The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 130 6 Saints Guard the Border, Many Treasures Turn Hu into a Buddha

Chapter 130 Six Saints guard the border, and many treasures turn Hu into a Buddha

"Western Religion" was to be renamed "Buddhism", and the four saints were surprised in their hearts. They must know that regardless of whether they are Human Religion, Chan Religion, or Jie Religion, although their names are different, they all belong to the Taoism taught by Hongjun.

"Hahaha! My great enemies are all seeking their own death. How wonderful! How wonderful!"

Seeing this, the leader of the Tongtian cult couldn't help laughing. He opened his eyes, and a stream of clear air rushed out from the back of his head, forming a Tao flower. The five qi appeared as white waves. The white waves rolled endlessly, and the three flowers hung on them, fixing the white waves, and then Countless pure immortal energies hang down.

"Jie Yin, Zhunti, you two, please don't be so arrogant. I'll wait until I pay back my karma before I do anything with you again!"

Yuanshi Tianzun also sneered again and again. He pointed with his hand and saw that the sky was wide open. A stream of clear air rushed out from behind his head, hanging above his head. There were also three flowers appearing. The clear air was rolling. There were also "Pangu Banner" and "Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi". "Hung above it, agate, pearls, emeralds, umbrella canopies, colored glaze, etc. appear in it, golden flowers hang down endlessly, and are surrounded by auspicious clouds.

"It is true that external forces cannot stop the great fortune of Buddhism, but if something goes wrong internally."

Taishang Laozi murmured to himself, and finally his voice became lower and lower, almost inaudible. He stretched out his hand and saw auspicious clouds curling up, and three lights appeared on his head, thousands of miles away, as clear as water, and the three qi formed a Dao flower. The Qi appears as auspicious clouds, and the flower appears on the top of the sea of ​​clouds.

Then he pointed with his hand, and a green lotus emerged from the sea of ​​clouds. On it were the "Tai Chi Diagram" and the "Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth".

"Zhunti, this calamity of cause and effect will come to an end on its own!"

In the "Wa Palace", a trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Empress Nuwa. The cause and effect in the Great Tribulation of the Gods has not been resolved. It was still because of the collusion of the four saints. Even if she took action, she would be humiliating herself. Now, the lead and the quasi-destroying Xuanmen , naturally there is no foreign aid, and the next calamity will be measured and the right opportunity can be found to avenge this!
  This uncontested female saint also appeared in Dharmakaya, with colorful clouds appearing above her head. Above the clouds hung the "Mountains, Rivers and Shenji Map", with thousands of auspicious auras, golden light flashing, and lingering fragrance.

The six saints each showed their Qingyun and Dharma appearances to express their respective positions.

However, according to the words of Taoist Hongjun, saints cannot fight, so Nuwa Empress was the first to take away the Dharma Body and eliminate the vision.

Then, Taishang Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun also accepted the vision. These two saints took advantage of people's short hands, cannibalized people's short mouths, and fought with gods. They owed the cause and effect of the two saints of Buddhism and could not embarrass them. This move was also He just stated his position and spoke out against it.

When the leader of the Tongtian Cult saw that the other three saints had absorbed the vision, he also absorbed the magical power and directly used his great magic power to urge "Jin'ao Island" to fly towards the thirty-three days away. However, he was preparing to open up a dojo in the chaos and ignored the secular affairs. .

All the Immortals of the Intercepting Sect gathered in the "Biyou Palace". The leader of the Tongtian Sect cast a spell to protect the "Jin'ao Island" and came into the chaos. He raised his palms and the sound of "rumbling" thunder resounded, and one after another " The "Shangqing Shen Lei" was activated.

Many disciples in "Biyou Palace", watching the leader open the sky, also felt chills at the most familiar "Shangqing Divine Thunder". When this thunder is compared with theirs in the hands of the leader, it is like heaven and earth. The gap is huge. quantity.

I saw the "Supreme Pure Divine Thunder" exploding in the chaos, with "rumbling" explosions. The chaos suddenly separated yin and yang, and earth, water, fire and wind emerged.

Among the immortals, Emperor Ziwei has the deepest cultivation. The saint has infinite mysteries in opening the sky, opening the way to the sky, and the evolution of the world. This is a supreme opportunity. Li Yunjing's mind is frantically calculating all the scenes in front of him.

He has the deepest understanding of the thunder method, which destroys the inheritance of the demon god. There are also many thunder methods that destroy the world. Destruction and rebirth are at the same time. The thunder method splits the chaos and gives birth to the world in the endless void.

At this moment, Li Yunjing passed the calculation in his mind. He used many innate spiritual treasures to suppress the earth, water, wind and fire, and it might not be impossible to open up a world in the chaos.

It's just that compared to the saint, his methods are still too immature, and there is no way that the leader can be so relaxed.

While calculating his own power to create the world, Emperor Ziwei saw the land opened up by the "Shangqing Divine Thunder". The power of the infinite laws of the saint was infused into it. The world has begun to slowly take shape. The sun, moon and stars are shining, and mountains, rivers and lakes are forming. Formed, the whole world is full of vitality.

"Jin'ao Island" slowly flies into the new world, integrating into it bit by bit, just like the world. The entire "Biyou Palace" is located in the middle of this world, surrounded by green mountains and green waters.

Master Tongtian, with a little finger, wrote the words "Yu Yutian" on the door of "Biyou Palace". This will be the dojo of Master Tongtian in the future, the Holy Land of Shangqing.

With Master Tongtian taking the lead, other saints also moved their dojos into chaos.

Then Taishang Laozi moved the "Eight Views Palace" from Shouyang Mountain thirty-three days away. That place was the famous "Great Red Sky", also known as the Holy Land of Taiqing.

Yuanshi Tianzun also moved out of "Kunlun Mountain", opened up "Miluo Tian" in the chaos, and moved "Yuxu Palace" to Yuqing Holy Land.

The Paradise of Paradise and the Xieyue Sanxing Cave of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain in Zhunti were also settled in the newly opened Chaos Dojo. From then on, they were far away from the Jiuyou underworld, the mortal world, the earthly immortal world, and the Thirty-Three Heavens.

In this way, after the Battle of the Gods, within three thousand years, the three realms of heaven, earth and man were separated, and the gods returned to their places.

The six saints were banned by Taoist Hongjun and could not manifest the Three Realms. They could only go thirty-three days away to meditate in chaos, guard the borders of the ancient world, and no longer easily interfere with the affairs of the Three Realms.

Of course, rules are dead and people are alive. I still have the responsibility to educate the human race and need to walk in the human world. In addition, his good corpse Taishang Laojun still sits in the "Tushita Palace" in heaven, in the three realms. , the leader of the People's Religion still has great influence.

Seeing this, Saint Zhunti, this shameless saint, also created an incarnation and lived in seclusion in the immortal world. This incarnation did not have the power of a saint, but had ordinary quasi-saint level combat power. It can be regarded as capturing Taoist Hongjun. A loophole.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, Amitabha Buddha, and Nuwa Empress, they didn't have that intention. They each lived in seclusion in the dojo, and the remaining matters were naturally handled by their disciples.

After King Wu of Zhou Jifa conquered the world, the world was at peace, and the Western Zhou Dynasty enjoyed the destiny of the country for 8,000 years.

But by the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the princes were fighting against each other endlessly, and the strength of the princes became stronger and stronger. In the end, King You of Zhou Dynasty came out of the Western Zhou Dynasty, a faint king comparable to Xia Jie, and the last bit of the Western Zhou Dynasty's family fortune was wiped out.

By the time the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was established, the emperor's majesty had been completely lost, and the princes of the world no longer took the emperor of Zhou in their eyes. First the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, and then the seven heroes of the Warring States period, all did not take the so-called emperor of Zhou in their eyes. Five thousand years have passed since all the saints retired to the chaos. During these five thousand years, Jiejiao kept a low profile. Each disciple accepted a few successors and practiced behind closed doors.

Similarly, although Chanjiao Guangchengzi and others were the victors, the Chanjiao foundation was exhausted, and only the five true disciples were left struggling to support themselves. Each of them, like Jiejiao, accepted some disciples and passed down the Taoism, all for the sake of In this pure time, beheading a corpse becomes a quasi-sage.

The demon clan and witch clan are still the same as before. The main force is staying in Beiju Luzhou, which has a harsh environment. A small part of Nanfangbu Continent survives. As for Xiniuhezhou and Dongshengshenzhou, there are only sporadic demon kings and little witches living there.

And this is still the decline of Xuanmen. As a last resort, we turn a blind eye to these monsters and witches.

In an era without the intervention of saints, Buddhism was the most active. Whether it was the Nine Netherlands, the secular mortal universe, the four major continents, or even the four seas and the thirty-three days, Buddhism's tentacles were active.

The entire Xiniu Hezhou is the headquarters of Buddhism. Except for a few immortal figures and demons, it is basically difficult for outsiders to intervene. Among them, Zhen Yuanzi, a master of Taoism, is a thorn in the side of Buddhism and a thorn in the flesh. However, there is no saint to back him up. No one in Buddhism is Zhenyuan. As a result, Wuzhuang Guancai and Buddhism had no contact with each other and developed peacefully.

Nanfangbu Continent is a place where various forces are mixed. Now, Buddhism has also stepped in. Not long after the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Buddhism is not willing to offend the three Taoist religions. Immortals and demons suppressed and seized the paradise of cave heaven.

The Buddhist slogan of "subduing demons and eliminating demons" slowly spread from this time on.

Beiju Luzhou is bitingly cold and uninhabited. Except for those powerful wizards and demon clans, that is, monks who practice special skills, there are no ordinary creatures willing to live here. Naturally, there is no interest in this kind of place, and there are no Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or Arhats to "subjugate demons and demons" in the past.

Dongsheng Shenzhou, as the best place among the four major continents, has always been the territory of the three religions: Interpretation, Interception, and Human Religion. Unfortunately, after a great war, Xuanmen declined, and Buddhism has begun to continuously test, and has even There are Buddhist masters who have settled down in the east, waiting for the opportunity to preach.

In the face of Buddhism's attacks on all sides and the actions of coercing the three realms, Tongtian Cult Master, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress ignored them, but Xuanmen Senior Brother and the Supreme Master of the Human Cult could not sit still.

Over the years, in the eyes and in the heart, only he himself knows how much I regret.

Finally, on this day, Taishang Laozi left the "Great Red Sky" and came to the "Purple Sky Palace". He told his teacher Hongjun Daozu that the leader of the Human Religion had the mission of educating the human race and needed to go to the human world.

Although Taoist Hongjun is a Taoist, he is still the leader of Xuanmen after all. What the disciple said is not wrong. Furthermore, seeing the two sages in the West establishing another Buddhist sect, it is already destined that the Buddhist sect will flourish in the next calamity, even if it is a big disaster. The disciple made some actions without affecting the overall situation, so he allowed Taishang Laozi to descend to the realm once.

In this regard, in order to share the fate of Buddhism, this Taoist master reincarnated as Laozi in the human world during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and passed down the Taoism tradition. Then he went west to Hangu Pass and transformed Duobao Taoist Hu into a Buddha.

When Laozi left Hangu Pass in the west, he met Yin Xi, who was later known as Wen Shi Zhenren, and passed down the book "Tao Te Ching". Yin Xi studied the Tao Te Ching intensively and wrote "Guan Yin" hundreds of years later. "Zi" book.

When Taishang Laozi saw that Yin Xi had acquired the inheritance of his own Dao, he ordered Master Xuandu to take him to the Xuandu Cave of "Da Chi Tian" to continue his cultivation, and accepted him as a disciple, becoming the second disciple of the Human Sect.

After the Taoist Master Duobao was transformed into a Buddha by Taishang Laozi, he changed his name to Sakyamuni Buddha. Amitabha gave him a prophecy on his head, and Sakyamuni became a Buddha. He immediately used the supreme luck of Buddhism to behead a corpse and become the Buddha. Holy.

Taishang Laozi also refined the merit gained from transforming Hu into Buddha into a merit magic weapon "Diamond Bracelet".

Taishang Laozi transformed Hu into a Buddha and asked Taoist Duobao to establish Mahayana Buddhism. The original intention was to divert the luck of Buddhism. Unexpectedly, Taoist Duobao deeply resented Taishang Laozi for uniting with outsiders and exterminating the Taoist tradition. When he arrived in the West, he went directly to the Paradise of Paradise to worship Amitabha. As a teacher, the conspiracy of Taishang Laozi to split Buddhism came to nothing.

Amitabha Buddha originally established Hinayana Buddhism to save himself but not others. Taoist Duobao was a true disciple of Jie Jiao and was deeply influenced by Jie Jiao’s teachings. After incarnating as Sakyamuni Buddha, he brought with him the teachings of Jie Jiao. doctrine.

After the establishment of Mahayana Buddhism, Buddhist teachings became more acceptable, and the rise of Buddhism became unstoppable.

I regretted it so much, but I couldn't think of it. I regretted that I shouldn't have killed Tongtian with my second brother Yuanshi. Now that Xuanmen is in disarray and there are no quasi-sage level masters, how can we be the enemy of Buddhism?

In the future, I am afraid it remains to be seen whether he, the leader of the Human Cult, can still sit firmly.

If millions of living beings in the world were to silently recite "Amitabha" every day, how could he have the dignity to teach all sentient beings and become the leader of this human religion?
  Although Master Xuandu and Wen Shizhen are disciples, the development of the Human Religion is definitely not something that can be achieved by a calamity. Now, Taishang Laozi can only place his hope on suppressing the people in Beihai Haiyan. The Taoist Lord of Chaos.

As long as this top master of the third generation of Xuanmen is born, he will naturally not be indifferent to the current situation. This will more or less reduce the pressure on Xuanmen.

As for whether Chaoszi came out to cause trouble for Chanjiao, the leader of the Humanist religion couldn't control many things.

As long as the momentum of Buddhism can be curbed, Chaoszi will bully his true disciple Xuandu, and Taishang Laozi will pretend not to see it.

Over the years, Emperor Ziwei returned to Thirty-Three Heavens, and Ziweitian sat in charge, supporting many of his fellow students on the list.

In that immortal world, the mountain gate "Wuyi Mountain" of Nanfangbu Continent was managed by Empress Yunxiao, and Yuan Hong and Su Daji were trained under the guidance of Empress Yunxiao.

After so many years, Yunxiao became a god in the flesh, and with the luck of heaven, he killed the good corpses and became a quasi-sage master. However, Yunxiao was very low-key, guarding the "Wuyi Mountain" for millions of miles, and did not communicate with the outside world at all. touch.

Zhao Gongming, on the other hand, returned to "Mount Emei". With this master of Daluo Jinxian sitting in charge, no one dared to make any plans in this paradise.

As for Bixiao, Qiongxiao, Caiyun Fairy and others, they returned to the "Three Immortals Island" and cannot give up there.

Jiejiao also has the top masters of Daluo Jinxian such as Holy Mother of Jin Ling, Holy Mother of Wudang, Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, Feather Wings, and Wu Yunxian. They each help their fellow juniors and junior sisters to stabilize the dojo and basically save some core cave heaven paradises.

(End of this chapter)

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