The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 131 The Taoist Lord of Chaos is born, and people explain and preach the three religions

Chapter 131 The Taoist Lord of Chaos is born, and people explain and intercept the teachings of the three religions
  Compared with Jiejiao's life, the Chanjiao side is extremely embarrassed. Guangchengzi and others can still watch their own caves, but the five masters of the Punjiao have already assigned their own dojo to their own. Buddhism.

Although the Chanjiao side is dissatisfied and wants to take back those good places, there are only five of the twelve golden immortals of the Chanjiao who were famous in the past, but they are unable to fight against the powerful Buddhism.

Just like that, the five traitors of Chanjiao openly built their dojo in Dongsheng Shenzhou. The Chanjiao side could only hold their noses and admit it. Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren and other top masters of Da Luo Jinxian retreated one by one and did not participate in outside affairs. Thinking of beheading the corpses as soon as possible and ruthlessly retaliating against these traitors.

Although Buddhism has extended its influence to Dongsheng China due to the traitors of Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao, both the Human Sect, Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao have a tacit understanding to resist the continuous invasion of Buddhist forces. If Buddhism wants to preach on a large scale, there is no way It was impossible to do it. It was precisely because of this that the idea of ​​​​journey to the west to learn from the scriptures was born.

As the saying goes, one day in the sky and one year underground, the human world has undergone tremendous changes. More than 8,000 years have passed, and various forces have re-divided the spheres of influence of the Earthly Immortal Realm. But here in Heaven, only more than 20 years have passed.

Over the past twenty years, each of the eight righteous gods has become familiar with their own responsibilities and can smoothly take charge of the operation of the three realms.

On this day, a great court meeting was held in heaven.

In the Lingxiao Palace, a long chime sound sounded, shaking the clouds in the sky, and then an immortal official issued an order for thirty-three days: "Go to court!!!"

There were many auspicious clouds, and in the Jinluan Palace sat the Jade Emperor Haotian; the Zhongtian North Pole Emperor Ziwei Yunjing Taoist; the South Pole Immortal Emperor Antarctic Immortal Weng; the Gouchen Shanggong Emperor Chi Jingzhen; and the East Pole Qinghua Emperor Taiyi Zhenren.

As for Chengtian following the example of Hou Tu Huang Di Zhi, Hou Tu Empress would naturally not participate in such trivial matters in heaven.

Here, we have to thank Jiang Ziya. As the winner, Chanjiao was granted two more six-royal positions.

The Gouchen Shanggong Emperor was originally the private residence of Empress Nuwa, but over the years they have been unable to find suitable manpower. In order to find a good place for his disciples, Yuanshi Tianzun risked his face and personally discussed with Empress Nuwa to explain all his teachings. At the cost of taking action once, I got this honorable position from Empress Nuwa.

In this way, Chi Jingzhen and Taiyi Zhenren on the list have all become Liuyu, and even Huanglong Zhenren has a good place and has become one of the Five Elders of the Five Directions.

At this moment, the Lingxiao Palace was filled with auspicious light, and the front of the white jade steps was filled with gods, all of whom were famous immortals.

The golden furnace is filled with sandalwood, and the bead curtain is rolled up high, and the golden lamp spits out fire; the orchid and musk deer cage the precious fan, and the golden toad moves in all four directions, which is auspicious and auspicious.

At this time, the Lingxiao Palace was majestic, noble and gorgeous, with five emperors sitting high on it. Haotian and Yaochi nodded repeatedly when they saw this grand scene.

Although the three religions of Ren, Chan, and Jie divided the power of the Jade Emperor, Haotian and Yaochi still received huge benefits from this canonization of gods. Not only did the fortune of heaven increase greatly, but they also had more three people under their command. Available people outside the church.

The Jade Emperor said some high-sounding words, and then asked the other four emperors if they had anything to say.

Emperor Ziwei, God Gouchen, Emperor Antarctica, and Emperor Dongji belong to two religions. In order to avoid being teased, they will naturally not speak on such occasions to avoid losing face.

To others, the rules of the Heavenly Court would lead to death if touched, but in the eyes of Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao, it was just that. Someone really didn't want to give face to them, and the four great emperors of the two religions would naturally protect them with all their strength. Can't be punished.

"What's the matter with Taibaijinxing?"

At this time, seeing Taibai Jinxing coming out from below, the Jade Emperor asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, this time the three realms have been enthroned as gods, and the three realms are at peace. The peach event in heaven has not been held for a long time. Why don't your majesty take advantage of this good opportunity to hold it again to show the majesty of heaven and the kindness of your majesty and empress."

Taibai Jinxing's words made the eyes of the immortals and gods below brighten up. The last peach feast was still fresh in their memories. This was a first-class grand event in the three realms, and everyone who participated received huge benefits.

As a result, all the immortals and gods bowed and saluted, agreeing with Taibai Jinxing's words.

"In this case, after three thousand years, a peach feast will be held. In addition, this first grand event in the three realms will be made a regular meeting and held every ten thousand years."

The Jade Emperor looked sideways at Yaochi and saw him nodding, then he pretended to ponder for a while, and then made a decision.

"What's the use of Haotian's little tricks? Without the strength to suppress everything, how can a small favor satisfy these gods?"

Emperor Ziwei sneered, disapproving of Haotian's plan in his heart. He naturally understood that Taibai Jinxing was Haotian's entrustment. The purpose of holding the Peach Festival was to let the factions in the three realms and heaven see who would be more beneficial to follow in heaven!

This method of winning people's hearts is not clever enough for an immortal!

Except for the three sects, all the gods in the Lingxiao Palace are as good as their mothers. When things really happen, even if they can be relied upon, they will not be effective without strength.

In agreement with Emperor Ziwei, the three emperors of Chanjiao also looked coldly at Haotian's performance. The eyes of Chi Jingzhen and Taiyi Master were fierce. If Haotian hadn't started to stir up trouble, they would not have fallen to the top. Obtained the list of gods.

When the court meeting ended, many gods, in twos and threes, slowly gathered towards their own power.

Among them, Jiejiao and Chanjiao have the greatest influence in the heaven. Jiejiao has a large number of people and is powerful; Chanjiao has a high position and authority, while other casual cultivators and the Jade Emperor are the third group in strength.

Today, the three pillars of Heaven stand.

No one can say the same thing. This was also the plan of the saints at the beginning. Heaven will never allow a second emperor to appear!

In the entire prehistoric world, no strong person can challenge the majesty of the saints. Except for the way of heaven, the six saints are the greatest. This is the bottom line!
  In the "Ziwei Palace", Emperor Ziwei gathered all the disciples of Jie Jiao, comforted everyone, and asked everyone to wait for another two thousand years. When he escapes from the disaster, Jie Jiao will naturally make big moves.

As for the wooing of Haotian and Yaochi, it ostensibly gives face to the Lord of the Three Realms, so that Haotian's son doesn't get into trouble again.

As for those who dare to bully fellow Jiejiao disciples, Emperor Ziwei will make the decision for them.

After this formal small meeting, all the gods on the list of Jie Jiao were convinced. This was also Emperor Ziwei's last effort to take over all the forces of Jie Jiao for the Dao Lord of Chaos.

Time flies by, and the three realms are surprisingly peaceful. Two thousand years have passed in a flash.

On this day, in the eternally uninhabited North Sea, on top of the icebergs that have not melted for tens of millions of years, in the cold wind, endless divine lights of various colors flickered, and the pure fairy light shot straight into the sky.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao, Feather Wing Fairy, Wuyun Fairy, Caiyun Fairy and many other strong Jiejiao disciples who survived the great catastrophe of becoming gods all appeared.

On the other side of the void, Emperor Ziwei, together with Zhou Tianzheng Shen, and a group of five elders from all directions, Yuanjun, Tianjun, and Shenjun all appeared here. There were hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals of all levels. Floating quietly in mid-air.

Between heaven and earth, except for the howling cold wind and the rolling thunder of the huge waves, the entire world is in a silent silence.


Suddenly, deep in the North Sea, the waves rolled, and the deep black water slowly began to rotate.


In heaven, Ziwei and Jiejiao suddenly shouted softly.

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and everyone showed excitement. They looked into the depths of the vortex with bright eyes, expecting that person to appear.

"Hahaha! Tens of thousands of years have passed by in the blink of an eye, and every wrong has its own debt and its debtor has its owner. People teach Western religions, and today we still look at the Jie Jiao Immortal!"

With a bang, the entire North Sea water rolled back, and the huge waves were like a huge curtain, covering it for thirty-three days.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos, dressed in fiery red robes, rises slowly from the eyes of the sea in Beihai.

Fiery red lotus flowers spread all over the void from Li Yunjing's feet. Green lotus, red lotus, white lotus, black lotus, golden lotus, five-color lotus form a lotus world.

The North Sea is fragrant, and the infinite fairy light penetrates the three worlds of heaven, earth and man.

The strange phenomenon in the North Sea spread throughout the prehistoric world, and everyone knew that the Dao Lord of Chaos had escaped from the disaster.

Li Yunjing's words made the monks from the Renjiao, Chanjiao, and Western religions change their expressions.

"Brother Chaos, you are finally out!"

At the first moment, Yunxiao flew towards Li Yunjing.

"Thanks a lot!"

Li Yunjing smiled, took Yun Xiao's jade hand, looked around, and looked at fellow Jie Jiao disciples, Emperor Ziwei and others.

"Meet the Deputy Leader of Chaos!"

"Congratulations to Lord Chaos Dao for coming out of seclusion!"

Suddenly, Jie Jiao, Zi Wei and Tian Fang remembered the sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. The rolling sound continued for a long time, over and over again, spreading throughout the three realms for thirty-three days.

"Hahaha! All of you are exempt from the gift!"

Li Yunjing looked at the fellow disciples of Jiejiao in front of him with a complicated expression. There were too many fellow disciples and too many outstanding disciples missing here.

Even the remaining three hundred second-generation disciples of Jie Jiao in front of him were a little unfamiliar. Many of them were marginal figures of Jie Jiao, and he couldn't recognize who they were.

From glory to decline, the changes in Jiejiao made Li Yunjing full of emotion.

"Fellow disciples, the next day the Pindao Association will pass down the decree and we will gather together in Wuyi Mountain. No matter whether it is the remaining years of this calamity or the next calamity, my Jiejiao will not be bullied by the other three sects!"

Hearing Chaos Dao Lord's words, everyone in Jiejiao was excited. Jiejiao had been aggrieved for ten thousand years, and finally someone stepped forward.

"Everyone, please disperse! Pindao goes back to learn about the situation in the Three Realms!"

After letting everyone disperse, Li Yunjing, Ziwei Emperor, Yun Xiao, Yuan Hong, and Su Daji returned to the Wuyi Mountain Dojo.

Through the memory of Emperor Ziwei, Li Yunjing immediately absorbed all the content of Master Tongtian on the way of quasi-sages and saints.

"That's it! Kill the evil corpse!"

After a long time, Li Yunjing realized everything clearly and pointed out. The three flowers on the top suddenly trembled, and a Taoist in black flew out.

It was the evil corpse cut out by the "Xinghe Witch-Slaying Sword", Taoist Xinghe.

Li Yunjing's cultivation level has also been promoted to the late Quasi-Saint stage, becoming one of the top beings in the Three Realms.

After that, Li Yunjing personally guided the cultivation of his disciples Yuan Hong and Su Daji, and at the same time, he and Yun Xiao practiced together to comprehend the Yin and Yang Dao.

When Li Yunjing understood the situation in the Three Realms, he immediately handed down his first decree to teach Jiejiao.

All Daluo Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals travel across the three realms and pass down their inheritance.

In the next calamity, Buddhism will flourish, and there will be countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats. If there is no compensation in quantity, even if Li Yunjing is covered in iron, he will not be able to crush so many quasi-sage Buddhas in Buddhism.

After receiving Li Yunjing's instructions, Jie Jiao immediately took action, even Yun Xiao left Wuyi Mountain and walked in the earthly immortal world.

On this day, Yunxiao transformed into an old woman and walked to Lishan Mountain.

When Lishan Girl saw the old man who was transformed into Yun Xiao, she was very respectful. Yun Xiao saw that this woman had some qualifications and was pleased that she was doing things with reason.

So, he lived in Lishan for ten years. During this period, he tested this woman countless times and finally recognized her character.

On this day, Yunxiao and Lishan Nu talked about immortality.

Hearing Yun Xiao's words, Li Shannu suddenly felt something in her heart and asked, "Can people really live for hundreds or thousands of years?"

The old woman smiled and said: "There are people in the world who explain and intercept the three religions. From time to time, there are immortals who show their words to the world. What is the impossibility of living longer?"

Lishan Girl is also an exquisite figure, and she can reveal everything at once. When she thought about the strangeness of this old woman's arrival, she immediately realized that she had a way of cultivating the truth.

In front of the immortal, Lishan Girl quickly knelt down and said: "Lishan Girl pays homage to the immortal. Wanwang Immortal takes pity on me for my hard work on the Tao. Please accept me as a disciple, teach me the true Tao, and stay away from the world of mortals."

When Yunxiao saw Lishan Nu, he decided to accept her as his disciple and teach Shangqing Dafa.

At this time, seeing the Lishan girl prostrate herself, she hurriedly helped her up and said, "I am a poor Taoist who teaches Wuyishan Yunxiao. You and I have a master-disciple relationship."

Li Shannv was very excited when she heard Yun Xiao said that she would accept a disciple, so she thanked her again and said, "Disciple Li Shannv pays homage to the teacher!"

So Yunxiao appeared himself and taught Lishan Girl various methods of supreme purity.

From then on, Lishan Nu stayed here to practice, and she even named the mountain Lishan and called herself Lishan Old Mother.

And she received the great kindness of Yunxiao to teach her, and she stayed in the mortal world to teach Shangqing Dafa, which opened up another line of Jiejiao.

After Jiejiao made a big move, the three Xuanmen religions immediately counterattacked in an all-out way, and actually made Xuanmen prosperous again.

There are many celestial beings manifesting in the world, and the creatures in the world can seek blessings, avoid disasters, ask for good luck and seek peace, and practice Taoism. It can be said that the fragrance is endless.

At that time, hundreds of schools of thought contended, and all kinds of academics were represented, including Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Legalism, followed by the Yin-Yang School, the Miscellaneous School, famous scholars, political strategists, military strategists, and novelists who spread throughout the world.

Furthermore, the leader of the human religion, Taishang Laozi, appeared in the human world in person and served as the guardian of the Tibetan Chamber of that Zhou Dynasty.

Confucius heard about his virtuous name and came from afar. Laozi was very happy to see Confucius coming all the way and taught him etiquette, music and ethics.

Later, the Human Religion accepted another excellent successor, namely Wen Shizhen, and opened up another line.

Nowadays, the Renjiao and Jiejiao attack from all sides and gradually become the mainstream of the three religions, while the winner of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the Chanjiao, is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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