The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 118: All three religions are injured, Yuanshi leads to the lower world

Chapter 118: All three religions are injured, Yuanshi leads to the lower world
  Suddenly, Yuyi Xian's ears twitched, and he actually received a cross-border transmission from Thirty-Three Heavens.

"Yi Yi Xian, please let Kong Xuan take you away. The second uncle will not be able to sit still. If you leave, you can still save your life."

"Yes! Brother Chaos' good corpse, Emperor Ziwei, is transmitting messages across borders for me!"

Feather Wing Immortal's expression was stern. Emperor Ziwei's expenditure of such great mana was certainly not without purpose.

Second Master Yuanshi Tianzun hates these people who are "furry and horned" and "egg-born" the most. Now, with the Jie Sect's fellow sects coming from all directions to support them, the Western Sect and the Chan Sect have joined forces, but they don't have as many people as themselves. , the two religions are at an absolute disadvantage when they join forces.

The Buddha and the Golden Immortal were already bleeding. The thirty-three heavens, the Nine Heavens Gangfeng layer, and the battlefields were everywhere on the earth, and the sky collapsed and the earth was torn apart.

Seeing Taoist Duobao, Holy Mother Wudang, Holy Mother Golden Spirit, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit and others crisscrossing the battlefields, the Daluo Jinxian from the Western Sect and the Chan Sect met and were immediately repulsed. The weak Daluo Jinxian from the Western Sect met. He was constantly being killed.

Yu Yixian understood that what his senior brother said was exactly what he said. With a thought in his mind, he sent a message to his eldest brother who was fighting with Ran Deng Taoist, "Kong Xuan, we can't fight. Let's retreat first!"

When transmitting the message, Yu Yixian killed Chi Jingjing and Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, avoided the two Daluo Jinxian, and struck again in the air, using the "Yin and Yang Qi", and used the "Yin and Yang Scissors" to face the burning lamp. The Taoist killed him and left.

"Five-color divine light!"

In conjunction with the "Yin and Yang Qi", Kong Xuan's expression flashed, and he also used a great magical power to evolve the world with the innate five elements and Yin and Yang Qi, and directly captured Taoist Ran Deng.

"Hateful! Pindao has not had enough luck recently and often encounters powerful enemies. He can no longer fight!"

After being severely beaten by Kong Xuan, Taoist Ran Deng finally came to his senses. He was no match for Taoist Chaos, nor was he a match for Kong Xuan. If he didn't retreat now, he would be dead!
  Thinking of this, regardless of the heartache of losing the "Qiankun Ruler", a scroll of Yuqing Immortal Technique flew towards the earth with the red sperm and Qingxu Daode Zhenjun.

"Alas! Pindao's 'Yin Yang Mirror' still falls into the hands of Kong Xuan!"

Chi Jingzhi gritted his teeth. In this battle, his losses were too great. But at this time, he also understood that if Taoist Ran Deng could take him to escape, he had already saved his life. As for the magic weapon, he could only wait until later to figure out a solution.

"Why are you retreating? Don't you have the upper hand?"

After being reminded by Yu Yixian, Kong Xuan did not go to kill them all, but instead asked.

"Go first! Talk as you go!"

Without any time to explain, Yuyi Xian took Kong Xuan and fled towards Beiju Luzhou.

The other disciples of Jie Cult who were valued by Emperor Ziwei were also informed one by one. This was only possible because Emperor Ziwei was in a high position. Otherwise, during the catastrophe, even the old-style great supernatural power users would not have the ability to find Jie everywhere. Teach these people and spread the word across borders.

Emperor Ziwei, the lord of the stars and the master of all phenomena, is in charge of the stars in the sky, controls the ghosts and gods of all parties, and is in charge of many matters in the three realms of heaven, the human world, and the Nine Netherworld. This is not an empty talk.

With the power of the quasi-sage, Emperor Ziwei, with the blessing of heaven, can naturally monitor the four directions, find the disciples of the Jie Jiao who are fighting everywhere, and convey the message to them with great magic power.

Sure enough, many outstanding fellow disciples of Jiejiao got the message from Emperor Ziwei, and their hearts became alive. They fought for a while, took some advantage, and then began to retreat.

Of course, not everyone listens to the words of Emperor Ziwei. Some stubborn people still turn a deaf ear and just want to kill them. For such people, Emperor Ziwei will naturally not persuade them. It is your own choice to be on the list.

As for the traitors like Chang'er Dingguangxian, Li Yunjing naturally did not remind him. He wished that all these people would be on the list and be replaced by other outstanding disciples. Even Taoist Duobao was the last one to be notified.

However, he said that Taoist Ran Deng escaped from Kong Xuan's pursuit and ran away for tens of thousands of miles. Then he took a deep breath and said to Chi Jingzheng and Qingxu Daode Zhenjun: "We have lost this battle. We can’t let the people who intercept the teaching kill Guang Chengzi and the others, now you go and help resist, I will go back to Kunlun Mountain and ask the leader to take action!”

After saying that, he flew off to the Kunlun Mountains on the auspicious clouds, leaving only Chi Jing and Qingxu Daode Zhenjun looking at each other. They cursed in their hearts that Ran Deng Taoist was not a thing. As a quasi-sage, they fled away and let them top the jar.

However, Taoist Ran Deng has already run away. Even if the two of them have ten thousand reasons not to return to Xiqi, they will not be able to escape.

"Let's go!"

Looking at each other, the two of them could only remain silent and turned back to Xiqi in a depressed manner.

The Randeng Taoist had already made up his mind to defect to the Western religion, so he didn't care about leaving a bad impression on Yuanshi Tianzun. These two wars frightened his courage.

In the era of the Lich Hegemony, although he was one of the three thousand guests of the "Purple Cloud Palace", he was only a little transparent person at the bottom of the list. In his life, he had not experienced several deadly battles between quasi-sages.

The overwhelming combat power shown by Chaos Dao Lord and Kong Xuan completely made him frightened. Now he just wants to hide with the saint, how can he care about other people's lives?

When Ran Deng Taoist arrived at the foot of "Kunlun Mountain", before going up the mountain, suddenly there was a clear whistle from the middle of the mountain.

Within a moment, the boy Baihe had already flown down, saluted Taoist Ran Deng, and said, "Teacher Ran Deng, the master is about to go to Xiqi. You should go back quickly to stabilize the situation and prepare to pick him up."

"Okay! I'll go back right now!"

Taoist Randeng was overjoyed when he heard this and hurriedly rode on the clouds back to Xiqi.

Back and forth, when Taoist Ran Deng returned to Xiqi, he saw that there was no one left in the entire Xiqi territory. The population of the entire territory was less than one million people, and Xiqi's army only had one hundred and eighty thousand left. Of Ji Chang's ninety-nine sons, only Ji Fa and seven or eight others are left.

As for Xiqi's civil and military ministers, they also suffered heavy losses, and Xiqi City, the imperial capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty, was completely wiped out and turned into ruins.

It can be said that after the first battle, Xiqi was completely ruined. If it were not for the support of the Chan Sect and the Western Sect, it can be said that Chaoge would be able to eliminate this serious problem by sending an army at will.

You say that when gods fight, mortals suffer!

Xiqi's side was completely destroyed, and the army from Chaoge's expedition was not much better. There were more than two million troops capable of recruiting and fighting, and only a few hundred thousand were left. Many of the generals who led the army were killed or wounded. Wen Zhongdu, the cornerstone of the Yin Shang Dynasty, was beaten to the point of being knocked out of his wits and was listed on the list of gods.

As for the damage done to the immortals of the three religions, no matter which religion it is, it is heartbreaking.

The Western Sect suffered the worst. The quasi-sage Maitreya Buddha was beaten to the point of reincarnation, and at least eight or nine other Da Luo Jinxian died. This battle basically wiped out one-third of the strength of the Western Sect.

It can be said that stealing a chicken means losing the rice. The losses were so great that even the two leaders, Jie Yin and Zhunti, could not sit still.

And the losses of Jiejiao were not few. Chaos Dao Lord was suppressed, the eyes of the sea were filled, and three of the Seven Immortals who accompanied him were killed in battle. As for others, such as Shi Tianjun, Yu Hua, and some second and third generations. There are more. Among the low-level monks, Jiejiao has the greatest loss.

In addition to Guangchengzi and the other twelve golden immortals, most of the new second-generation disciples of the Chan Cult were dead, and only two or three of the third-generation disciples, Yang Jian, were left.

As for the casual cultivators outside the three sects, they will die without rebirth!
  Whether they were those who took refuge in the Chan Sect or those who took refuge in the Jie Sect, they were all reduced to ashes, and I don’t know how many of them were lucky enough to be reincarnated.

Looking at the desolate scene of the war ending and both sides retreating.

Taoist Ran Deng was a little dumbfounded. How could he proceed with this conferring of gods?

Guang Chengzi and others are still alive, and core figures such as Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya escaped. Looking at the listless Guang Chengzi, Jiang Ziya and others, Ran Deng Taoist shouted from a distance: "Guang Chengzi, Ziya, hurry up and burn incense, the master is coming!"

For a moment, everyone in Chanjiao was speechless. In this case, if the teacher came, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?
  "Guangchengzi, please work with me to use your magic power to rebuild Xiqi City!"

The situation was so bad that even Taoist Ran Deng's face turned black. With a wave of his hand, he motioned to the many Da Luo Jinxian who taught him to join him in using the Quasi-Saint Law and the Da Luo Law to heal the wounds of the Western Zhou Territory.

"Yes! Teacher Ran Deng!"

Guangchengzi and others did not dare to neglect, and flew into the air with Taoist Ran Deng one by one. Regardless of the injuries all over their bodies, they activated the power of the five elements, and used the innate power of the five elements to re-condensate the mountains, rivers, and the former Xiqi The city also rose from the ground.

The pavilions, spacious streets, and the smoke and fire in the world are all just like yesterday.

However, of the tens of millions of people, only a few million people remained, and this "majestic" city seemed empty.

"Alas! This is the only way!"

Although Ran Deng Taoist and others are somewhat dissatisfied, they are not saints and naturally cannot create large quantities of life according to the "laws of creation".

When everything was ready, not long after, only the mist of cigarette smoke was seen everywhere.

In mid-air, fairy music curled up, and Yuanshi Tianzun arrived at Xiqi Palace in a Kowloon Agarwood Chariot, accompanied by Antarctic Immortal, Yun Zhongzi, Baihe Boy and others.

Taoist Ran Deng, Guang Chengzi and other Daluo Jinxian, Jiang Ziya and others hurriedly bowed to the ground and said: "Disciples respectfully welcome the teacher's teachings. The saint's life span is boundless."

Yuanshi Tianzun left the agarwood chariot and walked down with a gloomy face. He looked coldly at the dozen big cats and kittens of Chanjiao. He couldn't help but snorted coldly and strode into the palace prepared for him.

Taoist Randeng suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked at Guangchengzi and saw that Guangchengzi's face was not very good. Everyone knew that this time, he failed in his job and was completely defeated by Jiejiao. If the masters of Jiejiao hadn't suddenly retreated, I'm afraid that They could be wiped out.

"Let's go!"

Yun Zhongzi looked at the miserable looks of many of his fellow disciples, shook his head, and whispered for them to get up and enter the hall to wait for the saint to ask questions.

Randen Taoist, Guang Chengzi and the others could only stand up and walk tremblingly towards the hall.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the miserable appearance of many disciples, sighed, flicked his sleeves, and golden light fell on many disciples, and immediately treated their injuries.

"Disciple, thank you teacher for your treatment!"

Guangchengzi and others felt happy, knowing that the teacher still cared about their safety.

"In this war, Jie Jiao acted against nature. There are capable people coming out to assist Xiqi. You don't need to worry."

After saying these words, Yuanshi Tianzun sat in silence.

Randen Taoist, Nanji Xianweng, Yun Zhongzi, Guangchengzi and other Golden Immortals were lined up on the left and right. Seeing that their leader did not speak, they all stood silently and quietly, but their thoughts continued in their hearts.

Three hours later, Qingyun suddenly appeared on top of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun's cloud of celebration is a hundred miles in size, with five-colored lights and thousands of golden lamps falling down bit by bit, like water dripping from the eaves.

Many disciples didn't know why, but after a while, golden light illuminated half of the western sky. The great leader of the Western Sect came down to guide the Taoist and brought some of the Buddhas who had participated in the battle earlier.

"Randeng, go and greet the Western Saint."

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his eyes, glanced at Taoist Randeng coldly, and then gave an order as if nothing had happened.


Somehow, Taoist Randeng saw Yuanshi Tianzun like a mouse meeting a cat. He was always worried that his defection would be discovered by Yuanshi Tianzun. At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun ordered him to welcome the saint.

Immediately, Taoist Ran Deng breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, everyone from the Western Church came in, and both parties greeted each other.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Jieyin Saint sat side by side in the first place, and disciples of the two sects were lined up on the left and right.

And just when the saints of the Chan Sect and the Western Sect met publicly and formed a complete alliance, Emperor Ziwei also calculated the casualties of the Jie Sect. Some important figures were saved, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he comforted Yunxiao, Zhao Gongming, Bixiao, Qiongxiao and others, then changed into a Taoist robe, stayed down for thirty-three days, and headed towards the East China Sea, Jin'ao Island.

Emperor Ziwei came to "Jin'ao Island", lowered the auspicious clouds and walked to the door of "Biyou Palace". He did not dare to enter lightly, so he only waited at the door. After a while, Shuiyue Boyzi walked out of the door of "Biyou Palace" and said to Emperor Ziwei said: "Fifth senior brother, the master leader invites you to come in."

"The teacher is back?"

When Emperor Ziwei heard that the teacher was back, he let out a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Saint Zhunti was at the bottom among all the saints, he was still a saint after all, and he was afraid that the teacher would make some mistake.

"Not bad! The teacher is back early in the morning, hehe!"

Shuiyue Tongzi knew what Li Yunjing meant and smiled to show that he had returned victorious.

"Okay! That's good!"

Needless to say, Emperor Ziwei already understood the outcome.

Li Yunjing hurriedly followed Shui Yue into the "Biyou Palace" and went to the Great Hall of the Shangqing Dynasty. He saw his teacher, Master Tongtian, sitting on Biyun's bed. He hurriedly stepped forward to pay homage and said: "Disciple pays homage to the teacher. The teacher's holy life is boundless."

"Get up! Your body has been suppressed. Why does this good corpse come to Biyou Palace?"

Leader Tongtian showed a faint smile and said to Li Yunjing.

"Teacher, although this disciple has settled the cause and effect with the saint, he is still worried about the safety of his fellow disciples, so it is still difficult for him to meditate with peace of mind. This time, he is still here for the matter of becoming a god."

Gritting his teeth, Emperor Ziwei still said.

(End of this chapter)

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