The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 122 Guangchengzi meets the saint, and the leader of the Tongtian cult becomes angry

Chapter 122 Guangchengzi meets the saint, and the leader of the Tongtian cult becomes angry
  A few days later, Our Lady of the Fire Spirit led her troops out of the city and called Hong Jin to answer. Seeing Hong Jin coming, Our Lady of the Fire Spirit said: "Hong Jin, you intercepted my disciples for me, but you took refuge in the Chan Cult. Today, the poor Taoist will clean up the family." , I’ll kill you.”

"Hmph! Our Lady of the Fire Spirit, I advise you to surrender quickly and save your life. Otherwise, you will inevitably be listed on the list of gods."

Hong Jin was initially a little ashamed when he saw his fellow disciples, but when he saw Our Lady of Fire Spirits coming to kill him, he didn't want to lose his life in vain, so he took a big knife and killed Madonna of Fire Spirits.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, Our Lady of Fire Spirit pushed her "Golden Cloud Crown", and a golden light suddenly appeared in the sky. In this dazzling golden light, Our Lady of Fire Spirit could see Hong Jin, but Hong Jin couldn't see Our Lady of Fire Spirit.


Suddenly, Hong Jin's eyes stung. For a moment, he couldn't see east, west, north, and south clearly. Then he was struck by the Fire Spirit Holy Mother's "Tai'a Sword". Hong Jin was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

"Hong Jin, where can you, a traitor, run away?"

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit followed closely and chased directly into Hong Jin's camp.

The three thousand fire dragon soldiers followed the Fire Spirit Madonna and rushed into the Hong Jin camp. The fire dragon soldiers set fire everywhere, burning the Hong Jin army to pieces and trampling on each other. Countless people died.

"Husband, let me save you!"

Princess Long Ji saw Hong Jin in trouble and hurriedly came to help, but she never thought that the "Golden Cloud Crown" was extremely powerful. She was also blinded by the golden light and was slashed by the Fire Spirit Virgin Mary's sword.

Hearing Princess Longji's scream, Hong Jin quickly turned around, brandished the long knife in his hand, and slashed wildly, avoiding the Fire Spirit Madonna, picked up his wife, and ran for his life again.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit chased them for dozens of miles, and when they could no longer see the figures of Hong Jin and Princess Long Ji, they withdrew their troops back to the camp angrily.

"Alas! The losses this time are too great. This battle damage cannot be concealed. We still need to report it to Prime Minister Jiang."

When Hong Jin saw that Our Lady of the Fire Spirit was no longer pursuing him, he stopped to rectify his troops. Seeing the heavy losses, he could only report to Jiang Ziya and ask the Golden Immortal of Chanjiao for help.

"That's right! Our Lady of the Fire Spirit possesses an innate spiritual treasure. We are not opponents. It is still important to save our lives. This kind of enemy still needs the help of an expert in teaching to subdue it."

Princess Long Ji also looked frightened. The fierce power of the Fire Spirit Madonna really frightened the princess of heaven.

Soon, Hong Jin arranged for someone to take his letter and go to Jiang Ziya to report the news.

After learning that a Jie Jiao master had come down to help, Jiang Ziya came to Guangchengzi without saying a word to ask for help. The Randen Taoist was overjoyed and winked at the four Ju Liusuns. The four of them immediately said something to me. The words actually persuaded the senior brother Guang Chengzi to take action in person.

"That's fine! Since the Fire Spirit Madonna doesn't know the heavens, I will send her to the list of gods!"

People around you, you and I, Guangchengzi saw that all the junior disciples said this, and thought that the Fire Spirit Madonna was ordinary and did not waste any effort, so he agreed to take action and eradicate this person.

On the same day, Guangchengzi drove auspicious clouds and came to stay at the camp of Princess Hong Jin and Princess Longji.

On the second day, Princess Hong Jin and Long Ji followed Guang Chengzi's orders and organized their troops to fight again.

Seeing Our Lady of Fire Spirits coming out, Guangchengzi spoke condescendingly and said, "The way of heaven is mine." How could Our Lady of Fire Spirits continue to listen?
  The two of them did not talk about each other for more than a few words, and the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit directly started fighting with Guang Chengzi. Although the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit had three innate spiritual treasures: "Hunyuan Hammer", "Golden Cloud Crown" and "Tai'a Sword", but Guang Chengzi was no match for him, but after only a few hundred rounds, Guang Chengzi showed off a flaw and smashed him to death with a "Heaven-shaking Seal".

Guangchengzi was persuaded by many of his fellow disciples before, and Master Puxian even stated that the 365 Zhoutian Zhengshen on the list of gods may not be enough, and that mortals may not be able to be granted high positions. Now the people who intercept the teachings dare not come out, which affects They completed the killing and robbery.

As soon as this statement came out, Ju Liusun, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and Taoist Cihang all nodded in agreement, and also expressed their worries. With these four people interfering, Chi Jingjing, Yuding Zhenren and others were also worried, so, It was then that many disciples persuaded Guangchengzi to volunteer and go to Biyou Palace with the "Golden Cloud Crown", "Hunyuan Hammer" and "Tai'a Sword".

This was Guangchengzi's thought carefully, but he was ready to provoke him fiercely, asking Jie Jiao to send some more people to die, and let Chan Jiao completely complete the killing.

But it was said that after Guangchengzi killed the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits, he told Princess Hong Jin and Princess Longji to continue to advance the army and not to waste time, so he came to Jin'ao Island with three innate spiritual treasures.

However, Guangchengzi wanted to go to "Biyou Palace", meet with the leader of Tongtian Cult, and return the three innate spiritual treasures "Golden Cloud Crown", "Hunyuan Hammer" and "Tai'a Sword", so as to severely humiliate him. Taught disciples.

Sure enough, as soon as Guangchengzi landed on "Jin'ao Island", many Jiejiao disciples on the island saw this person coming, and stepped forward one after another, with their swords unsheathed and swords in hand, and surrounded Guangchengzi with murderous intent.

"Fellow Taoists, please be polite. I am here to meet Master Tongtian."

When Guangchengzi saw this scene, he was secretly proud of himself, so he intercepted and taught these stupid young men. After being provoked by his own methods, they couldn't bear it at all, and they must go down the mountain to die.

"Guangchengzi! There have been constant disputes between the two religions, and there has been no Taoist friendship for a long time. What is the purpose of your meeting with the teacher today?"

Taoist Duobao had a stern face and walked forward surrounded by his fellow disciples.

"Alas! A few days ago, Pindao persuaded Our Lady of the Fire Spirit to retreat. However, Our Lady of Fire Spirit did not know the fate and insisted on helping the tyrants, but she was accidentally beaten to death by Pindao!"

Guangchengzi looked sad and pretended to sigh, and then said: "This time, Pindao will return the relics of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, 'Golden Cloud Crown', 'Hunyuan Hammer', and 'Tai'a Sword' to your sect."

"Ah? Junior Sister Huo Ling is dead?"

"You killed Junior Sister Huo Ling and yet you dared to break into 'Jin'ao Island'!"

"Kill him!"

"The debt must be paid with blood!"

Guangchengzi's words immediately angered all the Jiejiao disciples. For a time, murderous intent filled the air, and even the rules of the saint's dojo were ignored.

"Alas! This is the saint's dojo and the base camp of your Jiejiao. You want revenge, and Pindao understands it very well. But if it's one-on-one, none of you can be Pindao's opponent. Could it be that you Jiejiao only beat up their opponents?"

Faced with the heated public sentiment among Jie Jiao, Guang Chengzi remained unhurried and continued to provoke.

Anyway, this is a saint's dojo. Guangchengzi doesn't believe it. Under the nose of Tongtian Cult Master, he can be surrounded and beaten to death by the people who intercept the cult. From the beginning to the end, he has not said a word to offend the saint. Even if his uncle is in front of him, he is not afraid. !
  "Hiroyuki! You're done! You're completely done!"

Wu Yunxian was so furious that he grabbed it directly and struck Guangchengzi with a "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder". This sound of thunder seemed to be a signal, and a group of Jiejiao Immortals took action one after another.

"Hahaha! Jie Jiao turns out to only bully the minority with more!"

Guangchengzi was shocked at first, but then calmed down. He did not resist, and ran around on "Jin'ao Island" in a flash. This "Jin'ao Island" is extremely huge, with many disciples' caves on it. A group of masters such as Taoist Duobao and Wu Yunxian watched Guangchengzi running around. They couldn't use powerful magic to attack, and they all screamed angrily.

"Haha! Even if you are outnumbered, how can you defeat Pindao?"

Guangchengzi laughed proudly. In Jie Jiao's base camp, Jie Jiao's people did not dare to use their great magical powers to attack him anyway. As long as they were not caught by others, "Jin'ao Island" allowed him to do whatever he wanted.

As a result, many disciples of Jie Jiao completely became clowns. The senior brother of Chan Jiao played a trick of three in and three out on "Jin'ao Island", which made Jie Jiao's group of people blush and feel ashamed.

Finally, the leader of Tongtian Cult in "Biyou Palace" couldn't stand it any longer, and with a livid face ordered Shuiyue Tongzi to drive away many of his disciples and let Guangchengzi come to see him.

After being summoned by the leader, Guangchengzi tidied up his clothes and walked into the "Biyou Palace" with a respectful expression. He showed no arrogance when he faced Taoist Duobao before. He respectfully returned the relics of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit. He sincerely admitted his mistake and withdrew.

Although the leader of Tongtian Cult was not happy, he could not commit the crime of being serious with a small person like Guang Chengzi, and he had lost the face of a saint for nothing.

In this way, Guangchengzi swaggered out of "Jin'ao Island", drove the auspicious clouds, and slowly flew towards Xiqi's army.

After Guangchengzi left, all the disciples of Jiejiao were completely furious. They were all furious. Even the indifferent Holy Mother Wudang and the Holy Mother Turtle were so angry that their faces turned purple.

Hundreds of second-generation disciples were noisy and followed Taoist Duobao to complain, asking the senior brother to invite the leader of Tongtian Cult to avenge the deaths of the disciples of Qianjie Cult.

After a while, Taoist Duobao's head almost exploded due to the noise made by many junior brothers and junior sisters. He could only shout loudly, "Junior brothers and junior sisters, please be patient and come with me to the 'Biyou Palace'." Let the teacher make the decision.”

"That's right! Let's ask the teacher to make the decision together!"

Hula la, hundreds of disciples, led by Taoist Duobao, arrived at the gate of "Biyou Palace" and informed Shuiyue Tongzi and asked him to pass on the message.

After a while, Shuiyue Tongzi came out, looked at Taoist Duobao, and said: "Elder brother, I will let you in."

Soon, Taoist Duobao and many of his disciples came to the "Shangqing Hall" to pay homage to the leader of Jiejiao.

"Jiang Shangnai is following the decree of my three religions to assist the emperor. All of these three religions are on the 'list of gods'. Guangchengzi is also an immortal who violates the religion. He killed the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit. He was not here to cause trouble. You Why bother to go against him? If you don’t even follow my instructions, how can you be dignified!"

"The members of the Chan Sect have gone too far to bully my sect! I hope the teacher will show mercy and save his disciples."

After saluting, many disciples of Jie Cult were furious and complained to the leader of Tongtian Cult.

"Teacher, before Guangchengzi returned Junior Sister Huo Ling's relics, he arrogantly magnified his Yuqing Dafa, and insulted our religion, it was heresy."

Seeing that the scene was a bit chaotic, Taoist Duobao stopped others from talking. He knelt down and said: "The Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao scolded us again, 'I don't distinguish between those who are covered with hair and horns, and those who have turned into eggs due to moisture. You can live in the same group.'"

"'Red flowers, white lotus roots and green lotus leaves, the three religions are always the same.' Doesn't he know that? How dare you talk nonsense and deceive. You must not separate yourself and cause trouble."

Although Leader Tongtian was a little angry, he still thought about the friendship between Xuanmen and was unwilling to fall out with his second brother easily.

He glanced at the Tongtian Cult Master and saw that the Tongtian Cult Master had no expression on his face. He didn’t know what the teacher meant. Taoist Duobao then said: "Teacher, every word of this disciple is telling the truth! The people in the Chan Cult really don’t take us seriously. In their eyes! They don’t regard us as Xuanmen disciples at all, and they don’t care about Xuanmen friendship at all.”

"It's true! This can all be confronted face to face."

Seeing that the teacher didn't seem to believe what the senior brother said, all the disciples said one after another.

"I am a feather, so who is his master? I am a feather, and his master is also a feather. This beast actually said such evil things, he is really not a son of man!"

Listening to the complaints of many disciples and the words of Taoist Duobao, even the leader of Tongtian Cult was a little angry.

Then, Master Tongtian said to Our Lady of Golden Spirit: "Go back and get my four swords."

"Yes! Disciple accepts the order!"

When many disciples heard what the teacher said, they immediately became happy, knowing that the teacher was angry and wanted to make the decision for them personally.

After a while, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit walked out from behind, carrying the four swords of the leader of Tongtian, and placed the four swords on the table in front of the leader.

"Since he laughs that my teaching is not as good as the Chan teaching, you can go to the 'Jiepaiguan' with these four swords and set up a slaying formation to see which disciple of the Chan teaching dares to enter my formation! If anything happens, I will come and talk to him .”

Leader Tongtian looked at Taoist Duobao and handed the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the formation diagram to Taoist Duobao.

"What's the magic use of this sword?"

After getting the Zhuxian Sword Formation for the first time, Taoist Duobao looked excited and asked again.

"There are four swords in this sword: one is called the 'Zhuxian Sword'; the second is called the 'Slaying Immortal Sword'; the third is called the 'Immortal Trapping Sword'; the fourth is called the 'Extreme Immortal Sword'. This sword hangs upside down on the door, it vibrates with thunder, and the sword shines brightly. Even if he were a god of eternal calamity, he would not be able to escape this difficulty."

Leader Tongtian smiled and personally answered the disciple's doubts.

"Yes! Teacher, I will go there in person right now."

After taking over this set of the first killing formation in the world, Taoist Duobao looked excited. Finally, one day, he could control this set of treasures like Taoist Lord Chaos.

Taoist Duobao took the order and immediately went to "Jiepaiguan" to set up an array with hundreds of disciples who were willing to follow him in the lower realm.

During this period of time, Xiqi's army was overwhelming, and Jiang Ziya soon began to attack "Sishui Pass". Unexpectedly, in these days, the sons of Han Rong, the commander-in-chief of "Sishui Pass", Han Sheng and Han Rong, became "Wan Ren" "Che", actually killed the army led by Jiang Ziya, bleeding into a river.

It's just that no matter how powerful a mortal is, how can he be the opponent of an immortal figure? Since Guangchengzi accomplished such a big thing, he has become even more arrogant. Facing the "Wanren Chariot" at "Sishui Pass", he smashed it with a "Heaven-shaking Seal" After falling down, the 100,000 defenders of "Sishui Pass" were immediately annihilated in ashes.

With the help of Daluo Jinxian, Jiang Ziya's two armies were all victorious, and now they gathered together and marched towards the "Jiepaiguan".

(End of this chapter)

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