood met the Bodhisattva and immediately impacted. These golden bodies trembled for a while, and the light quickly dimmed.

"Damn it! A mere Taiyi Golden Immortal dares to taint our golden bodies!"

Three Daluo Golden Immortals took action against the two of them, but before they could kill Zhang Shao and Wang Bian, the sky was filled with divine sand. Amidst the roar of the wind, the sky was filled with divine sand, making it impossible to see clearly. The direction and the person coming, the golden light of protection held up by a Daluo Jinxian couldn't bear it and shattered suddenly.

If it weren't for the help of two fellow disciples, the great Western Sect Master Luo Jinxian would have completely fallen into the hands of these two Heavenly Lords.

The battle became fierce in an instant. Although Jie Jiao was at a disadvantage, all the immortals were insisting and were waiting for Lord Chaos to take care of Ran Deng Taoist and Maitreya Buddha. As long as the fifth senior brother returned in triumph, he would naturally sweep away all the Daluo Golden Immortals.

In order to delay time, Golden Hoop Fairy raised his hand, and four golden hoops flew out of his sleeves and flew towards Dao Xing Tianzun, Jade Ding Zhenren, Lingbao Archmage, and Qingxu Daode Zhenjun.

Piluxian and Wuyunxian stepped on the clouds and held swords, stopped Guangchengzi, and cooperated with Jinhuxian to fight against the five masters of Chanjiao.

In the Nine Tiangang Wind Layer, Qiushou Immortal and Jin Guangxian swung their bodies, revealing the original bodies of Green Lion and Jin Maohu, and rushed towards Taoist Cihang, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and Samantabhadra.

The Winged Immortal was fighting alone against the two masters, Red Jing Jing and Ju Liu Sun.

In the chaos, even if Li Yunjing fought against the two quasi-sages, his consciousness was still scanning the battles in the Thirty-Three Heavens, Jiutian Gangfeng Layer, and Xiqi City.

Seeing that his fellow disciples were in some difficulty, but in a short period of time, they were not in danger of their lives, so he breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't think of it, nor did he deduce that the Western Sect had hidden a quasi-sage, otherwise it would just be a burning lamp. One person would not dare to fight with him.

But one more person doesn't mean anything. If Li Yunjing hadn't been hiding his strength and not wanting to reveal his true killer move, these two people wouldn't be able to stop him for long.

"Chaos! You are too arrogant. You are fighting with the two of us, and you dare to be distracted and check the battle situation below!"

Taoist Ran Deng shouted, but his figure suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he appeared behind Taoist Chaos. The light in his hand flashed, but it was his own innate spiritual treasure. With a stroke of "Qiankun Ruler", the two qi of yin and yang circulated, carrying The power of destroying all things hits the back of Chaos Dao Lord.

  Dao Lord Chaos didn't even look at it, he blocked the blow of this innate spiritual treasure with a backhand palm!
  This blow was like hitting a piece of eternal divine iron. The huge counter-shock force made Taoist Ran Deng's arms numb. He couldn't even control the "Qiankun Ruler" and was swayed high by the counter-shock force. rise.

"What level have you reached in practicing the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique?"

Taoist Ran Deng's face turned red from the shock, and the tiger's mouth was even more broken, and blood continued to flow out. His eyes were full of horror. This was the first time that this veteran master of the quasi-sage level was horrified.

He resisted a blow from the Innate Spiritual Treasure with one hand, but he was not harmed, but he was shocked. This is simply unimaginable. Before the fight, Taoist Ran Deng would not have believed what was happening in front of him!
  "Fellow Taoist Ran Deng, today Pindao will let you experience the authentic Pangu sect!"

"Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique" is the divine protection technique of the Sanqing Dynasty. It was obtained from Pangu's memory and has long been no longer taught to ordinary disciples.

That is to say, veteran disciples like Li Yunjing, who had been admitted to the door wall before Sanqing could realize the Tao, and became the core of the core, could have the opportunity to practice this supreme mysterious skill that could prove the Tao with force.

Moreover, Li Yunjing received the most complete inheritance. He was constantly taught by his teacher, Master Tongtian, and received many corrections from Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun.

What Li Yunjing practices is definitely the most authentic "Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique", which is infinitely close to the original magical technique practiced by the Great God Pangu. Even Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Cult Master are not so perfect. After all, Tongtian Cult Master and Yuanshi Tianzun have never dealt with each other. They both have their own understandings, but they will never take the initiative to deal with each other and refer to each other. That is not making it clear what they have learned. Not as good as the other person?

In this way, what Li Yunjing practices is the only authentic version in the world.

If he hadn't practiced this mysterious skill, Li Yunjing's cultivation would not have been so slow. At this moment, his move really shocked the whole audience. With a movement of his body, he caught the flying "Qiankun Ruler" in his hand.

"Little guy, calm down!"

Looking at the spiritual treasure that was constantly struggling in the palm of his hand, creating layers of golden light, trying to fly away through the air, Li Yunjing sneered repeatedly, "Shangqing Immortal Technique", "Yuqing Immortal Technique", "Taiqing Immortal Technique" The three methods turned into three colors of divine light at the same time, forming a cage that actually sealed the "Qiankun Ruler" in a middle-thousand world.

"Chaoszi, return my magic weapon!"

Seeing that his hidden magic weapon was sealed, Taoist Ran Deng gritted his teeth and decided to fight to the death.

At the critical moment, Taoist Ran Deng formed a seal with his hands, with his middle and ring fingers clasped on his thumb. Mysterious power rose into the sky from the seal, twisting the chaotic airflow above his head into a vortex.

Ran Deng's face gradually turned red. Above Qing Yun, the three flowers of energy and spirit bloomed one after another. A "coffin lamp" rose and fell, and with a "whisper", a soul fire shot towards Li Yunjing.

"Friend Randeng, you have many hidden tricks, but you are not qualified to fight with me!"

Facing Ran Deng's fatal blow, Li Yunjing looked indifferent, and the "Xuan Jade Pendant" hanging around his waist shone brightly, forming a clear eggshell, firmly protecting him.

At the same time, bright starlight flashed in Li Yunjing's hand, and a bright long sword condensed by the galaxy appeared in his palm. It was Donghuang Taiyi's most important killing weapon, the "Galaxy Witch-Slaying Knife."

The long sword made a false slash, and a galaxy that was extremely bright cut through the chaos and swept towards Taoist Ran Deng.

This "Galaxy Witch-Slaying Knife" is simply comparable to the best innate spiritual treasure, a supreme artifact created for the demon clan's heaven. With this strike, it will simply open up the world and refine the earth, water, wind, and fire.

Facing the terrifying offensive of Chaos Taoist Lord, Ran Deng Taoist turned pale, gritted his teeth, activated all his magic power, unleashed all his quasi-sage cultivation, and condensed the Jade Qing Immortal Technique to the extreme.

"Don't panic, fellow Taoist monk Ran Deng! The poor monk is here to help you."

Seeing this attack from Chaos Taoist Lord, Maitreya Buddha was also horrified. He knew that Randen Taoist could not resist it no matter what. At the same time, he also knew that Randen Taoist must join the Western Sect and become a fellow sect. Since he was appointed by the leader of the sect, People must be rescued with all their strength.

At this desperate moment, Maitreya Buddha's whole body exuded endless golden light, like a golden sun burning blazingly, and rays of extremely pure Buddha light bloomed from his body.

In a thousandth of an instant, a golden body of Buddha, whose whole body looked like golden glass, appeared in front of the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

"He is worthy of being the future Buddha of Western religion, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas. At this time, he has already become somewhat of a top figure in the three realms."

Looking at the future Buddha of the Western Sect who was blocking the light of the sword and whose aura was getting higher and higher, Li Yunjing couldn't help but show praise, but the murderous intention in his heart became even stronger.

This person is also one of the great enemies in the future. Now that the opponents on the road to witness are here, it is time to eliminate them together and clear the way for the future.

Thinking of this, Li Yunjing turned his sword and struck towards Maitreya Buddha!

This knife is more powerful than before!

The three heads of the Buddha's golden body widened with angry eyes, and his eight arms flew around. In an instant, he formed countless Dharma seals such as the Immovable Root Seal, the Great Vajra Wheel Seal, the Wisdom Fist Seal, the Sun Disk Seal, and the Treasure Vase Seal, which were eventually classified into the impermanent seals of all actions. , the seal of the selflessness of all dharmas, and the seal of Nirvana and Silence, the three great seals were blasted towards the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

At the same time, facing Li Yunjing's killing sword, Maitreya Buddha's body was filled with precious light, and a flag floated on his head. When the light came out, it was simply to ward off all evils and prevent all laws from invading.

It is one of the most precious treasures of Western Buddhism, the "Green Lotus Colored Flag". The golden relic hangs high above the head of Maitreya Buddha, shining down thousands of meters of light, integrating with the misty precious light, firmly protecting the whole body.

With a "chi" sound, the galaxy transformed by the sword energy was actually blocked by the double defense of the Bodhi Golden Body and the Green Lotus Color Flag.

“Western Dafa is truly extraordinary!”

With a faint word of praise, the "Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique" was operating to the extreme. He held the "Qiankun Ruler" and struck at the many seals of Maitreya Buddha. The corpse and the good corpse of Taoist Ran Deng each made a slash.

Without enough time to see the results of the battle, the "Purple Electric Hammer" was activated and continued to send out "Purple Sky Divine Thunder" to hit Taoist Ran Deng.

Faced with the siege of two masters and two good corpses, Li Yunjing actually took off the "Qiankun Ruler" and killed the four quasi-sages who were besieged by those who had the strength to spare.

"Lord Dao of Chaos, no matter how cruel you are, you will still be destroyed!"

Although Maitreya Buddha was surprised by the tyrannical methods of Chaos Dao Lord, he was still confident in his heart. Sure enough, after fighting for a while, he stabilized his occupation. Under his monk's robe, the seven-colored light flashed out towards Chaos Dao Lord.

"Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree? Pindao has already been on guard against it."

Li Yunjing knew how many kilograms and taels the Western Sect had. The disciples of the Western Sect had to go out to do business, and the two leaders couldn't reward them with any treasures. They turned over and over again, only a few items.

Another magic weapon, the "Xuanming Shen Iron Star" suddenly spurted out from Li Yunjing's mouth. With a "bang", this middle-grade innate spiritual treasure hit the swept "Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree".

Although this spiritual treasure was no match for the "Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree" and flew back upside down, it was enough to buy Li Yunjing some time to breathe. His body flashed and hit the good corpse of Maitreya Buddha.

This blow used all the strength of his body, and his blood surged to the sky. With a "boom", Li Yunjing's shoulder hit the body of Maitreya Buddha hard.

With a "click" sound, the golden body was like a broken bottle, cracks slowly appeared, and finally completely shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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