The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 124 The four saints broke the formation and Tongtian was defeated

Chapter 124 The Four Saints broke the formation and Tongtian was defeated
  "Teacher, this formation is difficult to break, what should I do?"

Yuanshi Tianzun lost the first battle. The disciples did not dare to speak out and looked at each other. In the end, Guangchengzi spoke.

"It doesn't matter! Tongtian relies on the evil formation and acts against heaven. My elder brother will tell him about this matter."

After Yuanshi Tianzun said something, he closed his eyes and said nothing. He expected that the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" could not be broken. After all, the teacher once said that the Four Saints were indestructible. He was just taking this opportunity to test it out. That’s all.

Anyway, secretly, he had already made arrangements. The senior brother would arrive soon, and the Western Sect's lead and Zhunti were already on the way, and everything was under control.

Shouyang Mountain, in the Eight Views Palace.

"I didn't expect that my brother would actually reach this point..."

Taishang Laozi, who was meditating with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of "Jiepaiguan", and sighed softly.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't wait long, only to hear the sound of immortal music coming from above the void.

The strange fragrance is misty, and a green bull with flat horns steps on the auspicious clouds, falling from the sky, and the purple air spreads for three thousand miles.

It was none other than Taishang Laozi, the first disciple of the Xuanmen and the leader of the Human Religion.

"I've met my brother!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was overjoyed, his face straightened, and he quickly stood up to greet him.

"Disciple pays homage to Saint Taiqing, who has a boundless longevity!"

Disciples of the Chan and Western religions came forward one after another to pay homage with great ceremony.

"You are exempt from the courtesy."

I signaled the other disciples to stand up, and then I and Yuanshi Tianzun looked in the direction of the "Zhuxian Sword Formation". They saw the evil spirit soaring into the sky and the fierce sword energy. I couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed the first killing formation in the world, the Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

"Brother, have you ever seen the changes in this Immortal Killing Sword Formation?"

Seeing that the Supreme Master was taking it seriously, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but ask. Firstly, he was concerned about the "Zhuxian Sword Formation"; secondly, he was also trying to gauge how far this unfathomable elder brother had reached.

"Brother, I still can't see the flaw in this Immortal Killing Formation. However, although the Immortal Killing Formation is strong, there is no need to worry if you and I join forces."

Taishang Laozi looked at the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" calmly. He knew that Yuanshi Tianzun had secretly contacted the Western Sect, and two other saints were working together. The four saints were enough to break this formation, so he didn't want to use the most underhanded means. come out.

"Let's go and meet Tongtian first, and then we'll make plans before it's too late."

Not wanting to talk too much about his own affairs, Taishang Laozi said, patting the bull's horns, Banjiao Qingniu understood, and took Taiqing Laozi to the outside of the "Zhuxian Sword Formation".

"Tongtian, why don't you come out to see me?"

Looking at the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" filled with evil energy, I spoke out.

In the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", hearing the voice of the eldest brother, Tongtian Cult Leader couldn't help but frowned. After thinking about it, he still rode Kuiniu out of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"Brother, you are polite!"

For Taishang Laozi, the leader of the Three Pure Ones, Tongtian Cult Master still has great respect. Although he knows that he is the reinforcement invited by Yuanshi Tianzun, he still wants to hear what this elder brother has to say.

The Supreme Master looked at the leader of Tongtian Cult, urged the green bull with a flat horn to come forward, sighed, and said: "My dear brother, what can you say for setting up such a vicious formation?"

"Brother, you shouldn't ask me about this, but ask Yuanshi. If he hadn't allowed his disciples to insult me, how could I have deployed the Immortal Killing Sword Formation?"

Leader Tongtian glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun behind Taishang Laozi, snorted coldly, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Yuanshi Tianzun.


Seeing the complaint from Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly. He originally wanted to argue, but was stopped by the Supreme Master.

"The dynasty in the human world is changing, and the catastrophe of killing gods has begun. You should complete the apotheosis of gods during the change of dynasties. If you remember the love of brothers and the teachings of your teacher, please withdraw this Immortal Killing Sword Formation and lead all the disciples back to Biyou Palace to reflect on it. , don’t try to be aggressive here. If you don’t listen to me, in the end, all of your disciples will be involved in a great disaster.”

Taishang Laozi sighed softly and said.

"Brother, if you favor Yuanshi, then I have nothing to say. If you have the courage, go into the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. I will wait for you all in the formation!"

When the leader of the Tongtian Sect saw what Grand Supreme Lao Tzu said, he knew that his eldest brother had made up his mind to favor Yuanshi Tianzun. He was filled with grief and anger. After saying this, he turned his mount around and turned around the formation without looking back.

Seeing that Taishang Laozi and Master Tongtian had completely turned against each other, Yuanshi Tianzun was relieved and turned back to Lu Peng.

"Since you want me to break the formation, I will first let you run the formation properly so that you don't panic."

Seeing that he had no choice but to take action, the Supreme Master smiled slightly, but he didn't care at all about the ferocity of the "Xianxian Sword Formation", and instead let Tongtian Sect try its best to take action.

"If you come into my formation, I will find a way to capture you!"

The Supreme Shang Laozi's ruthlessness and contempt made the leader of Tongtian Cult furious. He turned around and entered the Zhenxian Sect. Under the "Zhenxian Sword", he waited for me to enter the battle.

Taishang Laozi patted the green ox, then came to the gate of Jiangxian. He urged the green ox, and saw four hoofs, white mist, purple air and red clouds rising up.

Taishang Laozi shook the "Tai Chi Diagram" open again, turned it into a golden bridge, and boldly entered the fairy gate.

When the leader of the Tongtian Cult saw me walking in boldly, he released the "Shangqing Divine Thunder" with one palm, and a loud noise shook the sword on the Xianxian Gate.

As soon as the "Immortal Trapping Sword" moved, the Chaos Sword Qi was activated and shot towards the Supreme Master.

"My dear brother Tongtian, please don't be rude. Look at my crutch!"

When the Supreme Master saw the Tongtian Cult Master using his methods, he smiled slightly and waved the crutch in his hand to hit him in the face.

When Tongtian Cult Master saw me entering the formation, the chaotic sword energy could not hit him. It was as if he was in a deserted place. His face turned red without realizing it. Now that the supreme leader was calling me, he hurriedly parried away the "Qingping Sword" in his hand.

"If you don't know the right way, how can you govern and establish the Pope?"

The Supreme Master smiled and hit him in the face with his crutch again.

The leader of Tongtian was furious and blocked his sword. The two leaders of the great sect fought in the "Zhuxian Sword Formation". For a time, the enemy fought several times without distinction.

At this moment, Yang Jian, who was serving under the canopy, walked towards Yuanshi Tianzun, kowtowed and said: "Yang Jian pays homage to the ancestor. Now there are two saints from the Western religion, Zhunti, waiting outside the canopy."

After Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, he ordered Yun Zhongzi, who was serving on the left and right, and said: "Yun Zhongzi, go and invite the two saints to the canopy."

Hearing this, Yun Zhongzi walked down the canopy and saw a Taoist holding a branch in his hand and a smiling Taoist standing in front of him. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "My disciple Yun Zhongzi has seen Sage Jingyin and Sage Zhunti. Teacher, please The two saints went up to the canopy to talk."

The leading Taoist, Taoist Zhunti, smiled slightly and said, "Fellow Taoist, please lead the way."

Yun Zhongzi hurriedly led Taoist Zhunti to the canopy. Yuanshi Tianzun waited for the two saints from the Western Sect to get on the canopy, then he stood up and said, "Two fellow Taoists, I wonder why you are here today?"

Taoist Zhunti didn't waste any time and said directly: "Fellow Taoist Tongtian disobeyed the destiny and set up the Immortal Killing Formation to block the way of Holy Lord Xiqi to conquer the merchants. It is really unclear, so I, the poor Taoist brothers, came to help fellow Taoist break the formation."

At this time, in the Immortal-killing Sword Formation, Taishang Laozi did not fall behind at all. Even if Tongtian Cult Master repeatedly shocked the "Immortal Trapping Sword" and "Slaying Immortal Sword", he did not fall behind Taishang Laozi. However, being in the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, Taishang Laozi is unwilling to reveal his secret tactics, so it is difficult to capture the Tongtian Cult Leader.

The two sides fought for dozens of rounds, Taishang Laozi knew it well, so he directly withdrew from the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" and returned to Lu Peng.

But in this display of magical power, Taishang Laozi was far better than Yuanshi Tianzun. Even though Tongtian Cult Master used two sword formations, he could not be defeated. From this, it can be seen that Taishang Laozi is worthy of being the first of the six saints. Xuanmen Senior Brother.

The four saints of Renjiao, Chanjiao, and Xijiao each saw the ceremony. On the second day, the four saints led people to the formation again.

"Fellow Taoist Tongtian, the four of us are here to advise you to take care of this formation. How about that?"

A few days ago, in order to suppress the Taoist Lord of Chaos, Zhunti Taoist and Tongtian Cult Leader had a fight in the depths of Chaos, but lost their face and retreated to the Paradise in embarrassment.

This time, four saints took action together, and Taoist Zhunti was the first to step forward to call for battle to regain the lost face.

"Zhunti, come into the formation!"

Leader Tongtian looked at the shameless people in front of him and sneered repeatedly: "Even if the four of you are here, I will still compete with you."

After saying this, the Tongtian Cult Master turned around and entered the formation, but he was unwilling to make excuses with these four people any more.

"Dear Taoist brothers, now the four of me enter one door each so that we can break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation together."

Yuanshi Tianzun knew that Tongtian Cult Leader would not die until he arrived at the Yellow River, so there was no need to talk more, so he directly spoke to the other three people.

"I'm entering the palace." The guide said.

"I am entering Dui Palace." said the Supreme Master Lao Tzu.

"I'm entering Kandi," Taoist Zhunti said.

"I am entering Zhenfang." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

The four cult leaders divided their positions and entered the Immortal Killing Sword Formation together.

Seeing the Four Saints entering the formation together, Master Tongtian showed a trace of hatred on his face. He turned his eyes in a circle, and finally stared at the Zhenfang where Yuanshi Tianzun advanced. That direction corresponded to the Zhuxian Sect.

"Yuanshi! Let me compete with you first!"

, knowing that this time it would be difficult to be virtuous, the leader of the Tongtian Cult on the Bagua Stage struck out the "Shangqing Divine Thunder" with his palm, shaking the "Zhuxian Sword".

The Supreme Killing Sword swayed and immediately inspired a stream of chaotic sword energy to kill Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Tongtian, you are so stubborn and unreasonable, but it is no wonder that you are too harsh on my brother!"

The four saints entered the formation at the same time, but the leader of Tongtian came to him immediately. Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but his face darkened. Qingyun greeted him from above. Thousands of golden flowers, necklaces and beads, came in an endless stream. The chaotic sword energy unexpectedly Don't hurt him.

Yuanshi Tianzun entered the Zhuxian Gate and stood at the Zhuxian Tower.

I saw that it was the Slaughter Immortal Sect that led the leader into the palace.

Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun was helpless, Tongtian Cult Master also activated the divine thunder, vibrating the "Immortal Killing Sword", and sent out sword energy one after another, and shot towards the Taoist Jie Yin.

"Fellow Taoist Tongtian, a killing sword, but it can't help but be a poor Taoist."

The Taoist leader was smiling, and three relics appeared on the top. When the Buddha's light shone, he withstood the sword energy of the "Immortal Killing Sword".

The leader of the Jie Yin Cult moved, entered the Immortal Killing Gate, and stood at the Immortal Killing Tower. No matter how the sword energy of the "Immortal Killing Sword" washed away, he remained motionless forever.

I entered the west and fell into the immortal gate.

The leader of Tongtian Cult fired another divine thunder, shaking the "Immortal Trapping Sword".

I saw the "Xuan Huang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth" appearing on the top of Taishang Laozi. Thousands of rays of light fell down, protecting Taishang Laozi. The sword energy that could shatter the ancient earth could not hurt him at all.

I, the Supreme Being, entered the Fallen Immortal Gate and also stayed at the Fallen Immortal Tower.

When Taoist Zhunti entered the Juexian Sect, he saw the leader of the Tongtian Cult issuing a divine thunder, vibrating the "Juexian Sword" and striking him to death.

"Fellow Taoist Tongtian, I would like to persuade you one last time. Otherwise, if you fall into the trap, don't blame us for bullying you."

Taoist Zhunti felt proud. He held the "Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree" in his hand and the "Green Lotus Flag" above his head. Thousands of green lotuses were released from it, which immobilized the "Jue Immortal Sword" in the sky. Xianque.

The four sect leaders came together to the front of the palace.

"Tongtian, we have all entered your Immortal Killing Formation, what do you want?"

Taishang Laozi waved his hand casually, and released a "Tai Qing Divine Thunder". A loud "bang" sound shook the surrounding areas. A yellow mist rose up in the Zhuxian Formation and dispersed the bloody light in the sky of the Zhuxian Formation.

"So what if the four of you join forces! Pindao will fight you to the death today!"

Seeing the four sect leaders entering the four towers, Tongtian sect leader was furious. In his anger, he even lost his composure and said unstoppable words.

After saying this, although Tongtian Cult Master felt it was inappropriate, he didn't care about it. He picked up the "Qingping Sword" and killed Taoist Jie Yin.

The "twelfth-grade golden lotus" flashed under Taoist Jie Yin, and the lotus flowers flew, supporting the killing sword of the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Seeing this, Taishang Laozi raised his crutch and hit the leader of Tongtian Cult. Yuanshi Tianzun was also not slow in his attack, constantly stimulating the "Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi" and smashed the leader of Tongtian Cult.

"Fellow Taoist, help me!"

The other three saints never really showed their abilities, but Taoist Zhunti remembered the previous time when he lost his revenge. He shook his body, and the Dharma body appeared, with twenty-four poems and eighteen hands, holding the necklace and umbrella. The cover, flower guana, fish intestines, golden bow, silver halberd, blessed pestle, precious file, and gold vase all wrapped up the leader of Tongtian Cult.

The leader of Tongtian was beaten indiscriminately. For a moment, the leader of Tongtian was in a panic and didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing that Master Tongtian had lost his sense of proportion, I turned my head towards Master Tongtian with a flat crutch, which made Master Tongtian's Samadhi real fire burst out.

"Tongtian, if you still haven't retreated from the evil formation, bow your head and admit your mistake!"

As Yuanshi Tianzun said this, he used the "Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi" to add insult to injury and hit the leader of Tongtian Cult hard.

The leader of Tongtian had just waved the "Qingping Sword" to parry Yuanshi Tianzun's "Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi", but he was hit hard by Zhunti's "Devil Subduing Pestle". The leader of Tongtian suddenly lost his balance and rolled down Kui Niu. , the leader of the Tongtian cult has just risen through the earth escape technique.

"Tongtian, please tie your hands quickly, I want to take you to see the teacher!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Master Tongtian stood up, I hit him with another flat crutch, and Master Tongtian was knocked down again.

"Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, Dao Xing, and Yuding, you quickly enter the formation and take down the Four Swords of Killing Immortals!"

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled proudly and used a magical power to travel through the "Zhuxian Sword Formation". The jade-clear immortal light flew towards his four disciples, forming a talisman on each of them.

(End of this chapter)

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