The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 123: The Immortal-killing Sword Formation rises, and the Saint reaches the critical level

Chapter 123: The Immortal-killing Sword Formation rises, and the Saint reaches the critical level

"Ziya, the boundary sign in front has been closed. Taoist Duobao has set up the Immortal Killing Formation. You and I cannot break it. You can set up the canopy and wait for the arrival of the teacher and the two saints from the Western Sect to break the Immortal Killing Formation together."

Taoist Randeng learned that Taoist Duobao had set up an evil formation, and was unwilling to easily try to break into the first killing formation in the world. He directly ordered Jiang Ziya to settle the army outside the "Jiepaiguan" and wait for subsequent changes.

"Disciples respectfully abide by Master Ran Deng's decree."

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya quickly arranged for manpower to build the canopy.

On the second day, after the Xiqi army withdrew, many experts from the Chanjiao and Dongfangjiao went to watch the "Zhuxian Sword Formation".

This time, in terms of teaching, Randeng Taoist, Guangchengzi, Chi Jingzheng, Wei Liusun, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, Cihang Taoist, Yuding Zhenren, Daoxing Tianzun, Lingbao Master, Qingxu Daodezhenjun , even Yun Zhongzi stepped forward one after another to watch the formation.

The Western Sects also gathered one after another, wanting to see what the first killing formation in the world looked like.

Finally, as for the casual cultivators, Daojun Lu Ya, regardless of his shame, came forward again and joined Xiqi's camp.

The "Zhuxian Sword Formation" is neither copper nor iron nor steel. It was once hidden at the foot of Mount Xumi.

Without the inversion of yin and yang for refining, how can there be no water and fire to temper the sharp edge, "kill the immortal" to benefit; "slay the immortal" to perish;

When the Western Sects and Chan Sects walked to the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", they saw a "Zhuxian Sword" hanging due east; a "Slaying Immortal Sword" hanging due south; and a "Sword Trapping Immortal" hanging due west. Hang a "Sword of Immortality" on the north side. There are doors and households in front of it, with a murderous aura and a rustling wind.

For a moment, everyone looked at the first killing formation in front of them and took a breath of cold air. They were silent and did not dare to enter the formation to see what was true.

"How can we avoid the disaster of killing immortals when we fight with swords? The demons of love and mind stir up the fire of ignorance. The Yuxu Palace invites disasters and troubles. If you penetrate the heart's treasure lock, you will only know that the past has been corrupted when you look back. Only by relying on yourself can you be defeated sooner or later!"

Since Taoist Duobao obtained the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", he was immediately confident. At this time, he saw so many masters from the two religions in the formation, but they did not dare to explore the formation. He was so proud that he couldn't help but sing and ridicule.

"Fellow Taoists, listen to the song composed by Duobao. How can he be a kind person! Let's go back to Lupeng separately and wait for the master master to come. There will be a teacher to deal with this person."

Seeing how arrogant Taoist Duobao relied on the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", Taoist Randeng couldn't help but complain to the masters of the left and right religions.

"Not bad! Let him be proud for a while first. The teacher is here and he will look good!"

Many experts in interpretation and Western teaching nodded in agreement.

"Guangchengzi, you despicable villain, don't run away, I'll meet you for a while!"

Seeing that the masters of Chanjiao and Western Jiao were about to retreat under the leadership of Taoist Ran Deng, Taoist Duobao jumped out with his sword in the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" and wanted to stop Guangchengzi.

"Taoist Duobao, now that you are not in your Biyou Palace, you have no chance to win by relying on more. Since I have violated the prohibition on killing, I will kill you too. As the saying goes, 'Yam Luo is destined to die at the third watch, how can he keep people until the fifth watch' !”

Seeing Taoist Duobao coming to attack, Guangchengzi was not afraid. He waved the "male and female sword" in his hand and came to attack Taoist Duobao.

The two top Daluo Jinxian masters fought with all their strength in front of many disciples of the three sects. The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds. Guangchengzi sacrificed the "Heaven-shaking Seal" and fought away.

Taoist Duobao was forced by the "Male and Female Swords". Unexpectedly, he was unable to dodge due to the situation behind him. The "Sky Seal" circled behind him, and suddenly, it slammed into Taoist Duobao's back heart. With a "plop", there was a wave behind him. A strong force struck, Taoist Duobao's body softened, he fell, and saw the "male and female sword" striking at his head.

Taoist Duobao was so frightened that his face turned pale, he rolled over and hid, not daring to fight again. He actually used his escape technique and fled back to the "Zhu Xian Sword Formation".

"Hahaha! This is the chief disciple of Jiejiao!"

"Senior Brother Guangchengzi is indeed very powerful. He almost defeated this guy!"

For a moment, the immortals from Chanjiao and Xijiao couldn't help but laughed crazily when they saw Taoist Duobao fleeing in embarrassment.

"Hahaha! You guys are overly complimentary."

Guangchengzi chuckled proudly, "Taoist Duobao still has some strength. He survived after being hit by Pindao's 'Heaven-shaking Seal', and he was able to get up and escape back to the 'Zhuxian Sword Formation'. It's really rare."

This time, Guang Chengzi completely let out a breath of evil in his heart. Earlier on "Jin'ao Island", he was chased by hundreds of Jiejiao disciples and fled, and he was extremely angry.

This time, in front of many immortals from the three religions, he severely taught Senior Brother Jie Jiao a lesson. How majestic was this?
  He is the senior brother of the Chan Jiao, and he is also a leader. If he wins, naturally the Chan Jiao will overwhelm the Jie Jiao, and the Yuqing Dafa will overwhelm the Shangqing Dafa!

Seeing the Chan Jiao and Western Jiao people walking away triumphantly, Taoist Duobao's face turned red. This time, it was because his magic power was not as good as Guang Chengzi's, and he really underestimated his opponent.

Previously, on Jin'ao Island, Guangchengzi was running around. He thought that Guangchengzi was nothing more than this. Under the pressure, he didn't even sacrifice his own innate spiritual treasure "Duobao Pagoda", which made him lose face in front of others.

At this time, many fellow disciples in the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" did not dare to come forward to speak to Taoist Duobao. This senior brother was already on the verge of explosion, and no one wanted to bear his thunderous wrath.

"Guangchengzi! I want you to die!"

Seeing the strange looks from his fellow disciples, Taoist Duobao was furious, but he couldn't explain it. He had indeed been knocked to the ground in front of everyone, so he couldn't fake it.

Taoist Ran Deng and other experts from the two religions returned to Lu Peng.

For a moment, I could only hear the sound of fairy music in mid-air, and the misty fragrance falling from the sky.

Experts from both Chan and Western religions knew that the saint was coming, so they hurriedly stepped down from the canopy and stepped forward to greet him.

I saw Yuanshi Tianzun sitting on the "Nine Dragons and Agarwood Chariot", coming slowly from the horizon. Taoist monk Ran Deng and others hurriedly stepped forward to light the incense to lead the way, and took Yuanshi Tianzun to the canopy.

"We pay our respects to the teacher. The teacher's holy life is boundless!"

"Buddhas under Western teachings pay homage to the Yuqing Saint, and the Saint's holy life is boundless!"

The disciples of the two sects did not dare to neglect and stepped forward to salute one after another.

"You all are safe. The Immortal Killing Sword Formation is very dangerous today, so you must be careful."

Yuanshi Tianzun gave a casual order and closed his eyes without saying a word. The immortals did not dare to be careless and lined up on both sides and stood still.

At noon, Qingyun appeared on the top of Yuanshi Tianzun, with hanging pearls and thousands of golden flowers, shining far and near.

Seeing the Qingyun Golden Flower suddenly rising on the west side, he knew that Yuanshi Tianzun had arrived. Taoist Duobao was frightened and thought: "Yuanshi is here in person. It seems that this formation must be arranged by the teacher himself."

Not long after, the fairy sound was heard again in mid-air. The strange fragrance hit, and all the immortals, including the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, and the Holy Mother of Wudang, were accompanying them. The leader of Tongtian Church rode on Kui Niu and came to the Immortal Killing Formation.

Taoist Duobao heard bursts of fairy music coming from mid-air, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he knew that the teacher was coming. He hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, took the leader of Tongtian into the formation, and sat down on the Bagua stage.

After Tongtian Cult Leader sat down, Qingyun also appeared on top.

The Qingyun of Tongtian Cult Leader is different from that of Yuanshi Tianzun. Three green lotuses are seen rising into the sky, floating on the Qingyun. Waves of strange fragrance are emitted. People can't help but feel peaceful after hearing this. A blue color covers the entire sky. Protected by the formation, he fought against the golden light of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw that the leader of Tongtian Cult had also arrived, and said to the immortals: "The world of mortals is not a place to stay for a long time. Arrange your team to go with me to observe the formation."


The disciples followed Yuanshi Tianzun to the front of the formation. They heard a bell ringing in the formation, and the leader of Tongtian came out on Kui Niu.

The leader of Tongtian Cult saw Yuanshi Tianzun, bowed his head and said: "Brother Taoist, please come!"

"Why did you set up this evil formation, dear brother? At that time, we discussed the list of gods in the Zixiao Palace and sealed them in person. There were three levels: those with deep roots will achieve the immortal way; those with shallow roots will achieve the divine way; those with shallow roots will achieve the divine way. His human nature is still subject to the calamity of reincarnation.”

"Nowadays, there is no way to make the soup, and the time is about to end. The Zhou Dynasty is wise, and luck is in the right place. Don't you know? Why go against the will of heaven and block Jiang Shang? There is an elephant hanging down from the sky on your back."

"There should be three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods of the eight tribes in the list of gods. When there are people from these three mountains and five mountains, how can I go back on my words?"

When Yuanshi Tianzun saw the leader of Tongtian coming, he came up with a sermon and suppressed several big principles, which made the leader of Tongtian blush and unable to defend himself.

"Brother Taoist, there is no need to ask me. Just ask Guangchengzi and you will know my true intentions."

Leader Tongtian was helpless, unable to argue with Yuanshi Tianzun, so he could only say this.

"How do you say this?"

Yuanshi Tianzun turned to look at Guangchengzi. Guangchengzi did not dare to lie in front of the saint, so he told him about his visit to "Biyou Palace".

"Guangchengzi, you once scolded my disciples for not distinguishing between right and wrong, for not knowing what is good or bad, and for feathered beasts to teach indiscriminately. They all share the same view. I think my teacher teaches one thing to three friends, and I am the same as the feathered beasts. How can my Taoist brother be the same as me? Isn’t it passed down from one book to another?”

Leader Tongtian immediately counterattacked.

"Brother Xian, please don't blame Guang Chengzi. In fact, your disciples are misbehaving, don't know how to obey, they only rely on strength, and they behave like animals. Brother Kuang Xian doesn't choose his roots and takes them all in. That's why you have disciples who stir up trouble and make people miserable. You can't bear it Huh!" Yuanshi Tianzun said again.

"According to Brother Tao, it's just that your disciple is right, why should you even scold me? Since you don't care about brotherhood, I will set up this formation. If Brother Tao breaks my formation, you will see who is better."

Lord Tongtian's face trembled with anger, feeling very disappointed in his second brother.

In his mind, the Great Tribulation of the Gods was a trivial matter. The second brother defended his shortcomings and allowed his disciples to insult him, which was what really annoyed him. Unexpectedly, this second brother did not apologize at all, but instead said that it was his fault. , how can you bear this?

"If you want me to break the formation, it's not difficult. Wait until I come to see you in this formation."

On Yuanshi Tianzun's side, he couldn't help but feel angry when he saw the Tongtian Cult Leader directly entering the battle without listening to his own good words and advice.

Turning to face Taoist Ran Deng and the other immortals, he said, "You wait here while I enter the formation to take a look."

Yuanshi Tianzun pointed his hand on the ground, and golden flowers sprouted from the ground. Tens of thousands of golden lotuses appeared. He held the "Nine Dragons and Agarwood Chariot" and entered the "Zhuxian Sword Formation".

When the leader of Tongtian Cult saw Yuanshi Tianzun entering the formation on the Bagua stage, he raised his palm and sent out a "Shangqing Divine Thunder", and saw a burst of red light on the "Zhuxian Sword".

With a sound of "chi", a sword light flashed, knocking off a golden flower on the top of Yuanshi Tianzun. Yuanshi Tianzun frowned slightly. He just entered the formation, but before he made any move, a golden flower was knocked off the top.

"Since my good brother is using evil formations to show off his evil, let me see what magical powers you have cultivated over the years!"

Being beaten up, Yuanshi Tianzun took out the "Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi" and pointed at the leader of Tongtian Cult.

"Since Taoist brother wants to learn my methods, I will have a fight with you to prevent others from knowing and saying that I relied on the formation to bully you."

The leader of Tongtian Cult snorted coldly and walked down from the Bagua stage.

"It seems that my dear brother has become very capable over the years, so I will give you a try!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was extremely angry and urged the "Nine Dragons and Agarwood Chariot" to fly towards the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Leader Tongtian also mounted Kui Niu, picked up the "Qingping Sword" and greeted Yuanshi Tianzun.

In an instant, the two saints exchanged hands in the "Zhuxian Sword Formation".

The two saints seemed to have made no effort when they took action. However, in every calm confrontation, the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" that shook was shaken by space cracks. "Three Treasures of Jade" and "Qingping Sword" fought, only The aftermath shook the space into pieces.

This is the "Zhuxian Sword Formation". If you leave this formation and go to the outside world, the entire land will collapse, and chaos will return to the area of ​​100,000 miles around the "Jiepaiguan".

The two saints fought against each other. After only a moment, they realized that they could not do anything to each other. The leader of Tongtian had no choice but to point out and activate the "Slaying Immortal Sword", which shook out a wisp of chaotic sword energy and knocked away the golden sword on Yuanshi Tianzun's head. Several lamps were turned off, and countless golden flowers were scattered around.

"My dear brother, what a trick! I'll come back another day to learn from you!"

The leader of Tongtian was assisted by the "Zhuxian Sword Formation". Yuanshi Tianzun knew that he could not win and did not want to continue to make a fool of himself, so he drove out of the formation in the "Nine Dragons and Agarwood Chariot".

Seeing this scene, Tongtian Cult Master did not pursue him or taunt him, but he was extremely disappointed in his heart. He did not expect that since Pangu opened the world, his own brothers would sometimes take action, and he just felt that things were unpredictable.

The immortals of Chanjiao were waiting outside the formation. After seeing their teacher enter the formation, the evil energy in the formation soared into the sky, and the red light shot straight into the thirty-three days. Shocking sounds were heard from time to time in the formation. They were anxious, but they did not dare to go into the formation to see, so they could only wait patiently. Wait patiently outside the array.

After a long time, they finally saw the teacher coming out of the formation. The immortals were overjoyed. However, they saw that Yuanshi Tianzun looked extremely ugly. They knew that the teacher was not very good in the formation, so they all lowered their heads and said nothing, pretending not to see it.

"You will follow me to Lupeng first, and then we can discuss how to break the formation."

Regardless of what happened to his disciples, Yuanshi Tianzun took the immortals and left this place and walked towards Lu Peng.

When they got to the reed tent, Yuanshi Tianzun sat down and said, "The Immortal-killing Sword Formation is the best killing formation in the world. It was used by the Taoist Patriarch and the Tongtian Cult Master to suppress luck. The power is indeed extraordinary, and it is indeed too great to be a teacher." Too small."

(End of this chapter)

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