The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 120: By mistake, the three emperors want to save their fellow disciples

Chapter 120: By mistake, the three emperors want to save their fellow disciples

"What a shameless lecture! Jiang Ziya, today I will make your head disappear."

Being ridiculed by others, Lu Yue became furious. After saying this, he took the two swords in his hands and flew towards Jiang Ziya to take his head.

"Don't hurt my uncle!"

Yang Jian swayed and stood in front of Jiang Ziya. He waved the "three-pointed two-edged sword" in his hand and fought with Lu Yue. Jiang Ziya had the help of "four different figures" and was extremely fast. He circled the two people and swung "beat the god" from time to time. Whip" to attack Lu Yue.

This Lu Yue is also an incompetent person. As a senior, he was beaten by two little people and was in a hurry. For a while, he was unable to fight off Yang Jian, let alone kill Jiang Ziya.

"Hmph! As expected, your teachings are all from the same line, and you will all besiege them!"

After dozens of rounds, Lu Yue's heart became angry. He shook his body and revealed his ability to press the bottom of the box. "Crackling" came a series of explosions from his body. In an instant, he appeared with three heads and six arms, one hand holding the "Xingtian Seal" , holding the "Plague Bell" in one hand, the fixed "Plague Flag" in another hand, and the "Plague Sword" in the other hand.

Using the sword with both hands, the main body's blue-faced fangs appear.

"Yang Jian, stand up to this person!"

Jiang Ziya felt a little scared when he saw Lu Yue in such a state. Yang Jian saw that Jiang Ziya was afraid of this person, so he quickly used several moves to force Lu Yue back.

"Junior Brother Ziya! There is no need to panic, Yang Jian, I am here to help you!"

Lu Yue's skills were ordinary. When he saw an advantage he could take advantage of, the red sperm suddenly flew out and chopped off one of Lu Yue's heads with a sword. Jiang Ziya perked up when he saw this and hurriedly offered the "God Beating Whip". I saw the runes on the divine whip shining, and a golden light flashed past.

A whip hit Lu Yue. Lu Yue screamed, fell to the ground, and escaped back to the military camp.

"Hahaha! The second generation disciple of Jiejiao is nothing more than this!"

Seeing that Lu Yue was such a loser, he was beaten back by Yang Jian, and was whipped by Jiang Ziya, and fled back to the military camp in embarrassment. Chi Jingzhi laughed, but did not mention the sneak attack that he personally carried out.

"That's right! Ever since we suppressed the Chaos Dao Lord, Jie Jiao has become worse every day. Our day of victory and triumph is just around the corner!"

"How can a person with fur and horns be the opponent of a true immortal such as us?"

A group of golden immortals from the Chan Cult smiled and nodded.

Without Chaos Dao Lord to disrupt the situation, and with the support of three saints, it has been smooth sailing along the way. The Yin Shang army has been defeated several times, and the number of Yin Shang and Jie Jiao who have been sent to the list of gods is already very impressive.

The morale of the immortals in the Chan Sect has increased again, and they are more optimistic about the prospects of the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

Chanjiao was in high spirits, but the Yin Shang camp was filled with a sense of loss. Lu Yue fled back to the camp, and the generals came to greet Lu Yue's injury. Lu Yue's face turned green, and he gritted his teeth and said: "It doesn't matter, I have my own reasons. I originally wanted to kill Jiang Ziya, venting his anger for Senior Sister Jin Ling, but I didn’t expect that Jiang Ziya was unethical and surrounded and attacked me. In this case, Jiang Ziya, don’t blame me for being cruel. Let me see how you can protect Xiqi’s army. .”

After speaking, he took out four gourds from his arms, handed them to the four disciples, and said: "These are the Four Gourds of Plague Pills. Tonight, the four of you use your escape skills to enter the Xiqi army and throw these plague pills into the water source." "

Seeing this scene, Jie Jiao and the generals in the army secretly muttered, "Do you know that Chan Jiao is shameless?"
  This sneak attack and siege were not two days in a day. Unfortunately, since the loss of Senior Brother Chaos, Jiejiao has been defeated repeatedly.

"Chang Immortal, what is this treasure?"

The first army coach Huang Feihu saw Lu Yue taking out four gourds, so he asked.

"Commander, I have devoted all my magic power to this plague technique. These four gourd plague pills are blended into the water. In a day or two, the plague will spread all over the Xiqi military camp. By then, all the soldiers will have weak hands and feet, and their limbs will be sore. Look, How can they fight!"

"Hahaha! Okay! The Immortal Chief is really good at it!"

At this time, the Yin and Shang armies were retreating steadily, showing signs of decline and lack of successors. Huang Feihu's gray hair was worried, and he no longer cared about cruel methods. He only hoped to destroy this Xiqi army and buy more time for the Yin and Shang Dynasties to regain their strength. .

In the evening, at the third watch of the night, four of Lu Yue's disciples used the Five Elements Escape Technique to sneak into the Xiqi army. They poured four gourd plague pills into the water reserves in various places in the army. To be sure, they even poured them into the nearby river. Received many plague pills.

When Lu Yue's disciples Zhou Xin and four others came back, Huang Feihu did not dare to rest and asked quickly: "How is this matter?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have already sprinkled all the Four Gourds of Plague Pills into the army's storage water. Even the small river outside the Xiqi Camp has been thrown into the Plague Pills."

Zhou Xin and the other four disciples talked about their masterpieces with smiles on their faces.

"In this way, we can wait for Xiqi's army to be destroyed and slow down the pace of Xiqi's attack!"

Regarding the performance of his four disciples, Lu Yue nodded with satisfaction. As long as he took a breath, he could naturally invite his fellow disciples to come out and have another round with Chan Jiao.

In this way, two days passed. During these two days, the Yin and Shang armies closed their camp gates tightly and hung up their no-war signs. They allowed the Xiqi army to call for formation and insult them, but they turned a deaf ear and looked indifferent.

Let’s talk about Xiqi’s army since Lu Yue sprinkled the plague pill.

By the second day, all the soldiers in the camp were infected with the plague. Their limbs were weak and their bodies were weak. In the past two days, everyone's hands had begun to fester.

Even many generals with special skills and magical powers were caught in the attack, and only the reinforcements from the Immortals of the Chan Sect and the Western Sect were unharmed.

The immortals naturally knew that they had been tricked, but even though Lu Yue's fighting skills were ordinary, his plague skills were as he said, and he had extremely high attainments. Even a quasi-sage like Ran Deng Taoist could not master them all. Soldiers detoxify.

Seeing that the soldiers were unable to fight anymore, Taoist Randeng thought for a while, but he had to save them. Otherwise, if all these mortals died, wouldn't it affect King Wu's great cause of defeating Zhou?

You must know that an elite army cannot be formed by grabbing a few strong men. It requires at least two years of training. The Great Tribulation of the Gods has been going on for many years. Even the immortals who explain the teachings are a little tired. They only hope Solve the Yin Shang Dynasty as soon as possible, complete the Immortal Killing Tribulation, and be pure and comfortable from now on.

"From Chi Jingjie, hurry to Huoyun Cave and ask to see the Second Master Shen Nong to get the magic elixir and save this 200,000-strong army."

"Teacher Ran Deng, the Second Master Shen Nong is a disciple of Dao Lord Chaos, will he give us the elixir?"

Chi Jing frowned and said worriedly.

"Haha! Don't worry! Although Holy Emperor Shen Nong is a disciple of Chaos Dao Lord, he is also the emperor of the human race! This Xiqi army of 200,000 is also a human race. The Holy Emperor is selfless and will not fail to save him!"

After hearing Chi Jing's question, Taoist Ran Deng laughed, and the other immortals also nodded. They had also experienced the era of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, so they naturally knew how loving and selfless the Human Emperor was.

After receiving the affirmation from his fellow students, Chi Jingzhi also put down his worries and rode the clouds towards the "Fire Cloud Cave" in the chaos.

Daluo Jinxian rode up on the auspicious clouds and displayed his top magical powers along the way. He quickly passed through the thirty-three days and entered the chaos. Chi Jingjing identified the direction and rushed to the outside of the "Fire Cloud Cave" as quickly as possible. At this time, there was no one outside the "Fire Cloud Cave". Although Chi Jingzhi was extremely anxious, he did not dare to enter lightly and had to wait outside the cave.

After a long time, I saw a boy walking out of the cave. Chi Jingjing hurriedly stepped forward and said: "This boy, a poor Taoist who teaches Chi Jingjing, came to the 'Fire Cloud Cave' today to ask for an audience with the three Holy Emperors. I'm sorry to bother you. A fairy boy sent a message."

The boy glanced at Chi Jing and asked, "Which master do you want to see?"

"Well, I want to see Holy Emperor Shennong."

Although Chi Jingjing is unhappy, in the face of such transcendent forces as "Fire Cloud Cave", even saint disciples are not qualified. There are three emperors and five emperors of the human race living here, and a total of eight saint emperors, all of whom are at the quasi-sage level. The great master suppresses the destiny of the human race.

It can be said that the human race will never be destroyed and the Holy Emperor will live forever!
  The eight Holy Emperors represent the human race. Except for the saints, no one in the entire prehistoric world can compete with the human race!

The saint Nuwa is the mother of the human race, and Taishang Laozi is the leader of the human religion. There are two saints innately suppressing luck. It can be said that the human race will be the eternal protagonist until the beginning of time.

When Yuanshi Tianzun comes, he has to give face to the eight human emperors, let alone the disciples of mere saints?

Although he knew that this fairy boy was hostile to him, Chi Jing could only smile gently and did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

The boy looked at Chi Jingjing again and said reluctantly: "Master Shen Nong passed down a decree, asking you to go to 'Zizhi Cliff' to pick spiritual herbs."

"This fairy boy, poor Taoist, doesn't know which one to pick?"

Chi Jing was speechless. It was not surprising that Holy Emperor Shennong had figured out his purpose, but how could he find the antidote?
  "Follow me! When the time comes, you will naturally know which spiritual grass is suitable for you!"

The boy looked impatient and turned around to leave. The red sperm had no choice but to follow him to the place where Shen Nong usually grows elixirs.

After the boy brought Chi Jingzhi to "Zizhi Cliff", he turned around and left, leaving Chi Jingjing standing on "Zizhi Cliff" in a daze. He wanted to pick herbs, but because there were endless herbs on "Zizhi Cliff" , I don’t know which one is more effective.

"Alas! What should we do? The poor Taoist has arrived at the treasure land. If he gets the wrong herbs and delays King Wu's important task of defeating Zhou, he will make a big mistake!"

Suddenly, Chi Jing had a flash of inspiration. He walked up to a piece of grass, pulled it up, and held it in his arms. However, he bowed again and again in the direction of "Fire Cloud Cave" from a distance.

Knowing that it was the Holy Emperor Shen Nong who gave instructions, Chi Jingzheng left the "Fire Cloud Cave" with a happy face and flew towards the world.

Not long after Chi Jingjie left, the three human emperors, Fuxi Holy Emperor, Shennong Holy Emperor, and Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, appeared on "Zizhi Cliff".

"Royal brother, this time I gave you the antidote to the teachings, but I don't know how to tell the teacher."

Fuxi showed a wry smile. The identities of the three of them were somewhat embarrassing in the midst of the Immortal Killing Tribulation. They were both disciples of the Jiejiao Cult and the Holy Emperor of the Human Race. This matter was somewhat embarrassing.

"There's no way around it! Then Lu Yue is destroying the human race with plague. How can we, as the human emperor, ignore it?"

Shennong shook his head and said, "Teacher didn't say hello. I guess he was concerned about our status and couldn't bear to disturb us."

"Two royal brothers, the general trend of the world cannot be changed. However, after all, we are also members of the Jiejiao disciples and have been cultivated by our teacher and Master Tongtian. If the Jiejiao is in danger of destroying the sect, we will have to take action to protect a few of our fellow disciples."

Holy Emperor Xuanyuan sighed and revealed his plan.

"Brother Xuanyuan, these words are very kind!"

Holy Emperor Fuxi and Holy Emperor Shennong nodded. This was the only thing they could do for Jiejiao.

Emperor Ziwei, who is in the "Ziwei Palace", is naturally aware of this matter. He just thought that what Lu Yue did was not the right thing to do. Even he, the Emperor Ziwei, could not see it, so he would not be shameless. , ask your disciples for help.

Unintentionally, Li Yunjing was too embarrassed to bother his three disciples. The three disciples felt guilty, but they took the initiative to protect some of their fellow disciples at the end of the Immortal Tribulation.

Drink and peck, it is God's will.

However, Chi Jingzhi tried his best and flew back to Xiqi Camp. He immediately took out the herbs, grinded them into powder, and put them into the water. After many soldiers came and drank the water, they woke up not long after.

"Hahaha! It is indeed God's will to help Zhou destroy Shang, even the three emperors of the human race are willing to help!"

Guangchengzi was overjoyed when he saw this. The three emperors of the human race were disciples of Jiejiao. This time, they helped them explain their teachings. It seemed like a big deal was accomplished.

"That's right! Ziya, save people quickly! Wait until everyone has recovered their strength before we start the war against merchants!"

Chi Jing also ordered.

"Yes! Senior brother, I will arrange for the army to rest right away!"

Jiang Ziya was also happy. This time he thought he was in big trouble, but he didn't expect it to be solved so easily. Sure enough, destiny is mine.

After all the soldiers had drunk the water, slowly, more and more people were able to get up, and Xiqi's side gradually regained its combat effectiveness.

After another seven or eight days, all the Xiqi army regained its fighting strength. Jiang Ziya immediately led the army to attack again and launched an attack on the Yin and Shang army.

For a time, the Yin Shang camp was attacked by surprise, and killing cries resounded throughout the world.

Lu Yue took a look out of the tent and saw that Xiqi's army was all charging and killing him. He quickly counted with his fingers and couldn't help shouting: "It turns out that Chi Jingjing borrowed the spiritual grass from the 'Fire Cloud Cave' and saved Xiqi's army! "

"Commander, we have failed this time. In order to remain useful, we should retreat quickly!"

A few days ago, Our Lady of Jinling was hunted down by Guang Chengzi and others. She fled all the way back to "Jin'ao Island" without returning to the Yin Shang camp. There were no masters in intercepting the teachings in the army. Lu Yue's plague technique was broken and is now lost. With only a small amount of space left, Huang Feihu could only retreat quickly.

"Alas! That's all we can do! The Immortal Chief will work with me first to gather the sergeants and leave the camp quickly."

Huang Feihu understood that now all the immortal masters were in the lower realm, and mortals could not control the situation. With only Lu Yue, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, there was no way that the Yin and Shang army could be Xiqi's opponent.

There is no point in fighting hard. You can only leave a useful body and lead some confidants. It is important to hurry up and be thorough.

(End of this chapter)

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