The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 126 The Third Emperor takes action, Emperor Ziwei descends to the realm

Chapter 126 The Three Emperors take action, Emperor Ziwei descends to the realm

This "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" is said to be a large formation, but it is actually composed of countless powerful formations.

Many formations are interlocked with each other, and one move can affect the whole body. The formations have unlimited murderous potential. The first formation is personally presided over by Wu Yunxian, the leader of the Seven Immortals.

"Red sperm, it's up to you to break this time."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the formation in front of him with a sneer, then turned to his disciple Chi Jingjing and ordered.

After the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" was broken, Yuanshi Tianzun no longer looked down on people like Jie Jiao, and naturally he would not look down on people like Wu Yunxian who were born from eggs.

In the eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun, Jiejiao's Daluo Jinxian is no match for Chanjiao's Daluo Jinxian. From the very beginning, Yuanshi Tianzun despises Jiejiao. Even in the past few years, when Chanjiao was at a disadvantage, he risked his face and invited foreign enemies. thoughts in mind.

In the view of Yuanshi Tianzun, the reason for the past failures was simply that there were too many people to intercept the sect. How could this Black Cloud Immortal, a man with hair and horns, be the opponent of his disciples?

There is no need to calculate at all, Chi Jingzhi will definitely live up to his ambition and beat Wu Yunxian to death!
  "Yes! Disciple accepts the order!"

Since it was the teacher's order, there was nothing to worry about. Chi Jing felt relaxed and followed the order.

Who knew that an accident happened, the red sperm entered the formation, and just as he was about to break the formation, Wu Yunxian flew out of the fog in the formation, and raised the magic weapon "Hunyuan Hammer" of the dead Fire Spirit Madonna, with a "boom", that Chi Jing was knocked to the ground by mistake.

"Let's see if you die!"

Wu Yunxian was in the formation, and his figure kept flashing. The red sperm just stood up and used the "Jade Qing Immortal Technique" to protect himself. Unexpectedly, he didn't know that Wu Yunxian had already flashed behind him. Before he could react, Wu Yunxian hit him with "Shangqing" again. Divine Thunder”.

"Ah! It hurts the poor man!"

After being beaten again and falling to the ground, Chi Jing's expression completely changed.

After losing the "Yin-Yang Mirror", although Chi Jingjie still had one or two spiritual treasures to protect him, his grade was not high. How could he be the opponent of Wu Yunxian, the leader of the Seven Immortals who followed him? Before he could get up, he was beaten by that " Hunyuan Hammer" hit him and he fell to the ground.

Wu Yunxian was preparing to give Chi Jingzhi life with another blow. Guangchengzi jumped out and rushed into the formation, shouting: "Wu Yunxian, please don't hurt my fellow Taoist. I'll wait until Pindao comes to meet you."

"Hehe! Pindao has killed the red sperm, and he will settle the score with you again!"

Wu Yunxian didn't listen to Guangchengzi's warning. He hit it with a hammer, and the red sperm's whole head was like a crushed watermelon, with red and white splashing everywhere. Daluo Jinxian, the third member of the Chan Sect, was sent to the list of gods.

The lost "Immortal Killing Sword" was all taken back by Wu Yunxian.

"Haha! Brother Wuyunxian did a great job!"

"What kind of ability does Chanjiao have? If it weren't for the help of outsiders, we would have already put all of Chanjiao on the list of gods!"

"That's right! In addition to looking for foreign aid, it's just using the big one to bully the small ones. If we are in the same realm, I will teach two of them!"

Seeing that their side had achieved a complete victory in the first round, all the immortals on the Jiejiao side laughed, and at the same time, the fear of Chanjiao in their hearts was reduced by three points.

"Wu Yunxian, you killed my junior brother! I will put you on the list right now!"

When Guangchengzi saw the tragic death of the red sperm, his face turned blue with anger, and he waved the "male and female sword" towards Wuyunxian. After a few moves, Guangchengzi's face changed. Wuyunxian was blessed by a large formation, and his body was extremely powerful. He was at ease in the formation, but Guangchengzi's every move cost a lot of mana. In this case, Guangchengzi made an accident, and Wu Yunxian used the "Hunyuan Hammer" again, knocking him to the ground. .

"Guangchengzi, Pindao wants you to be on the list of gods!"

After knocking down Guangchengzi, Wu Yunxian's morale was high, and he was about to hit him again, just like killing the red sperm, sending the senior brother of Chanjiao to the list.

"Wu Yunxian, if you have the ability, you can use the formation to compete with Pindao!"

Seeing the danger, Guangchengzi rolled on the spot without caring about his dignity, and suddenly disappeared. He actually used the Earth Escape Technique and escaped to the northwest out of the range of the formation.

"Go and get it quickly."

Seeing this, the leader of Tongtian Cult showed a smile on his face, and gave instructions to Wu Yunxian. Wuyunxian followed the order and came out of the formation, and then chased Guangchengzi.

These two people are both top figures among Da Luo Jinxian. They are extremely fast. One after another, in just a moment, the two of them have left the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" for hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Guangchengzi, don't run away. Aren't you going to have a fight with Pindao? Why are you so timid?"

Wu Yunxian chased Guangchengzi, and was about to catch up when he suddenly saw three golden lights shooting down from thirty-three days away, and captured Wu Yunxian.

"Huh? Who is it?"

Wu Yunxian was shocked, but the three golden lights were extremely powerful. Wu Yunxian's "Superior Divine Thunder" hit it, but it couldn't be shaken. The "Hunyuan Hammer" also hit it, and the golden light trembled for a while, but it still formed a golden circle. The cage pulled Wu Yunxian and flew towards the thirty-three days away.

At this moment, the light from the west flashed, and Taoist Zhunti suddenly appeared and protected Guangchengzi. He held "six pure bamboos" in his hand and stared at what was happening in front of him in amazement, falling into a dilemma.

"Fellow Taoist Zhunti, Wuyunxian aided Zhou and did not know the fate of the gods. I deliberately captured him to help the Western Zhou Dynasty conquer the Shang Dynasty."

Thirty-three days away, the voice of Holy Emperor Fuxi suddenly came out. These words made Zhunti extremely speechless. However, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race were not ordinary people. Even if he was a saint, he still had to give him this face.

"Since the Three Emperors are helping me, I'll take my leave!"

It was impossible to turn against the three emperors and five emperors of the human race for a mere Wuyun Immortal. In desperation, Taoist Zhunti took Guang Chengzi to say goodbye and flew towards the "Ten Thousand Immortals Array".

"Haha! Brother Huang, your calculation method is still very powerful. I expected that Immortal Wu Yun would be in this kind of disaster."

Huangdi Xuanyuan stood at the door of the small world of "Fire Cloud Cave" and couldn't help but laugh when he saw Taoist Zhunti deflated.

"It's also a fluke. You and I each took action once. I think the four saints have to give us this face. As for other things, you and I are powerless."

Seeing the three golden lights rolling back, Holy Emperor Fuxi chuckled, rolled up his sleeves, and took Wuyun Immortal away. The three emperors then returned to the "Fire Cloud Cave" and continued to pay attention to the battle of saints in the lower realm.

In the human world, after a moment, Taoist Zhunti returned to the canopy with Guang Chengzi with a depressed look on his face.

When the Tongtian leader saw Taoist Zhunti, he suddenly became angry and shouted: "Zhunti! You come to my formation again today, and I will never let you go!"

After saying that, he held the sword in his hand and wanted to step forward to fight with Taoist Zhunti.

"Tongtian, since you want to take action, I will disgrace you!" Originally, Taoist Zhunti was not happy about being cut off halfway, but when he saw the leader of Tongtian, he looked like he wanted to beat him or kill him. Are you so angry that you dare not fight with me and Yuanshi, so you bully Pindao?


When the two saints and enemies met, they were extremely jealous. There was no need to talk nonsense, and they started fighting. In an instant, Taoist Zhunti was suppressed severely, and he was almost knocked to the ground in one round.

This scene immediately shocked Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun. The two saints did not care about watching the show. They stood up suddenly and looked nervously at the battlefield ahead. At the same time, one of the two saints threw out the "Tai Chi Diagram" and the other Play "Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi" to stabilize the earth, water, wind and fire, preventing the decisive battle between the two saints from affecting the entire prehistoric period.

This is not because the master of Tongtian Sect has made great progress, but because this third brother, regardless of being in the ancient land, actually attacked with all his strength and was about to collapse the entire Yin Shang land in an instant.

"Tongtian, how dare you!"

Taoist Zhunti was shocked. He had owed forty-eight great wishes to Heaven. If Dongsheng Shenzhou was destroyed, wouldn't it be the cause and effect that meant he would not reach Heaven?

Taoist Zhunti didn't care about his own face and received a blow from Master Tongtian, but he had to do his best to protect the ancient land.

It is precisely because of this that Zhunti Taoist talent was severely beaten as soon as he came up, and was completely at a disadvantage.

We are both saints. One goes all out and doesn't care, but the other has worries in his heart. How can he be a match?

The saints were fighting each other, and the disciples of the two sects were not idle either. The Qiu Shou Immortal came out of the formation and called the formation to everyone in the Chan sect.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun took the Yuanshi Tianzun's religious treasure "Pangu Banner" into the battle, and with a few moves he subdued the Qiu Shou Immortal and knocked him out of his original form. Later, Lingya Immortal and Jinguang Immortal were defeated by Puxian Zhenren and Cihang Taoist. The two surrendered separately.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Having suppressed Taoist Zhunti, Master Tongtian felt a little relieved, but suddenly he saw that the three disciples were beaten to reveal their true colors, and they became the mounts of Taoist Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Taoist Cihang. His face changed again. Very ugly.

Seeing the fate of his disciples, Master Tongtian was about to force Taoist Zhunti back. He wanted to use the big to bully the small and suppress the three of them, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, and Cihang Taoist, to death.

Then I heard the Holy Mother Guiling shouting: "Teacher, don't be angry, watch me capture the disciples of Chan Cult."

After saying that, he rushed towards Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren and Cihang Taoist with his sword. Seeing this, fearful sun jumped out and said: "Wait a minute, I am here to meet you."

The Holy Mother Guiling fought with the fearful Sun with her sword. After only three or five rounds, the Holy Mother Guiling sacrificed the "sun and moon beads" and struck the fearful sun. The fearful sun rolled his eyes and pretended not to dare to resist, so he turned around and ran away. .

"Afraid of leaving your grandson, where are you going?"

He also wanted to exchange this person for his three junior brothers. How could the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit let him escape? She chased after Fearful Sun with her sword.

"Alas! Senior Sister Guiling has a tragic ending, but she has to be saved!"

On the thirty-third day, in the Ziwei Heaven, when he saw that his senior sister had fallen into Ju Liusun's trick, Emperor Ziwei couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. With his thoughts in mind, he left the "Ziwei Palace", passed through the Nine Heavens Gang Wind Layer, and headed east Go to Shengshenzhou.

The Virgin Mother of the Turtle Spirit was afraid of leaving her grandson to pursue her. She had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. She was in a state of embarrassment. At this moment, the great leader of the Western Sect met the Taoist and suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. This time, Taoist Zhunti learned from the past. , the Taoist leader took action very quickly, protected the fearful grandson, and said to Our Lady of Turtle Spirits: "My fellow Taoist, I don't know how long it will take, so why don't you retreat quickly to avoid being robbed?"

The Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit remained silent. She gave up her last chance and only used her innate spiritual treasure "Sun and Moon Pearl" to hit Taoist Jie Yin.

"It's just a little trick."

Taoist Jieyin smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and saw a green lotus growing on his finger, holding the "Sun and Moon Pearl", but the innate spiritual treasure could not fall down no matter what.

The Taoist who led the guide offered the rosary in his hand again and hit Our Lady of Guiling. Faced with the saint's casual blow, Our Lady of Guiling could not avoid it. She watched the rosary flying towards her and hit her on the forehead. She was hit by the rosary only once. , the original shape appeared, unable to move.

"No, this woman's crime is not worthy of death."

Afraid of leaving Sun Zheng, he wanted to kill the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirits, but was blocked by the Taoist guide.

After all the hard work, regardless of the majesty of the saint, he blocked the outside and let Ju Liusun fish out the five true disciples of Jiejiao. How could he be willing to kill them?
  As long as a person enters the Western Paradise, if he does not believe in the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother and will not surrender, he will join the Western religion sincerely and become the third force in the Western religion.

"Yes! Disciple understands."

Juliusun was a little disappointed, but he did not dare to object to the saint's words. He could only stand aside and glared at the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit fiercely.

"Tong'er, escort the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit back to the Paradise."

He summoned the boy and led the Taoist to use the "Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform" to suppress the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit and take her to the Western Paradise. He and his fearful grandson went to the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation".

"Yes! I will obey the teacher's instructions."

Not long after the boy ushered the Taoist away, he flew towards the west. But halfway, a mosquito suddenly appeared, spread its wings, and with a "buzz" sound, it bit the boy with its mouthparts and sucked it. The boy screamed, and all his blood was sucked dry, turning into a mummy.

"Hehe! It's really a blessing for me to get the treasure, and I can also eat a peak master of Da Luo Jinxian!"

The mosquito sucked up the boy who was being led away. He looked at the "Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform" and the Turtle Spirit Madonna suppressed in it. His eyes lit up. His mouthparts were as sharp as the top innate spiritual treasures and he pointed at the "Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform". Lotus Platform" this treasure was sucked up.

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit was suppressed by the "Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform", but the changes happening outside were clearly visible. Seeing the terrifying mosquito attacking, she wanted to resist but was suppressed by the Buddha's light and could not resist.

"My life is over!"

At this time, I saw that this mosquito had actually broken through the most precious treasure of the Western religion and sucked up three golden lotuses. I was immediately shocked. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring up the magic power. Looking at the ferocious mosquito in front of me, I could only Close your eyes and wait for death.

Just when Taoist Mosquito was about to attack Our Lady of Turtle Spirits, he heard a shout from the distance: "Obstacle! How dare you!"


Regardless of anything else, as soon as Emperor Ziwei appeared, he bombarded him with the "Supreme Purity Divine Thunder". The lightning came in a flash. This was a quasi-sage-level great magical power. With a peak blow, Daluo Jinxian would immediately fly into ashes if he touched it. Annihilation.

"Is it Emperor Ziwei? No, we can't fight. It's better for me to run away."

Taoist Mosquito is also a well-established being. He knew that the person coming was Emperor Ziwei, a quasi-sage level divine power user. He did not dare to be presumptuous, so he threw the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother out of the "Ninth Grade Golden Lotus" and blocked it in front of him. , took the "Nine-grade Lotus Platform" and fled to the horizon.

(End of this chapter)

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