The Young Master of the Prehistoric Jiejiao

Chapter 132 The Witch Clan is about to make a move, Haotian borrows a knife to kill someone

Chapter 132 The Witch Clan is about to make a move, Haotian borrows a knife to kill someone

There is really no other way. Guang Chengzi and other top masters of Daluo Jinxian can only leave the seclusion and spread one faction after another in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

In this way, the three religions were squeezed together. During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Spring and Autumn Period, and the Warring States Period, hundreds of schools of thought and hundreds of flowers blossomed. Various schools had a long history and played an important role in the evolution and development of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Also because of the conflict between these three religions, it virtually undermined the Western religion's erosion of the East.

Facing the first big move of Dao Lord Dao Chaos, the great master of Jiejiao, even Manjushri, Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, and Juliusun Buddha stood guard at the mountain gate and watched what happened.

As for Ran Deng, the Buddha hid in Xiniu Hezhou, Lingshan, and Daleiyin Temple, and did not dare to come out.

You must know that in the last battle, Ran Deng went over to Buddha and went on a killing spree, venting all his anger against Chaos Dao Lord Kong Xuan on the disciples of Jie Jiao. Not only a thousand but also eight hundred people died in his hands.

As soon as Chaos Dao Lord came out of the mountain, Ran Deng went over to Buddha and found an excuse to go back to Dayeiyin Temple.

During this period of time, the two great traitors, the great traitor of the Chan religion, Ran Deng, went to the Buddha, and the great traitor of the interception religion, Sakyamuni Buddha, met frequently to discuss countermeasures.

"How should we deal with it in the future? As the master of Buddhism, you should have a countermeasure, right?"

Looking at Sakyamuni Buddha, the past Buddha's eyes were full of jealousy. This past Buddha has really passed away.

It took the two leaders Jie Yin and Zhunti to make him the leader of Buddhism for less than 10,000 years. This made way for Taoist Duobao, a traitor to the sect, and this result was simply unacceptable.

It's just that he has betrayed the Chan religion. Apart from Buddhism, no matter how great the ancient world is, there is no place for him.

"Amitabha! Fellow Taoist Ran Deng, you don't know how powerful Taoist Chaos Lord is. Now the three quasi-sages of Buddhism have been beaten to reincarnation, and they have not yet returned to the realm of quasi-sages. Although you and I have some means, , but he is no match for the Taoist Lord of Chaos. When Buddhism is spread eastward, we have to work hard to spread it."

Sakyamuni Buddha said calmly that as the master of Buddhism, he enjoyed the luck of Buddhism and his cultivation level advanced by leaps and bounds. As long as he practiced step by step, he would have no problem surpassing the fifth junior disciple.

Since being introduced to Buddhism by Taishang Laozi, Sakyamuni Buddha established Theravada Buddhism in Lingshan Mountain in the west.

The difference between Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism is that it not only saves oneself, but also saves others. This perfects the Buddhist teachings and is conducive to educating all living beings in the three realms. This is a great merit.

As the current Buddha of Buddhism appointed by Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Sakyamuni Tathagata also received a share of merit.

With this merit, Sakyamuni Tathagata refined the "Zhuxian Array" and became the five great guardian kings.

It is for this reason that Sakyamuni Tathagata was not anxious about matters that Ran Deng was anxious about.

Unless one day, Buddhism's luck reaches a bottleneck and there is no increase in his cultivation, then he will be anxious.

"Alas! This can only be like this! Since the Lord Buddha is the master here, the poor monk happened to ask the two leaders for advice. The poor monk is planning to stay in the Paradise for a period of time."

After Ran Deng passed by, the Buddha also knew what Sakyamuni Tathagata was thinking. If you, the Lord Buddha, don't stand up for me, why should I serve you? I will naturally find an excuse to hide for a while.

And just when Ran Deng passed by and the Buddha hid in the Paradise, Lu Ya also came to Wuyi Mountain.

Now the prince of the demon race has entered Buddhism from Taoism and has become the Great Sun Tathagata of Buddhism.

Li Yunjing looked at Lu Ya's child in front of him, showed a strange smile and said: "Lu Ya, it seems that it is difficult for you to break through as a Da Luo Jinxian. It has been ten thousand years, alas!"

"Hmph! It's not that the poor monk broke his promise, but the Dao Lord is to blame for this. If the Dao Lord hadn't lived in Beihai for ten thousand years, the poor monk wouldn't have been stuck at the peak of Daluo Jinxian."

Lu Ya's expression was indifferent, and regardless of Li Yunjing's sarcasm, he said again: "This is the 'Swaggering Gourd'!"

This time, Lu Ya paid a huge price to get this top-notch innate spiritual treasure from Nuwa Empress. The price was so heavy that he had to join Buddhism to make up for his losses with Buddhist luck.

"Very good! Lu Ya, you have indeed fulfilled your vow to me."

Li Yunjing's eyes lit up when he saw the "Swaggering Gourd" handed over by Lu Ya. This was the fifth gourd he owned. The only ones he lacked now were Taishang Laozi and Hongyun's "Nine-Nine Soul Gourds". As long as seven gourds were collected, Li Yunjing's eyes lit up. Qi, Li Yunjing's "Gourd of Rebirth" natal magic weapon will be upgraded to a level comparable to the innate treasure.

At that time, the enemies will be killed with "Moshi Pan", and the defense will be "Rebirth Gourd", plus "Lost Treasure Money", "Galaxy Witch Slaying Knife", "Red Lotus Immortal Clothes", "Purple Electric Hammer", "Nine Heavens God" "Sword", "Xuan Jade Pendant", "Nailhead Book of Seven Arrows" and many other innate spiritual treasures, no one can be his opponent.

"The oath of heaven, the poor monk has completed it. Farewell!"

The moment he handed over the "Swaggering Gourd", Lu Ya's eyes lit up. For the first time, he realized from the way of heaven that all the shackles of the oaths on his body were removed, and that the realm of quasi-sage was about to begin.

Not wanting to behead the corpse in front of the Chaos Taoist Lord and reveal his trump card, Lu Ya said something and hurriedly turned into a rainbow and flew out of "Wuyi Mountain".

"Teacher, is Lu Ya going to kill the corpse?"

Yuan Hong and Su Daji looked at Changhong who was going away, showing a hint of envy.

"That's right, I have plotted against this person, suppressed him for ten thousand years, and obtained three treasures. It's time for this person to be beheaded."

Li Yunjing smiled. He didn't have the slightest worry about Lu Ya, the soul killed by the arrow. With his three top spiritual treasures destroyed, this person's future was already bleak.

In the future, if you find an opportunity, you can solve it without leaving any consequences.

"This 'Xuanming God Iron Star' and 'Nine Heavens Divine Sword' are rewarded to you."

After thinking about it, his two disciples, Yuan Hong, had reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Su Daji had also reached the peak of Heavenly Immortal, so they could be rewarded with two precious pieces of body protection.

"Thank you teacher for the gift!"

Yuan Hong and Su Daji were overjoyed. This was an innate spiritual treasure, and now they could actually get it. With the innate spiritual treasure, ordinary Da Luo Jinxian and Jinxian could not defeat Yuan Hong and Su Daji.

The power of Jiejiao is recovering day by day, with the continuous layout of the three Taoist religions and Buddhism. The Warring States Period has also reached its later stages. The Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period and the Great Qin Dynasty have risen strongly and appeared one after another. Three strong men, Wang Jian, Bai Qi and Ying Zheng, are not ordinary people. All of them contain the blood of the Wu clan.

After the three great witches unified the entire Dongsheng Divine Continent, Ying Zheng wanted to restore the glory of the witch clan.

He ordered the burning of books and the entrapment of Confucian scholars, leaving only the medicine and divination methods of the witch clan, which resulted in the loss of many Taoist classics and the complete end of the glorious situation of various schools of thought.

Because of this incident, Jiejiao also suffered a great loss, but in just two hundred years, many of the superficial orthodoxies in Dongsheng Shenzhou were affected.

"Senior Brother Chaos, is this the end of Qin's affairs?"

Hearing Yun Xiao's doubts, Li Yunjing smiled and said: "Let the Wu Clan make trouble for some small things. As long as it does not hurt the foundation of our religion, there is no need to pay attention to the Wu Clan."

"Oh? Senior brother, do you mean to start a new round of confrontation between the Witch Clan? To break the current peaceful situation?"

Yunxiao was also a smart person and immediately understood what Li Yunjing meant.

"That's right! Dongsheng Divine Continent is dominated by Human Cult and Chan Cult. If the Wu Clan can disrupt the situation and kill some disciples of Human Cult and Chan Cult, we can also take the opportunity to intervene in Dongsheng Divine Continent and regain the lost territory." Li Yunjing said came up with his idea.

"What if Buddhism takes the opportunity to enter Dongsheng Divine Continent? After all, the three religions of Human Interpretation and Interception join forces, and they are no match for Buddhism."

"There is no need to worry. If Buddhism hadn't flourished, I would have already entered the West and taught these Buddhist quasi-sages a lesson." Li Yunjing said nonchalantly: "Don't take the quasi-sages of the West seriously, as long as they don't have the innate spiritual treasure to kill The quasi-sage of the corpse is a bit weaker in the innate world! Even if the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti waste their efforts and find tricks, they still can't conceal their essential differences."

Just when Li Yunjing despised the quasi-sage of Buddhism, the storm that exterminated the Xuanmen orthodoxy in the human world became more and more intense, and the power of the three religions in heaven finally made some moves.

Master Huang Long immediately went to heaven to discuss matters according to the Jade Emperor's order.

After receiving the pardon from the Jade Emperor, Chanjiao also suffered great losses in this turmoil, so Huanglong could only come to heaven with a look of reluctance.

Pass through the Nantian Gate all the way to the "Lingxiao Palace", the center of power in heaven.

After passing through the portal of the four generals of the Demon Family, and passing several notifications along the way, Master Huang Long felt increasingly unhappy. This heavenly palace, jade palaces, golden towers and jade chambers, pavilions and pavilions, and the fairyland in the clouds.

Although it is a heavenly paradise, there are all kinds of red tape and there is no freedom in the immortal way at all. This makes Huanglong hate the meddlesome Jade Emperor, but at the same time he misses the freedom and freedom of the immortal way.

The entire heaven is huge and has four poles. It is guarded by thirty-three top divine generals, and there are countless heavenly soldiers and generals. There is a post every three steps and a sentry every ten steps. The supreme majesty of the heaven is demonstrated everywhere.

Soon, Master Huanglong passed through the reports and walked on a white jade road more than ten miles wide in the center, straight to the Bullfighting Palace, and came to the outside of the "Lingxiao Palace". But before he could step in, another group of heavenly soldiers appeared. The Heavenly General stopped him. At this point, Master Huanglong could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He was a master of Da Luo Jinxian. Although he was not a top figure, he could not be humiliated like this.

The quarrel outside the palace soon attracted one person, it was Taibai Jinxing. Seeing this chaos, he immediately stepped forward and shouted away the heavenly soldiers and generals from all directions. He apologized repeatedly to Master Huanglong and said all his good words. Master Huanglong was very helpless and could only suppress the depression in his heart and wait for the three gods to hit the golden bell and enter the "Lingxiao Palace".

It's just that Master Huanglong's resentment was buried in his heart, and he had to complain to his fellow disciples. Haotian was so arrogant and humiliated the Great Luo Jinxian of Chanjiao, which also laid the foundation for future conspiracy by the three Taoist sects and Buddhism.

"Huanglong Tianjun came in to invite you. Just now, the people below were neglectful. In the future, when Tianjun comes here, there will be no need to be so cumbersome."

After a full stick of incense, Taibai Jinxing came out. He apologized profusely and brought Master Huanglong to the "Lingxiao Palace".

"Hmph! Heavenly Court is really a big show!"

Master Huang Long snorted coldly and complained. Suppressing the anger in his heart, the two of them walked side by side towards the white jade stairs of the "Lingxiao Palace".

Not long after, an immortal official in front of the palace sang: "Proclaim the Central Yellow Emperor Xuanling Huang Lao Huanglong Tianjun to visit you!"

When Master Huanglong heard this, he was extremely disgusted. This Haotian boy is really not a son of man!
  Taibai Jinxing on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but shake his head. Why would Your Majesty humiliate this person like this?

Although Chanjiao has completely declined since he proclaimed himself a god, he still holds half of the six royal positions in heaven. If he offends Chanjiao, he may be in constant trouble in the future!

It's just that the master's thoughts are naturally not something that a person like Taibai Jinxing can understand.

When the Jade Emperor saw Taibai Jinxing leading Master Huanglong to the hall, he nodded without saying a word.

Master Huanglong only saw the Jade Emperor sitting in the center of the hall, the concubine holding a fan, the jade girl holding a scarf, the heavenly generals guarding her, the immortals accompanying her, civil servants and generals, arranged on the left and right below.

An immortal official on the side said loudly: "According to the order of the Jade Emperor, the High God of Xuan Qiong, because a great witch appears in the earthly immortal world and harms the three realms, we now summon the Central Yellow Emperor Xuanling Huanglao Huanglong Heavenly Lord to summon a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and the lower realms will be pacified. Chaos in Qin."

"Pindao knows!"

Master Huang Long snorted coldly and agreed calmly.

Without waiting for Haotian to say anything, he said again: "If nothing happens, Pindao will leave now!"

"Then we still need to rely more on the Central Yellow Emperor Xuanling Huang Lao Huanglong Tianjun. Ai Qing, just go down and mobilize capable soldiers and generals!"

Haotian sneered in his heart again and again, let you be arrogant, wait until Huang Long is killed by the Wu Clan and consumes his origin to be born again from the list of gods, I will see if you are still arrogant!
  The Wu clan is dishonest and has begun to strive for hegemony again. Not only is it cutting off religion, but Buddhism is taking advantage of this opportunity. The Jade Emperor is not idle either. He also wants to use the Wu clan as a sharp edge to eliminate some competitors.

You must know that Haotian had seen the power of the great witch Xingtian back then. In the future, he would be a little overbearing. If he didn't believe it, he would not be able to send those who explained and intercepted the teaching to death.

As for why we started with Master Huanglong of Chanjiao, that is not the first Daluo Jinxian this person has listed for Chanjiao!
  Naturally, the persimmons are soft, so Haotian used Zhenren Huanglong as a chess piece to test the determination of the Wu clan!
  If it were like Chi You's fight with the Yellow Emperor for hegemony, and all the masters of the Wu clan came out together, then there would be the possibility of killing someone with a borrowed knife!

All the immortals were shocked to see Master Huang Long being so rude, but the Jade Emperor seemed not to have seen it and was not angry.

But some of the ministers below could not stand it. Lord Wude Xing jumped out and said: "Bold, this is the great emperor who is in charge of all living beings in the three realms. He is extremely noble. Master Huanglong, even if you are the head of the five elders of the five directions, you cannot So rude!"

Wude Xingjun has not experienced the Battle of Conferred Gods, so he does not know how powerful the Great Luo Jinxian of Chanjiao is. He has heard before that the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Huanglong Zhenren, are the weakest and the first to be on the list, so he regards him as a target to establish his power, and You can also gain favor from the Jade Emperor, which is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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