The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 129 Jiang Shang became a god and led Zhunti to establish Buddhism

Chapter 129 Jiang Shang became a god and led Zhunti to establish Buddhism

"Uncle Yuanshi is a saint, isn't my teacher a saint? The four of us are also here to obey the teacher's order. This killing calamity is over. Don't think you have won. In the future, you and I will have to do it again. One game!”

Yunxiao said coldly, holding Bixiao to prevent her straightforward girl from talking nonsense, for fear that disaster would come out of her mouth.

The same words spoken by different people have different effects.

Yunxiao is different from Bixiao. He has powerful magic power and is a powerful person at the peak of Daluo Jinxian. Faced with such a being who can kill him with one slap, Yang Jian does not dare to say anything and can only bow his head and remain silent.

Jiang Ziya also pretended not to hear. As for the next calamity matter, he naturally couldn't control it. I just hope that in this life, I can enjoy all the glory and wealth in the world, and in the next life, my fellow disciples will come to help me become an immortal.

The five Da Luo Jinxian of Guangchengzi of Chanjiao were depressed and unwilling to argue with Yunxiao and the others. There were only five of their true disciples left in the huge Chanjiao. It is conceivable that they had no intention of quarreling.
  What's more, a emaciated camel is bigger than a horse. Although Chaos Dao Lord has been suppressed now, ten thousand years will pass in just one nap.

This second-generation strongest of the three religions, together with San Xiao, Zhao Gongming, and other masters such as Jin Ling Shen Shen, Wu Dang Shen Shen, Gui Ling Shen Shen, Wu Yun Xian, Yu Yi Xian and others who had narrowly escaped the disaster, they Chanjiao is really no match!
  Seeing that the people who taught Chan had no intention of shouting with them, Yunxiao and the others stopped talking and waited for the Conferring of Gods to end and go through the scene.

"I am hereby ordered by the Supreme Emperor and Yuan Shi: Bai Jian used to be the commander-in-chief of the Xuanyuan Emperor's army. He had made great achievements in the conquest of Chiyou. Unfortunately, he died in Beihai. He sacrificed his life to serve the country. His loyalty is commendable! He has always been in ruins, and his injustice is especially pitiable. Fortunately, he met Jiang Shang has been granted the title of deity for his outstanding achievements in guarding the platform, and he has been given a special treasure to comfort your loyal soul. Now I entrust Bai Jian to the post of the 365 Qingfu Zhengshen of the eight divisions of the leaders of the three realms."

The time has come, Jiang Ziya coughed, cleared his throat, and began to divide the gods.


Upon hearing this, Sanxiao, Zhao Gongming and others sneered. Such a high position, the head of the righteous gods, was actually given to a common man. He could have such a good life just by guarding the altar of gods. Explain the selfishness of teachings. Heavy, really ridiculous.

It's just that this Bai Jian is a general of Huangdi Xuanyuan after all. Jie Jiao didn't want to say more. He just sneered and looked at the pretentious Jiang Ziya with disdain.

Hearing the cold snort, Jiang Ziya frowned slightly and pretended not to hear. Then, he ennobled the eight righteous gods one by one. Starting from the leader of the three realms, Bai Jian, the righteous god of Qingfu, Biling, the righteous god of the three mountains. Gonghuang Tianhua.

The righteous gods of the Five Mountains: Huang Feihu, the great emperor of Tianqi Rensheng in Mount Tai of Dongyue, Chongheihu, the great emperor of Sitianzhaosheng in Nanyue Hengshan, Wenpin, the great emperor of Zhongtian Chongsheng in Songshan Mountain in Zhongyue, Cui Ying, the Xuansheng emperor of Antian in Beiyue, and Yuansheng emperor of Jintian in Huashan in Xiyue Jiang Xiong, Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun Wenzhong.

The twenty-four heavenly kings of the thunder tribe who urge the clouds, help the rain, and protect the Dharma, Luo Xuan, the righteous god of the three southern qi fire virtue stars, and the five righteous gods of the fire ministry...

When the three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods were consecrated, the Jiejiao and Chanjiao immortals who had previously died and disappeared began to be consecrated to gods by the "Gods List" and condensed into new bodies.

And Zhao Gongming was named a God of Wealth; while Yunxiao was in charge of the "Hunyuan Gold" Dou, specializing in the succession of heavens, and everyone who responded to immortals, mortals, people, saints, princes, emperors, nobles, humbles, virtuous, and foolish, followed first when they landed. The golden battle turns to calamity, and you must not go beyond this, in order to sense the position of the righteous god who follows the world.

Bixiao and Qiongxiao were of low status and were granted insignificant status as gods. The four of them stepped forward to worship and accepted the order. After receiving the order, they said a few words to many of their fellow disciples, agreed to meet again in heaven, and then turned around and left.

Before leaving, Qiong Xiao looked at the disciples of Chan Cult and sneered a few times: "Let you be proud for a while, and we will worry about it later."

Jiang Ziya and others' faces were ashen, and many of the people on the list of Jie Jiao had their bodies condensed from the "God List" after Jiang Ziya was entrusted. Wen Zhong and a group of Jie Jiao disciples stood aside and gloated at their misfortune.

Now, although they have become gods and no longer have the possibility of killing corpses and becoming quasi-sages, at least they have a place to go. They do not have the freedom of immortality, but they have a lot of authority, and they can enjoy the incense of the world.

Although Shen Gongbao was also a person who explained the religion, he stood on the side of the Jiejiao. He pointed at Jiang Ziya and cursed: "Jiang Shang! Although I am on the 'God List' and has become Zhoutian Zhengshen, I have no future, but look at yourself. , in another hundred years, you will grow old and die! You may not be able to achieve immortality in your next reincarnation, hahaha!"


As soon as Shen Gongbao said these words, all the immortals of Jiejiao and the important officials of Yin and Shang Dynasty laughed wildly, and their voices resounded throughout the heaven and earth.


Jiang Ziya's face turned red and then turned pale. Shen Gongbao's words touched the heart of this destined man. Even these Zhou Tianzhengs were the existences he needed to look up to.

Seeing this group of losers showing off their power in front of him, it's strange that Jiang Ziya felt better.

By the time the gods of Jiejiao were in heaven, they all went to serve in the Thirty-three Heavens.

Master Taiyi, Master Huanglong, and Chi Jingjing from the Chantology side, along with many third-generation disciples, stepped forward to comfort Jiang Ziya.

"That's right! Junior Brother Jiang, you can rest assured that in the next life, I will personally save you for my brother!"

Guangchengzi also stepped forward to comfort Jiang Ziya. At the same time, Master Yuding and others also came forward to talk to Master Taiyi and other people on the list, explaining that everyone felt relaxed and not worried about having a difficult life in heaven in the future.

The person who canonize the gods is Jiang Ziya. All the Chanjiao people on the list have a good place to go, and they are also cared for by Emperor Anji, one of the six emperors. They are not afraid of Jiejiao and the Jade Emperor making things difficult for them.

Afterwards, the immortals and gods dispersed and performed their respective duties. Guangchengzi and others also shouldered the heavy responsibility of Guangda's teaching, passing on the Taoism and preparing for the next calamity.

In the following hundreds of years, the immortals of the four Buddhist religions, after passing down their Taoism, completely abandoned the mortal universe and moved their respective Taoist temples to the immortal world.

The Earthly Immortal Realm has also become the front line in the battle between Immortal Dao and Immortal Dao.

Emperor Ziwei has also lived in the "Biyou Palace" in recent years, keeping company with the teacher, persuading the teacher, and alleviating the depression in the teacher's heart.

With Li Yunjing as his companion, Master Tongtian gradually calmed down the depression in his heart after nearly a thousand years. During this period, he also explained the Great Way of Saints to Li Yunjing, mostly about Xuanmen Dafa and Pangu Great Way. In the past thousand years, Emperor Ziwei's cultivation Wei also made rapid progress, although he was limited by his own body and could not break through the realm.

But this good corpse completely mastered all the ways of cultivation after the quasi-sage, and even the realm after the saint, the leader of Tongtian taught him a story.

As long as the days of being suppressed by this deity are over, and these mantras are obtained, evil corpses can be killed immediately, and thus one can be promoted to a quasi-sage late-stage master, and become a being comparable to the veteran great supernatural powers!

"Huanzi, in the future, I will open a dojo in Chaos for my master. You will have full authority to handle the matter of the Jie Jiao. From now on, you will be the deputy leader of the Jie Jiao."

On this day, after the sermon was finished, Master Tongtian looked at Li Yunjing with a complex expression. It was this disciple who could see far. If he had listened to his words to a certain extent, Jiejiao would not have suffered such heavy losses. "Yes! Teacher, please rest assured! In the future, my disciples will definitely enlighten and intercept the teachings. The cause and effect of Western teachings and Chan teachings will be resolved by my disciples."

Emperor Ziwei bowed and said firmly.

"Alas! Not all of those disciples who were transferred to the Western Sect have the intention to criticize the Sect. In the future, if you are not an enemy of the Jie Sect, you should not cause trouble to them."

Leader Tongtian sighed and said again.

After teaching Emperor Ziwei for thousands of years, Master Tongtian knew more or less what the disciple Huan Chaosi was capable of. He was very satisfied with this outstanding disciple.

In an era without saints, as long as Chaoszi escapes from disaster, he will surely sweep through all religions and become one of the top masters in the world. Chaoszi also has many powerful innate spiritual treasures in his hands, and even veteran masters with great supernatural powers cannot defeat them. Its defeated.

Jiejiao is run by Li Yunjing, and Tongtian Cult Leader is not worried. However, this tough leader of the great sect is a little worried about his disciples who have left Jiejiao, for fear that the Chaos Sons will come out and clean up the sect.

"Teacher, I understand what you mean."

Emperor Ziwei was filled with emotion. The teacher was so kind to his disciples. If there was someone who didn't remember the kindness between Jie Jiao and the teacher, he would never let it go!

"Well, I've taught you everything I need to teach you, so go ahead!"

The leader of Tongtian Cult waved his hand and asked Li Yunjing to leave Jin'ao Island.

After Emperor Ziwei left, he summoned his disciples Yuan Hong, Su Daji, and his two boys to move the "Wuyi Mountain" dojo to the new center of "Nanbu Continent" with supreme power.


The stars in the sky cast their boundless starlight in the daytime, and the entire earthly immortal world saw the wonders of heaven and earth happening in Nanfangbu Continent. Emperor Ziwei displayed the Dharma of Heaven and Earth, with his entire body level with the sky, holding up "Wuyi Mountain" with one hand. ", with the mighty momentum of the gods, it crushed all the forces in the center of Nanfangbuzhou.

The "Wuyi Mountain" fell heavily, shaking the entire Nanfangbu Continent.

This scene shocked the people of the Monster Clan, the Witch Clan, the Western Sect, the Chan Sect, the Human Sect, and even the Jie Jiao. This was the first big move of the Jie Jiao after the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods.

In a thousand years, in the Earthly Immortal World, some greedy little immortals in the new Nanfangbu Continent thought that the best area of ​​this continent was unoccupied and they could take advantage. Who would have thought that today, a disaster would fall from the sky, and Zi Emperor Wei used the blood of thousands of immortals here to warn all forces in the earth and immortal world that the Taoist Lord of Chaos still has the final say in Nanfangbu Continent!
  In the Biyou Palace, the leader of Tongtian Cult looked at Nanfangbuzhou and couldn't help but smile. This disciple seemed to be humble and polite, but in fact his personality was the same as him, he was extremely tough and conceited.

It's just that in the era of saints, Chaoszi's low profile concealed his edge. Now even saints can't take action. This is the best era for Chaoszi. As for whether this disciple can prove the Tao, it all depends on himself.

After Emperor Ziwei left, Master Tongtian also summoned the Holy Mother of Jin Ling, Holy Mother of Wudang, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit and others, and told them that in the future, Chaos Dao Lord will be the master of Jiejiao, and they need to cooperate fully.

The three true disciples naturally have no objections to the teacher's arrangement. Junior Brother Chaos is not only a quasi-sage master, but also saved their lives in this catastrophe. Otherwise, they would either die or be on the list of gods, at least for countless catastrophes. Unable to escape before.

Later, the decree of the Master of Tongtian Sect was passed down, and the remaining two to three hundred disciples of Jie Jie Sect knew about their teacher's decision, and they very much agreed with it. At least in the era when there were no saints, Jie Jie Sect still had the protection of quasi-sages, and these fellow disciples could also be safer. .

At this time, the Western Paradise.

After Jiang Ziya became a deity, Taoist Jieyin introduced Taoist Randeneng, Fearful Sun, Puxian Zhenren, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and Cihang respectively into the sect, and established Taoist Randeng as the acting leader of the Western Sect. Respectfully call him the past Buddha.

"Today is the auspicious day of the zodiac. I, the Western religion, want to change my name to Buddhism. I am Amitabha Buddha!"

After making arrangements for the future, there was a hint of determination in the Taoist's voice. This matter had obviously been planned for a long time.

Master Zhunti continued: "I have evolved into the lotus flower in the West. When the flower blooms, everyone will see me."

"When Buddhism is established, there should be three Buddhas: past, present and future."

"Bodhisattva: all living beings of the Tao, enlightened sentient beings, great enlightened sentient beings, and all beings with a Tao mind; those who seek the Tao and seek the Great Enlightenment, those with a great heart who seek the Tao. Bodhi means enlightenment, wisdom, and Tao; Sattva means all living beings and sentient beings." Those who use supreme Bodhi, transform sentient beings with compassion, practice all paramādhi practices, and achieve Buddhahood in the future. That is, those who are perfect in self-interest and altruism, and bravely pursue Bodhi..."

The voices of the two saints came out loudly, and Qingyun appeared directly above their heads.

The quasi-carrying object is a golden body with thirty-four heads and eighteen hands. Each of the eighteen hands holds a necklace, an umbrella cover, a flower stick, a fish intestine, a golden bow, a silver halberd, a white ax, a banner, and a blessing. With the sacred pestle, precious file, silver vase and other objects, Zhunti said: "Immeasurable Life Buddha."

But among the Qingyun above Jieyin's head was a relic on the "twelve-story lotus platform". The relic turned into a golden Buddha statue, holding a treasure banner, and the Qingyun turned into Buddha's light. Taoist Jieyin said: "Amitabha!"

Theravada Buddhism was established and every time a Buddha or Bodhisattva was canonized, the destiny of Buddhism would become stronger.

When the division of Bodhisattvas and Arhats was completed, a golden light condensed into the giant Buddha on the Lingshan Mountain in the west.

The Taoist said: Amitabha, shocking the three realms.

The major forces in the mortal universe, the Earthly Immortal Realm, the Nine Nether Underworld, and the Thirty-three Heavens all looked towards the Western Paradise, and all of them looked horrified.

Sensing the changes in the Western Paradise, even the four saints Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, and Nuwa Empress were shocked. The two Western Saints actually took advantage of the fact that the saints could not control the situation in the fairy world and took advantage of the mysterious situation. door, and a side door was built.

This is simply a huge event!

"If it's not Xuanmen, it's leftist. How can luck be long-lasting? Although there is no superior or inferior Dao, Pangu opened the sky, Hongjun became Taoist, Xuanmen is the authentic sect, and although Buddhism flourishes, it cannot last long."

In the Wuyi Mountain Dojo, Emperor Ziwei also sensed the changes in Xiniu Hezhou, and couldn't help but sneer, disdainful of the birth of Buddhism in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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