The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 121: King Wu defeated Zhou, and Ran Deng’s ruthless conspiracy

Chapter 121: King Wu defeated Zhou, and Ran Deng’s ruthless conspiracy

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ziya had long expected that Huang Feihu and the others were going to escape, but he had already laid ambush in all directions. Huang Feihu led 3,000 men and horses out of the camp and fled for hundreds of miles to the east, just preparing to rest.

Suddenly, several drums were beaten, and for a while, there were shouts of killing from all directions. Xiqi actually ambushed an army of 10,000 people on this side. The leading generals were Yang Jian, Wei Hu and other young third-generation masters.

However, Master Lingbao, a great Da Luo Jinxian from the Western Sect, came to the fore, which shows how determined the Chan Sect is to eradicate the problem. It is simply killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

"Haha! Huang Feihu, Lu Yue, look where you are escaping!"

Yang Jian and Wei Hu were both outstanding figures among the three generations of Chanjiao, and each was a brave man. As soon as they took action, they killed four of Lu Yue's disciples. Lu Yue did not dare to fight anymore, and even Huang Feihu couldn't care less. He ran away alone towards a hilltop.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Yue, your name is on the list of gods, where are you going?"

Master Lingbao came here just to send the Jie Jiao disciples to the list. Now he saw Lu Yue trying to escape, how could he let him go?

"Fellow Daoist Lingbao, we are all Xuanmen disciples, why bother forcing each other?"

Lu Yue's heart was filled with fear. When he saw the Great Master Lingbao chasing after him, he couldn't help but beg for mercy.

"Lu Yue, if it's not the poor Taoist who wants to kill you, the real danger is imminent, and I have no choice but to kill my fellow Taoist rather than the poor Taoist!"

In just a few breaths, Master Lingbao caught up with him, and with a flash of the magic weapon in his hand, he cut off Lu Yue's head. Looking at Lu Yue's body, the Daluo Jinxian sighed and held up the bloody sword. , and returned to Xiqi Camp.

Subsequently, the demon saints Huang Feihu, Huang Tianhua, and Meishan could not escape the encirclement and suppression of the Chan Cult, and were slaughtered by masters such as Yang Jian and Wei Hu. In this battle, the Yin Shang Dynasty was completely defeated, and another commander died.

Soon, the news of Huang Feihu's death slowly spread, and the whole Chaoge was thrown into chaos. Only a few years ago, another commander died after Wen Zhong, and the entire Chaoge was enveloped in a depressed atmosphere.

King Zhou was extremely shocked when he received the news that Huang Feihu was defeated, that all five of his brothers, father and son died for the country, that Deng Jiugong and his daughter surrendered to the enemy, that Zhang Shan and Li Jin died in battle, that senior official Yang Ren died in battle, and that hundreds of thousands of troops surrendered. sad.

The destruction of the country was just around the corner. King Zhou did not care about the entertainment in his harem. He actually started to reorganize the state affairs and summoned the armies of Dong Bohou, Bei Bohou and Nan Bohou, plus the Yin and Shang armies, totaling one million. Go to the front line to fight Xiqi again.

The death of Huang Feihu became a turning point in the strength comparison between the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Yin Shang Dynasty. The Western Zhou Dynasty began a full-scale attack to conquer the Yin Shang Dynasty. However, the Yin Shang Dynasty was unable to attack and could only rely on various checkpoints along the way to defend with all its strength.

These millions of troops were scattered at various passes, and with the help of demon clan and scattered immortals, the momentum was pretty good for a while. However, in the face of the attacks of the immortals of Chanjiao, they still could not stop Xiqi's troops.

Under the leadership of Taoist Duobao, Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and others, Jie Jiao has repeatedly carried out the refueling tactics, including Yiqi Immortal Ma Yuan, Kowloon Island Qi Refiner Liu Huan, Fire Dragon Island Flame Immortal Luo Xuan and many others. The second-generation disciples were all in the battle between the two armies. They were taught by Chan to use more to defeat less, killing each one and sending them to the list of gods.

"What a pity for such a great situation!"

"Ziwei Palace", Emperor Ziwei monitors the three realms, and naturally sees clearly. He is helpless about the incompetence of Taoist Duobao, Holy Mother of Jinling and others. Fortunately, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang and others stay in the church. In the middle of the year, I served the teacher and never fell into the danger of death.

But in this case, he didn't know how many more people would die in Jiejiao.

Seeing Taoist Duobao's incompetent performance, Li Yunjing was puzzled. Isn't this guy a traitor from the Chan Sect or the Western Sect?
  This time, Shen Gongbao was warned by him and promoted to the Daluo Jinxian cultivation level. He repeatedly brought in casual cultivators from three mountains and five mountains to help Jiejiao. In addition, the Nine-tailed Fox did not want the Yin Shang Dynasty to be destroyed so early. The two colluded. Together, the demon clan and the casual cultivators died in the catastrophe of the gods' killings, much more than those of the two sects.

Under such circumstances, it is really incomprehensible that Taoist Duobao could be so stupid and send the second generation of Jie Jiao to Chan Jiao to be killed one by one.

Wasn't this kid bribed by Taoist Zhunti in advance?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Thinking that the biggest traitor had finally become the head of the Western Sect, Li Yunjing prepared for the next calamity and showed him how powerful he was. It was best to eradicate this cancer for the Jie Sect.

On this day, Xiqi's army sang triumphant songs all the way and reached "Jiepaiguan".

Huang Gun, the commander-in-chief of "Jiepaiguan", is Huang Feihu's old father. All his children and grandchildren died in the battle. This veteran general, Lao Ji Fufeng, has ambitions for thousands of miles, training troops and horses, and joining Chaoge's reinforcements general Hong Jin to stop Xiqi's attack. .

However, Huang Feihu's millions of troops before and after him were all defeated by Chanjiao. How could Hong Jin and Huang Gun stop Xiqi's army?

As the momentum of Chanjiao became stronger and stronger, all forces were optimistic about Chanjiao, and the Dragon Clan also took the initiative to send people to bet on Chanjiao.

Before Hong Jin and others could stabilize their position, they were captured by Princess Long Ji. This third-generation disciple of Jie Jiao was also a weakling and surrendered directly to Xiqi.

As the third generation of Jie Jiao, killing or not has nothing to do with the overall situation. In order to attack Jie Jiao's will and at the same time give Jie Jiao a glimmer of hope, the immortals of Chan Jiao recruited the traitor and invited Yue Lao to come, saying that it was Hong Jin and Princess Longji is married.

The two held a wedding and spread the news throughout the two sects. This move immediately severely damaged the morale of the Jie sect.

After that, Xiqi defeated the thirty-sixth army of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and the troops were directed at Chaoge. His long-cherished wish was finally fulfilled.

The situation was excellent, and the immortals from the Chanjiao and Western Sects were all smiling. At this time, they actually began to congratulate Jiang Ziya in advance and wish him the best for the change of dynasty.

"Well, how can fame and fortune be compared to the freedom of immortality? If possible, I also hope to be able to serve the teacher in Yuxu Palace like all the senior brothers."

The closer the victory was, the more uncomfortable Jiang Ziya felt. He seemed to be prosperous now, but when his longevity came, he would die.

The fame, fortune and wealth in front of you is like fishing for the moon in the water. It seems beautiful, but what's the use?

"Junior brother, the teacher once said that you have no chance of immortality in this life, and can only enjoy the wealth and honor of the world. You have made such a great contribution to my teachings, and the teacher will send someone to help you become an immortal in the next life."

Guang Chengzi laughed, rarely in a happy mood, and couldn't help but give Jiang Ziya a few words of advice.

"That's all it can do!"

Jiang Ziya shook his head. Although he was not very satisfied, his qualifications were really poor. He was not even as good as the weakest third-generation disciple in the Chan Sect. How could he become an immortal?

But saying that victory was imminent, Taoist Ran Deng secretly summoned four close Daluo Jinxian, namely Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Taoist, Wei Liusun and Cihang Taoist, to his big tent.

When everyone was gathered, Taoist Ran Deng personally took action and used the power of Quasi Sage to seal off the entire tent. As long as it was not the Sage himself, no one could pry into the secrets in the tent.

"Teacher Ran Deng, what did the two saints say?"

This time, they were all "our own people", and Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun did not hide it and asked directly. "Everything is in the calculation of the two saints. As the losses of Jiejiao and Chanjiao increase, the fate of Western religion is slowly condensing and growing."

Taoist Ran Deng saw the four Daluo Jinxian nodding in agreement, and the smile on his face became even wider.

"When there is a decisive battle between the two religions, Jie and Chan, the losses will definitely be even more severe. Even if the two religions decline directly, that will be the time when the Western religion rises. If everyone joins the Western religion, they will naturally be blessed by luck. With the Western religion Teach the method of golden body and cut off two corpses as easily as the flip of a hand."

Taoist Ran Deng naturally knew the purpose of the four joining the Western Sect, so he continued to talk about the benefits of joining the Western Sect. As expected, the eyes of the four Ju Liusun all showed yearning.

Which Daluo Jinxian doesn't want to kill corpses and achieve the status of quasi-sage?
  They usually know a lot about this Western teaching from Daluo Jinxian of Western teaching, and it is true that Western teaching has produced three quasi-sages.

Although these three quasi-sages were all beaten to death by Chaos Dao Lord, Juliusun and the others did not think that the Western teaching method was inferior to the Jiejiao method. It was just that the Western teachings were poor and the three quasi-sage did not have decent magic weapons, so they were defeated by Chaos. Daojun killed him.

Manjusri Guangfa, Taoist Samantabhadra, Taoist Wei Liusun, and Taoist Cihang are all masters of teaching. Each of them has powerful innate spiritual treasures in their hands, which are definitely not comparable to the poor ghosts of Western religions. As long as they are promoted accurately. Holy, he immediately shocked the three realms and became a real great supernatural power.

Therefore, the four of them naturally have high expectations for joining the Western Sect and killing corpses quickly.

"Have those two saints said how to arrange for us?" Taoist Cihang also asked. This is related to their status, so they have to ask clearly.

"Wherever there are people, there will be fights! But the Western Sect doesn't have many talents, and the three quasi-sages were sent into reincarnation by the Dao Lord of Chaos. This is our best chance!"

Rendeng Taoist looked at everyone with a smile and said: "With the five of us joining forces, we are the most powerful group in the Western Sect. How can our status be lowered?"

"That's right! I usually have contact with the Da Luo Jinxian of the Western Sect, but it's just very common, not even as good as the Da Luo Jinxian of the Jie Sect."

Master Puxian also nodded and said yes.

The others listened and nodded. The superiority of the true disciples naturally made them arrogant and looked down upon other Da Luo Jinxian.

The five chatted for a while, and Taoist Ran Deng added: "However, the two saints said that although Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao suffered a lot of losses, they have not been injured yet, and we still need to add fuel to the fire."

"Oh, what do you say?"

Juliusun's brows wrinkled. To be honest, they had really had enough. The killings and calamities of the gods made them fearful every day. They just hoped that it would end as soon as possible so that they could go to the Western Paradise and enjoy peace and tranquility.

"Everyone! If we don't show any strength and don't give the two leaders of the Western Sect a vote of trust, how can we be trusted by the two leaders?"

Seeing that the four people were obviously a little repulsive and continued to stir up trouble, the Randen Taoist sneered in his heart, with a calm expression on his face, and continued unhurriedly.

"But! There are only three levels left. We can go straight to Chaoge and win the final victory. How can we disrupt the situation?"

Master Puxian looked ugly, but still didn't want to take risks.

"Hehe! Of course we weren't the ones to do it. That Guangchengzi is brave and foolhardy. Why not use a strategy to provoke him to go to Biyou Palace. I think this person will definitely turn against the Jiejiao disciples and even fight. By then, he will be angry. Jiejiao Saint, hehe."


As soon as Rendeng Taoist's words came out, the four of them, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Taoist, Wei Liusun, and Cihang Taoist, took a breath of air-conditioning. Teacher Randeng is too cruel!

If one of them is not good, then senior brother Guangchengzi may die in "Biyou Palace". At that time, Teacher Yuanshi will get angry, and the saints of the two religions will naturally fight, and this matter will become a big deal.

"Hey! Everyone, think about it. In the future, we will go to the West to teach and become Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Whether it is Guangchengzi or Jiejiao, who will not regard us as enemies? If you pity them now, in the future, they He won’t show mercy to us!”

A cold light flashed in Taoist Ran Deng's eyes and he said coldly.

"Not bad! Done!"

Everyone pondered for a while, and Master Puxian was the first to agree. Seeing this, the others could only nod in agreement.

"Haha! Don't worry! Think about it, since the beginning of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, with Pindao taking care of you, have you ever been in danger? As long as this plan succeeds, we will also make contributions to the Western Sect in the future and be able to stand firm! "

Seeing that the four people agreed, Ran Deng Taoist felt happy.

"Thanks to Teacher Randeng for protecting me!"

The four people stood up and bowed. They also knew that in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Taoist Ran Deng, as the person in charge, handed over all dangerous tasks to Guang Chengzi and his loyal disciples. That is why Tai Yi and Huang Long, Those who were intercepted were sent to the list of gods.

Without Teacher Ran Deng's protection, their fate would probably be very bad.

"Hahaha! We are all our own people! When we go to the Western Church in the future, we must also take care of each other to avoid being ostracized by the local forces of the Western Church!"

Taoist Ran Deng smiled proudly, these are all his team members!

It's just that Taoist Ran Deng doesn't know that if one person has no strength and the people below him are too capable, the team will not be able to maintain it for a long time, and the small team he built will naturally fall apart.

The five Ran Deng Taoists made up a conspiracy, and they naturally poured ecstasy soup on Guang Chengzi on weekdays. For a moment, the senior brother of Chanjiao was confused, as if he had become the first person in the third generation of Xuanmen.

When Jiang Ziya reorganized his army and gathered a million troops, he divided his troops into three groups to attack Chaoge.

The first route was led by Jiang Ziya himself to conquer Sishui Pass; the second route was led by Hong Jin to conquer Jiameng Pass; the third route was led by surrendered general Deng Jiugong to conquer Qinglong Pass.

The three armies marched towards Chaoge in mighty force.

But the second army, Hong Jin, came to Jiameng Pass and fought three times in one day, killing three generals of Jiameng Pass, but attracted the "Qiu Mingshan" Fire Spirit Madonna.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirits suddenly arrived and asked the garrison general Hu Sheng to select 3,000 soldiers and train them into fire dragon soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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