The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 127 The final winner appears, and the three saints of Xuanmen are frustrated

Chapter 127 The final winner appears, and the Three Saints of Xuanmen are frustrated

"Hmph! Spare your life!"

Looking coldly at the Mosquito Taoist who fluttered his wings and flew away, Emperor Ziwei rolled up his sleeves, put away the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, turned around, and flew towards Thirty-Three Heavens and Ziwei Heaven.

As for the others, he had no energy left.

After the Mosquito Taoist flew away, Taoist Receptionist suddenly noticed that his Western Sect's luck had decreased by nearly 30%. He was shocked. After counting with his fingers, he knew the whole story. The "Ninth Grade Golden Lotus" suddenly shone with golden light, and the mosquito The Taoist was startled and quickly dropped it, but fled towards the underworld.

The "Nine-grade Lotus Platform" tickled and hovered in the void for a while. It originally wanted to rush into the Jiuyou underworld and settle the accounts with the mosquito Taoist, but the "Nine-grade Lotus Platform" paused in the void again and unexpectedly changed its direction and headed towards the Western Paradise. Fly back and forth.

In the end, Taoist Jieyin actually suppressed the anger in his heart, temporarily let Taoist Mosquito go, and temporarily solved the cause and effect.

At this time, the gloomy-faced Taoist He Weiliu Sun came to the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" to meet with Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun. He also saw that his junior brother was being oppressed by Tongtian Cult Master, and he immediately became even more angry. This Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun Yuanshi Tianzun crossed the river and demolished the bridge, broke the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", and turned around to plot against his two brothers.

"Tongtian, don't bully my brother!"

Without any time to think about it, Taoist Jingyin immediately killed him, and together with Taoist Zhunti, they fought against the leader of Tongtian. For a while, the three saints fought inextricably. One side had no scruples, the other was afraid of destroying the world, but the two sides maintained a relationship. balance.

"You are saints, but you can only besiege me. Come on, come on, I have done something with you today."

When the leader of Tongtian Cult saw the three relics on the top of the Taoist's head rising up into the sky, emitting golden light, like a turtle shell, it was difficult to break in a short time, so he couldn't help but cursed.

"It's too late to do anything today. Let's meet him again tomorrow."

Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other meaningfully and smiled meaningfully. After that, they ordered Guangchengzi to ring the golden bell and stop fighting today. The Taoist Taoist Jie Yin and Taoist Zhunti forced the leader of Tongtian back and returned to Lupeng with a gloomy look.

"I will let you wait for a while today, but I will definitely meet you tomorrow."

Leader Tongtian couldn't stop him, so he could only say this.

On the second day, four saints, Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Taoist Jie Yin, and Taoist Zhunti, left Lu Peng and came to the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation", preparing to break the formation.

"This six-soul flag is under your control. When my master fights against the Four Saints, and you are asked to wave the six-soul flag, you will wave the six-soul flag."

Seeing the four saints arriving together, the leader of Tongtian Cult knew that he was no match, so he said to Chang Er Dingguang Immortal.

"Yes! Disciple, obey!"

The long-eared Dingguang Immortal took over the "Six Soul Flag", but he had other thoughts in his mind. After seeing his teacher defeated several times and seeing the exquisite skills taught by Western teachers, he already had the intention of surrendering to the enemy.

At this time, he got the "Six Soul Flags", and Chang'er Dingguangxian thought in his heart: "The poor Taoist Zhengchou didn't know how to meet the four saints, so he happened to inform the four saints about this, and used the 'Six Soul Flags' as a close body capital."

Although Tongtian Cult Leader was depressed, he did not feel anything unusual about Long-eared Dingguang Immortal. When he saw the four saints arriving together, he felt murderous intent boiling in his heart. Unfortunately, he had more than enough intention but not enough power.

The leader of the great sect, knowing that he could not do anything, still came to the front of the formation, saw the four saints, Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieying Taoist, and Zhunti Taoist, and shouted: "I will definitely meet with you today! "

The old man urged the green ox away, raised his crutch, and faced the leader of Tongtian Cult, saying: "Today I will decide whether to be male or female with you, and all immortals will suffer. It is in response to your repeated indecision."

Yuanshi Tianzun said to the disciples on the left and right: "Today, you and others have completed this calamity. You must join the formation together to intercept and teach the ten thousand immortals. Don't miss it."

"is teacher!"

After hearing what the teacher said, all the immortals knew that this was the last battle. They all smiled, shouted, and entered the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation" together.

Manjushri Guangfa rode a lion; Samantabhadra rode a white elephant; Taoist Cihang rode a golden-haired rood. They each offered their Dharma signs and killed them randomly in the formation. Seeing this, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit hurriedly led people forward to block the three of them.

Wei Liusun, Yun Zhongzi, Randeng Taoist and others also came to the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation". Jiang Ziya led Yang Jian and other disciples, rushed into the formation, and shouted: "Break the formation today and complete the killing." After the calamity, you will naturally be pure in the future.”

Before Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he saw Lu Ya transforming into Changhong and rushing directly into the formation from a distance.

This Lu Ya offered up a sword that he didn't know where he came from, and with a flash of white light, a human head fell to the ground; Jiang Ziya also offered up the "god-beating whip" in his hand, beating the brains of those who were related to the list of gods, one by one. .

The Ran Deng Taoist held a quasi-saint-level expert in his hand, released the corpse and fanned the "Five Fire Divine Flame Fan", and a hurricane roared with a "hurrah" sound, and thousands of feet of black smoke filled the sky. This fire was neither a fire in the sky nor a fire in the world. , it is the three flavors of true fire.

In the "Ten Thousand Immortals Formation", countless Taiyi Golden Immortals were burned to death. Without Chaos Dao Lord and Kong Xuan to suppress him, the aggrieved deputy leader of the Chanjiao finally exerted the power of the quasi-sage and cut him off. Countless immortals were beaten to death.

I also saw Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, Samantabhadra, and Cihang Taoist. Their faces were divided into blue, red, and white, or they had three heads and six arms, or they had eight heads and six arms, or they had three heads and eight arms, and they were all covered in gold. Protected by lamps, white lotus, orbs, Yingluo, and Huaguang, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit used "Dragon Tiger Jade Ruyi" to parry the three masters for a long time, but after all, they were no match for the three of them. The golden crowns on their heads were knocked into the dust by the three of them, and their hair was scattered. , I was extremely embarrassed for a while.

If it weren't for the tyrannical methods of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the numerous innate spiritual treasures on her body, and the "Four Elephant Tower" on her head, with divine light hanging down to protect her body, invulnerable to all means, a Da Luo Jinxian would have been beaten to ashes and annihilated.

But how dare Manjushri, Samantabhadra, and Taoist Cihang dare to reveal the magical powers of Western religions? This was caused by the Supreme Supreme Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun who sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight, and allowed the leader of Tongtian to beat Taoist Zhunti.

Taoist Zhunti and Taoist Jieyin discussed it for a while, but it was difficult to suppress their bad temper. At this juncture, they directly asked Taoist Randeng, Juliu Sun, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, and Cihang Taoist to judge and join in. Western religion.

Anyway, at this juncture, Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun did not dare to fall out. The two saints, Jie Yin and Zhunti, would give Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun a powerful look.

As long as the Sanqing family is separated, the love is scattered, and they cannot unite together, plus the karma owed by Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, the great rise of Western religion is already a certainty.

At this time, the two saints of the Western Sect did not attack the leader of Tongtian. Taoist Zhunti guarded Taoist Randeng, Ju Liusun, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, and Cihang Taoist to avoid being attacked by the furious Yuanshi Tianzun. Kill them; as for the Taoist guide, they sacrifice the "Qiankun Bag". For a time, all the Jiejiao disciples who have a predestined relationship with the Western Sect are carried away by the "Qiankun Bag". "Jie Yin, Zhunti, you are so shameless!"

Sure enough, even if the Three Pure Ones fought against each other, the three saints still had the ability to clearly see what was happening around them. When Yuanshi Tianzun saw that his disciples had studied Western Buddhism, how could he not know that his own people had judged Buddhism?
  With a "pop" sound, Yuanshi Tianzun spat out a mouthful of golden blood. The overwhelming pride that dominated the heavens and the world was instantly knocked down. At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun felt as if he was dead.

Of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan sect, three died and four were sentenced to death. Less than half of the disciples remained. In addition, the evil thief Ran Deng defected, and most of the power of the Chan sect declined. Not to mention that the next calamity would be to seal the sect. In the peaceful era after the Great Tribulation of God, his sect could not control the prehistoric trend.

"Alas! How could this be?"

A flat crutch knocked over the leader of Tongtian Cult. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe that the results I saw before me were real. Is this the end of the teaching?

There is only one member of Xuandu in his human sect, and the strongest Jie sect was defeated by his two brothers. Didn't he personally lead the wolf into the house and cause Xuanmen to fall?
  Seeing the proud looks of the two saints of the Western Sect, Taishang Laozi was also disappointed. The Great Catastrophe of the Gods and the internal fighting among Xuanmen both suffered losses. The final winner was not Yuanshi Tianzun, himself, or the Master of Tongtian, but the two Western Sects. A saint.

This scene made the Supreme Being so ashamed that he consciously took control of everything. Unexpectedly, it was his three brothers who became the joke in the end.

"Hahaha! Okay! I lost, and you didn't win either!"

At this time, the leader of the Tongtian cult fell off his Taoist crown, his hair was disheveled, and he fell to the ground. He didn't care at all, but laughed heartily, "Jie Yin, Zhunti did a great job!"

At this time, Master Yuding, Yun Zhongzi, and Guangchengzi besieged the Wudang Madonna. Although the Wudang Madonna was embarrassed, she could barely hold on. After the Golden Spirit Madonna arrived, two magic weapons were sacrificed, and Yun Zhongzi and the other three were killed. People dispersed.

Just as the Western sect's leading saint was about to get off his phone, thirty-three days later, the Three Emperors took action again. Three great masters of the late-stage quasi-saints took action at the same time. Immediately, the world was turned upside down. The golden light hit him and he was immediately swept up to the nine heavens, heading towards the thirty-three days.

"Two Taoist friends, Jieyin and Zhunti, Wudang Holy Mother and Jinling Holy Mother have no connection with Western religions. These two people should temporarily stay in Huoyun Cave to cultivate their moral character and repent of the mistakes they made during the great tribulation."

As Huangdi Xuanyuan's voice resounded throughout the world, the holy light of humanity shot straight into the sky, and the Human Emperor's supreme pressure suppressed it. Even the many disciples of the three religions who were fighting changed their colors and stopped one after another. Fighting.

"Now that the Human Emperor has come forward, Pindao will give in again."

Taoist Zhunti looked ugly. After thinking about it, he would have to rely on the human race to preach in the future. He must not harm the three emperors, five emperors and eight quasi-sages of the human race. He had no choice but to admit it and let Xuanyuan Huangdi and the others take away the Holy Mother Wudang and the Holy Mother Golden Spirit.

However, the meaning in Zhunti's words is also very clear, it can be one, it can be two, it cannot be repeated again and again, and it cannot be repeated again and again!

"Thank you Saint Chunti for your understanding."

Fuxi took the words and said with a smile. Anyway, the eight of them only wanted to save the three of them: Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Holy Mother of Wudang, and Wu Yunxian. Even if they settled the cause and effect with Jie Jiao, as for more of their fellow sects, the Three Emperors There is nothing we can do.

On the thirty-third day, Emperor Ziwei stood in front of the "Ziwei Palace" and saw the three emperors taking action. He nodded with relief. Unexpectedly, the master-disciple karma formed back then really yielded unexpected rewards.

The three emperors' enlightenment is just like the saints. They are immortal and have no cause and effect. The laws of heaven are immortal and the human emperor is immortal. They will forever suppress the fate of the human race. I could have stayed out of it, but I didn't expect that I would still remember the kindness of teaching and solving doubts. , at this critical moment, even if the saint was evil, he still rescued the three important Da Luo Jinxian of Jiejiao.

With these three people, plus the Winged Immortal who escaped with Kong Xuan and was hiding somewhere, and several fellow disciples of the "Ziwei Palace", the next day of calamity and interception will not be difficult. At least it is stronger than Renjiao and Chanjiao.

The good old days of just cutting off teachings and ordering orders are gone forever.

In the future, the struggle with the Western religion, the Chan religion, the human religion, and even the demon clan, the shaman clan, and the Shura clan will require a lot of calculations.

At this time, the Chanjiao people waited for the Three Emperors to retreat, and then pursued and killed the Jiejiao disciples again. They heard Taishang Laozi say: "Don't chase them. If they can retreat in time, they are not people in the catastrophe, and they have no chance to be included in the list of gods. Because Let them go.”

At this moment, I don't want to kill everyone. After all, the threat of the Western religion is imminent. Thinking of this, I have a headache. Why bother in the beginning if I can do it now?
  From the beginning, they should have shown mercy to Tongtian so that they could repair their relationship in the future.

Some clever Jie Jiao disciples saw that the situation was not good and had already fled. However, most of the Jie Jiao disciples still resisted bravely. For a while, the Jinxian of the Chan Jiao and the Western Taoist Randen Taoist and others killed the Jie Jiao disciples and their bodies were scattered everywhere. .

"Dingguang Immortal, quickly shake the six soul flags."

Seeing that his disciples were being slaughtered, Tongtian Cult Master was immediately furious and shouted.


After receiving no response from Long-ear Dingguang Immortal for a long time, Tongtian Cult Master was startled, and then showed a trace of anger. With a thought in the saint's mind, he immediately understood that Long-ear Dingguang Immortal had defected and sacrificed his "Six Soul Banner" Contributed to Western Christianity.

It turned out that the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal had already planted the idea of ​​apostasy in his heart after seeing the other four saints several times. This time he took advantage of the chaos and secretly came to the canopy of Chanjiao.

He informed the four saints about this matter, so that they were all prepared and proposed to join the Western religion.

Long-eared Dingguangxian was also a master at the Da Luo Jinxian level, and he presented the "Six Soul Banner" and other poisonous forbidden weapons, so the Taoist guide took him under his sect and joined the Western Sect.

"Okay! Okay! There is such rebellion in my sect! That's it! That's it! In that case, it's okay to not want this ancient world, then just destroy it, create a new world, and rebuild the world!"

Seeing that all the immortals were destroyed and only a few hundred disciples escaped, the leader of Tongtian was disheartened for a moment. His hard work was gone. In anger, the leader wanted to destroy the prehistoric world.


This time, Master Tongtian made up his mind, and the power of the saint unbridled Edongsheng Shenzhou began to radiate in all directions, and the aura of world destruction spread out.

(End of this chapter)

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