The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 119 Biyou Palace talks about becoming a god again, Jiejiao Duobao makes a stupid move

Chapter 119 Biyou Palace talks about becoming a god again, Jiejiao Duobao makes a stupid move

"Oh, didn't you already talk about the matter of becoming a god last time?"

Leader Tongtian smiled. He had seen the previous melee between the three religions. Different from the past, both sides suffered casualties this time. Although the losses of the Jiejiao were greater, the Western religion was half disabled and the Chanjiao was not left. There were several people, which still made the great leader very satisfied.

With the largest number of cultivators, the largest number of people will be on the list of gods. This is inevitable.

Although his disciples suffered a lot of casualties, they also killed many people from the Western Sect and the Chan Sect, which met the expectations of the leader of the Tongtian Sect. Naturally, he would not be angry in his heart.

Therefore, regarding Li Yunjing's intention, Master Tongtian just smiled.

I secretly looked at the teacher's expression and saw that the Tongtian Cult Master had a relaxed look on his face. He was obviously satisfied with the current situation and was not worried about the Jie Jiao Cult, nor did he take the Divine Catastrophe seriously.

This was just a game of chess played by the saint when he was bored, and the outcome had nothing to do with it.

"Alas! Teacher, teacher! You have a lot of capital, and you don't feel bad at all when you lose! But you don't know that the second junior uncle is like a gambler who loses red eyes. Now he has set up a four-on-one situation. He wants to use the eastern land as a bet to compete with you. Work hard and make a complete comeback!"

Thinking of this, Li Yunjing sighed and said, "Teacher, during the previous war, I taught countless disciples who have already been on the list of gods."

"They didn't respect my life. They went down the mountain without authorization and caused massacres. They deserved to be on the list of gods. They were destined to do so."

When the leader of Tongtian Cult heard this, he was a little unhappy, but in fair competition, his disciples were killed by people from the Chan Cult and the Western Cult. He could not bully the junior ones, so he said calmly.

"Teacher, when disciples of the three religions compete, winning or losing will naturally depend on their own abilities! My interception sect is strong, so it is understandable that the Chan sect invites Western teachers to help. Even so, these two sects are not our opponents."

After a pause, Li Yunjing continued: "But as far as the disciples know, the second uncle and the Western Sect's guidance saint have arrived in Xiqi City. The disciples are not opponents. I am afraid that these two saints will take action personally."

"Nonsense! What kind of status is a saint? Can he take action against a group of Da Luo Jinxian?"

When the leader of Tongtian Cult heard this, his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but reprimanded Li Yunjing.

"Although the teacher said that the matter of conferring a god was because the disciples of Chanjiao committed a murderous catastrophe, it had little to do with me intercepting the disciples of jiaojiao. However, if the disciples of chanjiao wanted to complete the catastrophe, they must kill people. However, chanjiao is not our opponent. Send Without our people on the list, it is naturally impossible for the second uncle to let all the Twelve Golden Immortals be on the list. In this way, we can only use the saint to take action and bully the small ones."

"what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Master Tongtian frowned, feeling that what his disciple said was not unreasonable.

"Disciple knows that the matter of becoming a god is irreversible, but the teacher said last time that the person on the list has not yet been decided. All the disciple wants is for the teacher to stop Yuanshi Tianzun, lead Yin, Zhunti, and leave the bloodline for me to intercept the teaching."

Finally, Li Yunjing mentioned this topic again.

"Asshole, all the disciples are my disciples, how can I send them to Chanjiao to kill? If it is really based on ability, who will live and who will die, I have nothing to say, let the teacher send his disciples to die, that is the style of Chanjiao, I How can Jiejiao act like this?"

Upon hearing this, the leader of Tongtian Cult knew what Li Yunjing was up to, and he immediately became angry and cursed loudly.

"Teacher, the disciple has made some plans secretly. I have reminded Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming, Yu Yixian and even the three senior sisters and senior brothers."

Even though the leader of Tongtian Cult was angry, Li Yunjing still said: "There are also Yunxiao and the others who went down the mountain and had a fight, and now I have sent them to the 'Ziwei Palace' for protection. This catastrophe has nothing to do with them."

"Go ahead! I already know about this."

Hearing this, the leader of Tongtian Cult sighed softly, understanding that Li Yunjing had calculated based on the worst outcome, and those who were sent to the "Ziwei Palace" were some of the people who were to be preserved.


Li Yunjing didn't know why, so he wanted to say something else.

"Go! Yun Xiao, Gong Ming and the others went to the 'Ziwei Palace' and naturally escaped from the catastrophe. It has nothing to do with being a god! In addition, when it is time to take action, I will take action myself."

The leader of Tongtian Cult waved his hands, with a look of boredom on his face. Could it be that his own brother, who could fall out over something as trivial as becoming a god, would have to do it himself?
  "Thank you, teacher. Disciple, I will resign."

Li Yunjing knew that he could not say anything more. This time he came forward and received the pardon from the leader. Yun Xiao and Zhao Gongming no longer needed to participate in the subsequent Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Only in this way could their lives be truly saved.

As for the rest, there were thousands of words to say, but the teacher was in a bad mood. Even though he was deeply loved by the teacher, he did not dare to say more.

After getting the result he wanted, Li Yunjing left Jin'ao Island. He calculated with his fingers and found out that Su Daji's reincarnation was reincarnated in Nanfanbuzhou, so he went there personally and brought him back. Thirty-three days later, he was accepted as a disciple.

As for other things in the Conferred Gods, Li Yunjing did not dare to participate. If one of them was not good enough, Yuanshi Tianzun would get angry and deprive himself of the position of "Zhongtian North Pole Ziwei Emperor", then the gains would outweigh the losses.

The high position in heaven is very important and must not be lost!

In the future, when the canonization of gods was over, many fellow disciples came to serve in the Heavenly Court, and they still needed to protect them. Otherwise, the Jiejiao sect would fall apart sooner or later and disappear in the long river of time.

However, after the failure of the previous war, the two leaders of Chanjiao and Dongfangjiao went down to the realm in person. Naturally, no Yin and Shang army dared to attack Xiqi.

However, it was said that the Yin and Shang armies were destroyed, and the news reached Chaoge. For a time, the Yin and Shang court was in panic. Hearing that Zhong was dead made King Zhou, who had not been in court for a long time, feel sad and went to court one after another to deal with political affairs.

The news that Grand Master Wen was defeated and died slowly spread to all parts of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, causing huge panic. He had been fighting for the Yin Shang for half his life and had never been defeated. Not only was he defeated this time, he also risked his own life. On.

After the Yin and Shang soldiers and civilians learned about it, they were all terrified, fearing that Xiqi's army would attack Chaoge City.

The entire Yin Shang Dynasty was in turmoil. For a time, everywhere became deserted, and the bustling scene was no longer the same as before.

King Wucheng Huang Feihu was once again appointed as the general marshal of the Western Expedition against Xiqi, and troops were mobilized from all over the country to once again form an army of 500,000 people.

Nine-tailed fox and Shen Gongbao each invited hundreds of people from the demon clan and scattered immortals to join the army to enhance Huang Feihu's strength.

After this back and forth, seven or eight years have passed.

Xiqi also used this period of time to continuously recover his strength. Guangchengzi and others even personally passed down the Taoism and recruited disciples to replace him. Western religions are also allowed to preach within Xiqi by default.

Under the influence of Rendeng Taoist, Ju Liusun and others, Manshu Guangfa Tianzun and Cihang Taoist were greatly influenced, and they slowly began to agree with the ideas of these two saints in Western religions.

Unknowingly, the Chan religion was penetrated and torn into pieces, but all this was unknown to Yuanshi Tianzun, the powerful leader.
  The conflict between the two religions reached its climax due to this war. As soon as Xiqi's strength recovered, Yuanshi Tianzun issued an order for Jiang Ziya to reorganize the army and attack the Yin Shang.

All the immortals of the Chan Sect, even Yun Zhongzi and the Antarctic Immortal Weng, also participated. As for the Western Sect, they also accepted the orders of the saints and jointly assisted Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya in their crusade against the Yin Shang.

Chanjiao was dispatched, and Jiejiao naturally did not flinch. Many second-generation disciples, led by Taoist Duobao and other four true disciples, joined Huang Feihu's army in batches, preparing to have another fight with Chanjiao.

Xiqi's 200,000-strong army marched eastward. Two saints were stationed at the rear. The disciples of the two sects fought bravely. For a time, they were invincible and defeated Huang Feihu's army one after another.

Without Dao Lord Chaos plotting secretly, Taoist Duobao and other true disciples were so happy that they once again looked down on Chan and Western religions, and continued to use tactics to add fuel to the fire. For a time, countless disciples of Jiejiao were sent to the list of gods. .

The Ten Heavenly Lords of the Jie Jiao Sect were basically dead, and even some Daluo Jinxian who rarely showed up were killed one by one due to the encirclement and killing of the Chan Sect and the Western Sect.

Later, the Zhunti saint ignored the saint's face and regarded himself as a Zhunti Taoist. He actually joined the immortals and personally commanded the army to attack various levels of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Even though Emperor Ziwei no longer participated in the matter of conferring gods, he still couldn't help but shake his head and sigh when he saw Duobao's incompetent performance and Zhunti's shamelessness.

In the next few years, the Yin and Shang armies retreated steadily, changing from the attacking side to the defensive side. The Sanxian and Yao clan were almost dead, but the saints of the Western Sect and the Chan Sect always refused to take action when they saw the masters of the Jie Jiao. , if they stay in the human world, the saint's face will be tarnished, and the three saints can only return to the mountain gate.

Without the sage watching eagerly, Jie Jiaoxian came down from the lower world again.

This time, it was still the Holy Mother of Jin Ling who led the people. Since the death of his disciple, this Daluo Jinxian wanted to take revenge on Chanjiao, but he escaped and got involved again.

On this day, the armies of both sides set up their positions.

Behind Huang Feihu, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit came on a cloud and said to Guangchengzi: "Guangchengzi! You have only so many Taoist skills, but you can't say how many times you have. You and I have fought against each other several times, and we don't know the outcome. Today, I will kill you for my sake." Disciple takes revenge!"

"Hmph! Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, you escaped from the disaster and were safe from disaster. But today, you are involved in the disaster again. It seems that you are indeed a person on the list of gods. This time, Pindao will send you to the list! "

Over the years, after many battles and victories, the self-confidence of many Daluo Jinxian in Chanjiao has also been restored. Now when Guangchengzi saw that Jinling Holy Mother dared to challenge him, he immediately walked out and threatened to accept her.

"Guangchengzi, suffer death!"

Not saying much, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit went to kill Guangchengzi. Seeing this, Guangchengzi also held the "male and female swords" to face the "Flying Golden Sword" of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and killed him in a massacre.

These two masters of Daluo Jinxian have fought against each other no less than three times. They fought again today. They both knew each other's methods well, but this battle was even more intense.

Almost at the same time, both of them sacrificed their magic weapons, one sacrificed the "Four Elephants Tower" and the other sacrificed the "Soul-falling Bell".

As the two of them continued to fight, Holy Mother Jin Ling suddenly felt a wind blowing from the back of her head. She hurriedly stepped aside and opened her eyes to look, but it turned out that it was Taoist Cihang himself who was coming to kill him.

The Holy Mother of Jin Ling escaped the blow, but was still in a state of embarrassment. She opened her mouth and cursed: "Taoist Cihang, you are so shameless, you actually carried out a sneak attack!"

"Hmph! Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, you are on the list of gods! I just followed the way of heaven and sent you to the list!"

Taoist Cihang sneered, and was not ashamed of a sneak attack at all. Over the years of fighting, their Chan Sect and Western Sect's cooperation had become more and more tacit. When three or two people surrounded them, they could immediately send the person who intercepted the Sect to the list.

Today, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit came out of the mountain, and the Chanjiao party made up their mind to join forces to send the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to the list.

"Shameless villain!"

Jin Ling Shen's face turned red with anger. She held the "Dragon Tiger Jade Ruyi" and hit Taoist Cihang. At the same time, the "Flying Golden Sword" flew up and down, constantly resisting Guangchengzi's attacks.

Just when the Golden Spirit Mother was fighting against the two golden immortals alone, the Lingbao Master, who had been hiding aside, suddenly appeared, offered up the magic weapon in his hand, and hit the Golden Spirit Mother on the back, knocking the Golden Spirit Saint. Staggered.

With a "pop" sound, the Golden Spirit Mother's figure became unstable and she spat out a large mouthful of blood. Before she had time to see who was attacking, Guangchengzi saw the advantage and immediately used the "Heaven-shaking Seal" to hit it.


The "Four Elephants Pagoda" was directly thrown away, and the "Jade Pure Bottle" in Taoist Cihang's hand suddenly flew out and hit the chest of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. This blow broke several of her ribs again.

"Guangchengzi, wait!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit received heavy blows one after another, so she quickly used the "Seven Fragrance Cart", swayed her figure, put on the magic weapon, and used the "Four Elephant Tower", "Dragon Tiger Jade Ruyi" to protect herself, and the "Flying Gold Sword" "Having smashed away the "male and female swords" again, he went straight into the sky and fled back to "Jin'ao Island" on the clouds.

"Chase! We can't let her escape!"

After finally severely injuring the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Guangchengzi and the other three were unwilling to give up this God-given opportunity, so they each used their magical powers to pursue her.

On the other side, Taoist Ran Deng watched all this with satisfaction. He ordered Jiang Ziya to let the army attack. Several Da Luo Jinxian secretly took action. How could Huang Feihu's mortal army be his opponent? In just one confrontation, he suffered heavy losses. He did not dare to Fighting with Xiqi's army, he slowly retreated to the camp.

"Jiang Ziya, I am a qigong master from Kowloon Island. My name is Lu Yue. You can only bully the minority with more people. Which one of you dares to fight alone with a poor Taoist?"

Seeing that his senior sister had fled and Huang Feihu's army was defeated, Lu Yue, who had followed the Golden Spirit Mother, was furious. Regardless of the gap in strength between the two sides, he rushed out of the military camp and came to the outside of the camp to challenge Xiqi's army.

"How does Brother Taoist's magical power compare to that of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit? With her level of Taoist power, even if she retreats in defeat, I expect that Brother Taoist will only bring disaster upon himself when he comes here!"

Looking at Lu Yue with disdain, Jiang Ziya was riding on the "Sixiang", pointing the "God Whip" at Lu Yue, not paying attention to him at all.


After listening to Jiang Ziya's words, all the masters of Chinese teaching and Western teaching behind him laughed, and Lu Yue's face turned purple as he laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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