The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 128 Hongjun re-refines the world and faces the great calamity of becoming a god

Chapter 128 Hongjun re-refines the world and faces the great calamity of becoming a god
  Suddenly, the whole earth began to shake. In the last calamity and the Lich War, the prehistoric world was already on the verge of fragmentation, but now it has begun to return to chaos.

"Tongtian, how dare you!"

The two saints Jie Yin and Zhunti didn't care about capturing the disciples of Jie Cult. They screamed loudly and took action one after another to suppress the earth, water, wind and fire, and prevent the leader of Tongtian Cult from destroying the world.

The two of them had just picked the fruits of victory and were the biggest winners in the Conferred God Tribulation. Naturally, they were not allowed to allow anyone to overturn the table and start over.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun, who looked at everything in front of him coldly and remained motionless, he had lost all face and became the laughing stock of the three realms. Tongtian destroyed the prehistoric world, and it would not be a bad thing to open the world again. At least he could start over.


Taishang Laozi glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun, and seeing his indifferent look, he knew that the second brother was also a little discouraged. He waved his hand and shot out the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda" and "Tai Chi Diagram" to suppress in all directions.

With a "boom", many treasures from the Wa Palace, Fire Cloud Cave, and Heavenly Court came out, and they all settled in their respective territories. With the saint taking the lead, many great magical powers hidden in the ancient wilderness also began to take action to stabilize the ancient land.

At this moment, the sky trembled, thousands of auspicious clouds, hundreds of millions of auspicious air, and strange fragrance hit, and an old Taoist came holding a bamboo stick in his hand.

The verse says: "Lying high on nine layers of clouds, the truth of the Tao is revealed on a futon. Outside of the Xuanhuang of heaven and earth, I should be the master of teaching. Pangu gave birth to Tai Chi, and the two rituals and four images follow. One teaching teaches three friends, and two religions interpret and divide. Xuanmen all leads the show, and one Qi Hua Hongjun.”

I saw that Dao Ancestor Hongjun waved his sleeve, and the entire ancient land that was in dilapidated condition and was about to be completely shattered was captured by this Dao Ancestor. The fragments of the broken earth around him fell out one after another, and were scattered all around. Stars were formed in the vacuum zones of the continents and four oceans, and then slowly evolved into an endless starry sky.

Planets of acquired origin appeared one after another in the newly born starry sky of the universe. This starry sky cannot withstand the confrontation between powerful people above the immortals. If there are living beings who can transcend, they will need to ascend to another world.

The four major continents and the four seas were captured and refined by Taoist Hongjun with the supreme magic power and the power of heaven, forming a new huge plate. This new condensation The world that emerged transcended the original prehistoric continent and formed a new world.

This world has been condensed to the extreme and can withstand the competition of quasi-sage-level masters. Most of the people above the level of immortals in the three realms of immortality have entered this new world to survive from the infinite mortal universe.

This newly born world is half smaller than the prehistoric continent, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in it has been completely transformed into acquired spiritual energy. Even in the Cave Heaven Paradise, it is difficult for innate spiritual energy to exist, let alone innate spiritual objects.

The only advantage of the new world is that it can withstand the confrontation between powerful people and cannot easily destroy the foundation of the world.

This world will be the "Earth Immortal World" in the future.

As for the thirty-three days, it is still the same, but the power of the laws of heaven and earth has been weakened a lot. Even the immortal level can fly to the thirty-three days at any time.

After Taoist Hongjun had used his great magic power, the six saints Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Master, Jieyin, Zhunti, and Nuwa saw that the teacher had finished his work, and each led a group of disciples to come forward to greet him, knelt down and knelt down and said: " The disciple pays homage to the teacher (master).”

Even Emperor Ziwei, led by the two supreme beings Haotian and Yaochi, went forward to worship together with the gods in heaven.

"Tongtian, you set up the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and fought against the Four Saints, shattering the ancient world and destroying thousands of creatures. What do you say about this?"

Taoist Hongjun had no expression on his face and did not ask anyone to get up. It was obvious that this Taoist was very angry about the destruction of the ancient world, otherwise he would not have manifested himself and personally saved the ancient world.

Seeing that the teacher was angry, the Tongtian leader trembled in his heart, and quickly explained: "Teacher, the two senior brothers bullied my sect, insulted the disciples, and killed the disciples. They did not care about brotherhood and bullied them. They were clearly bullying the teacher. . I hope the teacher has mercy!"

"Yuanshi is also inappropriate in this matter. Although it was caused by calamity, it is also because of your lax restraint. Most of your disciples cause trouble. If I don't come, you will take revenge on each other. When will it happen? I I have come here with great mercy to explain my grievances to you and others, and each of you will be in charge of the Pope, so as not to cause trouble."

Later, Taoist Master Hongjun said to the two or three hundred remaining immortals of Jie Jiao: "Now that the great catastrophe is over, you and others can all return to the cave to cultivate your own innocence in order to transcend."

The loose immortals took their orders and left.

After that, Taoist Hongjun asked other immortals to disperse, leaving only six saints.

Taoist Hongjun waved his hand, and the seven figures had disappeared. The six saints were shocked. When they looked again, they came to the "Purple Sky Palace".

After the six saints sat down according to their respective seats, Taoist Hongjun said: "For the purpose of canonizing the gods. The saints fought hard, causing mountains and rivers to collapse, the wilderness to be shattered, and thousands of creatures to be robbed. Although it was a calamity, but the six of you were also Everyone is at fault.”

The six saints did not dare to quibble. Even the Nuwa Empress stood up and worshiped: "Please forgive me, teacher."

Hongjun Daozu continued: "Now the broken prehistoric world has been spliced ​​together by Pindao and named the Earth Immortal Realm. Let him leave the fragments of the prehistoric world. After the canonization of the gods is completed, you can move the mountain gate to the Earth Immortal Realm. "

"This time the apotheosis is due to calamity, although there are many casualties among the disciples of the two sects. Yuanshi and Tongtian, you don't have to hate each other. Each of you returns to the Immortal Palace, and you don't have to kill living beings. In addition, the saints all have to enter the chaos to open up a dojo, not heaven and earth. A saint cannot escape from the great calamity."

Except for Nuwa, who has been living in the chaos, the six saints have stayed in the primitive world to suppress the fate of their respective sects. Now what Taozu said, doesn't it mean that they should all guard the border?
  But having witnessed the great power of the teacher before, even the saint did not dare to object. After a moment of silence, the Supreme Master said, "We have various sects that need to be settled. Can we enter the chaos later?"

As soon as these words came out, other saints also looked at the teacher, only to hear Hongjun Taoist Patriarch say: "Then I will give you three thousand years to deal with your own affairs, but you are not allowed to cause trouble, otherwise you will knock down the holy throne."

"Yes! I will obey my master's orders!"

The six saints were shocked. This was the first time they heard such a severe admonishment from their teacher. They all stood up quickly and promised not to do anything again.

Daozu Hongjun nodded, then disappeared. After seeing the teacher leaving, Taishang Laozi said to the five saints: "Since the teacher has spoken, we should obey and disperse! "

After saying that, Taishang Laozi rode on the green ox and left.

After watching a good show, Nuwa Empress smiled softly, turned around and left, returning to the "Wa Palace".


With a cold snort, Master Tongtian looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and sneered again and again, without saying much, he returned directly to "Biyou Palace".

"Hey, fellow Taoist Yuanshi, don't forget your promise!" Jie Yin and Zhunti did not give Yuanshi Tianzun a chance to speak. They agreed and left to digest the results of this victory.

Yuanshi Tianzun was the only one left in the entire "Zixiao Palace". His expression was extremely ugly. It seemed that Chanjiao was the winner, but in fact, Chanjiao was even worse than Jiejiao.

The five true disciples of Jie Jiao have saved four of them, as well as Yun Xiao and Zhao Gongming, the tyrannical disciples of Daluo Jinxian. Next, the saint will not be able to take action unless there is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Chan Jiao may not even be able to enjoy the fruits of victory in this battle. , it can be said that he worked in vain, and got nothing except heavy losses.

This is the legendary saying that harming others is not beneficial to oneself, and everything is in vain.

With a long sigh, Yuanshi Tianzun returned to the Earth Immortal Realm. After giving Jiang Ziya all the instructions, he left with the Antarctic Immortal, Yun Zhongzi, Baihe Boy, and the remaining five True Legend Da Luo Jinxian.

Only a few three generations of disciples of the Chan Cult were left to assist Jiang Ziya to complete the change of dynasty in the world.

Jiejiao has been defeated, and naturally there will be no Xuanmen masters to block the way. The remaining immortals and demons who do not know the destiny are naturally no match for Yang Jian and others. The Yin Shang cannot stop the advance of Xiqi's army.

After defeating the generals all the way, passing through Chi County, Xiqi gathered eight hundred princes, and then went smoothly all the way to the outside of Chaoge City.

At this time, Chaoge's situation was over. Although there were loyal and brave men, the Yin and Shang soldiers had no morale at all. They faced the eight hundred princes led by Xiqi outside Chaoge City. In the end, they could not resist it. Erlai, Lei Peng and others fought hard and fought hard. die.

Xiqi was not injured in this battle, but an important figure among the eight hundred princes died inexplicably in the battle. Anyone with a discerning eye would naturally know what was going on, but because Xiqi was so powerful, many small princes dared not speak out in anger.

Yin Shang Mountain was running out of water. When the nine-tailed fox and other three demons saw this, they knew that Yin Shang was already sunset and was about to be finished, so they agreed to leave Chaoge and go to their lair.

The three demons petitioned King Zhou to lead troops with the national counselor Shen Gongbao to stop Xiqi's army. They wanted to escape secretly, but they were blocked by Yang Jian, Wei Hu and others, as well as Lu Ya and other Sanxian masters. This time, fortunately, there were Lu Ya is in Xiqi's army, otherwise Shen Gongbao and Nine-tailed Fox suddenly show the strength of Daluo Jinxian, and all three generations of Xiqi's disciples will be wiped out!
  Even so, after the war, only Yang Jian was left in the third generation of Chanjiao. Wei Hu was so frightened that he also escaped from the battle and joined the Western Paradise.

Once the gods were enthroned and the teachings were explained, there were three or two big cats and kittens, and only ten people were left. It can be said that they were completely in decline.

Shen Gongbao and the three nine-tailed fox demons were captured by Lu Ya and handed over to Jiang Ziya for beheading. Immediately, the four true spirits went to the Conferred God Platform.

Hearing that the powerful national master and the three princesses were dead, King Zhou completely lost hope. He came to Zhaixing Tower and ordered his servants to find firewood and pile it downstairs.

The servant raised a fire and burned the dry firewood downstairs. Only the smoke was rising into the sky, the wind was fierce, and the Zhaixing Tower became a sea of ​​fire. As King Zhou was buried in the sea of ​​fire, the Yin and Shang Dynasties came to an end, and the Dongsheng Shenzhou in the earthly immortal world completed the change of dynasties. .

Ji Fa took over the throne of the emperor, and then generously rewarded the princes, making almost everyone in the Ji clan a prince. With the blood relationship of the same clan and the same origin, he intended to protect his country in the Western Zhou Dynasty for generations to come.

After Jiang Ziya returned to Xiqi, he went to the Conferring God Platform to confer the gods, preparing to complete the final conferring of gods and end this catastrophe.

On the Conferring Gods Stage, the high-hanging Canonized Gods List flutters in the wind. The true souls of many people on the Conferred Gods List of the three religions are protected by this treasure, and their seals are engraved in it. Some with shallow qualifications and no blessings from the divine way have been reincarnated.

In addition to those who are on the list of gods, there are also some people who have not perished in the great catastrophe of the gods, and they also have priesthood, but these people want to become gods in the flesh.

Now that everyone from the Chanjiao side had gathered, Jiang Ziya asked people to roll their names to see if all the 365 eight righteous gods were gathered.

"There are still four people left."

Hearing someone reporting back, Jiang Ziya pretended not to know and asked loudly: "Are Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao and Qiongxiao here?"

This was Yuanshi Tianzun's final plan. Chanjiao had suffered a tragic victory and was completely defeated, while Jiejiao still had some remaining strength. He wanted to become a god in the flesh and seal several outstanding disciples of Jiejiao into heaven as gods.

As long as Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao go to Heaven, they will inevitably have trivial matters in the future, and naturally it will be difficult to settle down and practice seriously. This can be regarded as the last time to hinder the development of Jiejiao with the right to become gods.

And Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao were originally famous people on the list of gods. The four of them did not kill three corpses. Although their roots were deep and their cause and effect were shallow, they had to be put aside by Yuanshi Tianzun.

This time he was classified as a priest again, and there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, the list of gods is in the hands of Chanjiao. As long as Yuanshi Tianzun does not randomly divide the titles, even if he tampered with a few places, he will not lead to Hongjun Daozu. Even the leader of Tongtian cannot risk his death for such a trivial matter. risk, and have another encounter with Yuanshi Tianzun.

The killing and calamity of gods are differentiated according to their root nature.

Those with deep roots will enter the immortal way after passing through the tribulation of killing; those with shallow roots will enter the divine way after experiencing the tribulation of killing; those with deep roots will enter reincarnation and be reincarnated according to the six paths; those with the last will turn into ashes.

"Jiang Ziya, what do you mean? The four senior brothers and sisters Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao are not on the list, why do they come to listen to the title?"

Many of the Jiejiao true spirits in the list of gods shouted angrily.

"You beasts, this is the teacher's order, how dare you quibble? Everyone in the teaching system is not a human being."

Jiang Ziya believed that he had the "God Beating Whip" in his hand and had the destiny to become a god, so he yelled and cursed at the many true spirits of Jiejiao, and at the same time, he raised the "God Beating Whip" in his hand as a threat.

"Who do you think is not a son of man? Jiang Ziya, if you dare to hurt a fellow disciple of mine, I will fight to the death with you!"

At this time, there was a loud shout from the horizon, and everyone looked for the reputation. It turned out that it was Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao who had arrived. Among them, Bixiao saw that his fellow disciples were being humiliated, and he was so angry that he shouted loudly.

Jiang Ziya had seen how powerful Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao were, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Yang Jian frowned and shouted: "Uncle Master was ordered to become a god by the order of the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, but you are messing around for no reason, but what's the point? Do you want to violate the decree of the saint?"

(End of this chapter)

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